February 2010 FArt Battle - VOTE!!




Its that time again! We need to crown a winner for this month's fight!

February's theme was about love and pin-ups. Full details may be found here.
I've already deemed all entries as qualifying, so there should be no discussion about that in this thread.

Items of Note
THIS MONTH IS AN ELIMINATION MONTH. The entrant with the least points will be eliminated

Lousy_Day carries immunity this month. He cannot be eliminated

We have a different voting method this month!! In order to significantly cut down on the chances of having more than one piece with the least amount of votes, all votes will need to be placed in a 1, 2, 3 format. This means in order for your vote to be counted you MUST vote for your first, second, and third choices. These can't be all the same piece. If your vote is not in this format, I will not count your vote.

1st place votes will earn the entry 3 points, 2nd place 2, and 3rd place 1. This should spread out more points and keep us from having sudden death rounds and such.

Note that all the entries have the same thumbnail. This is because some are direct-linkable, and others are not. But I don't want to give more attention to those that can be direct linked. So all entries have the same thumb and will 2-click to the actual piece.

And away we go!

by ScooterTwo

by Caemgen

by Eddy_Swan

by Bubbawheat

by Juggertha

by ImplicitBookcarrier

by Frost

by Toxic_Shia

by JohnnyKat

by HappyDan

by Crestent

by Lousy_Day

by U-naught

by PyroNympho

by ChristopherRobin

by Battlewraith

by Clutch

Good Lord these posts take a long time to get together...... Happy Voting!



1st: Clutch
2nd: Lousy Day
3rd: Battlewraith



1st: Clutch
2nd: Battlewraith
3rd: Implicit Bookcarrier



1st: Happy Dan
2nd: Lousy Day
3rd: Frost



1) Clutch
2) Battlewraith
3) Johnny Kat

This was a super tough one though! Amazing stuff by everyone!



Is it me or is picking 3 pieces even harder than just one? Great effort everyone! I think this was one of the most competitive months I've seen. I am a very indecisive person, and I just can't decide 2nd and 3rd place yet.

I just wanted to bring up that Caemgen's entry isn't on Wassy's web site, and unless you click on his entry on this page, people might miss it out completely. For the other ones, I didn't open and close the window for each one. I just clicked on one and saw the other ones on Wassy's site.

My Web Site and Portfolio
My DeviantArt Gallery



This one's tougher to pick from, so many good entries to choose from. I love the top three voting system - this way I don't feel quite as guilty as when I was forced to pick one entry!

1. - Frost
2. - Clutch
3. - Caemgen (hey, he was original with prose!)

Huron: "...with Coffee primary / Attitude secondary"
Charnage: "Please. Think of the poor defenseless desks."

"The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed... In the year of the Praetorian War, it became something greater... our last, best hope for victory."



Ok, maybe I'm not seeing it since I'm suffering from insomnia and only slept 3 hours out of last 48 (and must stay awake now so I can sleep tommorow) but...

When does voting close???

I haven't yet decided my own personal criteria for choosing who to vote for (no, not any kind of strategy based criteria, mainly just best arts, closest to theme arts, that kind of thing) so I wanna know how long I have to decide...

Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
3. - Caemgen (hey, he was original with prose!)
Woohoo!! You may have my first born son!!



Also wanted to mention that it would be nice to have some sort of consistency for forum names/DA names. I know it's more important to look at the piece as just a piece, but on a couple of them I'm confused as to who they are from. (eg. Happy Dan/Battlewraith are DA names, but Toxic Shia and Lousy Day are forum names) Even though I think I figured it out myself just by process of elimination (Happy Dan is Bindweed, right? And I know Battlewraith is FrozenDeath) Unless of course, you've gone by what the artists have said are their preferred names.

edit: also, I'm not sure how you were planning on tallying the votes, but I can write up a macro for you in OpenOffice (which can save in Excel format I believe) to tally up the points and even sort out which place everyone is in (I used it when I ran the AE Player's Choice Awards using the same voting system)



Yeah, my site isn't set up to handle prose like dA, so I linked to his entry there instead.

Voting closes whenever I damn well please! Or Midnight Friday. Whichever comes first.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Also wanted to mention that it would be nice to have some sort of consistency for forum names/DA names. I know it's more important to look at the piece as just a piece, but on a couple of them I'm confused as to who they are from. (eg. Happy Dan/Battlewraith are DA names, but Toxic Shia and Lousy Day are forum names) Even though I think I figured it out myself just by process of elimination (Happy Dan is Bindweed, right? And I know Battlewraith is FrozenDeath) Unless of course, you've gone by what the artists have said are their preferred names.
I used the same names as I did last month, with the exception of being too lazy to put FrozenDeath in parantheses.



1. Clutch
2. Juggertha
3. Shia

(This month was epic in its "down to the last minute" entries! LOL)

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Voting closes whenever I damn well please! Or Midnight Friday. Whichever comes first.
Yes Ma'am!!

(Is it wrong that I'm turned on now?)



1 shia
2 battle wraith
3 pyro nympho



So much great work, this is hard.

1. Juggertha
2. JohnnyKat
3. HappyDan

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!



well, I've gone back and forth and flopped around a bit, and (even though I'm pretty happy with how my own entry came out) here's my vote:

1st place = Clutch's 'A Very Special Valentine'

2nd place = Johnnykat's 'Carnieval Cruise Poster'

3rd place = Happy Dan's 'Liberty Girl'

and honorable mentions go out to Everybody! Great Job everyone!



Since we get 3 choices, my wife and I are collaborating on our choices this time around.

1st: JohnnyKat
2nd: Clutch
3rd: Bubbawheat

(If I wasn't worried about getting eliminated, I would have voted for ScooterTwo for 3rd)

Lots of really great pieces, even with 3 choices it was tough to pick. JohnnyKat's been my favorite ever since I saw it though, I just love the pose and the style. Clutch is just plain a great piece of work altogether. And Scooter's is a fun pose and another step up from his previous works.



1: Clutch
2: Shia
3: PyroNympho

I do wanna vote for Eddy Swan too ><



Lurker vote incoming...

1st. Eddy Swan
2nd. Clutch
3rd. Frost

Edit to original post as my original 3rd place pick withdrew from the contest.



1st - Juggy

2nd - Scooter

3rd - Pyro



1. Johnnykat

2. Juggertha

3. Eddy swan

Honorable mentions go to: Battlewraith, Caemgen and Happy Dan.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



1. Clutch
2. ScooterTwo
3. Happy Dan

It's no secret I have two accounts, however, my Fiance` has taken an interest in this and wants to vote.

the votes from Scooter Two are my fiance` and no way influenced by me.



1. Clutch
2.Lousy Day
3. Scooter Two