Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




So, time for my third entry, since my mind is still cooking. Ready? Then cue the Vapors, because we're turning Japanese!

Statesman ---> Rising Son (classic look, nice outfit, States is not the flamboyant type)
Sister Psyche ---> Harajuku (ditched the standard green for the purple and pink most commonly associated with psychic powers)
Positron ---> Pojitoron (anime inspired)
Back Alley Brawler ---> Yokozuna (tough to pull off a proper yukata with our costume bits)
Manticore ---> Oni (not the mastermind pet!)
Numina ---> White Hair (more Chinese than Japanese, but there's so much crossover between the two)
Synapse ---> Puroresu (I've always like high-flyers in wrestling)
Citadel ---> Nejiro (my toughest toon to interpret, guess I'm just not as inspired by him compared to the others)

So, I've used three of my five entries...dare I try more?



I used a concept from an old animated Justice League storyline, an alternate universe where the heroes felt they needed to take over and impose martial law due to society being so out of control. The outfits for the guys are more combat-oriented...reinforced and armored. The females are more utilitarian and the hairstyles somewhat subdued. Oh, and the alley that Back Alley Brawler is named after just happens to be behind an army surplus store.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



Heh heh - I have one left after this...



Participants and entries received. 25 out of 50.

Emperor Steele
Siberian_Spring - 3 entries
Oedipus_Tex - 2 entries
Outback - 2 entries
Stunrunner - 3 entries
Nurse Midnight
ThE_WiSeCrAcKeR - 4 entries
Gaelic Reign
HochroterDrache - suggestion to embed images in your post
Smersh - 2 entries

All of the above are valid entries.

Again, refraining from compliments because I don't want to tip my hand, but I have been very impressed at the overall quality of the entries. In hindsight, I'm glad we gave ourselves more than a few days to complete the judging.



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post

Where can I get these action figures ? Great job



Originally Posted by ThE_WiSeCrAcKeR View Post
Heh heh - I have one left after this...

Veddy nice ...high five



I gotta come up with some more, the competition is fierce!



I am enjoying watching these all come up. I'm not much good with costumes myself so I like seeing what other folks can do.
Only one minor aside. Smersh, why does Positron look so much like Smersh?

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Wisecracker, how did you get that broadsword into Manticore's left hand? /curious

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Moggie View Post
I am enjoying watching these all come up. I'm not much good with costumes myself so I like seeing what other folks can do.
Only one minor aside. Smersh, why does Positron look so much like Smersh?
Like I said, I ran with my favorite armor design.

Can I help it if all of Smersh, Positron and Lenin are bald?

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Can I help it if all of Smersh, Positron and Lenin are bald?
What? No Rogaine in Mother Russia yet?



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Wisecracker, how did you get that broadsword into Manticore's left hand? /curious
Probably inverted the image with an editing program.



Tinkered around some more, and came up with another non-themed version of the Freedom Phalanx.

I gave Statesman a more modern, Iron Age look as well as the Freedom Phalanx emblem. Darkened the colors to also suit the time period of the patterns

My favorite of the 8. As a few people have been saying, Positron should have an upgrade with the Vanguard armor. I agree, and used quite a bit of it on his costume. The helmet is a hodgepodge of different patterns that just happened to mesh. It the best part of the overall look I think

Back Alley Brawler
BAB's general concept is my favorite. Simple clothing with badass gloves. Again, I gave him leather pants in hommage to one of his older looks

This costume is more of an "urban ninja" look. The shouder pads, gloves, and boots I really like because they have a great metallic sheen and are also quite uncommonly used. The spiked gloves are a nod to Batman

Synapse is purple. I mean, the standard electrical blasts he has are purple for the most part, so why not his costume? The ivory secondary goes well with the purple I think, and the gloves and boots are meant to support his feet and hands when he's running at superspeeds and punching really fast

I think this look is just overall suitable. Nothing special, just goes with the rest of the group well

Sister Psyche
I think having while having a full leather body suit just fits Psyche perfectly (pun inteanded), but showing some skin is just her style. This costume doesn't reveal too much (good for the kiddies) yet the leather also screams sexy. I always like her teal color, so I kept that going

The blue-gray armor looks quite good I think, comparative to the other colors, and I think this look focuses more on the robotic side of Citadel being an android (where as an android is a robot that looks like a human)



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Wisecracker, how did you get that broadsword into Manticore's left hand? /curious
Clever architecking.



Originally Posted by Matt_King View Post
Alright, I spent a few hours this morning working on these. I really like how Statesman and Back Alley Brawler turned out. Those were the easy ones, it took a bit longer to come up with costumes I liked for the others. Also, sorry if the pictures are too big. I wanted to make sure it was easy to see all the details. Anyway, witness the new and improved Freedom Phalanx!


Sister Psyche:


Back Alley Brawler:





These keeping popping out at me, so I'm just gonna vote for them.



Finally getting my submission in. I wanna apologize ahead of time for the power effects that might get in the way. I can't get screenshots in the character creator for some reason so I had to put them in an AE arc and forgot to take powers away from some of them.

To start off we have Statesman:

For him I figured we shouldn't take him too far from his original but could still add some details. Such as the Valkyrie helmet to add some wings to his outfit. What American hero could be complete without wings?

Sister Psyche:

Psyche's deciding to cover up some but we couldn't take away ALL the eye candy. The fishnets of the top serve to tease without putting out on display.


Positron's suit is looking a little sleeker but retains functionality. Not much else to say.

Back Alley Brawler:

BABs has never been one for flashy. Except of course in his gloves, but of course his fist is the last thing you'll see before getting laid out anyways. A leather jacket that screams bad*** and some longer hair complete this "You might as well lock yourself up, it'll be less painful" look.


Manticore seemed a little underprotected for someone without any powers. So adding some padding and a flak jacket should provide a little more defense in those tough situations.


A look that, in my opinion, is a little more sleek than the last one. Is the red on his shoes supposed to be there? Or is the friction starting to turn up the heat? You decide.


Numina's look as always been, in my opinion, one of the better looks of the Phalanx. We just HAD to stick with robes, albeit a slightly different design to them. Some high heels prove that Numina has a feminine side but that wild hair had to go, replaced with something nicer and more managed.


Citadel is just an all around powerhouse, and his redesign had to show that. Some bulked up armor some upgrades to power management and he could take on Recluse's circle himself!

Hope you guys like em I may come back with more later if I get around to it.

@LightofthePhoenix - Virtue server
Light of the Phoenix - lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller; Snow Panther - lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender; Dragonfly. - lvl 50 Willpower/Fire Tanker; Magic Minx - lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller; Dust Walker - lvl 50 Storm/Dark (Sand) Defender; And more...



Top from left: Citadel, Back Alley Brawler, Numina, Sister Psyche
Bottom from left: Statesman, Positron, Synapse, Manticore

With all the redesigns, I didn't stray far from what seemed to be the original concepts, just went for a more updated look. With Statesman, I tried to evoke a little more of the Incarnate part of him. Synapse I added the leather vest to give him a little younger appearance. Everyone else I just tweaked till it felt right.

Revenge is a dish best served cold...

Jade's Revenge - 50 Mind/Icy | Jade's Reprise - 50 Ice/Storm



Entry 2: Freedom Phalanx Mercenaries



My favorites out of what I did are Synapse, Posi and States. Although I like the lion face I tried to give Manti, not sure how I did with the rest though. Oh, and Citadel's glowy head is because I came up with the idea that his memory core was put into the single head and it glows and can be attached to several bodies for different situations.. thats just his main, s'why he has bolts in his neck too.. holding his head on.



There are a lot of great designs (re-designs?) in this thread. I know who my favorites are.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



OK, after reading all the cool concepts and seeing all the great costumes I decided to take a stab at it.

Still not done everyone but here's a few of the FP. I decided to reimagine them in a future tense.


Jessica never fully recovered after her unimaginable suffering at the hands of Recluse's thugs, and Statesman never forgot the day they committed Ms. Liberty to the asylum. Taking Excalibur into his care, he vowed to take revenge upon Recluse. After tearing apart the Rogue Isles, Statesman engaged in an epic battle and put a permanent end to the twisted leader of the Arachnos. Ever since that day, Statesman became grimmer and more brooding as time wore on...

Sister Psyche

Sister Psyche's body was utterly destroyed by the return of the Red Menace. Her spirit has taken permanent refuge in Aurora Borealis, which has enormously complicated the lives of Calvin Scott and Manticore.


Positron found a permanent cure for his condition and has since retired his battle suit. His dedication to applied research led to many breakthroughs, including the ability to mass produce Citadel successors for the counter invasion of the Rikti Homeworld.


Citadel was once again destroyed in the battles with the Rikti, but Raymond Keyes had already discovered ways to replicate and improve upon the Bastion/Citadel design. He set about in mass production of Citadel and used them in their debut to subdue the Rogue Isles after the death of Lord Recluse.

Citadel version 6 number in the hundreds and they share instantaneous communication with one another and work in a collective hive mode. Together they are called Legion. The sixes also stay vigilant for previous versions which were corrupted by Siege programming.


The reappearance of the Red Menace was unexpected but the Freedom Phalanx thought they were prepared to deal with him. As Numina once again took over the body of the Red Menace, she quickly discovered that the Red Menace was a living trap, twisted by Rikti Magi to destroy the Surviving Eight.

Believing the newly returned villain to be subdued by Numina, the Phalanx was caught unaware and Sister Psyche was blown to bits by the Red Menace in the Freedom Phalanx base. Unwilling to destroy the Red Menace as he held Numina hostage, the Freedom Phalanx watched helplessly as he made his escape. The Red Menace/Numina is currently believed to be hiding in Grandville, and reappears from time to time to torment Manticore.