I'll SMASH you...from afar! (Kinetic Combat)
Kinetic Melee/ EA will be FAST AND PRETTY.
Video here for those who haven't seen it... o.o

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Well, they did say that it was a crude video... *shrugs* For now, I'm adopting a "wait and see" attitude. Wanna get my hands-on with it.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

It's bizarre.
I'd been planning to make a Energy Aura character to try it out, and thought maybe Superstrength/Energy Aura would be kind of a good fit for a "Unus the Untouchable" type force-field-clad melee fighter. I got as far as having a look at the new SS animations and picking which ones looked right. I figured this would be quite an unusual combo.
Then this comes along! Good job I don't care about being flavour of the month!
While you stand there waving your hands, the rest of your team finishes the mish and kills the AV ....
Oh dear, not another dancy-prancy powerset. Dual Pistols already looked silly.
Brutes don't dance! Unless it's The Monkey.
Oh dear, not another dancy-prancy powerset. Dual Pistols already looked silly.
Brutes don't dance! Unless it's The Monkey. |
(although I agree with you on DP, I don't like the ridiculously OOT poses).
Edit : *Watches video*. Oh I see. We're going for a Mystic Force type thing. Or this guy (go about 1:45 in). Techno Viking smash! (eventually)
We'd better get Glow Sticks as a glove option...
From what the video shows, there's a fair amount of KB in there. I'm taking a "see for myself" attitude towards it, because the devs are on a sexeh-powerset kick apparently lately.
hope that KB doesn't hinder my fury bar....other than that it looks pimp.
I'm tempted to petition for 'Brutal' animations for Kinetic Melee in advance.
Picture this: Instead of doing some sort of Tai Chi routine and waving your hands about, you just punch the air so hard it knocks your enemy on his backside from afar.
Just make the animation times match.
It looks like they showed 3 moves, maybe 4. I would put money down that the Tier1 attack is quick, possibly the Teir 2 as well.
Suspecting a ridiculously survivable set, smashing foes from a distance, while they're busy laying on their backs. Worst set for brutes since Ice?? seems like it
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In the past fury had some problems, but now i'd love to have ice melee. With -rech, they at least still attack you. =P Not that i need to be attacked to have high fury.
"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX
That would be in this post, where he Castle'd me...

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Oh dear, not another dancy-prancy powerset. Dual Pistols already looked silly.
Brutes don't dance! Unless it's The Monkey. |
That said, people are creative. I'm sure they can come up with rationals to make it fit.

That said, people are creative. I'm sure they can come up with rationals to make it fit.
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*For one of my characters is more like the higher the fury bar is, the more openings he's finding in someone's defenses, making better placed strikes, etc.
I'll admit, I had a bit of cognitive dissonance when it came to Brutes and this set. I figured, though, that it was better to give it to them now rather than hear a bunch of complaints of "Why don't Brutes get this?" or "Why are Brutes the only base AT to not get a new Powerset with Going Rogue?"
That said, people are creative. I'm sure they can come up with rationals to make it fit. ![]() |
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
linkie: http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/g...Announced.html
"For Scrappers, Tanks, Brutes, and Stalkers a new powerset called Kinetic Melee was announced. To give you a general idea think of what telekinetic melee combat would look like. The set is very visual and utilizes a ton of knockback and down effects. You'll have greater range than most melee power sets when using it."
It's a ways away, for sure, but it'll be nice to have a new SMASH set to play with.
The Porcelain God - DarkKinetics Corruptor
Meat Juice - DarkDarkSoul Brute
Pretty and Strong - Do you really have to ask?