Issue 17 Overview




Of course, in the middle of this, we must remember to give thanks where thanks are due...

... to The Television and Dr. Aeon for stirring up things at Paragon Studios to the point where Her Witchness stepped in to give us an awesome 17th issue.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



On the subject of emotes, am I reading too much into that they can tell us "you're getting animated tails", but can only tell us "We'll let you know more about the new emotes soon."? To me, this suggests there's something to these emotes that is out of the ordinary. Could these be some of these 'stance emotes' that the GR complete edition contains? Obviously not the same ones, but stance emotes nevertheless?



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
On the subject of emotes, am I reading too much into that they can tell us "you're getting animated tails", but can only tell us "We'll let you know more about the new emotes soon."? To me, this suggests there's something to these emotes that is out of the ordinary. Could these be some of these 'stance emotes' that the GR complete edition contains? Obviously not the same ones, but stance emotes nevertheless?
It could be that they're not sure how many they're adding yet - so they don't want to announce them yet until they're done animating them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
That is all you needed to say. Ultra Mode while I did upgrade my entire computer for it, is not going to make what I have already done countless times more fun some how. It just isn't. It will look cool, and then honestly it will look how it is Supposed to look. I am also subscribed to Age of Conan, and their graphics are superior atm. I am hoping UM kinda catches up. I can already look alittle to the left and see shadows and water reflections.

I cant find it atm, but I will... It said content update somewhere in one of these 90 million threads... Will find it later.

ZM, Most of this games quality Improvements are stuff other games have had for forever... So, QoL that they may be... They are also nothing new to many people who have wondered why this game constantly is in the dark ages.
Are you seriously comparing CoH graphics to those of Age of Conan?
You know why AoC has superior graphics 'atm'? BECAUSE IT IS A NEW GAME! Same goes for the QoL comment.

Seriously ... stop creating unrealistic expectations for yourself and then get dissapointed when the devs don't fullfill the promisses YOU made to yourself. If you are that bored with the game go do something else with your time, I know I am, it really isn't that hard.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Sure you can.
And we can express how tired we get of it all.
Kindly point me in the direction of that ignore button.
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3. Choose Add to Ignore list
4. ??
5. Profit!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Nice list of stuff.

4 new storyarcs sound great. I wanted one new storyarc at least per issue, so I'll take 4. 20-30 range isn't bad either.

E-mailing inf is very nice.

The final objective marker is much needed. I'll dread Orabenga much less.

Will have to make a character who has an animated tail for certain.

Good list all around.



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
1. Click on soon-to-be-ignored™ forumite name
2. Click on smallish arrow next to user lists of said soon-to-be-ignored™ forumite
3. Choose Add to Ignore list
4. ??
5. Profit!
6. Nom nom nom



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
You know what. I just paid for two accounts for an entire year. I plan on getting every penny out of my subscription fees. If you dont want to read what I type, YOU KNOW already that there is an IGNORE function on these forums.
You keep saying that, but I don't think you realise the gravity of your request. Most people don't use Ignore for anything but extreme problems, but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that a lot of people learn to simply not read certain people who turn themselves into Chicken Little. Trust me, I know of this first hand. Making people simply stop reading what you write is the easiest thing in the world, but I strongly suspect you don't want that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Seven. Active. Missions.

Hell yeah!



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
You know what. I just paid for two accounts for an entire year. I plan on getting every penny out of my subscription fees. If you dont want to read what I type, YOU KNOW already that there is an IGNORE function on these forums.
Who pays a year ahead for a game he/she's bored with? :S
I can't do ignore, I always get curious as what nonsense people are blabbing out now, so I always end up unignoring people after a post or 2.

Like all of you, I am allowed to express my feelings on whatever thread I wonder into.
And I have the right to express my feeling on whaterver thread I wonder into.

I was expecting more from Issue 17 because we havent gotten a really Great issue in a long freakin time.
Personal opinion. Also see my previous post about setting up expectations for yourself based on nothing but wishfull thinking.

edit: You keep saying take a break. I HAVE been on break from doing anything in this game for over a year. Waiting for new dev created content... waiting and waiting for something new to do, a new path to 50... been waiting and waiting, happily buying all their little packs on multiple accounts, "Supporting the game"...
You feel this way and STILL resubbed for a whole year? Wow.

Edit: Also, great list of changes I'm looking forward to it!

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



So if a character has email disabled, and another character attemtps to email, say 100 million in inf, does it just get deleted? Will be interesting to see. I would hope if an email has an "attachment" it would get special consideration.



Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
1. Click on soon-to-be-ignored™ forumite name
2. Click on smallish arrow next to user lists of said soon-to-be-ignored™ forumite
3. Choose Add to Ignore list
4. ??
5. Profit!
6. There is no Rule 6.
7. Nom nom nom
Edited for more memes.

@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.



Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
So if a character has email disabled, and another character attemtps to email, say 100 million in inf, does it just get deleted? Will be interesting to see. I would hope if an email has an "attachment" it would get special consideration.
Which then would make RMT's to attach a small amount of inf to get this special consideration which would make the filters they just added useless.

I hope that if you can't send a mail you get a message that it can't be send and that you can take back your inf.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Originally Posted by Lyrik View Post
Which then would make RMT's to attach a small amount of inf to get this special consideration which would make the filters they just added useless.

I hope that if you can't send a mail you get a message that it can't be send and that you can take back your inf.
I'd go with a slider. "Delete email unless it has over X amount of influence attached". Then I'd set the slider to a million inf. I'm never mailing myself any less than that, and if a spammer wants to give me a million inf just to delete their message, well, sounds good to me! Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Well, I was right about it being nipple-poppingly exciting
Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Don't pop my nipples. Stay away, you!
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's got nothing to do with anyone else - it's like cold weather, or working out, or reading a CoH Issue overview - it just happens - so if it's not happening to you, then there's something physically wrong with you
Anyone else seeing a possible costume update for Issue 18? Also, "nipple-poppingly" just became my new favorite adverb.



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
I'd go with a slider. "Delete email unless it has over X amount of influence attached". Then I'd set the slider to a million inf. I'm never mailing myself any less than that, and if a spammer wants to give me a million inf just to delete their message, well, sounds good to me!
Obviously i don't know for sure, but i expect that emails between characters on the same account will automatically be allowed. The email between friends option will probably be expanded to include global friends.

Any inf sent in an undeliverable email i expect will get refunded. Minus any transaction fees of course.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Tidbit View Post
So if a character has email disabled, and another character attemtps to email, say 100 million in inf, does it just get deleted? Will be interesting to see. I would hope if an email has an "attachment" it would get special consideration.
I'd assume it would bounce just like real e-mail does. Well, does sometimes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I do believe that Paragon Studios has just dropped an Anti-Doom Bomb on the playerbase.

And yes, you can quote me on that if you wish.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
New info about GR makes you login to play the game even though nothing has changed yet?


Here's the funny story from my perspective:

I'm just hear because I paid for a bunch of time in advance. But since January, I can count the number of times on one hand that I've logged into CoH, including the Test server. So really, I've paid just so I can post on the forums - not intentionally, but just because that's how things have panned out. Since I have that option, I'll make a post

Don't get me wrong - the new Dual Pistol set looks fantastic, as do all of the listed features for Issue 17. However, what I'm waiting for mostly is content.

It's great to see a couple of new arcs for levels 20-30 (for each side). It's awesome to see that the Positron TF is (finally!) getting a revamp, and that the Silver Mantis TF will be available to everybody (and not just VGs with a mission computer). It might be enough for me to play a little before GR is released, but I'm not sure.

I do look forward to creating a new Blaster with Dual Pistols that can go to town.. but I want to make that Blaster a Villain, and start him off in Praetoria. Frankly, there's not enough impetus for me to roll him in Paragon City and do the same starting content I've done for so many of my new heroes (and dropping that mission from what's-his-name in the Hollows for the umpteenth time ). Even with Ultra Mode, the old missions are still old to me, because I've been here for a while (new players still get lots of mileage out of these missions, of course).

And while I know that Jay is sexy, etc., etc., I know jet packs have been near the top of the costume request list for (literally) years. Not that I won't be getting some mileage out of animated tails (especially my namesake character), but jet packs as a costume piece would not have required a new skeletal rig to connect up. Clipping can't possibly be an issue, since tails will (and currently do) clip with capes. It just boggles me as to why packs haven't been added as a costume option after so much time.

As it is, one could add all of the graphics options, costume parts, craftable powers, and new power sets they want... but without some new ground to tread, I'll just have a pretty-looking character doing the same content that (mostly) hasn't changed since Issue 12. Maybe I just need to pick up the Mission Architect again... but still, I'm just passing time between canon.

So... before one goes on the offensive against other players who are simply voicing an opinion, understand their perspective. I've found myself playing other games and MMOs to pass the time. I do still have hopes for CoX, but I can't seem to log in these days without something new to do, new stories to play, etc. I may just wait until GR drops in July to see what's going on with the game. A new expansion plus Issue 17 might be enough for me to resub once my time expires in May.

Apologies... I'll stop QQing on your thread now.



If you disagree with Perfect Pain, just disagree. Is it really necessary to give her suggestions to 'take a break', 'play something else', etc.? These seem like passive-aggressive personal attacks. And personal attacks are against the rules. They might be helpful suggestions, but not if you mean 'go away'.

If you are tired of her posts, you can ignore them in one of two ways. You can just see her name and skip the text, or you can use the forum tools to remove the choice from yourselves.

Or you could disagree without making it personal.

Perfect Pain wasn't the one who derailed this thread. Other people said 'meh' without provoking anyone.



It's quite simple to me, and I dont really understand all of you. We havent gotten a really good Free issue in a long time, that had alot of really cool dev created content in it.
This issue is light. Some of you are saying things like thats because of GoingRogue... Going Rogue is a paid expansion like CoV. Because we are getting that shouldnt mean that our free issues should be lighter.

If it is about money I have said all along, STOP giving us free updates and start charging us for them, and make them Quality issues like Issue 5, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 6, Issue 7, Issue 12 might be the last really great issue we got.

This one included, but the last few issues are stuff that is like eye candy. Changing our powers colors while it took alot of work, didn't make Striga any more fun or IP. It didn't change the way we do content in this game. Its awesome, and better than CO. But, it didn't add anything to the content in the game. Ultra Mode isn't changing our path to 50 much. Its still the same grind.

I do not have high expectations for this 5 year old game. What I have thought for the past year and a half is that all that time they were neglecting this game (*cryptic) they should have been adding sorely needed content to CoV. There is only but so many times you can do that content if you are interested in it at all. Same with heroes, there is only so many times you can do it before you start power leveling past most of it.

My expectations have been where they are now to where they were when I first started playing. I just wish they would come up with new ways to get to 50 every year, so we can all have bunches of different ways to get to 50.

Imo, free issues should have 2 new powersets, 1 new zone, emotes, costumes, and some QoL changes.



Changing our powers colors while it took alot of work, didn't make Striga any more fun or IP.
Says you.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
It's quite simple to me, and I dont really understand all of you. We havent gotten a really good Free issue in a long time, that had alot of really cool dev created content in it.
This issue is light. Some of you are saying things like thats because of GoingRogue... Going Rogue is a paid expansion like CoV. Because we are getting that shouldnt mean that our free issues should be lighter.
IMPO, Going Rogue has become something of an anchor on the game's development. It seems that so much dev time has gone into it that it is taking away from the Issue updates, especially since the Mission Architect was released. In fact, most of the story content development has gone to GR, meaning that issues since the Mission Architect have been content- and story-light. I think this is my biggest crux with the game at present. Of course, as stated above, this is just IMPO.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Imo, free issues should have 2 new powersets, 1 new zone, emotes, costumes, and some QoL changes.

IMO, free issues should cook me dinner, do the dishes and fold my laundry.

Therefore this game stinks!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
IMPO, Going Rogue has become something of an anchor on the game's development. It seems that so much dev time has gone into it that it is taking away from the Issue updates, especially since the Mission Architect was released. In fact, most of the story content development has gone to GR, meaning that issues since the Mission Architect have been content- and story-light. I think this is my biggest crux with the game at present. Of course, as stated above, this is just IMPO.
I agree with absolutely everything you just said. In this post and the one before. You are right.