The March 2010 FArt Battle




Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Fixed that for ya Tatyrsause.
No, you didn't. You reference the Disney version. Tartyrsause references the Carroll version (you know, the original one).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

Will try to improve this, it needs it, but I'm tired of struggling with it for today. Maybe tonight I'll go back to the original B&W and see what I can do there or maybe tommorow morning after work, before the hockey game I'll see what I can do... But if not, least it's something I can get officially eliminated with
That is one HOT CHICK!!!!! She is so hot she needs to use a magical portal to cool herself down!

U-Naught, I think you are giving my piece more credit than it deserves, but thanks for the kind words. It turned out to be sort of a composition and lighting exercise. I'm starting to find that I like colors in the shadows.

I'm through the third week of the 8-week Robert Chang class I mentioned a while ago, and Robert is easily one of the most dedicated and passionate teachers I've ever seen. I will probably have more to say about this workshop after it is over, but I'm having a blast so far. I want to devote all my art time to the class, so if I turn in something at the last minute next month that doesn't deserve any votes, that's why.

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Seriously, guys? Maybe its because I just woke up and am heading to class and I've had no caffeine and am NOT a morning person but.... really? As Pyro said, I explained my view on the rule through PM, so I don't know why it was brought up again here.

Yeah, the rule is very VERY loose. Its only there as an extra bit of seasoning that people can either play with and have fun, or pretty damn easily satisfy by throwing anything female in there. As I said in PM, I find most chicks pretty hot. Its a joke!!! Why do we have to have gigantic discussions about it?!

If its going to be such a freaking problem, I'll just forget about it for next month. Jeez.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Forget worries. I'm sorry for having an opinion on it. Being a non-artist, I should know to keep them to myself.
Er...I'm not Wassy of course but I'm pretty darn sure that's not what she was trying to imply.

Chill out guys. Caemgen, your entry was fine. Don't drop out.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Forget worries. I'm sorry for having an opinion on it. Being a non-artist, I should know to keep them to myself.
I never said you didn't have a right to your opinion. But in YOUR OWN post you pointed out that I gave you my reasoning. I'm pretty darn sure that since I came up with the rule, *I* know what I intended for it. I told you it wasn't intended to be strict... and I've been letting pretty much everything through since January that had anything even MINORLY female (cross-dressing Mako, for instance). And even NOT female, since my favorite thus far has been Caemgen's burning baby chicken. THAT'S what I want from the rule... tongue-in-cheek fun.

So what was the point of your post when you got your answer, exactly? I appreciated a lot that you PM'd me, because I've been doing everything I can to AVOID these huge debacles and people dropping out over silly things.

Why do people put so much effort into taking all the fun out of this game? I said over and over and over that the Hot Chicks Rule was very light-hearted and only intended to be used creatively if people wanted.

The first thing that always seems to get tossed out the window in this game is the fun factor. And that's a real shame. Its supposed to be a little challenge, something to get artists doing things maybe they normally wouldn't do. But all the effort goes into freaking rule interpretation and going over the same things again and again and again. Its incredibly exhausting.



Rules have to be stated clearly and enforced clearly, or else there's a murky area of favoritism and opinion that can ruin any competition. If people don't know what the boundaries are, then how are they supposed to stay within them? Also, it's unfair to the people who limit themselves artificially in order to try and stay well within the undefined limit.

It's essentially like trying to play Four-Square with the playground monitor saying that Jimmy is out, but Sarah is in, when there's no lines on the blacktop. Everyone is going to question the decision, no matter how biased or fair it might be.

The moment you subject people to rules, you're responsible for their enforcement. Don't get mad at the players for their confusion. From the outside perspective, this could seem entirely unfair. This responsibility falls upon the rule-maker solely.

You said you'd enforce the rules carefully to avoid last year's dramah. You put in the 'Hot Chicks Rule' in the official rules. I wouldn't blame anyone for calling you out on it, because you want to enforce it so lackadaisically. If it was never a requirement, then you should have not added it in the first place. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



I'm a big believer that rules should be enforced and that even the appearance of bias or impropriety should be avoided...

I also believe that, for the most part, this drama was fully covered back before the deadline for January.

As I recall, the drama that month centered around Shia and his Mako swimming piece. There originally appeared to be no female at all in the piece and it's validity was questioned. He seemed to hem and haw for a bit and eventually modified the art to have Mako in a bikini...

His entry was only then deemed valid by Wassy. I believe it was at this point that the Hot Chick rule was pretty much defined as a tongue in cheek rule intended to add fun and spice to the competition. That piece being allowed proved the "chick" certainly did not need to meet the typical definition of "hotness" to qualify...

I believe it was also about this time that Wassy explained that she was more interested in the artists intention to meet the rule than the actual execution of it... Basically, if the artist intended a part of their piece to satisfy the rule, even if in a cheesy, cheeky, play on words type way (my baby chick on fire) or some other sneaky way (Mako in drag) then all was good - They were having fun with the rule which is what it's intent was.

So far I think Wassy has been doing great with it...

As for this month, I do believe there could he a couple questionable pieces but by looking alone I don't see a single piece without someone or something the artist could have intended to have meet the Hot Chick rule...

In a few of the pieces it seems Alice is the intended qualifier. This may be a bit pervy since Alice is generally thought of as not of legal age but then again I am sure I'm not the only perv around here...

In at least ohe piece Alice is a bit nutty and scary looking... But some people are into that kind of thing. Face it, some Goth chicks are hot. X

Anyway, we could ask each artist what their intended qualifier for the hot chick rule is but, as I mentioned, I believe each piece has something that could qualify under the "intention" clause of the rule. The only piece I can definitively say the artist does not have an element they intended to satisfy the rule is my own... I plum forgot, really.

As for every other submitted piece, unless the artist wants to admit they did not include a hot chick, or at least some element the intended to satisfy that rule, I think they all squeek by. Sure it wasn't the T&A or cheesecake of earlier months but *shrug*

Wassy - personally I think you are doing a fine job and I hope you don't let the continued hassle over this rule force you to give it the ax. I think most everyone knows it is intended for fun and whimsy and not as a clear cut and dry rule...

It's kind of like comparing the out of bounds rule in football to the roughing rule. There is a clearly marked line the separates in bounds from out - cross it and the play is dead. As for roughing, it's a rough sport and roughing could be called on someone pretty much every play... But that isn't the intent if the rule and people know it. Roughing is ill defined and rightly so... The more you defined it the more controversy there would be due to something being called that, strictly speaking, didn't fit the letter of the law.

If the Hot Chick rule was a hard and fast definitive thing then we'd be having people DQ'd just due to artistic skill (me) or because the judges definition of hit wasn't the same as the artists...

So it's a fun little aside and I have no problem with it or how Wassy has handled it...



Caemgen, I see no problem at all with your entry qualifying per the 'Hot Chick' rule. None.



Originally Posted by U-Naught View Post
Caemgen, I see no problem at all with your entry qualifying per the 'Hot Chick' rule. None.
Nor would I if I had intended the Alice in my pic to be the hot chick in question but in truth I didn't... I saw the Alice in my pic as the 11 year old Alice I believed her to be in the first book (though I see from Wikipedia she was actually 7) and even if my particular pervness was to see 11 year olds as hot I certainly wouldn't admit it!

I intended to include another in a series of flaming baby chicks to again satisfy the rule but, basically, flat out forgot to get around to it. *shrug*

So like I said, I'm DQ'ing myself over this since I didn't even manage to try to accomodate the rule...

But no worries... I plan to continue doing a piece for each months theme, it just won't be up for votes (which honestly is not a big change.). Who knows, if there is a chance to win your way back in then maybe I can still win this contest after all!! Mwuahahahaha!!!



And where's April's theme??

Less drama and more arts, I say! I wanna get cracking!

(hmmm, will the theme center on April Fools? Easter? Bunnies? Zombies??)



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I think most everyone knows it is intended for fun and whimsy and not as a clear cut and dry rule...
This is the original problem. If it's not meant to be a rule that's clearly defined, it shouldn't have been in the main rules for each month. Who's to say that a gender queer male is more or less of a 'Hot Chick' than an underage girl? There's a definite case to be made for and against them both. Because the judging qualities are so ill-defined and the decision process isn't transparent, there's quite a lot of room for debate.

Your baseball analogy works well, because it also exposes the flaw in the system. Everyone's seen biased calls made and dirty judges. In a situation where there's no publicly clear criteria to make judgments on, it's very easy for the ruling party to play the system. I'm sure you're aware at how upset an obviously bad call makes the team who got punished for it. The same thing applies here too. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
You know, it's actually more accurate to refer to her as the Red Queen rather than the Queen of Hearts. The Disney version makes her the Queen of Hearts, but especially in Through the Looking Glass, it's based on a game of chess, with the Red Queen and the White Queen. Also seen with the Red and White Knight having a battle. So, Tartyr was perfectly fine in his example.
Yes I do know... and no it isn't.
You speak of "her" as if The Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen were the same character... they are not.

They were written as two separate and distinct characters in two different books and other than both being queens they are nothing alike.

Both Wassy (speaking in regards to Pyro's Countess Crey crossover) and Tatyrsause make references to traits of the first character (the Queen of Hearts)
while naming the second one (The Red Queen)... it's a common mistake.

To be clear:
The Queen of Hearts comes from the 1st book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
and is the character most everyone remembers. She is the fat, loudmouthed,
foul-tempered, homicidal nutjob that is always screaming "Off with their heads!!!!"

Depicted in the original story as this...

The Red Queen on the other hand comes from the 2nd book "Through the Looking Glass."
Fond of giving lectures and pedantic to the nth degree The Red Queen is known for her
abstract questions and double meanings. She is actually helpful towards Alice (instead of
constantly trying to have her beheaded ) and teaches her the rules of the game, most
importantly how to become a queen, even though Alice will be on the opposing team.

She is originally depicted as a personified chess piece.

Make better sense now?

Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin
....... "Fixed that for you" .......
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, you didn't. You reference the Disney version. Tartyrsause references the Carroll version (you know, the original one).
Yes, I did.

No Aggelakis I am not referencing the Disney version at all but rather two distinct and different characters from the 1st and 2nd books (you know the original ones )
and while both Tatyrsause and Wassy seem to be referencing Carroll's stories as well they are getting the two queens completely mixed up.
Bubbawheat is failing to even recognize that there are two different queens and seems to think they are same person.

All four of you are wrong.

P.S. The Disney movie is totally separate from the books and actually takes three characters, The Queen of Hearts, The Duchess and The Red Queen, and combines them into one.
This is probably where a lot of the confusion surrounding the queens comes from... *shrug* of course the new film isn't helping much as it doesn't follow the original books regarding the queens either.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
This is the original problem. If it's not meant to be a rule that's clearly defined, it shouldn't have been in the main rules for each month. Who's to say that a gender queer male is more or less of a 'Hot Chick' than an underage girl? There's a definite case to be made for and against them both. Because the judging qualities are so ill-defined and the decision process isn't transparent, there's quite a lot of room for debate.

Your baseball analogy works well, because it also exposes the flaw in the system. Everyone's seen biased calls made and dirty judges. In a situation where there's no publicly clear criteria to make judgments on, it's very easy for the ruling party to play the system. I'm sure you're aware at how upset an obviously bad call makes the team who got punished for it. The same thing applies here too.

My bet is that if someone intended a "gender queer male" to be the hot chick in their work that Wassy would go for it... *From the get go she said the overriding factors was to have fun and the intent to acknowledge the rule. If the artist intended that person as acknowledgement I bet the could convince Wassy... She did go for my baby chick after all...

And it was football, not baseball, but we can just say sports and move on...

There are controversial calls no matter how specific the rule. Strike zones, end zones, goal line are all clearly marked yet time and time again calls are debated and argued over. Life is messy, wear hip waders...

And all in all I think I've said all I can on this, I've stated my view at least twice and in a nutshell I'm on Wassy's side - I think the rule is fine, I think everyone should know by now it's all but anything goes to satisfy it and I think those who disagree are probably too entrenched to see things differently.

To be fair, so probably too am I...

So with that in mind I am still moving on to guessing April's theme...

I'm thinking the theme may he 4... April is the fourth month so this months art may require four of something...

Or maybe it'll be toads... Just cause everyone loves toads!




@ Caemgen: Haha no way are you getting off that easy.
Almost every entrant used Alice as their hot chick... the only clear exceptions that I see is Pyro with The Queen of Hearts/Countess and possibly Happy Dan (depending on how he interprets the scene) so we would all be out on that technicality... Nice try but you my friend are still in it... suckah!

@ Pyro: Nonsense buddy! You have the right to voice an opinion same as anyone... and what's this non-artist baloney?

Are you participating in an Art contest?

Then you are by definition an Artist for the duration... and if you think that's a technicality and you have no "real skill" I'd say your last entry or two would beg to differ with you.

@ Wassy: I <3 my FArt Mistress! ...but yeah you did leave the door open on this.
This is not anything new going on as this same kind of thing happened in both prior years contests so it should not come as a surprise and you shouldn't blame people for questioning something that is stated as a rule but is not strictly adhered to.

That said I am willing to abide by your rulings... if you say the piece is accepted then it is... end of story. People can still ask for clarification, voice opinions or suggest a better solution going forward (like the pick 3 rule I suggested) but the call for this month has been made.

I for one am in favor of keeping the Hot chick rule as a rule and am enjoying seeing how people use it creatively or poke fun at it. If they go too far or fail to meet muster well that's no big deal, they can change/fix (as has happened successfully already) it and the contest goes on.

@Jk: "I like ( o Y o )...even if they look like this ( o Y . )"
On this we agree... variety is the spice of cleavage... or something.

@ Suichiro: Darn you for making sense and using logical arguments I agree with! ...where's the fun in that?
Yeah I agree with much of what you just typed, go figure.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
...................So with that in mind I am still moving on to guessing April's theme...

I'm thinking the theme may he 4... April is the fourth month so this months art may require four of something...

Or maybe it'll be toads... Just cause everyone loves toads!
I like bewbeeez! ...but yeah toads are pretty sweet too I suppose.
I am thinking it will either be something related to April Fools... or Easter which are both coming up in April...

Prankster Easter bunnies hurling exploding eggs @ faux toads anyone?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
You said you'd enforce the rules carefully to avoid last year's dramah. You put in the 'Hot Chicks Rule' in the official rules. I wouldn't blame anyone for calling you out on it, because you want to enforce it so lackadaisically. If it was never a requirement, then you should have not added it in the first place.
I think to anybody who's watched the past several months of competition would understand that the rule is intended to be extremely lose. I mean seriously, a baby chicken on fire qualified and a mako in a bikini. If it's chick like or hawt, it qualifies.

Why is this such a big deal? We had some problems the first month with it, it got clarified, and now everybody seems to understand it.

Why get so uptight over a competition with absolutely no prize for winning. Don't forget this is supposed to be fun and challenging. It becomes significantly less fun when folks are arguing about the rules all the time.

And Caemgen...seriously. Your entry was FINE. Stay in the competition.



Yeah, that's the thing. My answers on this rule have been the same since before January. Nobody has asked for any NEW clarification, quite honestly, and I've been giving the same response many many many manymanymany times.

And as I stated, THIS time it wasn't the question being raised again. It was the fact that I answered the question through PM, the same way I HAVE been answering the question, pointing back to the past examples as to why its the same call, but then it was still brought up here regardless of the fact that I explained my call.

The rule is pretty open-ended, but I haven't changed how I've judged it since the get-go. I'm not judging it lackadaisically at all. I'm holding to the same standard as I have the entire time. I don't know what better examples people really need beyond what was hashed out in January... because that covered all the bases possible.

I'll keep the rule in for April... but really, if there's another huge essay-fest, then its done. There's no point to it if its only a cause for debate and not the extra parameter to be creative with that I intended.



It's not an extra parameter, Wassy. It's an extra restriction. Perhaps that is why some people might feel frustration towards it. You've artificially limited the artists further, driving them into a narrow field simply to satisfy your own likes. It very much smacks of backpedaling from your original stance, when the threat of losing artists to some arbitrary rule that should have never been included.

You want to keep as many artists in as possible, but also eliminate artists at the same time to make it a competition. Those two don't work together. Choose one and stick with it. I would have respected you much more if you actually enforced your 'Hot Chicks' rule more strictly, rather than calling it a hard rule and then waffling around it like it was a suggestion. That's exactly the situation that existed before you took over, and that was what you seemed like you wanted to avoid. Looks like it didn't turn out that way at all. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



I for one approve of the hot chick rule. But i'm not the one drawing... just oogling



for the record: I wholeheartedly support Wassy's position on this, and her consistent ruling on it. I see no problem with it as it stands.

(puts on flam-suit)



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
It's not an extra parameter, Wassy. It's an extra restriction. Perhaps that is why some people might feel frustration towards it. You've artificially limited the artists further, driving them into a narrow field simply to satisfy your own likes. It very much smacks of backpedaling from your original stance, when the threat of losing artists to some arbitrary rule that should have never been included.
If you didn't like the rule, you didn't have to enter. Oh, wait - you never did enter.

Anyone entering clearly saw the rules. It came as no surprise to me, and it was my call to participate or not under the rules posted.

April is a good example - I'm not keen on the rules put out. I now have a choice to follow them, or drop.

The rules are clear.

The choice is mine.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
If you didn't like the rule, you didn't have to enter. Oh, wait - you never did enter.
This. Seriously.



I think Shia still has me on a restraining order for this month since we are working on fic stuff , but I think i'll be free and clear to give my oponion next month .



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
This. Seriously.
I wasn't the one who had a problem with the rules, nor did I get bit by the implementation. That was other people who *did* enter. Doesn't matter whether I did or didn't enter, the problem is there for everyone to see. It's also affecting the current contest, with or without me. There's more than enough reason to make a case out of it. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN