What's your favorite enemy?
Can't say I have a favorite but I do like the Vanguard. Their powers and unis are pretty cool looking and they are a pretty tough group.
My favourite enemies have to be the Fifth Column, Nemesis, and the Praetorians.
The Fifth Column because, well, their nazis who have the same tailor as Darth Vader. Their also persistent. When life slaps you out of existence with a violent uprising in your own ranks, what do you do? Build a few bases throughout time and unleash a really powerful super villain from another world. We still don't know an awful lot about the Column, we know that Requiem's back as one of their leaders, but we don't know for sure how far their influence spreads across the Isles and Paragon.
Nemesis because... their Nemesis! They work for the most deceitful character in-game, not only that, they are also pretty good at building Automatons identical to signature heroes. With an army of robots, recruits that are from multiple dimensions, and plans that involve heroes and villains unravelling your plans only for them to discover that their interference was part of your plan? Who can resist not having these guys as a favourite?
And the Praetorians because their getting makeovers, a city of their own, and probably because I am gonna be siding with 'em in the near future. All hail Emperor Cole!
Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!

A dead one.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
This depends on what character I am playing at the time.
I love fighting Malta on my /Elec Brute. I completely ignore the Sappers and just laugh as they try to drain my endurance.
Carnies are my favorite when I play my /Dark Brute. There is nothing that they bring to the fight I can't counter.
I like early Lost - when they're still Scroungers and Headmen. Once they're all Mutates and Anathemas, they lose some of the charm, I think. Otherwise... hmmm. Facing Arachnos blueside is always fun - even when I'm completely used to them redside. Rikti, for the interesting designs and the backstory... the Gold Brickers have great uniforms... otherwise, depends who I'm playing and what sort of mood I'm in.
Jaegers. Because there's nothing like an ambulatory charcoal grill with a concealed club.
Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs
Anything challenging, so: longbow, arachnos, rularuu, vanguard
My favorite enemy is Ms Liberty.
Marcone Consigliere
Coralax~water powers so cool.
Luddites~just because they are so funny and so sad.
CoT~evil magic and good drops how can you go wrong?
Heroes~because Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
My Top Ten Favorites:
01 Banished Pantheon
02 Freakshow
03 Circle of Thorns
04 Arachnos
05 Council
06 Warriors
07 Tsoo
08 Legacy Chain
09 Vahzilok
10 Hellions
Honorable Mention: Trolls, Skulls, Family, Snakes, Sky Raiders, Outcasts, Mooks, Lost (but only the early ones, as a previous poster said).
I used to like the 5th Column, but I don't like the new versions at all.
Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan
Carnies and Freakshow are great.
My favourite, though, is probably the Council. Generally they're huge spawns, and there's nothing like piles and piles of bodies and bullets when you're through

Thank you, Champion.
CoT for me.
Be well, people of CoH.

I have an irrational love of the Legacy Chain group and I don't know why. Whenever I'm playing one of my villain alts, I make sure to do every mission that involves the Legacy Chain. It just wouldn't feel right missing out on those missions.
And sometimes I'll take one of my low-level heroes to The Hollows and help the Legacy Chain NPCs battle the Circle of Thorns.
I think I need help.

Carnies, easily. Hot evil chicks in corsets (and less), good drops, challenging without being overly cheap about it, a good backstory, and weak to lethal. Plus every game ought to involve crazy colorful circus people as enemies. Check, check, and check.
I also enjoy Banished Pantheon and Vahzilok.
I think the Romans are just about perfect. They're hard but not overly so, and they have a nice mix of attacks and special powers.
Too easy: Council
About right: Romans, Carnies, Rikti, Freakshow, CoT (the mid level ones are a bit too hard however)
A bit too hard: Malta, KoA, Vanguard, Arachnos, Longbow (though I wouldn't change them)
For some reason, I really enjoy beating the crap out of the kids in red and white. All my villains do time in the PvP zones to get me my Longbow fix when I have not come across them in a mission for a while.
The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!
Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!
Shhh! Rangle is plotting.
Crey and Arachnos for concept.
Freakshow for radio xp.
Freakshow is my hands down favorite enemy group. Love the look, the humor, the attitude etc. I still laugh in Brickstown where the Freak spawns are lying around acting hurt and when you approach they jump up, laugh at you and call you a sucker for falling for it. Same trick for 5+ years now and they still think they are fooling us. Big freak tanks carrying steroe speakers is pretty funny too.
I actually like Malta.....until KoA start showing up in their arcs........ARG!!!!!
I like the vastness and variety of Arachnos, but hate Mus with a passion.
Plus every game ought to involve crazy colorful circus people as enemies. .
Then try my MA arc #1178 Coulrophobia (Fear of Clowns) meet the Children of Auguste....you'll love.......to hate them!
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Arachnos and Nemesis.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
My favorite enemy are the Rikti. I don't know, they just seem to be the easiest enemy to handle to me. I rarely die when I'm doing a mission with Rikti.
Freakshow, by far. Not because they're super easy (which, admittedly, they can be), but because they've got this classic technopunk look and half their arcs involve them doing things that I would almost like to see, rather than stop. The Freak Centcar, or the idea of a freak with a jetpack welded to his back.
They're terrible, but they're funny terrible.
My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money
Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?
Freakshow used to be my very favorite enemy to fight, and I still enjoy them. They're visually interesting, and I just love their personalities.
(Only got to do one Mother Ship Raid on her; rest were doing the Arcs and Timed Missions.)

Since RWZ opened, I have found myself enjoying fighting Rikti most of all. Mostly, because I like earning the Vanguard merits. It took me months, but I finally earned enough to get the whole outfit and the Costume Change emote for my Fire/WP Scrapper.
I like fighting the Lost too-- they have some of the neatest looking characters in the game IMO.
I like Carnival of Shadows when I'm on something that isn't held to death by the Bosses or punched to oblivion by the Strongmen.
The only thing I like about Malta are the Titans. They have WAY too much stun on their side. (Once had a blaster who popped a breakfree after being stunned-- and he went BACK to being stunned when the breakie wore off-- the stun lasted LONGER than the lowest breakfree!)
What's your favorite enemy and why?
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