I'll SMASH you...from afar! (Kinetic Combat)




Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post

The things we know about the set for sure are (Forgive me if I missed any):

+range - The devs are saying it has extended range, they aren't going to say that if it is only 1 ft since it makes no difference. You know as well as I do it is likely to be more than that.
KB and KD - KD is good. KB is bad. KB on a melee toon is even worse. Even though KB can be used to reasonable effect it will always be less desirable than pretty much anything else. And KD doesn't even work on anything worth a scrappers time.
Video - In which nothing seems to die, now it is either a tank in the video, or the set does poor damage (As I mentioned it probably would). And you can see slow animations.

I fail to see any positives about the set at all so far, aside from it being pretty. This seems to be a melee version of Dual Pistols, ie; useless. You will be trading damage and speed for range and pretty.

Second the post about lag on the ITF may have had a bit much 'doom' about it, but he is right. The game is so full of bugs yet they keep releasing these crappy powersets to show off new visuals or whatever. And don't give me crap about 'dev a only does job a' a dev is a dev is a dev and can code whatever the hell they are told to code.

Edit: Also I still see no reason why a powerset like DP ever made it live. Surely by now they have some kind of formula which they can use to make a set not suck?
I think the point trying to be made was...don't assume and cry doom when we have only seen a video on the set.
We need way more info before anything conclusive can be said/typed.



Just thought of something that would be good for Kinetic Melee...but I'm not sure if it is possible.

The further away, the less damage it does...the closer you get, the more damage you do.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Just thought of something that would be good for Kinetic Melee...but I'm not sure if it is possible.

The further away, the less damage it does...the closer you get, the more damage you do.
Hmm, that could be interesting.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post

The things we know about the set for sure are (Forgive me if I missed any):

+range - The devs are saying it has extended range, they aren't going to say that if it is only 1 ft since it makes no difference. You know as well as I do it is likely to be more than that.
KB and KD - KD is good. KB is bad. KB on a melee toon is even worse. Even though KB can be used to reasonable effect it will always be less desirable than pretty much anything else. And KD doesn't even work on anything worth a scrappers time.
Video - In which nothing seems to die, now it is either a tank in the video, or the set does poor damage (As I mentioned it probably would). And you can see slow animations.

I fail to see any positives about the set at all so far, aside from it being pretty. This seems to be a melee version of Dual Pistols, ie; useless. You will be trading damage and speed for range and pretty.

Second the post about lag on the ITF may have had a bit much 'doom' about it, but he is right. The game is so full of bugs yet they keep releasing these crappy powersets to show off new visuals or whatever. And don't give me crap about 'dev a only does job a' a dev is a dev is a dev and can code whatever the hell they are told to code.

Edit: Also I still see no reason why a powerset like DP ever made it live. Surely by now they have some kind of formula which they can use to make a set not suck?
Is this a serious post? No really. I can't telll if you are pulling my leg or if you really just typed all this with a serious face. I really hope it's in jest otherwise I really don't understand why you pay for a service and product that makes you so unhappy.



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
I'm considering a Kinetic Melee Brute. I was wondering what secondary would work well for it. Willpower, as usual, will probably be awesome. Energy Aura will probably match KM aesthetically, but I can't stand it, even after the recent buff. Invulnerability sounds like it could be really powerful on a Brute, so I'm considering that pretty strongly.

Hm....KM/Will or KM/Invul? At least I have a couple of months to decide.

Edit: And if anyone can help with a concept, I've already got a costume ready to go for my KM Brute, I'm thinking he looks more Willpower that anything else:

I like the costume, and my first thought for a concept was something along the lines of a "human railgun". A suit that can hyper-accelerate dust particles in the air around your fist to extreme velocities. (The muzzle velocity of a M-16 is 930 meters per second, experimental railguns average a muzzle speed of 3500 meters per second).

Kin/EAseems a perfect pairing, but so can SR, say the suit can move YOU at that speed for a split second to avoid an attack.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
First thing that came to mind was 'Trenchcoat' with perhaps some work boots or something rather than *just* the pants.

I suppose the difference I'm seeing is 'contrast' vs 'juxtapose'. Two different elements can be completely different yet compliment eachother but the example you posted seems to keep them 'too separate'. A sleeveless jacket or some shoulder element might help.

IMO, tho. I'm not that good at making costumes but I know what I like. Yours just doesn't appeal to much of anything
Hmm, I see your point about contrast vs juxtaposition and its given me an idea that might accomplish something along those lines...to the costume creator!

Edit with the Version 2.0 of the costume:

-Pants, Perplex Pattern, and Goggles are now gray.
-New belt provides a little transition between the top and bottom.

I think I'm liking this better, hmm...

Also, the idea of a fighter that speeds up dust particles around him is awesome!



I have watched the video several dozen times and finally took the time to time the attacks from start to back to ready position. Previously I just counted in my head and for some reason that was inaccurate, go figure. Times listed are still estimates of course and feel free to let me know if you came up with different numbers.

First attack - About 1 second: (thank you http://www.online-stopwatch.com) KD or low KB. Either way the mob fell down and did not go flying.

2nd attack shown. About 1.5 seconds: No target in sight. Could speculate that this would be a focus like ranged attack but too early to tell. Could just be they wanted that angle for the shot.

3rd attack shown - Just over 2 seconds: Only showed part of the mob so hard to say if it was KD or KB. To me it looked like KB . If it is I can only pray that this is a low damage attack so I can skip it.

4th attack shown - Just over 2 seconds: Seemed to be a slightly higher range (10' maybe) single target KD attack.

5th attack shown - About 2.3 seconds: Best guess would be soul drain type build up power.

6th attack shown - Maybe 3 seconds, did not show end of animation: Another KD attack. I would hope extreme damage due to the long animation time. No guess on the range since the start of the attack on the video showed only the Hero and the end showed only the mob.

7th attack shown - Just under 2 seconds: Similar to 6th with shorter animation.

8th attack shown - Just over 2 seconds: AOE (I hope) or could be cone KB. Would guess mag .67 as one of the mobs fell down and the other (guessing lower level mob) was tossed back.

Throw in Taunt and there are all the powers in the set.

It seems that several of the attacks are longer than the 7' range. Either that or I am not that good at judging distance. Could be either. Would this be bad for a melee type toon? I say no. For a brute or a tanker you are probably going to be face to face with a ton of mobs anyway so not a big deal. The extra range would be nice to get to a boss that is behind several other mobs instead of having to jump over them and reposition yourself. For scrappers and stalkers, you get the bonus of not having to be in the middle of the group to do decent damage. Looks like a win win win.

As far as the worry of mobs flying everywhere, there was only 1 that you can be pretty sure has knockback and maybe a 2nd but no way to know for sure at this point. If you are crying doom or just plain crying about this at this point, please go to your doctor and let them know you have crainialrectosis. Then come back to the forums when you are cured.

My new main concern is the animation time. The time of the video to show all 7 attacks and BU type power goes from 1:45 to 2:08. A small amount of that time showed the mobs falling but not much so Ill say 2 seconds to be nice. That is about 21 seconds for all those attacks. This is vastly higher than any other melee set. Even if you remove the extra second for the soul drain type BU vs. normal BU you get 20 seconds. At worst fire for tanks comes in at 16.37 to fire off all its attacks and BU. There are a couple scrapper sets below 12 seconds. (This is using Arcanatime not the time in Mids.)

Now at this point it is only a concern and not a complaint because we have no damage numbers. If slower attacks mean higher damage or the set has a lot of cone attacks but the devs only used one mob in the video then the slower attacks may be justified. If not, then this set may turn into a must have for PvP and meh for PvE. Still to early to say anything for sure though.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post

The things we know about the set for sure are (Forgive me if I missed any):

+range - The devs are saying it has extended range, they aren't going to say that if it is only 1 ft since it makes no difference. You know as well as I do it is likely to be more than that.
KB and KD - KD is good. KB is bad. KB on a melee toon is even worse. Even though KB can be used to reasonable effect it will always be less desirable than pretty much anything else.
How many powers have KB? You can watch the video and tell that only 1 or perhaps 2 have knockback vs. knockdown or very low KB which does the same thing to even level mobs. You do know that SS has 5 KB powers and 1 of those sends mobs flying out instead of up, right? How many times have you heard anyone complain about all the KB in SS?

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
And KD doesn't even work on anything worth a scrappers time.
So are you saying that EBs, AVs and GMs are the only thing worth a scrappers time? With my claws/regen scrapper I can keep most bosses off their feet providing 100% mitigation with focus (.67 KB) and Air Sup (.75 KU). There are some bosses that take more to knock them off their feet but not many. The only type of mobs that I have not been able to use KB on are most EBs, AV/Heroes (PTOD up of course) and GMs.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Video - In which nothing seems to die, now it is either a tank in the video, or the set does poor damage (As I mentioned it probably would). And you can see slow animations.
It is a demonstration video. Did you also notice that none of the mobs were attacking? They were not actual mobs in the actual game. Pretending for a moment that they were actual mobs, in 5 of the 7 attacks shown you either never see the mob or they only show part of the KD animation so you have no way of knowing if they died or not. You also have no way of knowing if the mobs are minions, LTs or boss mobs. You also have no way of knowing if the Hero/Villain is a Brute, Scrapper or Tanker. Assuming it does poor damage based off of this information is, to be honest, just plain stupid.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I fail to see any positives about the set at all so far, aside from it being pretty. This seems to be a melee version of Dual Pistols, ie; useless. You will be trading damage and speed for range and pretty.
From what I can see so far, it is not that you fail to see any positives, it is that you have only looked for negative. The previous quotes also show you make assumptions without all the facts (mobs not dying) and do not understand the mechanics of the game (KB being useless for scrappers)

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
And don't give me crap about 'dev a only does job a' a dev is a dev is a dev and can code whatever the hell they are told to code.
So you would be fine with Babs fixing lag issues and put Sexy J on revamping zones and Random programer #5 on animations? I am pretty sure they have their current assignments because that is what they are best at.

Just because you can do something does not mean you are good at it. Even if you are ok at the new job, there may be better places for you where you would have a greater impact. If you are a coach of a basketball team you can decide to have your point guard play center if you want but that does not mean that it is the smartest thing to do or that he will be effective in that role. I guess there will always be those people who think they know everything trying to tell the coaches what to do.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
I have watched the video several dozen times and finally took the time to time the attacks from start to back to ready position.
Thanks for doing that. Based on your numbers it looks like this will indeed be the melee version of Dual Pistols. Unless you're waaaaaay off that is.
Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
Now at this point it is only a concern and not a complaint because we have no damage numbers.
If the set is as clunky as it looks in the video, and appears to be based on your numbers, no amount of damage would compensate enough to make me want to play it. Well maybe on a Tanker if it has lots of AoEs. Probably not though.



Can you elaborate on 'the set looks clunky?' I don't understand what that means since the set's animations look pretty fluid to me.



I've been following the thread pretty closely and I must say, I'd be good with Kinetic Melee not having the best DPA as long as its balanced enough so as not to leave us plinking away (Not that Brutes don't do that without enough Fury anyway ).

That being said, I think it's time for a bit more creative speculation. By that I mean discussion of what the actual powers will be. I drew up some ideas based on the video and the fuzzy concept the Devs have given us. They're in no particular order and go as follows:

1) The standard bit. Quick animation in exchange for minimal damage and some knockdown.

2) As per usual, a stronger version of the tier 1 with a longer animation but more damage. Comes with knockdown as seems to be the secondary effect of the set.

3) What appears to be a narrow cone attack. From what I can tell it looks like the knockdown rolls for each opponent individually. I'm deducing that from the fact that when this attack is used in the video the FX strike two foes but only one goes down.

4) Siphon something. In the video this power uses the same animation as the siphons from the current Kinetics set. I'd love Siphon Speed but I doubt it. Why? Because having it would offset one of the major balancing drawbacks for Stone Armor. We'll see.

5) An aura of some sort. What it does I obviously have no clue. Could be a damage aura or something like Repel (Please no). Might even be the coveted damage boost for enemies attacking you. Kinda like a second Fury perhaps?

6) PBAoE knockdown. The large variable here is how much damage it does. I figure we'll either get something like Foot Stomp from Super Strength or a simple crowd control tool like Hand Clap.

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I'm probably not the first person to mention this (my eyes got all glassy after reading the first two pages), but a lot of Kinetic Combat's animations looked like pretty, scifi versions of the movements I perform every morning during my tai chi set. Pairing it with Super Reflexes or EA seems like a natural option, but I'm betting that a lot of those attacks will eat up endurance. Willpower looks like a good option to me, simply because of Quick Recovery.

...Also, you just can't go wrong with Willpower. It's nearly impossible.

Since I've been playing my SS/SR brute a lot, lately, I'll probably roll this set for a Stalker. Also, the extra knockback might make it more survivable.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
3) What appears to be a narrow cone attack. From what I can tell it looks like the knockdown rolls for each opponent individually. I'm deducing that from the fact that when this attack is used in the video the FX strike two foes but only one goes down.
I'm guessing the KD component will work similar to how Energy Torrent works with KB, as in a percentage. I hope it's KD and 100% for that would be TOO awesome!

Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
4) Siphon something. In the video this power uses the same animation as the siphons from the current Kinetics set. I'd love Siphon Speed but I doubt it. Why? Because having it would offset one of the major balancing drawbacks for Stone Armor. We'll see.
My guess is Siphon Power but I could see Siphon Speed + Siphon Power. However, you bring up a good point with Granite. Plus, would it be stackable?

Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
5) An aura of some sort. What it does I obviously have no clue. Could be a damage aura or something like Repel (Please no). Might even be the coveted damage boost for enemies attacking you. Kinda like a second Fury perhaps?
This one might be a bit tricky but I was thinking it could be a -damage type power. I hope there's more to it of course.

Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
6) PBAoE knockdown. The large variable here is how much damage it does. I figure we'll either get something like Foot Stomp from Super Strength or a simple crowd control tool like Hand Clap.
I'm not sure we'll ever see another power like footstomp. If it contains the same damage as FS then look for an increase endurance cost, recharge cost or some other type of 'penalty' to balance out the damage.

I like your speculation...now they just need to start testing this set!!



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
My guess is Siphon Power but I could see Siphon Speed + Siphon Power. However, you bring up a good point with Granite. Plus, would it be stackable?
I could definitely see Siphon Power as a replacement for Build Up but I think it'd be somewhat of a waste. As a single target damage buff/debuff you'd probably be looking at fairly low numbers on all the melee ATs to compensate for their higher damage modifiers.

I'd rather see Siphon Speed since it'd provide something that the melee ATs often want but rarely get; +Recharge without the use of IOs. Plus, its been done before. Mental Training and Lightning Reflexes both provide +20% Recharge and Speed. Of course those are auto powers so you don't have to worry about the issue of balance when the question of stacking comes up.

Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
This one might be a bit tricky but I was thinking it could be a -damage type power. I hope there's more to it of course.
That'd be very nice. Maybe something of a blend between Invincibility and Against All Odds. "You create a field of kinetic energy that both deflects your enemies attacks and siphons off their strength. Each foe within melee range of you provides a defense bonus. What attacks do breach the field are substantially weakened (Enemy -DMG)."

Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I'm not sure we'll ever see another power like footstomp. If it contains the same damage as FS then look for an increase endurance cost, recharge cost or some other type of 'penalty' to balance out the damage.
Ya know, that makes sense until I look at my PB. Double Footstomp FTW!

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
I'd rather see Siphon Speed since it'd provide something that the melee ATs often want but rarely get; +Recharge without the use of IOs. Plus, its been done before. Mental Training and Lightning Reflexes both provide +20% Recharge and Speed. Of course those are auto powers so you don't have to worry about the issue of balance when the question of stacking comes up.
LR and Quickness are part of a secondary which is a different beast altogether. Adding a +speed to the primary would be interesting. I can see it going both ways.

Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Ya know, that makes sense until I look at my PB. Double Footstomp FTW!
Ya, there are so many farming PBs. Plus, I said we'd probably never see a power like footstomp again.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
Video here for those who haven't seen it... o.o
First impression I got from the animations was it looked very DBZ-ish. Like when he gathers energy prior to his blasts. (macro the comegetsome emote prior to all attacks for the whirling hands of lolsmash)

KB and KD are very easily managed by a player with moderate gaming experience. I don't see that being an issue.

It looks to have lots of 2-handed animations, do you think it can be used with shields? Hmm, maybe not. I would be tempted to pair it with something like SR or DA.

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
First impression I got from the animations was it looked very DBZ-ish. Like when he gathers energy prior to his blasts.
I think you meant to say tai chi there. Especially since they've already said that's what the powerset is mostly based on.

Unless you're talking about the live-action Dragonball Evolution movie that came out last year, in which case... Hi, I'm the other person on the planet who actually watched that movie. Wasn't it just plain awful?

I would be tempted to pair it with something like SR or DA.
Nah man, go full-on Goku and use Willpower.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post

Nah man, go full-on Goku and use Willpower.
Go fire armor and blonde spikey hair, THEN we'll talk



Originally Posted by Ocularis View Post
First impression I got from the animations was it looked very DBZ-ish. Like when he gathers energy prior to his blasts. (macro the comegetsome emote prior to all attacks for the whirling hands of lolsmash)

KB and KD are very easily managed by a player with moderate gaming experience. I don't see that being an issue.

It looks to have lots of 2-handed animations, do you think it can be used with shields? Hmm, maybe not. I would be tempted to pair it with something like SR or DA.
The animations are in seconds, not hours so not sure how it reminds you of DBZ.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
The animations are in seconds, not hours so not sure how it reminds you of DBZ.
I LOL'd. No it only took hours once we got to the Namec Saga/Freiza Saga everything before that and after that moved very quickly compared to those two series.



Originally Posted by LygerZero View Post
Go fire armor and blonde spikey hair, THEN we'll talk
The spikey hair in this game is awful. I tried to make a DBZ-style character back when the game launched, and we haven't gotten any better hair styles to suit the theme since.

Not that I'm saying we should get those hair styles, though, because that would also be ridiculous. =P

(Also, Fire Armor is a horrible fit thematically, even if it "looks" right.)

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I agree. I would WP or INVUL and just slap fiery aura on him once you hit 30. For fun you can even give him the cat tail and color it brown.



I think all the people assuming this is going to be KB heavy need to remember that KD always becomes KB when the mob is killed... And we never see any mob KB'd get back up again.

We see mobs on their feet afterward, but this is a demo video against non-functional enemies, so I'm guessing it's just a dev spawning new ones between camera shots.

Also, just from the speed of the mobs falling when knocked down, I think they might have done the video in a little bit of slow motion to emphasize the animations.

So quit whining already.



Two words - Kinetic Combat. How could it not be knockback heavy?

"The kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its current velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes."

Say it with me folks "Knockback"



Dude, that's not even an argument. Super strength isn't knockback heavy, and that's about having superhuman strength with which to punch people (Also known as imparting massive amounts of kinetic energy to the target through means of physical contact ). There's no evidence to say that it's knockback heavy right now. All we have is a video that probably wasn't even footage of gameplay (More like a demo created by hand, like the machinima we can make ourselves).

Your doomcrying is absurd.