Scabbard \ Holster \Weapons Booster pack




So not long ago Jay left one of his cryptic long messages on some other web page and it hinted at a lot of things. Including the now confirmed Animal pack and what seems to be a steam punk back that has been heavily hinted at if not officially confirmed.

Another thing he hinted at was scabbards for weapons. I know many of us have been wanting some holsters\scabbards for some time. So I thought it might be fun to discuss what we'd like to see, specifically. Maybe nothing will come of it but I do like seeing people's ideas.

I must admit I saw some costume pieces like this in another game recently and I liked them. So here is what I would like to see in CoH.

- Katana (Straight and curved) Scabbard on the back. Personally I want a handle with it but I know some would want it to appear "empty".

- Double Katana Scabbards (Straight and curved.) Diagaonally on the back, paralell to each other like the Tsoo ninja's have.

- Katana Diagonal on the back, and tanto\wakasashi scabbard horizontal across the lower back.

- Broad sword scabbard on the back.

- Axe on the back (IE Infernal or Valkyrie.)

- Dual pistols holsters.

- Dual revolver holsters (Cowboy style)

- Tonfa's on each hip at the belt.

- Chest straps with large knives in them.

- Gloves with shurikens

- Gloves with Crossbows (Like Knives of Artemis)

- Boots with knives

Also such a pack might include new weapons models, especially for the ones that need more options, Dual pistols and such.

I'd love to see some glowy assault rifle and dual pistols weapons. I'd also love to see more glowy Blade weapons, like the Vanguard weapons but different varietys, maybe like electricity blades etc.

So I suppose that's a fairly extensive list but I'd love to see what others would like!

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Love this stuff.

I'd like to add backpacks, quivers and jetpacks activated by toggling on the fly power (plus jet belts, worn on the waist).



I love booster packs. However, I don't think that this is such a great idea. Basic sheathes and holsters should be included for everyone as a part of a normal Issue release.

Now if they wanted to release a "Weapon Master" pack which was mostly new weapons, additional sheathes and holsters, and related emotes, costume parts (like what you listed), and other goodies, then I'd be all for it.




They should have a Weapons Muenster Pack! All the cheese knives you can stomach!



This is a bad idea as a pack. Basic functionality should be included in the base game, not a purchasable pack.

That said, I agree with the suggestions in spirit, if not in practice. I feel that each weapon should have its own, unique "holster" that fits the shape of the weapon. Not having holsters does look back. Having holsters that look wrong is even worse.

As far as personal preferences go. I'd like to have the ability to carry my Broadsword on my back unsheathed

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Agreed that it should be included for free. All the previous packs are cool but not (I know nothing is, shush) 'necessary'.

Backpacks and holsters and armoured back details (looking at YOU Vanguard!) should be built in if the tech is finally possible.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Agreed that it should be included for free. All the previous packs are cool but not (I know nothing is, shush) 'necessary'.

Backpacks and holsters and armoured back details (looking at YOU Vanguard!) should be built in if the tech is finally possible.
Agreed. Introduce a solid base of options for free, like weapon and power customization (both character customization components that were introduced later into the game). And then supplement this base with elements included in boosters.

And added to this list I drop in my perennial mention of the need for chemical tanks for the back (with various symbols-flammable, bio hazard and radioactive all leap to mind). Including a model with a clear window into a color tintable fluid in the tank with animated bubbles rising (think the War Hulk cockpits). Fine with this being in a booster pack since it sounds like a premium item.

But stuff like the dynamite and cash satchels already in game should have been made available years ago.



Backpack and scabbards are cool.
Tying them to a booster pack not so much. And I'm a proponent of the costume boosters.

Also: I want a jump jet costume piece that animates when using super jump! (like the rocket boots do whil flying. But with a tintable flame!)

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



The function is already in game. Shouldn't be too hard to implement it for players?



Originally Posted by Sapphic_Neko View Post
The function is already in game. Shouldn't be too hard to implement it for players?
Yeah, Maelstroms functioning holsters make me think he was a testbed for it to be ported to PCs.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



You forgot something that the playerbase has requested since ISSUE #5.

QUIVERS for archers!

Wyvern have them so why can not we?



It would be so awesome if they did they allowed all weapons as a 'back' option, with a 'reverse' combat aura trick- they'd have your weapon on your back, but when you go into combat mode (drawing your weapon) it disappears.

Similar approach for scabbards/holsters, a handle/grip shows in them until you draw your weapon.



Yeah, well since they don't seem to add lots of costume parts options in the game for free anymore, I'll take a large number of scabbards and weapons in a pack, VS not having them at all.

That being said, I was more looking for suggestions and ideas here, not a debate about whether it should be in a pack or not. Surely besides quivers, some people have other suggestions for this...

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



If you're doing scabbards there must -- MUST -- be a standard knight's at-the-hip style scabbard.

It would be really nice to actually draw our weapons rather than materializing them out of thin air.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yeah, Maelstroms functioning holsters make me think he was a testbed for it to be ported to PCs.
Pretty sure this is not true.

One of the developers flat out said that the reason Ghost Widow / B.V. have animated hair and Maelstrom has working holsters is because their animations are static.

The developers can control each and every animation those characters will EVER make in the game. This means that the animator / artists don't have to worry about a wide range of problems that ordinary costume parts have, such as but not limited to:
  • the animation being off due to size of the avatar
  • the animation being off due to the model of the avatar; huge, male, female
  • the animation having to account for pool powers
  • the animation having to account for primary or secondary powers
  • the animation having to account for costume clipping
I believe it was specifically stated that B.V.'s animated hair and Maelstrom's pistol twirling were not indications that either tech was being worked on for mass inclusion because of the aforementioned obstacles to costume design.

I believe this is also why the Resistance, Syndicate, Praetorian Police, and other enemy groups have far less custom costume pieces. According to Nobel Savage future enemy costumes would be designed with player-character and player-character restrictions in mind.

* * *

Now: as to the original post...

Not likely... at least not on this engine.

Basically the best way to think of the City of Heroes animations is to think 16bit (SNES / Genesis) or Stop-Motion (Gumby).

The animator's / artists basically have to draw out each individual frame of an animation by hand. If something isn't in the reference sprite-sheet, it isn't done. This is why some recent stuff, like the party pack emotes, are rough on the entrance and exit from the emote, there is no "frame in" and "frame out" sequences to enter and exit various animations.

The advantage to this approach is performance. The game is essentially doing a playback on actions, rather than having to compute those actions.

The disadvantage is that content creation and animation addition can take forever and eternity.

Yes, the developers do have tools that simplify the task of scaling animations and rendering those animations, but again, pointing at the party pack, just because the tools are available doesn't mean they create picture perfect rendering results.

Moving to a physics based polygon system, such as those supported in engines such as Valve Source or IDTech5 might enable animators / artists to work around such issues by simply framing the animating out and having the engine do the work on scaling those frames across different skeletal builds.

The Unreal Engine is supposed to be capable of doing this type of work, but as demonstrated in DCUO, it's not really up to the task. Although whether or not that's a ding towards SOE's development capabilities or Epic Software's inability to produce something that matters is a matter of possible debate.

So yes, nice idea, but not realistic giving the available development staff that we know of on this engine.

(watch Nobel take this as a challenge and go: "oh yes we can do it on this engine!!")



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Pretty sure this is not true.

One of the developers flat out said that the reason Ghost Widow / B.V. have animated hair and Maelstrom has working holsters is because their animations are static.

The developers can control each and every animation those characters will EVER make in the game. This means that the animator / artists don't have to worry about a wide range of problems that ordinary costume parts have, such as but not limited to:
  • the animation being off due to size of the avatar
  • the animation being off due to the model of the avatar; huge, male, female
  • the animation having to account for pool powers
  • the animation having to account for primary or secondary powers
  • the animation having to account for costume clipping
I believe it was specifically stated that B.V.'s animated hair and Maelstrom's pistol twirling were not indications that either tech was being worked on for mass inclusion because of the aforementioned obstacles to costume design.

I believe this is also why the Resistance, Syndicate, Praetorian Police, and other enemy groups have far less custom costume pieces. According to Nobel Savage future enemy costumes would be designed with player-character and player-character restrictions in mind.
That doesn't explain;
1) Hints dropped by Devs about the matter
2) The fact that Maelstrom uses exactly the same powers and animations as Players do on a standard Male Rig.

If he had something funky like a long robe, a la CoT or something wierd like that, I'd agree. But he is using the exact same rig as PCs do, albeit with unique costume parts or a unique costume overlay.

Also, both GW and BV use the same cape-tech for their hair which, t'be frank, looks pretty bad. I can see exaclty why they didn't port it over to players, not least becuase it would break the 'two cape rule' they have. Holsters, on the other hand? No broken rules. Backpacks? Take up the back slot, no capes/wings etc. So there really isn't that much of an issue here, or at least it would seem so. And they have started dropping hints about them

And the comparison to PPD and Resistace doesnt hold water, not when you look at how few parts actually got ported over to us. In fact, the 'PPD' armour we have isn't in fact PPD armour at all. For one, not ONE NPC has the gloves we do. They all have the big power gauntlets that look ace, and would fit great into 'robotic large' gloves options. We have something more like the TEST armour, complete with bugged male helmet.
It's...really quite annoying, actually.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I can not express how much this pack needs to happen. We have all of these wonderful weapon based power sets in the game. Many since Day 1, yet nothing like this has been addressed. Scabbards, holsters, and quivers are loooooooong overdue!!! Please Devs make this happen. You answered the roar of the community for the Animal Pack, now is the time to keep the momentum rolling.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I love booster packs. However, I don't think that this is such a great idea. Basic sheathes and holsters should be included for everyone as a part of a normal Issue release.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
This is a bad idea as a pack. Basic functionality should be included in the base game, not a purchasable pack.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Agreed that it should be included for free.
Word. Word. Word.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Free or not, this really needs to be added to the game. This is something I have been waiting for since launch. Every time I see Infernal with his axe on his back I want to punch him in the jaw because I know he is taunting me!!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
That doesn't explain;
1) Hints dropped by Devs about the matter
2) The fact that Maelstrom uses exactly the same powers and animations as Players do on a standard Male Rig.
1.) Any "hints" could be mis-interpreted, and hints doesn't mean that they ever got it working etc.

2.) It's a standard male rig. It doesn't change, the body type doesn't change sizes etc. The problem isn't the animations it's that when a player makes a character they could make it for any size, shape, model the game will allow, which makes it harder to have "working" holsters since the animations could be pulled from different places etc. It's easy to do on a static character, it's not as easy to do for all other characters given the amount of flexibility from character to character.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Y'know what I'd like, a slightly different version of the police belt, one wihtout the PR22 baton. I dig the other bits and pieces on the belt and I'd also like to see it trimmed in regular light tan leather.

Even though I might not use it on a gun wielding toon, I do dig the look on some characters (ala' Captain America or any number of 40'/50's era heros that used to sport a side arm along with the regular hero costume).

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



The lecture on animations is interesting, but irrelevant in this case, because Maelstrom's holsters are animated costume pieces, and animated costume pieces have no bearing on the animation of the model rig. That much has been proven by custom weapons.

Weapons in this game were little more than power effects, a 3D model in the same vein as Energy Melee's pink pom-poms of doom. What weapon customization did was swap that effect with a call for an animated costume item in the same vein as wings. Weapons in this game have two frames of animation - visible and invisible. When a weapon is "drawn," instead of spawning an effect, the engine calls for the animated costume piece permanently attached to the hand to go one frame forward and appear. When the weapon is "holstered," instead of despawning that effect, the engine calls for the costume piece to go one frame back and disappear.

This technology already exists and we have precedent for it. There appears to be no reason why that same tech can't be used to trigger multiple costume items. In fact, we KNOW it can trigger multiple costume items, because Dual Blades and Dual Pistols are technically two separate costume items, one for each hand.

All holsters would need to work is for them to be made into separately animated costume pieces with two frames of animation, one with the weapon inside visible, one with the weapon invisible, and for that animation to be keyed to play on weapon draw, the same way weapons appear and disappear. After all, your weapon NEVER LEAVES YOUR HAND. It just turns invisible and the character's palm opens up.

Let's hope they're actually working on it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
Love this stuff.

I'd like to add backpacks, quivers and jetpacks activated by toggling on the fly power (plus jet belts, worn on the waist).
Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I love booster packs. However, I don't think that this is such a great idea. Basic sheathes and holsters should be included for everyone as a part of a normal Issue release.

Now if they wanted to release a "Weapon Master" pack which was mostly new weapons, additional sheathes and holsters, and related emotes, costume parts (like what you listed), and other goodies, then I'd be all for it.
This and this. I've been wanting a quiver for my archer toons for years.




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The lecture on animations is interesting, but irrelevant in this case, because Maelstrom's holsters are animated costume pieces, and animated costume pieces have no bearing on the animation of the model rig. That much has been proven by custom weapons.
Those animated costume pieces change postions when changing the various width and heigth sliders though. Which means the animations need to be changed or you're dropping your guns in midair or sticking them into your hip or theigh. Just think granites and lobsters chucking coffee over their shoulder. It's something entirely different from holding weapons in your hands.

Non animated holsters (including the 2 frame thing) wouldn't have that problem, but since we still don't have them I think it's safe to say that there are other issues with that don't make it all that simple as people are assuming.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.