The March 2010 FArt Battle




Um... so... what's the CoH reference in this?






Extra limbs on Mad Hatter?



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Um... so... what's the CoH reference in this?
crab spider in the back and the facemaker Me thinks?



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Um... so... what's the CoH reference in this?
*sigh* ..facemaker alice .... spidercrab limbs on made hatter.. the lost "tv head" mob in lower right.. mu on chess board in back ground.. two-headed monster holding up skull similar to atlas statue in atlas park..err.. those flower things where SUPPOSED ta be like the jack-0-lantern mobs.. but I changed them some cuz I thought there was enough coh stuff to see in the pic...
is it really that hard to see without it being colored? ... phooy.. should I just start over???

this is more an "american mcgee's alice" verison if things .. and its MORE a City of Villians then City of Heros interpretation...


I will change the flowers to jack-o-lanterns .. up the background to look more like a twisted version of atlas park .."underworld park" ... put an arachnose logo on the cat.. make the mu chessboard bigger... draw in the full body of the Lost mob with the tv on his head.. make a robo-spider having tea with a rabbit.. have mako some where.. put some zombies puking pink tea on a half-disemboweled positron on a surgical table.. some people with exposed brains, injecting themselfs with needles (aka.. shoutout to mad-scientist expansion pack ).. and a half naked sister psychic with her head cut off.. but having spouts of blood coming from her neck and have her severed head held in her right hand as it opens its mouth to drink one of the blood spouts.. er.. and someone in a straight jacket some place.. and more EVIL mushrooms.. gotta have more evil mushrooms everywhere... and perhaps make a short story for the chessire cat about how the clock of insanity is forged from the wheels of human mundaneness and mindless social repetition.. and greased by the social mind-washing of society's set rules of etiquette and preached theory's of proper gender roles too everyone within the narrow fixed environment of civilized chaos.. ... .. and its not really about the issues of killing yourself so much as showing an aspect of something so against the common norm that it shocks the preconceived notion of how a person should behave and how the line between insanity and commonality is a razor thin one, based more on the personal belief of the majority, then on simple common sense and understanding of issues past the set standards mindlessly handed-down from prior generations..



Well, you can keep working it if you want, but what you pointed out is fine. I just didn't see it all with all the details in the piece. I'm also kind of exhausted, so it was more me than you ^.^



dunno if anyones ever asked.. but are flash animations also considered fan art???



Yep, Flash is acceptable as it qualifies as a visual art. Still has to adhere to all the other rules.



Well I got it right away Tartyrsause. I like it! I've always enjoyed seeing Alice turned darker like McGee's version.



Good entries so far.

I still have nothing :-/

EDIT: Scratch that. I now have something.



Hey, if this keeps up, I might actually get a couple votes this month.



What happened to Clutch?



Didn't you hear???

He like totally forgot to post the chairman this month n' stuffz so someone had to step up in his place...
I hear he also caught an infection that makes his big toe smell funny (although that last part could just be a rumor ).

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Looks like I am bowing out.

I had a pic about halfway done of Alice sitting in front of a Circle of Thorns portal and reaching out to touch it curiously which was actually quite passable (for me, anyway) but then I started trying to add some background to it... It wasn't going well so I set it aside to get back to later. Long story short: I cleaned up/rearrainged my computer room on Sunday... Sunday night I put out the trash... And now I cannot find it.

If I do happen to find the damn thing I'll scan it in immediately so I at least have some entry but bleh... I am not starting over from scratch when I know I have no chance in this competition anyway. *shrug*

So all, looks like you probably have another safe month if you get your entries in on time!!



Boo! Really sorry to hear that Caemgen. Pretty sure we've all been in a similar situation before (puting a lot of time into something and then losing it). Hate it when that happens :-/

I really hope you can find it somewhere.



Thanks but unless it got someplace unimaginable in the cleaning, moving, etc (like under the bathroom sink or in the dryer) I've pretty much searched everywhere...

Actually though I felt a lot worse about a couple of art projects I had in high school... I (believe it or not) had a modicrum of talent back then and did some pretty decent projects... But it always seemed like the best always got screwed up by someone else in the class somehow. One I still seethe over was a Heath Bar done entirely in pointilism that took me forever! That thing had come out amazing and the day I got it back my freaking deskmate spilled the glass he was keeping his watercolor brushes in... Only a few drops got on that project but of course they were smack dab in the middle of it.

So anyway, this latest was nowhere near that quality (I should practice more, get back the old skills.. but won't happen. I be lazy) and at least if it's gone it's my fault and not some freaking moron I was forced to sit next to for and hour and a half every day in art just because his last name came after mine...



I may see what I can do after work today and tommorow... Mainly because I feel like I came to school and told the teacher my dog ate my homework...

'sides, I don't think anything could be much worse than my first entry



nice job on that one.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
nice job on that one.
I concur. Very cool. The paragon protector cards were a very nice touch.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

Looks like I am bowing out.
Noooooooo! You're not allowed to bow out!!

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
Noooooooo! You're not allowed to bow out!!
Ya got two days buddy... come up with something new or Findz eeet!

@Pyro. Dang man that came out nice.
I like the concept too... I could totally see the countess shouting Off With Their Heads!!
Only thing I might suggest is the contrail through the air tracing the arc of her polearm (the "swish" )
needs to be made clearer, doesn't have to be made darker just more obvious that it is, it's a little difficult to make out.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Yeesh. What's the point of having eliminations if 1 person keeps bowing out each month?



Makes it easier for the rest of us.

Anyhoot Here's my entry I did Plain old pencil and paper.

I dub thee Lord Spiderwocky...based on the orginal illustration by John Tenniel