Name tied to trial acocunt, not good.




Since virtually day one, I have been trying DESPERATELY to get a name on the Virtue server (Check the Virtue forums... I'd give my left arm for Trickshot). First I was told that the original holder had left the game for good and that was out of luck. Now, I find that the name has been released, only to be tied to a trial account? REALLY? to be honest, I don't think names should be tied to trial accounts, when a paying customer is more than willing to put them name to good use.

The darkness is feared for a reason.



Here's the official redname response.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
We are following this thread and taking your feedback into account all.

However, to be perfectly clear: We are not currently planning another name purge in the near future. There are reasons for this, which I am not at liberty to discuss at the moment.



Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
Since virtually day one, I have been trying DESPERATELY to get a name on the Virtue server (Check the Virtue forums... I'd give my left arm for Trickshot).First I was told that the original holder had left the game for good and that was out of luck.
Um. Who told you this? As far as I am aware the developers aren't in the habit of saying who has what name.

Now, I find that the name has been released, only to be tied to a trial account?
Given that the last name purge was over 1293 days ago... I find this to be an incredibly DOUBTFUL statement.

REALLY? to be honest, I don't think names should be tied to trial accounts, when a paying customer is more than willing to put them name to good use.
Well, they are, and according to Memphis Bill's own little bot there, they've been so for over 3 and half years.



What he's seeing is not that the name has been released, but that trial accounts had "TRIAL" attached to them. The global for that test account, for instance, is @Trial ID6QLC - which is certainly not what it was on creation.

Essentially, that name has always been held by a trial account. He just couldn't have known until recently.



Most likely, it was always tied to a Trial Account and, when they merged the EU and NA server lists and made the change to all Trilal Accounts to be appended by @TRIAL, this bit of happy information was revealed to the OP.

Sucks don't it?

Well, best of luck!
One day, some way or another, I think the name will open up. Not sure when though... nor how... And I don't know if you'll be the one to get it, hehe!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
What he's seeing is not that the name has been released, but that trial accounts had "TRIAL" attached to them. The global for that test account, for instance, is @Trial ID6QLC - which is certainly not what it was on creation.

Essentially, that name has always been held by a trial account. He just couldn't have known until recently.
Ah. I was un-aware of this little tibit. Thanks for the Clarification.



I'm here to present the award for Best/Worst Thread Title Typo to CaptainMidnight.



Not to be unsympathetic, but if someone managed to snag the name in between the time the last time the script was run and now, your attempts to get it couldn't have been that desperate.

Besides, a 30 second Google search shows me that name belongs to a Marvel character (albeit a minor one). If you ever did get it, you wouldn't keep it, the only reason it isn't on the list of names locked out due to copyright, is it is on an inactive character that hasn't been used since before they started the list.

Edit- Hell, another Google search shows me you're lucky to have Captain Midnight not taken from you. Even for names tied to very old characters, they tend to err on the side of caution.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Not to be unsympathetic, but if someone managed to snag the name in between the time the last time the script was run and now, your attempts to get it couldn't have been that desperate.

Besides, a 30 second Google search shows me that name belongs to a DC character (albeit a minor one). If you ever did get it, you wouldn't keep it, the only reason it isn't on the list of names locked out due to copyright, is it is on an inactive character that hasn't been used since before they started the list.
That's not necessarily true but the end result is close enough. There are plenty of names held by Marvel, DC and others that are not on the blocked list for some reason and should be since they get changed each time someone tries their hands at it. So it may not end up on the blocked list and at that point all you can do is just hold it if you get lucky enough to snag it because if you log on and play with it, someone will likely report it for the sake of it and it'll get taken from you (and yes, you can often times just grab it again if you're quick enough). There's been plenty of names that has happened to on Virtue this past month.

Of course it COULD be added to the block list as soon as it's let go by the Trial account but that's a maybe, not a guarantee.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Not to be unsympathetic, but if someone managed to snag the name in between the time the last time the script was run and now, your attempts to get it couldn't have been that desperate.
Please re-read the rest of the thread.

It wasn't snagged between then and now. The trial account it was tied to was renamed with the rest, so he now *knows* it was a trial.



I read it. Thus my use of the word "if" it probably should have been "even if"

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I read it. Thus my use of the word "if" it probably should have been "even if"
That... doesn't really make a difference with what you said (and which I quoted in the reply.) In fact, it makes no sense:

"Not to be unsympathetic, but even if someone managed to snag the name in between the time the last time the script was run and now, your attempts to get it couldn't have been that desperate."

... and is still irrelevant to the fact that name has been and still is tied to a trial account, a fact he would have just found out with the trial account rename. His conclusion (and irritation) that the name was "now" taken by a trial has been corrected.



I was pointing out the hyperbole tied to his premise by accepting the premise but pointing out that it couldn't possibly be accurate based on the fact it's been so long since the last time the script was run. I KNOW what he said doesn't make sense because the name was never actually free. That's wasn't the point I was getting at. You had covered it more than adequately. We both agree the premise is moot. I was simply pointing out the ridiculousness of the language used.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
That's not necessarily true but the end result is close enough. There are plenty of names held by Marvel, DC and others that are not on the blocked list for some reason and should be since they get changed each time someone tries their hands at it. So it may not end up on the blocked list and at that point all you can do is just hold it if you get lucky enough to snag it because if you log on and play with it, someone will likely report it for the sake of it and it'll get taken from you (and yes, you can often times just grab it again if you're quick enough). There's been plenty of names that has happened to on Virtue this past month.

Of course it COULD be added to the block list as soon as it's let go by the Trial account but that's a maybe, not a guarantee.
They still do that? Silly GMs. We've been telling them for years they need to do a better job maintaining a reserved list so that if they take a name for a reason, they won't have to take it again 5minutes later because it's open season.

Anyway. There's not much point in snagging such an obviously out of bounds name, if you can never play it for fear you'll be caught.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



First, characters can be trademarked, but not copyrighted.

Second, a character's trademark incorporates more than the name. It's the whole package: the name, the look and the concept.

Third, an unutilized character can lose its trademark status. That is, characters who do not appear in any works for a certain amount of time revert to the public domain.

Certain names are blocked in CoH because they are considered to belong to characters so iconic that players would be tempted to violate another company's trademark by recreating those iconic characters.

If I created a comic book about a character named "Wolverine", depicting a giant rodent righting wrongs among forest animals, I could argue in court that it had nothing to do with the famous X-Man. I might even win. However, the cost of defending my creation against Marvel/Disney's legal team would make it not worth my time or money.


Anyway, it sucks that a name someone wants has been stuck on a trial account for years.



Thanks for the quibble correction, but I do know the difference between trademarks and copyrights. If it were something more important than a tossed off forum post I would have bothered being specific.

The rest of your correction is inaccurate in one important point. The GMs can take any reason they please. It's their game. And in practice, if a character name in CoH is the same as one from someone who appeared in a Marvel or DC comic, they're not going to let you keep it if they notice it. They err on the side of caution.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
They still do that? Silly GMs. We've been telling them for years they need to do a better job maintaining a reserved list so that if they take a name for a reason, they won't have to take it again 5minutes later because it's open season.

Anyway. There's not much point in snagging such an obviously out of bounds name, if you can never play it for fear you'll be caught.
Agreed on all counts.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



I think NC Soft should announce that it is going to do a name purge with the stipulation that they will be auctioning off any names to the highest bidder....

No really!!! Because then we can have a bunch of threads on that instead that a particular player can't get a particular name on a particular server at the particular time that they want it.

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
Since virtually day one, I have been trying DESPERATELY to get a name on the Virtue server (Check the Virtue forums... I'd give my left arm for Trickshot).
Day one? So, since May 2004? Now THAT is persistence.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Thanks for the quibble correction, but I do know the difference between trademarks and copyrights. If it were something more important than a tossed off forum post I would have bothered being specific.

The rest of your correction is inaccurate in one important point. The GMs can take any reason they please. It's their game. And in practice, if a character name in CoH is the same as one from someone who appeared in a Marvel or DC comic, they're not going to let you keep it if they notice it. They err on the side of caution.
There's no quibbling involved. My post was a response to the claim earlier in the thread that a certain name belonged to a Marvel comic book character and therefore was protected by copyright. My point was that this is not necessarily the case. In fact, when I did a google search, the first entry was for a radio serial character that may have later become a Fawcett comic character (I didn't do more than scan the wikipedia entry for this so I may have misread it).

You are right that GMs can do whatever they like. CoH has long gone overboard to prevent another lawsuit over trademark infringement. However, that does not mean the OP's name is a violation of copyright or trademark.

I don't want to argue. Just trying to clarify.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I'm here to present the award for Best/Worst Thread Title Typo to CaptainMidnight.
My brain did not even notice that...

I bmlae taht wolhe ridaneg wdors fluly itaesnd of a sglnie lretetr at a tmie tnihg.

And I agree with the board's decision for that award!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Doughboy View Post
If I created a comic book about a character named "Wolverine", depicting a giant rodent righting wrongs among forest animals, I could argue in court that it had nothing to do with the famous X-Man. I might even win. However, the cost of defending my creation against Marvel/Disney's legal team would make it not worth my time or money.

Wolverines aren't rodents, they're weasels.



To be honest, you can do a lot better than Trick Shot, or Trickshot, or any other variant spelling, anyway.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I still to this day don't understand why character names were never attached to your global instead of a global list of names. It make no sense at all to me. And to clarify what I'm talking about:

If your global is @xyz and you make a character with the name 123 it will be tied to that global name which on the back end of the system would be xyz@123 But in the game you will still see the normal character name, and not the full name.

That way anybody on the game can make a character with the name of 123 and the name will always be available to you at anytime as long as you personally don't already have it. This would totally fix the character name issue with all these names being tied up in trials and accounts that haven't been used in the past 7 years.

I made this suggestion over a year ago here...

Name Change

[B]Leading Badge Holder in the City of Community[/B]
Owner & Operator of...
[URL=""][/URL] & [URL=""][/URL]

[URL=""][B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]Challenge My Brute[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/URL]



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Not to be unsympathetic, but if someone managed to snag the name in between the time the last time the script was run and now, your attempts to get it couldn't have been that desperate.

Besides, a 30 second Google search shows me that name belongs to a Marvel character (albeit a minor one). If you ever did get it, you wouldn't keep it, the only reason it isn't on the list of names locked out due to copyright, is it is on an inactive character that hasn't been used since before they started the list.

Edit- Hell, another Google search shows me you're lucky to have Captain Midnight not taken from you. Even for names tied to very old characters, they tend to err on the side of caution.
You do realize, I assume, that between Marvel and DC they have over 9,000 trademarked characters . . . right?

And a name, itself, is not the trademark. There is more to it. However, such I.P. being a gray area at best even for the courts, it gets stickier on the "name" issue when you start playing with household recognizable names like Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Hulk, et cetera.