The March 2010 FArt Battle




Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
I'll serve for her any day!

Oh you CARD,you!



I don't even remember my 2,000th post...



I've mulled it over, and we'll do an elimination based on if any more people get dropped out due to not submitting this month.

We'll be doing a normal month next month, and then I was planning on having June be a chance for one of the eliminated players win their way back. We'll see what the interest is for this when the time comes, though.



Here's my entry for March:

I'm really disappointed that I just ran out of time before I could finish colouring it, but better to submit the line art than nothing at all, I guess.




I freaking hate you bindweed!!



*works on uploading...*

*tosses entry at thread*



And here I was expecting the mad tea party to be a favorite. I guess I just scared everyone off of it with my early entry.



Originally Posted by Frost View Post
...I freaking hate you bindweed!!...
If this week is anything to go by, apparently there's a queue.



From Crestent's journal:

Well it's that time of year again, Band, Orchestra and even Choir are leaving for Chicago tonight. It's going to be a blast and we wont get back to Sunday.

Take this as my resignation from the CoH FArt Battle, I couldn't think of anything good to do. Good luck to those still in the contest.



Love the fortunata as the White Rabbit!



Another creative and yet terrifying entry. Just what I wanted to see this month!

Keep up the good show, stragglers!



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Love the fortunata as the White Rabbit!
Thank you! It was a toss-up between that and making her the Mad Hatter in Tea Party scene. I was very torn. Hope I made the right choice!

Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Another creative and yet terrifying entry. Just what I wanted to see this month!

Keep up the good show, stragglers!
Thanks Wassy!



Wow, some great entries! Your second entry is amazing, Shia.

Here's my meaningless entry that's a waste of a great theme. I will be in survival mode for at least another month.

I had a more elaborate idea, but it wasn't going to happen in a few hours. I wanted Alice to do bullet rain on a group of carnies in St. Martial. The bullets would have been engraved with the words "EAT ME", and upon getting hit, the carnies would turn into a deck of cards.

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Just under two hours.

And U-naught Lord Recluse as Alice is just...just...awesome and yet disturbing.

I need mental bleach.



Still four more competitors unaccounted for. I think.



Wowsers...I got WAY behind. I been wanting to comment, and I finally can.

Really cool stuff! I like all the Countess Crey takes hehe. Juggertha's is a really nice classic take on Alice, and I always dig Happy Dan's lines!

Anyways, sorry to see some people dropping. I don't know why, but this one has really been difficult to fit in my schedule too this month. I'll be posting mine soon! (I have no choice lol).

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



I submit...

"The Alice Plot!"

Larger Version HERE (dA Link) ya, I just wrapped it up and left out the "Tea Party Phalanx" getting their furry behinds handed to them by Alice and her "Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum Warhulks." Of course, it never fails...I got too far into it to stop even though technically this is another freebie month. Oh well, good luck all!

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



Did Clutch drop off the face of the Earth? Really a shame, as he had immunity and could have thrown up some stick figures. Or did I miss something?

Anyway, this is my marker to know who didn't get in on time, and I actually DID just check the dA group this time. Let me know if I honestly missed someone....

Vote will be up this weekend... probably not until later in the day tomorrow. I have to be off on a hunt for acrylics first thing tomorrow morning so I can paint my latest illustration of a cheery 50's housewife serving her eager little son Satan for dinner. Its due on Wednesday.

.... what?



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post

(*whispers*) Put a little purple mask on the Cheshire Cat. In fact, have an entire tea party with *me* as each character. (*waggles eyebrows*)
Speaking of this hahahahah.

I actually hadn't read Amerikatt's post as I have been busily retooling my entry as soon as I realized I would not have time (I'm sensing a trend here for the artists this month ) to finish it the way I originally intended... I just happened to have a similar idea.
Originally there were three thought bubbles the 2nd one being the Madd Hatters Tea Party but the version done by Tom Petty and the 3rd one was going to be a shot of Humpty Dumpty only it was to be crossed with Juggertha and the caption was to read

Humpty Juggy slipped off a tram rail...
Humpty Juggy was to epic FAIL!
And none of the heroes milling about...
Could spare an Awaken to give out.

Reorganized it and went with just the one thought of the Ameri-chesire-Katt appearing out in front of the Atlas Plaza steps cuz I figured that for many
people new to MMO's, popping out at the bottom of the steps in Atlas and looking around for the first time must feel a bit like being in wonderland... it did to me.

P.S. Sorry to hear you are dropping out Eddy.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



o.O Um Wassy....nevermind, probably best not to know....

On a side note, some really fantastic entries this month. I am really torn as to who to vote for. Great job everybody!