Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




Ignore this post, I'm a goof. Just a random post >_>



I am pleased to announce that two distinguished members of the Virtue community have agreed to join me as judges. Both of these forum posters have a long history with the Virtue community.


Bayani has become almost synonymous with art commissions. His main, Bayani, has been featured in dozens of works done by a number of artists both famous and unknown. As someone who has literally looked at tens of thousands of different costumes and who is a huge comic fan, his perspective will be most welcome.

Deebs (aka Dragonberry)

A former Virtue calendar girl, Deebs is a well known Virtue forum personality. Her main, Dragonberry, is almost instantly recognized at any's hard to miss a green lizard with pink hair, a scarf and school girl style socks. Deebs is also an accomplished artist in her own right, and her artistic viewpoint will bring an interesting perspective to the judging process.

I've asked these two to help me because based on the early entries I've received, I anticipate a difficult judging process. The ones that are already posted on this thread are impressive.



So far I like Matt's the best.

My links: -My DeviantArt Page- -My Shop- -Tumblr- -Facebook Me!-
All things Ferreter: Ferreter's Masked Hour

CoH Virtue: Ferreter (Palladium Sentry), Mighty Mollie (ASTS), Charm Frost (GAH), Philomina (EoA), Sable Falcon (Inflitrators), Starlit Oracle (GotGA), Princess Lumina (Palladium Sentry), Doncella (Hero Dawn), Red Heron (Aerial Avengers)



I have GOT to get home, ((stuck at work)), and work on this.



Some impressive entries so far! I only spent the time to make three costumes. I tried to focus on the three that needed a makeover the most, so here are Synapse, Citadel, and Manticore redux.






While im not allowed to compete in the contest (aside from judging ) im gonna toss out my takes on redesigning the costumes as well sometime this week .

Im really digging the outfits posted already and am looking forward to seeing alot more .

Definitely spread the word to your Friends and SG mates .



Sister Psyche, Back Alley, Synapse, and Citadel. Before & After:

notes: I'm pretty pleased with all of them, but especially Synapse because the original was so gaudy. I think I improved it while staying very true to the original. The baby blue doesn't clash as much with the red as the dark blue does, and the chest emblem is much more elegant while similar in theme to the original. Citadel was the toughest to do. He's supposed to be an android which is a robot that appears to be human, so I tried to avoid using power suit/robotic armor. I did make him a bit worse for the wear though. Heh.



Here's my entry. I think a few notes on my, er, design choices are in order.

Statesman: Stars are too easy for an all-American patriotic hero. It takes a real big hero to pull off the stripes, too.

Sister Psyche: A little more modesty is called for when you can hear the horny thoughts of teenagers. I was never a fan of the all-green costume, anyway.

Positron: This is one of my better ones. That armor suit is mean, green and ready to blast some bad guys with radioactive beams.

Back Alley Brawler: Powergloves? No way. This Brawler has a little armor on his forearms, just enough for knives and chains. He does his job with street smarts and attitude.

Manticore: I went the Batman route, here. He's supposed to be a sneaky natural kind of guy, not averse to using psychological warfare. So, he has a scary mask to freak out the bad guys. Have to figure that it's also got a built-in voice changer, air filter and nightvision, right?

Numina: I really like her in-game look as it is. This is an update that is trying to keep true to the original.

Synapse: So I was watching some speed skating the other day....

Citadel: Now there's a robot that's going to be like a wall between you and the bad guys.

(Note: Absolutely no one saw me accidentally post this from my wife's account. This is not the mistake you are looking for.)

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!




Sister Psyche




Back Alley Brawler





Positron: Less armor, more power suit.
Sister Psyche: Less skin, more silver age.
Manticore: Less leather, more natural hair.

I may or may not do the others, only because some of them really don't "need" a new look.

Statesman: Meh.
Back Alley Brawler: Less mass, more streamline
Synapse: Less wimp, more badass.



Here's my feeble attempt at an entry.

For my attempt, Idecided to envision them as 70s superheroes. Thus, States has bright gaudy colors, Sister Psyche is a bit of a radical, Posi has a clunky look, BABs is pure soul power, Manticore is a mix of rich kid and Hawkeye, Numina is frilly and a bit hippie-ish, Synapse is punk influenced, and Citadel is a cross between the Silver Surfer and Dr Manhattan. Keep in mind that I did not grow up in the 70s and have only a vague idea of what the 70s should look like, but I wanted to stand out a bit. I also apologize for my old PC not having a very high resolution.



Three more. This is fun. And there are some great designs out there!

I wasn't sure whether I should put these three guys with my original three submissions or not, so I just stuck them in a seperate post.

Back Alley Brawler:

Sister Psyche:




Here's the whole gang, shined up in new gear for the new decade!
From left to right: States, Babs, Synapse, Manticore, Numina

Ditto: Citadel, Sister Psyche, Positron (front&back)

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:



I'm becoming convinced that a major Positron update in terms of looks is going to come through Vanguard armor, which is probably the best looking in terms of high-tech in the game....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Participants entered so far:

Emperor Steele
Siberian_Spring - 2 entries
Oedipus_Tex - 2 entries
Doctor_Mechaniker - please label so there's no confusion as to who's who. You can label right in your post; no need to edit your picture.

At this point, 10 of the available 50 participant slots are filled.



Siberian did a few that I really like, but for the most part, nobody has posted a consistently good lineup (very much in my opinion, of course). That could make for some interesting judging.



I really dig Doctor_Mechaniker's entries. Well done.



Some nice looking individual costumes showing up here! Really good work, everyone! However, if I had to pick which SET is best, so far I'd go with Matt_King. I particularly like his take on Synapse.



Well, I wouldn't quite say I'm distinguished, but thanks for the offer, FF. Good luck to all the contestants. I look forward to checking out your entries.



Here are my entries... I sort of treated these as genuine makeovers; I tried to stick to the characters' original body-types and faces, as though I were actually giving them fashion advice.


My main goal with Shalice here was for her to PUT SOME CLOTHES ON. And I - like the original poster - am so sick of looking at her stupid belt that I decided to go with no belt at all. I stuck with the original color scheme (more or less) since it looks good with her pink energy blasts and greenish forcefields ((though I think her powersets are in dire need of reassessment, personally!)).

Citadel needs a makeover simply because running around for almost six years in some newbie-contact named Horatio's busted old power-armor can't be good for any android's self-esteem. I clearly went for a "TRON" look, because "TRON" will always and forever equate with "hi-tech" in my mind. If I could have, I would've stuck with Citadel's unique head-model, though.

Lastly there's Numina. To be honest, I really like the unique robe she's already sporting... but there are a few things that need changin'. Most importantly: The porno-haircut NEEDS to go - even if her name IS "Tammy"! It's 2010! Also, the cheap, boring leather boots she bought at Payless don't really suit a mystical apparition of her station; she needs to fancy it up a bit, I reckon.


So that's my first batch... I may do more, as this was a lot of fun!




I recently updated my full lineup (on Page 2). People who haven't seen the new additions should go check them out.



Here's my entry. I went with a classic hero style look for each member of the Freedom Phalanx. The looks are simple and iconic so that the general public can recognize each member instantly and not have them be confused about which hero is rescuing them from peril. Good luck to everyone!

Globals: @Nurse Midnight, @Red Kabuto, @Zeronos
Twitter: @NurseMidnight

Golden Age Heroes



Originally Posted by Siberian_Spring View Post

Once again, here are all eight original members of the Freedom Phalanx.

This time I went with a Steampunk style universe. I did try to keep the general feel of each character within that limit.

I think the only one that really needs additional explanation is Synapse. I felt a Frankenstein's Monster motif would work well with his background and powers.
Synapse looks SICK , love Citadel also . Great job on all of them but those two really "popped " for me .



Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Here are my entries... I sort of treated these as genuine makeovers; I tried to stick to the characters' original body-types and faces, as though I were actually giving them fashion advice.


My main goal with Shalice here was for her to PUT SOME CLOTHES ON. And I - like the original poster - am so sick of looking at her stupid belt that I decided to go with no belt at all. I stuck with the original color scheme (more or less) since it looks good with her pink energy blasts and greenish forcefields ((though I think her powersets are in dire need of reassessment, personally!)).

Citadel needs a makeover simply because running around for almost six years in some newbie-contact named Horatio's busted old power-armor can't be good for any android's self-esteem. I clearly went for a "TRON" look, because "TRON" will always and forever equate with "hi-tech" in my mind. If I could have, I would've stuck with Citadel's unique head-model, though.

Lastly there's Numina. To be honest, I really like the unique robe she's already sporting... but there are a few things that need changin'. Most importantly: The porno-haircut NEEDS to go - even if her name IS "Tammy"! It's 2010! Also, the cheap, boring leather boots she bought at Payless don't really suit a mystical apparition of her station; she needs to fancy it up a bit, I reckon.


So that's my first batch... I may do more, as this was a lot of fun!
Just my opinion , but lose the shoulder puffs on Citadel but love the Perplex design . Teh rest look good to me though , nice job .



Originally Posted by Nurse Midnight View Post
Here's my entry. I went with a classic hero style look for each member of the Freedom Phalanx. The looks are simple and iconic so that the general public can recognize each member instantly and not have them be confused about which hero is rescuing them from peril. Good luck to everyone!

Love your design for Statesman , not over the top but looks like a Hero that would lead someone into battle . Not much to complain about with the others . Going to be tough for the judges for sure .