Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
What boots are these?
They are the warrior boots from the martial arts booster pack.



Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
What boots are these?
The boots are Warrior with what appears to be Warrior Leather 2 for the color pattern.



Here are my contributions:


Sister Psyche:







Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Well, I guess I'll throw my creations in the mix. These are costumes for a AE storyarc that I've been working on for a few months. Without giving the story away, these costumes fit a new "persona" for each of the Phalanx.

Note: I'm not a fan of over the top "hokeyness" when it comes to my characters or costumes. I like a more "real & gritty" feel, kind of like if it was something that could be seen in real life. While they may look nothing like the canon characters we have all come to know, I feel that these best portray a new, or realistic, Freedom Phalanx.







That's all I've been able to make for the storyarc with my limited time. But I have rough drafts for the rest.... just need them to increase the file size for the AE arcs :P
WOW ...just WOW . BAB looks amazing and bald is the way to go . So many great design ideas , man this will be tough to judge ....



Originally Posted by ThE_WiSeCrAcKeR View Post
2nd version... heh heh!

Ha Ha , love the concept ...very original



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Well, I guess I'll throw my creations in the mix. These are costumes for a AE storyarc that I've been working on for a few months. Without giving the story away, these costumes fit a new "persona" for each of the Phalanx.

Note: I'm not a fan of over the top "hokeyness" when it comes to my characters or costumes. I like a more "real & gritty" feel, kind of like if it was something that could be seen in real life. While they may look nothing like the canon characters we have all come to know, I feel that these best portray a new, or realistic, Freedom Phalanx.



I see BABs is channeling Jax, lol
Commander, those are GREAT! I especially like BABS and Posi. You seem to have found some new life in some costume pieces I always thought were rather limited in their variety range. I was thinking of entering, but not so sure after seeing these. A tip o' th' hat to ya.



High Jinks and Siberian have some excellent entries, but I just can't get over Commander's. Those are incredible.

Stunrunner's take amused me. I could see other "major change" themes working; similar is true of the zombies. Now, whether the judges like it is another matter...



Wish I was home to redesign some of my old toons



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
Matt wasnt using Trial accounts, Xan. Those are actual friends.
Just to clarify, I actually said this was okay, even encouraged. We want people to look at these...the more the better. Obviously, the quality of the costumes themselves have the most weight in terms of judging, but consider having friends stop by as sort of an intangible, say like home court advantage.

I just don't want people to think that Matt_King did something improper.



While Manti's just not the same without his trademark mane, those are some great new looks, Kai =D

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375




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Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Well, I guess I'll throw my creations in the mix. These are costumes for a AE storyarc that I've been working on for a few months. Without giving the story away, these costumes fit a new "persona" for each of the Phalanx.

Note: I'm not a fan of over the top "hokeyness" when it comes to my characters or costumes. I like a more "real & gritty" feel, kind of like if it was something that could be seen in real life. While they may look nothing like the canon characters we have all come to know, I feel that these best portray a new, or realistic, Freedom Phalanx.







That's all I've been able to make for the storyarc with my limited time. But I have rough drafts for the rest.... just need them to increase the file size for the AE arcs :P
Best Manticore I have seen so far , so go ahead DEV's and change him already



((Everyones submissions are so good, I don't even think I can compete hahah...))

((Please read it in a Chinese/European accent))

Statesman told me he wanted to keep his original outfit but he also mentioned "Change is good." So I told him "Okay, I think I know what to do, but no cape!!!". *Slammed the door and immediately started to work.*

As I was sketching Positron's outfit, I knew he would not let me do it by myself... so, I invited myself over his lab and showed him his new outfit. He began melting a super secret substance for his armor. While he was "cybering' in his computer, I dropped a few coloring substance in his melting pot...

...And while we are at it, we started Citadel's weird suit... which was a bit disgusting, cause Positron asked me to hold Citadel's original memory core, which was an equivalent to his brain. But when we finished I saw Citadel smiled at me... I think I touched his brain too much.

Sister Psyche
I invited Sister Psyche to my "Chocolat Salon" and showed her my sketches. As I was observing her face, she smirked... I said, "Yes yes darling, I have been sleepless thinking about your original outfit, how it was so not matching your top..." And finally she agreed to try it on.

Back Alley Brawler
When I invited Back Alley Brawler to my studio, I saw his chest scratched and bleeding a little bit and started to drip on my wood floor. I took a warm wet towel and started to wipe the floor. "Sit sit!" I said, "Not there darling! here!". I started sketching his outfit in front of him and Voila! One week later...

As I was designing Numina's outfit, I had so many questions... I refused to change it. Except her manly boots. If you are going to ask me, I would have changed it to stiletto boots. But, I have to show her something.

When I was constructing Synapse's outfit I did not even bother to talk to him. He was in, he was out, I don't even know, where is he!? I upgraded his boots so he would not have cramps or avoid rising temperatures due to friction after a days work.

All I can say is, this guy is a simple man. But he needs protection against the elements. He even told me once, he caught his ethereal hair on fire!

[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]



I thought of doing a Teen-Phalanx, Phalanx Babies, Phalanx/Disney, Future Phalanx...
I came up with this...

Here it's Marcus Cole, looking like a world adventurer. Manticore (MAN OF MYSTERY!)has a Euro-flare to him.

Again, Numina's the ghost of a Midnighter. Horror is right up her alley. And as for Alley, a funked him up to give him a Blaxploitation 70s film vibe for a street crime story.

And a pulp look at Synapse casting him as a race-car driver in a throwback to the pre-Golden Age.


Posted totally stealing errr borrowing several of the looks shown in some of these entries , its always intresting starting with a base and seeing how everyone takes it and runs with it in entirely different and often amazing directions .

We still have plenty of space for entrys so if you get a chance pass the word onto your friends and SG mates .



I really need to know how you guys are adding all the text to your stuff! Wisecracker, teach me O Wise One!






Extra Extra , read all about it !

your brought your A game now we are doubling and then some the prize amounts

After a bit of discussion with the host Fury Flechette , I have offered to match his initial amount of prize money and then he tossed in another 400 million which now brings the prize amounts to 2.1 billion Influence .

We will be editing the initial post to reflect this but figured id post here as well .

Prize amounts:
1st - 600M
2nd - 400M
3rd - 300M
4th - 200M
5th - 100M
6th - 100M

Also after looking through some of the entries we are already seeing some outstanding entries for individual takes on a character so with that in mind We will also be handing out some individual costume awards (1 , 50 million award for each of the Freedom Phalanx Members , IE our favorite overall Manticore ,Sister Psyche etc )

Thank you all once again for particapating and helping to spread the word to your friends and SG/VG mates .

Good luck to everyone



No question that the increase in prize amounts is warranted. The entries have been really high quality and it's made our job as judges very difficult.

So to sum: 2.1 billion at stake! Prizes extended to 6th place with individual prizes awarded for the top costume for each Freedom Phalanx member.



You knew it was going to happen...

I proudly present... the PEOPLE'S PHALANX!

Statesman - The Proletarian will strike you down with the mighty Hammer of the People! (I kept the helmet, but added a mustache.)

Sister Psyche - Comrade Psyche of the Soviet Psychic Warfare Division would have words with you. She also does double duty, modeling for propaganda posters.

Positron - Cerenkov will crush you! This was an easy one - I added a Lenin-style goatee, and just ran with my favorite armor design.

Back Alley Brawler - The Soviet Man-Bear fears no capitalists! This inner-city radical with leftist leanings defected to the Soviet Union in the 1960's.

Manticore - The Internal Security Division does not go in for flashy nicknames. (This is my favorite design of this group, and I will probably steal the look for a new character.)

Numina - A simple uniform and severe hairstyle underlie Comrade Kirlian's true power.

Synapse - The Soviet Speedster fully intends to take home a number of gold medals at the next Olympics.

Citadel - The Stalingrad Class War Robot is a fine example of Russian engineering: The vacuum-tube artificial intelligence is second to none, and the diesel engines give it the strength of ten bears!

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



I proudly present... the PEOPLE'S PHALANX!




I was thinking of what else I could do with the Freedom Phalanx, and an idea of having them all "PPD" themed came to me

I used the PPD Power Armor as a guide for this costume. It's my favorite of the eight

Back Alley Brawler:
I always loved BAB's look with the leather pants, so I kept those and gave him some slick glasses. Literally

Helmet, stars, cape, ect ect. Nothing to special honestly

This was the hardest of the eight. I think he turned out decently

Sister Psyche:
I based her off the Psi-Units of the PPD

I based him off the Awakened Peacebringers of the PPD (Notice, he's NOT gray!)

I saw PPD Citadel more of a robot then an android personally

Numina :
Even with the PPD feel, I wanted to give her "magical" robes and whatnot



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
What he said.

In Soviet Russian, the Freedom Phalanx Redesigns YOU!