The March 2010 FArt Battle




The interview won't start for another couple of hours, but I did see the live painting. He did a one-hour watercolor "2000 year old creature" painting while answering questions. You only need to listen to him for a minute to know that he truly loves to inspire other artists.

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My DeviantArt Gallery



Watercolors give me such trouble. But I love them. So for any projects this semester where I have a choice, I've been choosing watercolors. I WILL get better at them, so help me God!!!!!!!!



Undeterred by February's competition-

Well, I was a little deterred.

*Ahem* Only slightly deterred by February's competition, I have persevered-

I suppose I didn't really perservere through anything, just continued on as normal.

Slightly deterred, but continuing on after February's competition, I give you a sneak peek at my March entry. Prepare to be awed-

I don't think they're really going to be awed.

Prepare to be mildly entertained.

That's know, if I keep talking to myself, people are going to think I'm crazy.

Wait, who am I talking to?

(most images removed due to better shots a few posts down)



That is going to be one terrifying tea party. Imagine them all staring at you like that... dunking the tea bag exactly in unison....


*flees in terror*



Gods, I'm going to be dreaming of TEETH, now!

All those hideous teeth!

Be Well!



I didn't have time to do something for this because I've got a life. Your lives are tragedy.

PS - I don't have a life.



Another tease, mostly the same, though with better resolution.

And the best part...



kinda creepy



Ok, here's mine. Hope you guys dig it.

Alice falls into the City - It was tough to balance the two main themes here, but I'm hoping that I pulled it off. My daughter loves this movie, so it was a treat for her to watch it a few times in a row.

((click for larger view))



The chest containing my naughty bits is much larger and more... er... I mean, I love the Arachnos cards!



Nice piece, Juggy!

I like the little touches, like the FArt Champ book, the Arachnos symbol on the spider, and your art book. And I liked how you handled the bricks - something I picked up from doing drafting is if you show all the brick it looks too busy and detracts somewhat from the drawing. Showing some and having the rest "mortared over" is quite effective.

I'm sure that strategy guide is out of date, too, like mine.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Fun Pic!



Next teaser:

Still not entirely sure what to do with it... but I've still got a while left.



Not 100% happy with it, but I've put a lot of work into it, hopefully it shows.



Totally different pieces and I like them both. Bubba's surprises me with how many CoH costume parts can pull off the theme, and Juggertha's is subliminal to me in other ways. I didn't see all the CoH references, but once I saw one, then like 2 more popped out.

I have no idea still how to approach this month's and I really need to look over this story again, as well as see the new movie!

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



Two weeks left! We have very few early entries this month, unlike January and February. I wonder if this will turn into another "race for the deadline"

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that you can hop into Architect Entertainment if you want a closer look at the character designs. #380533 for a mad tea party, watch that first step though, sometimes it's a doozy.



Saw this on dA and thought I'd share it here since it fits the theme. By ImagesByAlex.



bumpage for a time reminder






9+ days? Bah, that gives me at least another week to procrastinate!



I have an idea but much like last month, I'm having problems making something that isn't total garbage.




..I post my ruff drawing WIP so I can see if I should keep it or modify it or what...

((* Chesire cat whispers to facemaker alice " the red queen is inside of you Alice.. cut yourself.. let her out..
..see the her red coat flow free... only when shes out of you..can you be free *))



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
((* Chesire cat whispers to facemaker alice " the red queen is inside of you Alice.. cut yourself.. let her out..
..see the her red coat flow free... only when shes out of you..can you be free *))