315 -
Quote:Yes you get more pets as you level. The first tier 1 is at level 1, or whenever you take the tier 1 pet power. The second tier 1 is at 6 and the third is at 18. The tier 2 pet is available at 12, assuming you take the second summon power right away, and the second tier 2 is at 24. Then the tier 3 summon power can be taken at 26.I'm new to the mastermind and I'm a necromancer and I have a few questions.
1. When do I get all 3 zombies on Zombie Horde and it says I can get 3 and I'm level 12 and I don't have it yet? Do I still have to be a higher level?
Quote:2. This is more of a bug, but why do my pets always get stuck, I'll play the game for about an hour and than it gets stuck especially when I go to a new zone? Is there a way to fix it? I even try relogging and resummoning but it doesnt work.
Quote:3. How many pets can you have out at once all together? Will you be able to have all the pets out at one time when you get them all?
Quote:thanks for in advance, oh and if u have any tips on being a necromancer that would be great! :] -
Yeah, that RWZ mission is the one I meant when I warned you about EBs later. That mission can be soloed but it's tough, and it helps if you know what to expect. You need to use tactics, and lots of inspirations or a very powerful character.
Quote:Tier 2 can become superleader. I did that with my second account to transfer the superleader position, but they only had it long enough to switch characters. I didn't try to change any permissions.as far as I know, the only thing a premium player cannot do SG-wise is interact with the SG registrar - so no creating an SG, or opening a base or paying rent. Someone said they cannot also be the Super Leader but I'm not sure about that.
I heard premiums couldn't edit bases, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. -
Quote:I've never had to do step 4. The boss has always spawned as soon as we talk to the bored people. The boss usually then kills the Devil Girl and her friends before we get back there.in front of devil girl after a little animation
step 1: make sure nobody goes into the house
step 2: talk to devil girl
step 3: talk to bored guy and bored gal (order does not seem to matter)
step 4: talk to devil girl again
step 5: fight easter egg boss -
Hehe, that happened to me with a McDonald's prize, one of those ones you peel off the cup. The question wasn't as simple as Zombie Man's, it had some addition, subtraction and multiplication, but still not overly difficult. I got it wrong and they still gave me the free burger or whatever it was. The funniest part was this was right after I finished a 3 hour Calculus exam, which I aced.
I've got a blaster, a stalker or a couple of brutes I can bring. Normally, Friday, Saturday or Sunday are when I can make it, but not this weekend. I'll be out of town this weekend.
We all start with one rename token, and once that's used that's supposed to be it, it can't be changed again. They did give a free global rename token with i17, but they don't stack, so that would have been the one used to change it to Power Nine. Now she has to wait until support gives her another rename, or the devs give out a free token. I could be wrong but I got the impression that that i17 global rename token was the only time they've done that.
I think the Ski Lodge is open isn't it? If you have any candy canes, or are willing to buy some you could get that rez power now.
Looks like the two options have already been covered. I use both myself.
I try to keep the basic binds the same for all of my characters so I saved my preferred binds to default. That way they all start out the same way. For example, all of them have shift+e bound for autorun instead of just e, or whatever it normally is. I also have mouse buttons 4 and 5 bound for custom targetting. Then I add binds for powers the character uses as needed, and for some characters, especially Masterminds, I use a bind file that I load.
I also saved default window and chat settings. It makes it much easier to set up a new character. I just wish there was a way to load multiple macros at once. For Macros and Popmenus I just copy and paste them from a notepad file. -
Congrats NAR! I still don't know how you got through writing the dialog for this and your other Becky arcs with out going insane. Assuming you did of course.
Anther reason the mid level IOs are so expensive is rarity. Lots of people play at 50 and generate new stock, but not many people post IOs at 30 for example. They may post some but then they continue to level and that's it. This is why I always roll all the merits a character accumulates at 32 to get IOs my characters can use. Then I sell off the ones I don't need. I haven't stopped a character at 32 to keep generating recipes yet, but I am considering it.
I always slot level 32s unless I'm frankenslotting, or the enhancement doesn't matter. Then I slot 50s or the lowest possible, respectively. I used to slot 33-35s but switched to 32s for Ouro arcs that exemp you to 29. Of course since I rarely use Ouro for that, I could probably change, but I'm not sure I want to use anything much lower.
I'm not sure of the exact % of enhancement lost, and can't check right now, but level 32s are nearly always enough. If it's not I can usually add an extra IO or two from another set to bring it up. For example I can slot 4 Kinetic combat for the +s/l defense, and then frankenslot 2 other IOs to bring the enhancement numbers up to where I want.
The worst sets I've seen for this is Makos bite or the other melee set for defense, I forget the name. At level 32 a full set of 6 only gives 40% accuracy, but as mentioned accuracy set bonuses usually make up the difference. -
Quote:That was a fun run. He mentioned that Saturday was a false alarm though, the baby was born a day or two later.Thu 7/21/2011...
Marcia Law (30 pistols/kin corr) joined a Positron 2 TF. We had a full team, but one player left due to his wife having a baby, which seemed like a pretty good reason to log off to me. I got called on ripping off Judge Dredd's "I am the law!" battle cry; I need to think of a better one. We had a good team mix, and I noticed the 7 of us left were seven different ATs (a mix of hero and villain ATs), and we pretty much steamrollered over all opposition. Finished in 56m 30s and got Marcia to level 31....
I tried using a new strategy to speed up the BAF trials: instantly queueing for BAF again as soon as everyone exited the previous BAF, and telling anyone who wanted to join to solo-queue for BAF. I feel like this really worked well; normal BAF leagues seem to take 10 to 20 minutes between runs, but using this technique, we only spent about 2 to 4 minutes in RWZ before starting the next run. It was probably a little frustrating for people who wanted to switch toons between runs (though it was still possible to do this, if you were quick) but it felt like a huge speed improvement...
I have a few natural type characters that I don't want the fire dot on as well. What I did was just craft up to tier 3 Reactive. That gives 75% chance of -resist, but no fire dot. -
Quote:Now there's a surprise....
a fire/poison mm - name partially decided. Part of it will be MonkeyI bet between all of your accounts you have as many fire controllers as I do characters.
So far I know I want a Grav/Time controler. This will be a reroll of my character Fundamental Force who is currently Grav/FF. Time sounds like an even better fit for the concept and anything will be better than that combo.
I've wanted a Thug/Sonic MM for over a year now. This will be a young pop diva and her posse.
I'm sure I'll come up with lots of other alts, but those are the ones I've planned so far. -
Sorry to hear that Ukase. 32 months ago, I started playing this game a month before my job at the time ended. It didn't help with the job search that's for sure. Though that may have contributed to getting my first 50 and many alts, including a level 40 in the first 3 months.
Recall Friend on stalkers is great, especially defense based stalkers. Capped stealth, plus softcapped defense means even Ritkti drones are no problem. All of my stalker builds try to fit it in as soon as possible.
Wow, that profanity filter change sounds ridiculous. I wonder what they were thinking with that? Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
Oh, and have fun on vacation. -
I only played on Sunday, so I didn't get nearly as much done, but I got a total of 19 levels. My main goals were to get my Ill/Sonic troller over 45 so I could use him on high level TFs, and level my Widow to 24 so I could switch her to Fortunata. I managed to get both done.
I got the controller from 44 to 47, allowing me to slot the Numina proc. That and the Miracle should hopefully help with his end use issues. The Widow I got from 20 to 27, and am loving the Fort build now. I also managed to get some levels on my Warshade. I think it's been over a year since I actually played this character. I got him from 14 to 23 over the course of Posi 1 and 2. -
Downloading a 44 MB patch, sadly it's probably just this from test. Though there some good fixes in there too. It's just that fixes aren't as exciting as the rest of the Alpha slot.
Hazy is right, I was on a TF so I missed it. I did offer Ronin One Meeellion inf for it but he didn't deign to respond.
You get a third build now too, but I think you have to do the incarnate arc first.
Quote:Yeah, I thought there was a corr too, but figured defender gave a good enough idea of the group mix.And a corrupter >D though I wasn't a proper gun totting member, just the temp power. But I'm working on getting my DP up to level - only 8 more levels to go T_T
And I think the deaths went up after we finished the ITF (after the completion pop up screen).
But all in all, I had a good time!
Hmm... my VEAT doesn't have a gun, energy blaster, web grenade, but no gun. Do need to respec her though, may pick up one of the gun powers that she used to have but dropped after she got to 24.
The deaths definitely jumped by 8 or so after it ended, as we team wiped shortly after completion on the towers.
You could lmake the second build a gun toting huntsman. What I did with my Soldier is huntsman for build one, and bane for build two. -
We had 74 deaths in, I think it was, about 1:30. It was a good time, thanks for running it Valor. I hope to be there for the next one.
Interestingly, the 74 deaths was quite a bit higher than the first all Assault Rifle ITF, even though that one had 7 blasters and one corr, and this one had fenders, blasters, and 2 VEATS. -
I should be able to make it for Sunday afternoon. I guess I'll have to make a western costume.
The Tarikoss SF and the Katie TF both trigger zombie invasions when completed. I think they have since last fall at least, possibly longer.
The 10 million bullet ITF was tons of fun. If this happens on a weekend I'll join. I moved my AR/Dev off server and my DP/nrg isn't 35 yet, but I can bring a huntsman.
Hmm, just remembered, we're doing renovations this weekend, but I might be available in the evenings, or on Sunday. Otherwise, I'm free for the next few weekends for sure.
I wonder if I can put a brown trench coat over my Soldier costume?