Okay, this is just too much...




I have personally run the Midnighter's arc many times solo and twice now with a team. Every time solo, she is very predictable and easy to protect.

However, on a team (whether 2 or 8), she seems to just run all over the place. What gives?

My wife and I were teaming - I as a scrapper, she as an emp defender - and I told my wife to keep heals on Lady Jane because she may decide to fight. Of course, she did. And at first, it was fine.

But then she runs off from one mob to another! I mean...what the? So I told my wife, "Keep her healed!" So she stayed with LJ while I tried to hold a bunch of aggro. Finally, I couldn't anymore and decided to assist LJ and SHE RAN OFF AGAIN!

Needless to say, we all died and I got frustrated and came here to vent about it.

Come on, people! There's no way to keep her from it so I say either fix her AI or I'm just going to start playing the arc for the mere joy of watching her die.

Now, I figure this will probably get ignored like most things of this nature, but at least I feel better for getting it out.



Originally Posted by Shrowd View Post
Come on, people! There's no way to keep her from it so I say either fix her AI or I'm just going to start playing the arc for the mere joy of watching her die.
I've never seen this happen, as I always seem to end up soloing that mission. But since the storyline moves on whether she gets ganked or not, I wouldn't worry about it.



The larger the team, the more foes there are.
The more foes there are, the more targets she has to run between.
The more targets she runs between, the more trouble she gets herself into.

Honestly, I don't mind missions like that. I don't think everything should be easy. It keeps you on your toes.



1) either let her die.
2) stealth/run past her to the end room fight your way back to her. That way you have an easy path to win.



Did your wife (or you, but this question would be odd directed to a scrapper) have Tactics? It increases the range at which Lady Jane (and all other pet allies) sees foes.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Did your wife (or you, but this question would be odd directed to a scrapper) have Tactics? It increases the range at which Lady Jane (and all other pet allies) sees foes.
Ah. That may explain it. I've seen the problem on teams much more, but while solo it would hardly ever be a problem.

I tend to do the mission solo and with teams, killing her off is less trouble.

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!



I have noticed that once she locks onto a critter, if it flees she will follow (even if it means running through countless other groups). This is usually only a problem when running this at levels low enough to spawn spectrals.

They have a tendency to oooooOOOOOOoooooo away invisibly when they get down to half health. And even though they are invisible, she sees them and will follow without exception. When that happens, it is time to just sit back and laugh as she goes down, then wait nonplussed for the like what-ever failed screen.

At least she's not chicken.



Originally Posted by Shrowd View Post
I have personally run the Midnighter's arc many times solo and twice now with a team. Every time solo, she is very predictable and easy to protect.

However, on a team (whether 2 or 8), she seems to just run all over the place. What gives?
I love how your thread title and the first two paragraphs of your post only hint at what the heck you are talking about. Yes, let us refer to the entire topic of our conversation with nothing more than a pronoun, it will be fantastic. It would be like if a doctor went out to talk to the family of a patient with a mysterious illness and hinted that they know what is killing them, but kept saying "it" instead of actually naming the disease. Hyperbole? Yeah, of course, but that doesn't make the OP any less indirect, does it?

In fact, if you read the first paragraph in a strictly grammatical way... the only real object to which "she" could be referring is the "Midnighter's Arc" itself or your team. But, I have never heard an arc or a team referred to as a she. Either way, it gives a pretty comical reading to your post.

I believe, the name you are looking for, you know, the entire subject of your post, is: Lady Jane.



Lady Jane was the trendsetter for Dual Pistols blasters running into a pack of mobs and dying.



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
2) stealth/run past her to the end room fight your way back to her. That way you have an easy path to win.
This. Always, ALWAYS.... this.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I love how your thread title and the first two paragraphs of your post only hint at what the heck you are talking about. Yes, let us refer to the entire topic of our conversation with nothing more than a pronoun, it will be fantastic. It would be like if a doctor went out to talk to the family of a patient with a mysterious illness and hinted that they know what is killing them, but kept saying "it" instead of actually naming the disease. Hyperbole? Yeah, of course, but that doesn't make the OP any less indirect, does it?

In fact, if you read the first paragraph in a strictly grammatical way... the only real object to which "she" could be referring is the "Midnighter's Arc" itself or your team. But, I have never heard an arc or a team referred to as a she. Either way, it gives a pretty comical reading to your post.

I believe, the name you are looking for, you know, the entire subject of your post, is: Lady Jane.
Except by the end of the first line I knew who he was talking about.



It could be worse. At least, hate her though I do, she does ok damage.
It COULD be the RWZ arc, save General Grandpa and Dipl'omat. Ye gods I HATE that mission. Never EVER design a mission with pet level allies that you CANT get out the door and then put them fighting NEMESIS! With their ungodly accurate mass AoEs and single target nukes. Seriously...I end up skipping that mission I hate it so much.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The Lady Jane mission simply requires patience - a concept beyond many players.

Once you rescue LJ, STOP. Be patient and don't move. A total of six ambush mobs will come to you. Defeat all six, move on and you win. LJ is managable at a cautious pace.

Slow and steady wins this race.

Fight My Brute



Two people might be the exact wrong number- enough to get into trouble but not enough to get out. When we go in (and this is a team with, like, 30 years of combined vet badges) we've got like a controller, two defenders and three blasters. Lady Jane doesn't even get a shot off half the time. There was once, if I recall, that we both force fielded and speed boosted her. . . oh, man, that was funny. She was a BEAST.

EDIT: Some bits of specific advice for the OP. Fortitude, slotted for defense, will be a big help. That's like 30% or 40% less hits she'll be taking. It's also hard on a Scrapper- I ran a Scrapper in a Scrapper/blaster duo and there's not really any team-based things you can do to "save" the blaster. You can't tear aggro off her, you can't taunt or hold or debuff. All you can do is eat red candy and jump in like a maniac.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



I'd shoot her in the face if I could and get it over with.



Originally Posted by Mouse_Man View Post
This. Always, ALWAYS.... this.
That works and I have used it frequently but I recently teamed the arc and there is a "new" way to deal with the situation. The big issue is the AMBUSH and everyone tries to outrun them to the glowie. You run, you rush and Lady J will attack anything in sight and follow till it dies.

This team freed her and then stood perfectly still. We tackled each ambush mob as it arrived until they stopped coming and then simply kept Lady J toward the back of the group and worked our way to the glowie. After that worked so well I tried it solo and it worked again. In fact it worked so well I didn't just take Lady jane to the glowie... I had Lady jane help me clear the entire map before we went near the glowie.

The important thing to note is there will be a total of five ambushes and after that they simply stop. Circle of Thorn offer up some very nice salvage and recipes and Jane is a hero class Boss so taking on one mob at a time she was fine

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
At least she's not chicken.
You know I hadn't put it together until this...

Leroy Jenkins = Lady Jane.



Lady Jane is better than Fusionette, because we only have to save her ONCE.



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Lady Jane is better than Fusionette, because we only have to save her ONCE.
That and she doesn't send the enemies we're fighting to the other side of the room, away from our melee characters.



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Lady Jane is better than Fusionette, because we only have to save her ONCE.
My SG has taken to calling Lady Jane "Fusionette's Mother"... she's almost as smart but lacks Fusionette's common sense.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Originally Posted by Valorin View Post
Leroy Jenkins = Lady Jane.

I duo with a friend of mine and we have a policy... If getting the rescuee
out safely isn't a make or break mission req, and the idiot is stupid enough
to attack something, we let 'em die...

Sure, it tarnishes the Boy Scout badge a bit, but hey, if the wingnut could
actually handle the situation, we wouldn't have needed to rescue her in
the first place...

That, and sometimes, it's downright hilarious watching the ensuing slaughter.


PS> The actual advice given is good... when the rescue *is* a req, we WAIT
for the ambushes to come to us and deal with them that way as well.

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Typo Cop View Post
The Lady Jane mission simply requires patience - a concept beyond many players.

Once you rescue LJ, STOP. Be patient and don't move. A total of six ambush mobs will come to you. Defeat all six, move on and you win. LJ is managable at a cautious pace.

Slow and steady wins this race.
Huh, I never knew this. I just assumed they kept coming constantly until the mission fails or succeeds. Next time I solo this I'll try this.



Originally Posted by Typo Cop View Post
The Lady Jane mission simply requires patience - a concept beyond many players.

Once you rescue LJ, STOP. Be patient and don't move. A total of six ambush mobs will come to you. Defeat all six, move on and you win. LJ is managable at a cautious pace.

Slow and steady wins this race.
This is the method I use, but it can be a problem on teams with relatively low
DPS. The ambushes follow one another rather quickly and do not wait until the last one is defeated. Last time I did this mission on a team, we didn't defeat the ambushes fast enough and were completely overwhelmed by enemies. (Solo, I've never had this problem, even on low damage toons)