Typo Cop

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
    40k isn't a lot.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    On a side note, you should be able to copy over any custom costume files from Test to Live now.
    Thx, that reminded me to copy my awesome DS outfit from test.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    they did say they would be down until 12pm EST. So why do you even bother trying before that? it's only 11h20 go do something for 40min then come back and try to log in.
    How DARE you read the announcement!
  4. The Lady Jane mission simply requires patience - a concept beyond many players.

    Once you rescue LJ, STOP. Be patient and don't move. A total of six ambush mobs will come to you. Defeat all six, move on and you win. LJ is managable at a cautious pace.

    Slow and steady wins this race.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starwind View Post
    They all came out great but I think I agree - Office Kirby is my fave as well. I love how the colors jump off the neutral background!
    Being the player behind Kirby, I agree

    Caemgen's collection has inspired me to start one of my own starting after Christmas.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
    Great job Juggy. Really like them all, but the DayBreakers is by far my fav. Kinda makes me want to see about joining their SG....hey Caemgen, got any spots open? Where do I sign up?

    Great works Juggs...nicely done.

    We're on Virtue and our static group meets every Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-noonish. We always have room for more. PM me or Caemgen for more info. My global is @typo cop
  7. As a member of the Daybreakers, I must say awesome work! This is first time any of my toons has been depicted in artwork. Officer Kirby (left) likes!
  8. Typo Cop

    In-game Spam?

    Since the new email options were put in place, is your spam gone? Someone here said, "spammers always find a way." Well?
  9. I mirror all of that, except pvp. I am not "lulzpvp" at all; that part of the game just doesn't appeal to me.
  10. Typo Cop

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Psygon View Post
    SO I had a fairly bad day at work today, the only glimmer of enjoyment coming from the new cutes I created

    And here they are!!

    First up:

    Typo Cop (a very cute policeman!)

    Thank you soooo much!
  11. 101) Had a spawn of purples from someone else,descend on you and promptly were kissing pavement as you were running to the train in talos or bricks.

    102) Cussed out the person who caused the purple spawn in broadcast..

    103) Attempted to enter the Train from the exit, and wondered why it wouldn't let you in

    104) Actually teamed outside of AE.

    105) Made a Global Friend.

    106) Made an utter fool out of yourself on the forums.

    107) Taken advice from others that helped you to never do 106 again.

    108) Tried other AT's besides the one they got to 50.

    109) Complained bitterly about someone's playstyle, only to realize that yours has similar elements.

    110) Taken a hint from a more experienced player.

    111) /em flex1 on Atlas' back to help him hold the globe.

    112) Proudly displayed the "Tank" badge on a blaster.

    113) Accidentally bought up a bunch of SO's of the wrong origin

    114) Yelled "Fire in Steel Canyon!"

    115) Ignored Steel Canyon being on fire. Again.

    116) Thought about setting Steel Canyon on fire, since it's always burning anyway.

    117) Gotten lost in Boomtown.

    118) Flown to the dam in Faultline and repeatedly foot-stomped to see if you could make it collapse.

    119) Nearly gotten eaten by the... WHATEVER IT IS... in the water by the dam.

    120) Tried to get Doc Delilah eaten by the WHATEVER IT IS.

    121) Wondered why a cool chick like Mirror Spirit just stands there as a trainer, and we get stuck with Fusionette as an ally.

    122)Teleport Sally around for a adventure on Croatoa

    123) Hosted a Badge Night to take lowbies around and get exploration badges, kill X badges, etc.

    124) Wondered how a ghost got a cell phone (Kelly Nemmers).
  12. You also can PM me or reach me in-game @Typo Cop. Caemgem has this habit of sleeping during the day.
  13. So they nerfed afk farming?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Plyxx View Post
    A comedian from the around the 50s on,damn funny guy too..
    That's Red Skelton - no second "e."
  15. Typo Cop

    Daybreak Patrol

    Derrick, Kirby and Espes made it into my sig.
  16. 1) Got the Isolator badge.

    2) Visited every zone in their half of the game.

    3) Charged Lusca, solo.

    4) Got lost in Perez Park.

    5) Used /em batsmash in the last mission of "A Hero's Hero".

    6) Popped a few purples and a few reds before charging Sally.

    7) Get lost in your SG base at least once. (even if you're the base designer)

    8) Had their picture taken on top of the Atlas Globe

    9) Led their team into a complete team wipe

    10) Led countless sewer teams from AP all the way to KR.

    11) Asked someone to drop an Ouro portal for you.

    12) By any means, hit the ceiling of a zone and fall all the way down

    13) Been asked to fill in a space for bigger mob spawns, and flat out rejected due to rage.

    14) Gone on a Mothership Raid and get confused about what numbers the pylons are.

    15) Become enraged at the Tagteam of Death: Sapper and Gunslinger.

    16) Made a joke about Nemesis Plots.

    17) Pants Lord Recluse

    18) Have contacts that have absolutely no missions for you because you already outleveled them.

    19) Asked how to get a jetpack.

    20) Been flattened by a purple minion.

    21) Had his/her picture taken standing on top of City Hall in AP by the flag.

    22) Volunteered for the Positron TF without really knowing better.

    23) Attempted to solo a Rikti dropship.

    24) Tried to kill Fusionette with Arbiter Sands' drones.

    25) Fallen OFF the globe in Atlas Park.

    26) Wondered why, when doing a cape mission, the Omega Team time capsule is in an abandoned lab somewhere under a cave in Perez Park.

    27) Done laps around the Argo Highway in Talos hunting for Banished Pantheon masks.

    28) Deliberately stood on the tram tracks and tried to get hit by a passing train.

    29) Landed on the Blimp and Promptly fall off.

    30) Hung out in AP under Atlas and his globe.

    31) Entered a Costume Contest.

    32) Called a contact just to check in some 10-15 levels later.

    33) Went into The Hive alone and promptly exited five seconds later.

    34) Changed their costume at least three times before they got a second costume slot.

    35) Actually tried to do enough Meg Mason missions to get to a story arc.

    36) Held a costume contest.

    37) Hit some minion off a building with a knockback power.

    38) Grabbed the Atlas Medallion.

    39) Became Old-Fashioned in Faultline.

    40) Added more slots to Brawl, Sprint, and/or Rest

    41) Gone through every emote on the emote list in rapid succession

    42) Get lost in Striga (where's the entrance of this *ù%$£µ Council tunnel)

    43) Cursed when you found the map you were on was the cake-layer room.


    45) Yelled at a trainer for just standing there during a Rikti or zombie invasion.

    46) Droned a Paladin in Kings Row.

    47) Went to Bloody Bay for some Shivans and prayed no villains/heroes were there.

    48) Prayed the villain/hero didn't want to fight when they spotted you in Bloody Bay.

    49) Tried to land on a car and ride it

    50) Visited Recluse's Victory

    51) Accidentally hit the auto-run while fighting/typing

    52) MT'ed into a global/supergroup chat channel

    53) Visited every detective/broker whenever they entered a new zone.

    54) Sold a highly coveted recipe to a NPC vendor.

    55) Had an argument in broadcast.

    56) Been knocked off a building by a foe with a Knockback attack.

    57) Got a Scientist stolen off them while going for nukes.

    58) Attempted to solo an Arch-Villain.

    59) Complained about how slow the Heavy Robots are in Recluse's Victory.

    60) Met Sally. (darn it! now I HAVE to make a char named Harry,lol)

    61) Attempted to press CTRL-3, pressed WINDOWS-3, and accidentally end up launching Firefox (wait for Windows 7 those who haven't).

    62) Started a shadow shard TF at 10pm.

    63) Won influence off a newbie using the /em dice7 command.

    64) Cursed yourself for not starting the toon early enough for the 1-year anniversary badge.

    65) Stumbled across a couple ERPing in local on a rooftop.

    66) Ducked behind an AC unit so you could spy on 65).

    67) Bound the "slap" and "smack" emotes to 2 keys so you could have a slap fight with your friends under Atlas.

    68) Sniped a level 12 boss from two blocks away.

    69) Found a "real" mission door outside of the AE.
  17. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeewwwwwww one hopes!