Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




It was both fun and vexing to judge as really there were so many good entries , having been in and judged numerous costume contests I sorta knew that no matter how we voted someone would disagree (which is good Id hate everyone having the same likes and dislikes )

Even among the judges we had a few stumbling blocks as we seemed to like the same entries for the majority but whose entries were placed where seemed to cause a bit of discussion and the order changed a few times .

all I could do were vote for what I thought appealed to me the most and hope for the best

Thank you again for all that took the time to enter

If HIjinks , Galactoman and kyuuen would global friend me i'll happily try to get them their winnings tonight and should be able to be found in the Kings Row AE building .....farming



errr silly me my global is ....@Dragonberry , i'll be the tall awkward green lizard girl in leg warmers and a scarf :P



Gratz to the winners!

Might not have won, but at least I have designs for the Cimeroran FP for any AE mishes I might do in the future

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



grats to the winners. Well done all!

but now I remember why I never enter contests. I could be the only entrant and still lose, luck's just that bad.

OR, as I tell people, I could fall into a river of gold and come out covered in crap.

The darkness is feared for a reason.



Originally Posted by Prime_Nighthawk View Post
Aside from the action shot, I don't see what this winner has over any of those other Synapses. And if I saw a picture of the original synapse and that one, I'm not sure I would really make a connection between the two.

I'm not trying to hate on Hydro. His fantasy edition was awesome and definitely deserved one of the top spots. I just don't see much originality compared to other entries or homages to the original in his 2010 synapse.
The contest was, as I saw it, more to revise than reinvent the Freedom Phalanx... which is what a lot of people did (including myself with my first entry). The question was, as I understood it: "what would I put in the game?"

So I mostly made superhero costumes that I felt reflected the characters, as we now know them. It was no surprise to me to find that many people had very similar ideas, and that it'd come down to, in many cases, the refinement, detail, and execution of the looks.

What I like about my Synapse is the expression and hair (which, to me, really gets the guy's personality across), and the sleekness of the look (he wouldn't even have had a belt, had there not been a slight top/bottom coloration difference that bugged me). I was particularly happy with the subtlety in color gradation on the gloves and boots (the primary reason that lightning pattern was chosen) and the overall hue.

So, point is, a lot of thought went into the design. I started working on the costumes before any entries had been made, and didn't finish them until after many others had been submitted: I didn't just bang 'em out. Thing is: "Originality" wasn't what I was going for. I just wanted them to look good: an attractive, cohesive, spandex super team. Appropriate signature properties for a superhero video game.

Under that criteria, which is what I took to be part of the judge's, I think my makeover entries stand up just fine, and are actually better at 'getting the job done' than some of the more "original" submissions (including my later ones, which is when I went down the 'reinvention' road), and even the ones you cite as your own favorites later in this thread.

Ultimately, I entered this contest for fun. The original inspiration was my long-standing loathing of Sister Psyche's costume, and it went from there (so I'm particularly gratified that my SP makeover won). And I went in knowing that it'd come down to subjective taste, as these things do.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



I have not heard from a number of the winners. I will send a PM later today and a global tell (if I have their globals) to let them know to collect their winnings.

So far prizes awarded to:
Hi Jinks - 1st place, 600M
Siberian Spring - 2nd place, best Manticore, 450M
Smersh - 6th place, 100M
Spadra - best Position, presentation, 100M
Sardonic Paladin - presentation, 50M

I have not heard from:
Galactoman - contact Deebs please
Kyuuen - contact Deebs please
Oedipus Tex

I realize that it's double xp weekend and people are busy. In the event that I can't reach some of the winners at all. I will email the inf prizes to the winners with the advent of issue 17.

Bah, looks like I missed Hydrophidian by minutes.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I have not heard from a number of the winners. I will send a PM later today and a global tell (if I have their globals) to let them know to collect their winnings.

So far prizes awarded to:
Hi Jinks - 1st place, 600M
Siberian Spring - 2nd place, best Manticore, 450M
Smersh - 6th place, 100M
Spadra - best Position, presentation, 100M
Sardonic Paladin - presentation, 50M

I have not heard from:
Galactoman - contact Deebs please
Kyuuen - contact Deebs please
Oedipus Tex

I realize that it's double xp weekend and people are busy. In the event that I can't reach some of the winners at all. I will email the inf prizes to the winners with the advent of issue 17.

Bah, looks like I missed Hydrophidian by minutes.
Can I has their stuff? <_<



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
I have not heard from a number of the winners. I will send a PM later today and a global tell (if I have their globals) to let them know to collect their winnings.

So far prizes awarded to:
Hi Jinks - 1st place, 600M
Siberian Spring - 2nd place, best Manticore, 450M
Smersh - 6th place, 100M
Spadra - best Position, presentation, 100M
Sardonic Paladin - presentation, 50M

I have not heard from:
Galactoman - contact Deebs please
Kyuuen - contact Deebs please
Oedipus Tex

I realize that it's double xp weekend and people are busy. In the event that I can't reach some of the winners at all. I will email the inf prizes to the winners with the advent of issue 17.

Bah, looks like I missed Hydrophidian by minutes.

Galactoman - 200 M
has been paid out and he then proceeded to do a happy dance .



I just caught Hydrophidian in game, and with Deebs giving Galactoman his winning, our winner absentees are now:

Kyuuen - contact Deebs please
Oedipus Tex



Oedipus here. Haven't been paying as much attention as I should. You can contact me in game with the global name puercospin.



Just ran into Commander and Oedipus Tex in game and gave them their winnings. Only two uncollected prizes remain. When those are complete, my last duties of judge/host for this event will come to an end.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Just ran into Commander and Oedipus Tex in game and gave them their winnings. Only two uncollected prizes remain. When those are complete, my last duties of judge/host for this event will come to an end.
I'm still willing to accept their winnings.... <_<



This was a lot of fun! And there were some great ideas to borrow from.

If anyone else has a couple bazillion inf to pass around, I'd love to see this done with the Vindicators.



((This was a fun contest! In fact, this is one of the funnest things I've seen on the Virtue boards in a long time! We should do this kind of stuff more often! (But not too often -- don't want it to become trite.)

Congrats to all the winners! You really unleashed your creativity! Maor plz! ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((This was a fun contest! In fact, this is one of the funnest things I've seen on the Virtue boards in a long time! We should do this kind of stuff more often! (But not too often -- don't want it to become trite.)

Congrats to all the winners! You really unleashed your creativity! Maor plz! ))
I've been very gratified about how this contest turned out, the quality of the costumes, and the sheer amount of participants. I do have a couple of more ideas for future contests, but I'll wait on those to allow the Virtue forum to return to its regular programming. As it was, I felt that the Virtue forum goers have been gracious about allowing this huge thread to intrude in their space.

So I wanted to thank the Virtue forum goers for their patience and support. It has been a pleasure in hosting / judging this contest.




Haven't heard from the 2nd or 3rd place finishers...but anyways, here's art of the character Hi-Jinks requested...Monster Face. Lucky him...the artist ( tossed in two more sketches on top of the final piece.



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Haven't heard from the 2nd or 3rd place finishers...but anyways, here's art of the character Hi-Jinks requested...Monster Face. Lucky him...the artist ( tossed in two more sketches on top of the final piece.

My goodness, Bay, that's a heck of nice sketch for our winner!



I'm still speechless, heh. I love it.

Thanks again!



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
This was a lot of fun! And there were some great ideas to borrow from.

If anyone else has a couple bazillion inf to pass around, I'd love to see this done with the Vindicators.

Yes, this.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
This was a lot of fun! And there were some great ideas to borrow from.

If anyone else has a couple bazillion inf to pass around, I'd love to see this done with the Vindicators.
That was the one I had in mind if I'd won anything, but I need to build up some influence first.

Black Starbeam - The Reciprocators

Making money, not earning it.



Originally Posted by Siberian_Spring View Post

What's the mask thing Statesman is wearing?



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
What's the mask thing Statesman is wearing?
That's the Valkyrie mask from the pack with the same name.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



Originally Posted by Siberian_Spring View Post
That's the Valkyrie mask from the pack with the same name.
Oh, right, from the mac edition right?
EDIT: I tried to make a toon with this mask; which i think its only available as a helmet detail for half helmets, yet, when i select it, only the lower part appears, while the upper half is hidden by the helmet as being under it. Does anyone know how i can have the valkyrie mask exactly as shown in the pic above?? Thnx



It is also available under "Full Masks".

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)