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  1. Why not just get over it and add quivers already? Hells bells, the animation is already there like the character is reaching for a quiver of arrows on his/her back...

    Scabbards? Yes please, tho I can see problems for the dual blades characters.

    AND, more gun/rifle choices. Maybe something a bit more futuristic, ala Han Solo type blaster pistols or Imperial Stormtrooper rifles.
  2. Tunics, kilts, togas, etc, are not dresses.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Not to be unsympathetic, but if someone managed to snag the name in between the time the last time the script was run and now, your attempts to get it couldn't have been that desperate.

    Besides, a 30 second Google search shows me that name belongs to a Marvel character (albeit a minor one). If you ever did get it, you wouldn't keep it, the only reason it isn't on the list of names locked out due to copyright, is it is on an inactive character that hasn't been used since before they started the list.

    Edit- Hell, another Google search shows me you're lucky to have Captain Midnight not taken from you. Even for names tied to very old characters, they tend to err on the side of caution.

    the Marvel character is Trick Shot, 2 words.

    and as for the title, I feel like a class A moron now...
  4. Sexism? Simple answer...MEN don't wear dresses.

    I do however agree with some of the ideas presented here. There should be more cross gender pieces, after all, as bad as it was, Robin did originally wear a tunic and short boots.
  5. Since virtually day one, I have been trying DESPERATELY to get a name on the Virtue server (Check the Virtue forums... I'd give my left arm for Trickshot). First I was told that the original holder had left the game for good and that was out of luck. Now, I find that the name has been released, only to be tied to a trial account? REALLY? to be honest, I don't think names should be tied to trial accounts, when a paying customer is more than willing to put them name to good use.
  6. CaptainMidnight

    Rikti: Gold

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    I remember the old Classic Rock version... Here were some of my favorites.

    Desire: Disobey: Officials, by Jud'Spr'St (Props if anyone gets that one)

    Breakin' the Law by Judas Priest.....who wouldn't know that one?
  7. grats to the winners. Well done all!

    but now I remember why I never enter contests. I could be the only entrant and still lose, luck's just that bad.

    OR, as I tell people, I could fall into a river of gold and come out covered in crap.
  8. CaptainMidnight

    Hello Virtue!

    welcome to the blueside!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post

    We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this breaking news...

    Something has happened to the Freedom Phalanx!



    I LOL'd......seriously laughed out loud. and snarfed coffee.

    Originally Posted by Outback View Post
    I really like that Positron. It has the details suitable enough for a "Power Armor" yet isn't overly complex, plus I rarely see "Panels" pattern used in an effective way like that.
    why thank you!
  10. here's my takes on the rest of the Freedom Phalanx. Like the rest, I tried to give them a new-ish look, while maintaining the flavor of their classic appearances.


    went with a metallic look, figuring someone that moves as fast as he does needs a special fabric that won't burn up under friction. Added the Lighning2 logo, since I think it blends a lightning bolt and the letter S perfectly.

    Sister Psyche

    no major changes, just updated her look a bit.


    gave her parts of the Witch costume choices and added some color, think it fits her rather well.

    Updated his look, but took a cue from another poster and gave him some "cool" features.

    Back Alley Brawler

    have to agree with whoever said that he was just TOO huge. So I slimmed him down a bit, and relocated his power source from gauntlets to a belt (lined with micro circuitry thanks to Positron)

    and the rest, for the page back challenged...



  11. Hopefully I haven't missed or duplicated anything, but here's MY take on Statesman, Manticore and Synapse. I tried to keep the overall feel of the characters, to make them recognizable, yet somehow new and updated.

    First up, Statesman. Redesigned the costume a bit, took him back to his original domino mask and lost the cape.

    Next is Manticore. Gave him more of a streamlined "mane" and tried to give the look of a manticore's spikes and slashes. Also a composite/recurve bow, since, being an archer myself, I know that bowstrings can and will break, and a recurve is a LOT easier to restring than an compound bow. Also took a cue from the Smallville Green Arrow and gave him shades (targeting system doncha know...)

    Lastly, Positron. Stayed with an armor look, just updated it a bit, made it more streamlined, and added the atom chest symbol.

  12. Is there coffee being served with these danishes?
  13. here's one I'm surprised no one posted yet.

    From They Live

    George Nada: "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick a**...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
  14. having done some beta for CO....all I can say is, meh.

    I do like some of the powers (darkness blasts, oh yeah!) but overall, just not real impressed with Champions Online.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
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