The March 2010 FArt Battle




FrozenDeath - I believe a person has an ethical responsibility to do more than comment on a stolen wallet - They have the responsibility to report it to the proper authorities (and testify as to what they say, etc, if need be...) Just commenting to other pedestrians that "That guy over there just boosted a guys wallet" isn't really all that helpful.

That being said, if you believe Juggertha's work is stolen then report it to the proper authorities.

Personally, I would have accepted the idea that it was pointed out to educate more if it had been pointed out and that was all. The fact you continue on does make it seem a bit more personal than educational. (Yes, Juggy is carrying on as well but as he is the one being "attacked" I find that more understandable.)

JKat - Errr, wait. Your entry was a painted over screenshot?

Maybe I'm the most unobservant one on the boards but I did not realize that. And if it was pointed out before this, I am the worlds all time king of being unobservant.

Anyway, I am not getting into the meat of this discussion, just figured I would make those two notes...



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
So much bickering...

You all should kiss and make up.
Then draw me...

thats a good plan.

Yah geesh! You're all so juvenile!




You're so awesome Shia

Laughing so hard now.



FD, I think you could have done what you say you are trying to do in a seperate thread without resorting to pointing fingers at anyone. Maybe then Juggertha would have seen your thread and agreed with the points you were making without feeling like being personally attacked. The manner in which you did it in this thread gives everyone (whether artist or not) every right to question your motives, and quite frankly I am not sure if it is all noble as you make it out to be. I believe what Red (and I am sure plenty of others) had problem with was your attitude, and the validity of the things you said is another issue. It seems to me the point of all the uncalled for criticisms of Juggertha and his work in this thread was to tear apart rather than to build him up.

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Go ask Robert Chang if I can copy one of his paintings for a commission I need to do. Or go on to Conceptart and ask El Coro or Android or Jason Manley if me copying their drawings is fair use of reference. I think you know the answer. And then try not to laugh when I tell you its because they don't like me and their comments are uncalled for.

Juggy wants people to think that I hate him and have this big vendetta and that's why I call him out for copying. Not even close. I'm not even calling him out for copying. I'm calling him out for copying AND claiming that what he did is proper use of reference.

I'm sorry if people think I have an attitude problem and am bullying him or whatever. All I can say is that I'm not asking you to take sides. Believe what you want about my motivations but try to grasp the point I'm making and consider if it was happening to you.




FD, in my first PM to Juggertha, I told him you might actually have a point even though you seem to make it hard not to take it personally. Like I said, the validity of your point is a separate issue from how you present your point. I don't think I (or Red) was arguing about what you said, but how you said it. What I feel uncalled for is the need to repeatedly single out Juggertha and point fingers at him in this thread. As much as I want to be neutral, it kinda has been decided for me which "side" I sympathize with. We might as well condemn everyone who downloads music and movies without paying in this thread, because it is illegal and rips off other artists. As for me, I still buy DVDs (mostly used), and since I usually don't listen to anything while working and never get tired of listening to the same old stuff I have when I do listen to music, I haven't bought a new CD in a long time.

I personally think it would have been much more informative and beneficial to everyone if you just enjoyed your vacation if you were on one, organized your thoughts and presented them in an objective manner without calling out anyone in a thread titled "Proper Use of References". If Juggertha came to that thread, got defensive and claimed that you "hate him and have this big vendetta", perhaps then I would have felt differently about this whole thing.

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Originally Posted by Toxic_Shia View Post
Yah geesh! You're all so juvenile!

Shia love if im required to stay out of it so are you .



FD, in my first PM to Juggertha, I told him you might actually have a point even though you seem to make it hard not to take it personally. Like I said, the validity of your point is a separate issue from how you present your point. I don't think I (or Red) was arguing about what you said, but how you said it. What I feel uncalled for is the need to repeatedly single out Juggertha and point fingers at him in this thread. As much as I want to be neutral, it kinda has been decided for me which "side" I sympathize with. We might as well condemn everyone who downloads music and movies without paying in this thread, because it is illegal and rips off other artists.
Well these things do have consequences. Conceptart recently almost yanked all their downloadable content due to piracy. Instead they decided to sue the guilty parties.

In the process of deciding with whom you sympathised, you apparently pmed Juggertha multiple times. You didn't pm me. You didn't share any concerns before expressing them here. So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say about that.

I haven't pointed my finger at him repeatedly. I made a point about what he did and I reacted to the comments he made in response. I stated my intention to start a new thread and then he brought me back into this one. Go back and read it yourself.




Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
Shia love if im required to stay out of it so are you .
Bah you've been posting in here more than I have! I get at least one free post to stir things up after you got like three! :P Besides it looked like people were going to walk away and let bigons be themselves and I couldn't let that happen! Also, I was just thinking how I could make the Melanie in that picture look very charming indeed if I changed her skin color green, gave her pink hair, chopped off the ponytail...



you do know i'll be killing you with death and killing one of these days



Originally Posted by Blood_Wolffe View Post
no no this is the scariest art post in this thread



Well I may not have lightened the mood but at least I stunned people long enough to get away. *zoom*



..ok im back.. so yah there IS porn on the internet but I havent found any pics of women with there pantys around there ankles..

I HAVE found out that when a link says " over 80 nude women " .. it is NOT talking about pics involving the number of nude teenage girls in the image..*shudder* ..



Originally Posted by Tartyrsause View Post
..ok im back.. so yah there IS porn on the internet but I havent found any pics of women with there pantys around there ankles..
Wasn't there a Candies ad with Jenny McCarthy like that? Sitting on the toilet?

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Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
Wasn't there a Candies ad with Jenny McCarthy like that? Sitting on the toilet?
..nooo.. I want one standing.. ..err.. wait.. why wasnt she just standing over the toilet ta pee?... .. . maybe they just wanted a sitting image, maybe..