Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Wisecracker, how did you get that broadsword into Manticore's left hand? /curious
I know -exactly- how he did it...but that is for him to disclose ^_^



Fourth left if I decide to use it (and I most likely will)...

For this theme, I went with the Old West...

Marshal Cole: An honest lawman...subtle use of blue suit, white shirt, red tie...
Madame Psyche: Is the purported clairvoyant a true mind-reader, or a master con artist? No one dares ask...
Doc Locke: Master gunsmith, his rifles can shoot the fleas off a dog's back at 500 yards...
John Henry White: Formerly of the 9th Cavalry, a stalwart ally of Marshal Cole...
Sir Greene: Escort (and consort) to Madame Psyche, his foppish demeanor belies the danger found at the tip of his sword...
Ghost Wind: A woman who comes and goes without making a sound, she claims a connection to the spirits of the land...
Trickrider: the maverick from the Montana territory, a master showman and ladies man...
Redoubt: The ghastliest of the crew, this living dead man walks mostly at night...mostly...

This has been a blast so far, and I wish the thank FF for starting the what to do with the last entry...



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
now what to do with the last entry...
Make all of them robot-ninja-zombie-pirate-catgirl ghosts!

Or minions of Nemesis after he took over the world in some portal dimension.

Or Arabian.



Participants and entries received:
29 out of 50 Participants / 43 entries

Emperor Steele
Siberian_Spring - 3 entries
Oedipus_Tex - 2 entries
Outback - 3 entries, last entry is really wide
Stunrunner - 4 entries
Nurse Midnight
ThE_WiSeCrAcKeR - 5 entries
Gaelic Reign
HochroterDrache - suggestion to embed images in your post
Smersh - 2 entries
BubblegumBomb - 2 entries, last entry is really wide

I also again ask for those of you who are posting really wide angle pictures to modify them so they fit better in the frame. The wide shots can mess up formatting for others, including their attempts to label.

Let me know if I missed anyone on this list.

Thanks, FF



Cool, still room as long as I post some stuff when I get home.
FF, do the pics have to be labeled within the screenpic itself, or can they be labeled in the text of the post?

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



My entry:



I changed the size of my last entry, should fit much better



My first attempt... Positron, Statesman and BAB. Will probably try the rest of the Phalanx later, but wanted to get some posted before all 50 slots filled up.



Okay, I like Meltman's Citadel, if only because his upgrades included hairplugs.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



I decided to make... Liefeld's Freedom Phalanx!!!

BIOTRON and his amazing biological containment armor!

SISTER DARKPSYCHE! She'll make your nose bleed!

MANTIBLOODCOREDEATH! He's extreeeme! And short!

BLOODMINA, no wait that's stupid... DOOMINA! Yeah that's the ticket.

SKULLADEL! - He's got THREE skulls! THREEEE!

HIPSNAP! - He's aging just as fast as he runs! Catch him before he hurts himself!

BIG ARMS BRUTHA! - His arms are huuuge! Just look at them!

And finally:

BLOODSTATE! Now with more pouches and headband! Moar pouches!

I'm terribly sorry for all this. Don't hurt me.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I decided to make... Liefeld's Freedom Phalanx!!!
I'm terriby sorry for all this. Don't hurt me.
You might not win the contest, but you, sir, have definitely won the thread.



It could have been worse...

Frank Miller's PHALANX.

I would hate to think of the horrible fates in store for Numina and Psyche there.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by twelfth View Post
Cool, still room as long as I post some stuff when I get home.
FF, do the pics have to be labeled within the screenpic itself, or can they be labeled in the text of the post?
You can label in the post is just fine. I don't expect people to have uber graphics skills, though I have been very impressed by how some folks have been showing off their costumes. Note however that the costume, not the presentation of it, has the strongest bearing on the judging process.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I decided to make... Liefeld's Freedom Phalanx!!!
*laughs and laughs*

My only quibble is that you didn't cut off all the screenies at the ankle.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



When I started this contest, I asked myself what I would do with the Freedom Phalanx if they were my own characters. What resulted was a new Phalanx that had followed a slightly different path from the normal one.

Meet Positron, the current leader of the Freedom Phalanx. Years of hard work have risen him from a unmemorable scientist to the operations commander of one of the worlds leading supergroups. He consistently glows with an overflowing energy - which was granted (or inflicted, depending on opinion) to him by a supernatural, perhaps ancient power.

Shalice Tilman has yet to be officially discovered by the Phalanx, but she's quickly gaining a reputation for being an unbeatable psychic. She seems wholly disinterested in the whole hero scene, prefering instead to trick con artists at their own game with the help of her powers. Even though very few people in the past have gotten close to her, a certain member of the Freedom Phalanx has set his eyes on her.

The premiere super hero of the world, and one of the strongest men on the planet, if not the most. The founder of the Freedom Phalanx unofficially retired two years after the end of the first Rikti strike. Positron was made the leader of the Freedom Phalanx, and he handed over control of his "Longbow" reserve unit to his grand-daughter. Then he was free to set his sights on the diplomatic goal of uniting all nations of the earth against any global threats like the Rikti. Lately, the the threat of a less-than-friendly "Parallel Earth", has kept him up nights.




Hopefully I haven't missed or duplicated anything, but here's MY take on Statesman, Manticore and Synapse. I tried to keep the overall feel of the characters, to make them recognizable, yet somehow new and updated.

First up, Statesman. Redesigned the costume a bit, took him back to his original domino mask and lost the cape.

Next is Manticore. Gave him more of a streamlined "mane" and tried to give the look of a manticore's spikes and slashes. Also a composite/recurve bow, since, being an archer myself, I know that bowstrings can and will break, and a recurve is a LOT easier to restring than an compound bow. Also took a cue from the Smallville Green Arrow and gave him shades (targeting system doncha know...)

Lastly, Positron. Stayed with an armor look, just updated it a bit, made it more streamlined, and added the atom chest symbol.

The darkness is feared for a reason.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Participants and entries received:
29 out of 50 Participants / 43 entries

BubblegumBomb - 2 entries, last entry is really wide

I also again ask for those of you who are posting really wide angle pictures to modify them so they fit better in the frame. The wide shots can mess up formatting for others, including their attempts to label.

Let me know if I missed anyone on this list.

Thanks, FF
Actually the photos are 8 individual photos and they will adjust to what ever size window you have For some reason Photobucket limits the size of the photo to around 700x700-ish. I kept them large and individual for detail purposes. But if its an issue I can throw them all onto one picture and scale it down with link to more detailed shots.



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
*laughs and laughs*

My only quibble is that you didn't cut off all the screenies at the ankle.
I laughed.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



((No names on the pictures. If you can't figure out who they are then I didn't do a good job at all.

Some really nice costumes so far. And I'm liking the reconceptualized versions of the characters also.

Nice contest! Great bit of forum fun! ))



((Taking out a snipey comment to put in a positive one: There are sooooo many good costumes on here, that *I* would NOT want to be the judge of this contest. I'm glad I did mine before I looked at anyone else's. As it was, I almost pulled my entry back out after going through the others. Just... wow! ))



So here's my attempt. I wanted them to be more realistic but not necessarily harder edged, so I tried to make a point of making my entries incorporate textures that would be appropriate for the job. Like so many other revisionists, that means that spandex became leather and metal. I didn't want to play around too much with making the spirit of the costumes much different, since our task was to reinvent the costumes and not the character concepts. However, in a couple of places I did take liberties.

Here are my entries, with brief explanations following.

BACK ALLEY BRAWLER - I wanted to give him more of an urban look while staying in the leather/metal theme. Therefore I gave him brighter colors, a haircut, and updated eyewear. I also felt that he needed sleeves.
CITADEL - I felt that Luminary's favorite voyeur needed to be edgier, more artificial, and a bit more menacing, but not evil. Therefore I made him physically imposing, yet gave him a brighter color palette.
MANTICORE - Since Manticore is the only one of the Phalanx that sports leather in the original costuming, I felt he needed a change from it in the update. To reflect the mental discipline necessary to be an expert marksman with a bow, I gave him the Onimichi undergarments with leather gloves to act as a bracer.
NUMINA - I wrestled with how to photograph Numina's costume, but in the end felt that she needed to be displayed evenly with her original counterpart. I made her very thin, since she is essentially a spirit being. She also has the chaos buckles, since I felt that that costume was a bit *too* edgy for a hero, but the robe over it muted it considerably.
POSITRON - What you see is my seventh version of Positron. I had more trouble with this one than any other. I decided that he needed to stay very true to his original color scheme but needed to be streamlined a bit. The end result is a bit cyberpunky, a bit steampunky, and more "containment suit" than any of my six previous attempts.
SISTER PSYCHE - Like many people, I think Mrs. Manticore needs to put some clothes on. To make her more realistic and still desirable, I decided on the body-hugging patent leather outfit, lightened her signature green a shade, gave her a new swirl design, and gave her gloves and boots that I felt were designer-label worthy.
STATESMAN - I didn't want to mess with States much, since he's the flagship hero of the game, yet I wanted to give him a new approach. His faceplate is now a full helm and solid white, the cape resembles the flag they'll eventually make from it, and there's a new shading to his costume that shows a dynamic presence.
SYNAPSE - I went through several versions of Synapse as well, finally settling on a blue color palette. His hair is streamlined and his suit is minimally adorned for aerodynamics, and the straps pattern represents Crey's experimentation on him, forcing him into a sort of bondage with his powers.



Originally Posted by Sardonic_Paladin View Post
That's an awesome job on the cape, if I may ask which one is it? I can't seem to find it.

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



Originally Posted by Animorph View Post
That's an awesome job on the cape, if I may ask which one is it? I can't seem to find it.
I believe that's the Cape of the Four Winds.



Originally Posted by Animorph View Post
That's an awesome job on the cape, if I may ask which one is it? I can't seem to find it.
It's the DVD Edition Cape. I hardly ever see anyone use it but it seems appropriate for use to get stripes.