Who is Rolling a Blue Brute?"




I`ve been waiting a long time it seems to roll a Blue Brute. Been wanting to get the Hulk Smash Syndrome out of my System ^^ . Never quite got into a Scrapper or Tanker on the Hero Side, However, the Brute always seemed to fit like a glove. For me its been Scrappers are to Squishy not enough Hit Points or Defense, & lack of Super Strength. & the damage out put of a Tanker is meh.

Once Going Rogue hits I figure I`ll be rolling a SS/WP very Hulkish to me, or SS/SD. ATM very tempted to go Red Side & do this but telling myself to wait. Already have a SM/WP at 50 & found it to be a very fun Journey,

Are there any Brute Combo`s you have been waiting to try Hero Side?



Once GR is out, I'll probably never roll another scrapper, unless I really want a set that brutes don't have access to, like Broadsword/Katana.




I already have a ss/inv brute at 50 I plan to take rogue, and perhaps go hero and back to vigilante. No immediate plans to make a new blue brute though. More interested in blue stalkers and MMs.

I like both scrappers and brutes, depending on what the character concept calls for, or if I want to play a set one of them doesn't have.

I'm not sure why you feel brutes are tougher than scrappers though. Brutes and scrappers have the same defensive numbers in their secondaries. Brutes do have higher base and cap hit points, but that's not a huge difference. Brute resistance cap is higher too, but that can't be reached without outside buffs, unless you're using the tier 9 in Invulnerability.



lol, Me luvs me br00tsmashers, but I honestly can't wait to bring a scrapper over here to redside.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Once GR is out, I'll probably never roll another scrapper, unless I really want a set that brutes don't have access to, like Broadsword/Katana.
Have to agree with you there. I mean, I love the look and feel of my BS/SD scrapper. Diving into a pile of zombies and Whirling Sword/Slice taking out 3/4 of the pack in under five seconds is a beautiful thing, but if Brutes ever get Broadswords, I may never roll a scrapper again.

That said, as far as actual content I still prefer CoV's ability to keep content mostly self-contained to the zone the contact is in rather than going from Atlas Park to Crey's Folly to Perez over the course of three missions, so it really depends on how much of GR's hero content takes place in new areas for me.



Been wanting to roll a brute on blueside ever since I dsicovered brutes. Thinking about taking a SM/Inv over since blueside tends to treat /Inv a little better than red, and I've never played either set to a higher level.



Know I'll take my main SS/WP Brute to Rogue. Whether I go Full Hero with her or not depends on more GR info. Even if I do for a bit, I'll probably fall back to Vigilante at some point - I really want access to all zones .



Originally Posted by Black_Sabath View Post
I`ve been waiting a long time it seems to roll a Blue Brute. Been wanting to get the Hulk Smash Syndrome out of my System ^^ . Never quite got into a Scrapper or Tanker on the Hero Side, However, the Brute always seemed to fit like a glove. For me its been Scrappers are to Squishy not enough Hit Points or Defense, & lack of Super Strength. & the damage out put of a Tanker is meh.

Once Going Rogue hits I figure I`ll be rolling a SS/WP very Hulkish to me, or SS/SD. ATM very tempted to go Red Side & do this but telling myself to wait. Already have a SM/WP at 50 & found it to be a very fun Journey,

Are there any Brute Combo`s you have been waiting to try Hero Side?
HA, I read your title and I thought you were refering to making him all blue (in color). Made me think it was some crazy trend I was not aware of. (smurf sg?)

A blue side brute will of course have to be done. Add to that a redside Empathy toon. (or is that Apathy?)

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)



I'll be rolling a single Brute for Blue Side.

SS/FA Brute because of a old revived concept I originally had for a Tanker.A angry half demon biker that just didnt get the fofilling rage and anger down the last time I played this game.

As for any other Brutes for Blue side?Highly Doutful.Super Strength is the only set in my eyes that is given any justice by playing a Brute.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
As for any other Brutes for Blue side?Highly Doutful.Super Strength is the only set in my eyes that is given any justice by playing a Brute.
You haven't played a Claws scrapper yet, then.

I haven't decided yet about making a Rogue or Praetorian Brute, honestly.

Too many alts to list.



I'm not a huge fan of the red side content but I'll definately be rolling a brute with an eye on blue side when GR comes out. I've had hero character concepts before that'd work great with the brute mechanics.



I might MIGHT remake my Will/SS Tanker as a SS/Will Brute, mostly because I'd appreciate the higher damage and the lack of automatic assumed responsibility on a team. I do still love Tanking though, so it's up in the air.



My main Brute was always intended to go blueside.

My secondary Brute will probably stay as a Rogue, though. And I plan to recreate him in a level pact with a Scrapper, with both of them starting in Preatoria. I'll probably keep both, even though the original is an EM/Willpower, and I want to recreate him as Claws/WP.



Assuming Brutes keep Darkest Night upon going to blueside, yes, it is very likely I will be making many a heroic SMASH.



I'm a little concerned about that, actually. Who would want to roll scrappers anymore once blue brutes hit?

I'm secretly hoping they work the archtype vantages a little to improve some hero archtypes.



I've wanted to make a classic hero kinda guy, super strong invulnerable type who can fly, but Brutes are far more fun than Tankers so awaiting GR to finally get my smashy Hero characters.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Arlow View Post
I'm a little concerned about that, actually. Who would want to roll scrappers anymore once blue brutes hit?

I'm secretly hoping they work the archtype vantages a little to improve some hero archtypes.
I will certainly keep playing both - I tend to switch between my scrappers and brutes depending on my mood. Sometimes I don't like the constant pressure of keeping fury up and like to play a scrapper, other times I like the way fury drives me to keep smashing and smashing and smashing and.. oops, got caught up there . Seriously though, on brutes I find myself getting annoyed when the phone rings, or my cat walks acrossed my keyboard and pulls me away from the game long enough to drop my fury, or those loooong maps (caves, some lab maps, etc) with huge gaps between mob groups where I have lost half my fury by the time I get to the next one.

Its nice sometimes to start a fight with higher damage - also, depending on the team it is sometimes easier to play a scrapper since you don't have to worry about someone else stealing all your aggro and cutting down on fury generation. Also, if energy melee ever gets ported to scrappers I will finally play it again - having your two best atacks actually be net fury losses is a pain on a brute which is why I retired/deleted both my EM brutes. On a scrapper it won't matter as much.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Not me, because blueside content fails bad. Redside FTW.



Originally Posted by Arlow View Post
I'm a little concerned about that, actually. Who would want to roll scrappers anymore once blue brutes hit?

I'm secretly hoping they work the archtype vantages a little to improve some hero archtypes.
Silly broots, everyone knows crits > fury. Unless you solo or small group alot where you know you will pull 100% of the aggro, otherwise you'll always be trying to build that fury. And add that to grouping blueside where the team usually consists of a tank or two and a crowd of scrappers and you'll really be hurtin for the fury you need to keep up with the scrappers crits.

The real thing to be concerned about is whether or not anyone would roll up a broot if/when SS gets ported over to scrappers.



Originally Posted by Whisky_Jack View Post
Silly broots, everyone knows crits > fury. Unless you solo or small group alot where you know you will pull 100% of the aggro, otherwise you'll always be trying to build that fury. And add that to grouping blueside where the team usually consists of a tank or two and a crowd of scrappers and you'll really be hurtin for the fury you need to keep up with the scrappers crits.

The real thing to be concerned about is whether or not anyone would roll up a broot if/when SS gets ported over to scrappers.
Take your scrapper nutswinging back to the scrapper boards...

As far as I see it, whatever of the three meleers you prefer out of Brutes, Scrappers, and tankers is exactly what you will roll when GR comes around. Just because a brute appears on blueside doesn't change the fact that he is a brute. Just because a scrapper appears redside doesn't change the fact that he is a scrapper. The ATs don't change- just affiliation.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Yup, I will be on blue side pissin off the tanks by running in before them while they are contemplating on where to pull the next group.



Originally Posted by Black_Sabath View Post
For me its been Scrappers are to Squishy not enough Hit Points or Defense, & lack of Super Strength. & the damage out put of a Tanker is meh.
While I agree with you on the tanker part of this statement, my claws/sr scrapper is awesome. He has excellent defense, awesome damage and he's fast as a Frog In A Blender (his name). I don't play much on hero side but he is one of my all time favorite toons and one of only two 50s I have on hero side.



Originally Posted by Arlow View Post
I'm a little concerned about that, actually. Who would want to roll scrappers anymore once blue brutes hit?

My scrappers do not, or at least they don't seem to, drink endurance with the same gusto my Brutes do.

I plan to bring some scrappers redside.

I have a Fire/SR who has always seemed a trifle evil to me, and my Dark/Regen thinks she might want to become a shady peep and do shady things.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



I rolled my SS/SD brute specifically to take him to blue-side. Got a theme & back story/foundation for his "redemption" all worked out.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I'll be re-rolling my main, WP/SS Tank, as a SS/WP hero Brute.

Bout time I can have a high damaging super strength hero.