Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




Quick headcount.

Counting 4 new additons:


That leaves our participant total to 46, which means that there are 4 slots left. After the 50th participant enters, the competition portion of this contest is over. The judges and I will no longer accept any further participants -OR- entries from existing participants at that point. We will then enter the judging phase.

As Bayani related earlier in the thread, he will judge everything at once when he can get past some RL work issues. Deebs and I have been taking notes as the contest have been rolling. I will however re-look at every entry once the competition part is over to see how much I agree with my own notes.



Just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone for the complements, I'm glad the costume designs are appreciated and yea I had fun with the presentations but they were just solely intended for the fun of the contest and hopefully for everyone to enjoy. I'm hoping I didn't violate any rules of the contest by doing additional presentation work and will repost standard screenshots of the costumes if I did.

Anyway I also wanted to say as I clicked through all the pages there a lot of great designs and I have a few favorites of my own, so thanks to everyone for sharing and good luck to all!



Here's My attempt at a theme that I don't think has come up yet.

Amerika Korps





Frau Geistlich





some amazing stuff here. the fantasy phalanx takes the cake for me, but i'm still throwing my hat in the ring

I didn't really go with a theme here, per se, but I just tweaked the classic looks a bit so they looked a bit more updated. Think Ultimates as opposed to classic Avengers.



And to round off my versions of the Freedom Phalanx:



And just to fill... :P


And, I felt that it was time to give someone a much needed promotion. He's done a lot to help us all and showed us that we had what it took to step into Paragon and defend it. He's definately deserving of a spot within the Freedom Phalanx...


pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



I hate to snipe, but I really had to point this out somewhere...

Good looks? Yes. Must be why he used them each twice...

NUMINA.................................................. .........SISTER PSYCHE

CITADEL.................................................. .........POSITRON



here's my takes on the rest of the Freedom Phalanx. Like the rest, I tried to give them a new-ish look, while maintaining the flavor of their classic appearances.


went with a metallic look, figuring someone that moves as fast as he does needs a special fabric that won't burn up under friction. Added the Lighning2 logo, since I think it blends a lightning bolt and the letter S perfectly.

Sister Psyche

no major changes, just updated her look a bit.


gave her parts of the Witch costume choices and added some color, think it fits her rather well.

Updated his look, but took a cue from another poster and gave him some "cool" features.

Back Alley Brawler

have to agree with whoever said that he was just TOO huge. So I slimmed him down a bit, and relocated his power source from gauntlets to a belt (lined with micro circuitry thanks to Positron)

and the rest, for the page back challenged...




The darkness is feared for a reason.



Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
I really like that Positron. It has the details suitable enough for a "Power Armor" yet isn't overly complex, plus I rarely see "Panels" pattern used in an effective way like that.



I guess that makes 50 entries.. suppose I missed out. Oh well, next time perhaps..

At any rate, good luck to all the submissions!

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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Originally Posted by Outback View Post
I hate to snipe, but I really had to point this out somewhere...

Good looks? Yes. Must be why he used them each twice...
Just so this doesn't detract from the participants and entries.

I don't consider the costumes the same. If I were to take that stance, I could invalidate a lot of costumes based on the fact they look so much like ones that were posted earlier. There are many costumes that look alike. Sometimes it is the small details that may elevate one above another.



Should be 2 slots left with the two NEW entires. Maybe 3 slots, not sure.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
Should be 2 slots left with the two NEW entires. Maybe 3 slots, not sure.

Commander, CaptainMidnight and myself were already on the list, only Pirhana is new since last count so 3 spots left.

edit: I was going to post the updated list but I keep getting an error.




We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this breaking news...

Something has happened to the Freedom Phalanx!




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Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Just so this doesn't detract from the participants and entries.

I don't consider the costumes the same. If I were to take that stance, I could invalidate a lot of costumes based on the fact they look so much like ones that were posted earlier. There are many costumes that look alike. Sometimes it is the small details that may elevate one above another.
The reason that I reused certain costume pieces was because of the story behind the characters. Regardless of the contest, these costumes are partially part of the story, which when it's at 100% you'll see (if you play the arc.)

The characters I made, I feel, best represent a realistic Freedom Phalanx. Now, in any major orginazation (civilian or military), there is always some uniformity.

Now, take for example the real story of Bastion/Citadel. He was rescued, by Positron, from Crey. He was reprogrammed and allowed to have "free will." Now, in my story, it's a "re-write" of the Freedom Phalanx. Bastion/Citadel was freed from Crey, but Positron didn't give him free will. He was remade into Positron's image. (Which is noticable when Citadel's mask is removed.)

If, for Numina and Sister Psyche, I offended you by having them wear the same pants and boots, I apologize. But, the reason is still there. Just like the connection that Aurora Borealis and Sister Psyche had in game lore, my version of Psyche and Numina also have a connection. That's a key point to my arc, so I won't go into detail with it.

But, like Fury said, this contest was based on our own interpretations of what we think the Freedom Phalanx should look like. This is just my take on it.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this breaking news...

Something has happened to the Freedom Phalanx!




Hilarious, I love it!

I especially like the Psyche costume, and I'm going to have to steal Numi-Numi's for one of my own characters.



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this breaking news...

Something has happened to the Freedom Phalanx!



I LOL'd......seriously laughed out loud. and snarfed coffee.

Originally Posted by Outback View Post
I really like that Positron. It has the details suitable enough for a "Power Armor" yet isn't overly complex, plus I rarely see "Panels" pattern used in an effective way like that.
why thank you!

The darkness is feared for a reason.



Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
Should be 2 slots left with the two NEW entires. Maybe 3 slots, not sure.
By my count at the time of this writng, there are 3 slots left. We did get new entries from existing participants, but only Pirahna is a new participant.



(Second Entry)

Premise: (Story time!)
Its been 50 years since "Going Rogue" muddied the heroic waters in Paragon. We've seen 2 more major Rikti invasions, plus endured countless attacks from new and old groups alike. The Hero Business is still in play, its just not quite as functional as it used to be. Gone are the heroes of lore, their tradition and grandure died with them. Now is the time for the business smart to capitalize on the hero industry, making no name heroes into household name brand icons of the almighty dollar. The hero business has been economically whored out.

It hasnt been easy either for Marcus Cole. The Statesman of old has hung up his mantle as the Fates have caught up with him, telling him that his time has come to hand over his legacy and start anew. But not in the filed of battle, but as an aging older man, still ticked off at the world, scraping together what he feels can best do the justice that needs to be done. This his his living legacy, the reformation of the Freedom Phalanx.

Mr. Cole

All of those you love are gone. Back Alley Brawler brutally taken out by a combination riot of Trolls, Hellians, and Vaz. To add insult to injury, he was found OD'd on Superdine. A lethal injection by a Jutal sent a clear message to the heroes of Paragon.

Now all thats left are not an 8, but a 3... sort of. Indeed, Citadel has lived on, doing what he can and realsing it will take more than what he hasbrought to the table to make a difference. But his story intertwines with that of Positron. Posi, knowing that he has a terminal dose of contamination, has taken on an understudy, Jasper Kent. With this up and coming scientific wonder, Positron, Jasper, and Citadel were able to find a new housing containment for the radiation from Posi's old suit... and the only place able to handle it was In Citadel himself. This act of unselfishness was a debt paid in full, so Posi could spend his last hours out of his suit, knowing he wouldnt be endangering anyone. And thusly, Citadel takes on his new form...


And what of Mr. Kent? Well, the past decade before hsi death, Kent and Posi were wroking on a more efficient, but just as deadly, power suit. Special attention was given to the knowledge that one coudl become trapped inside permanently, so instead of it being so formed to the wearer, this one was more like A Mech-Bot. After Posi's passing, Jasper took on the mantle of his mentor, with the aid of Citadel, to have his name, and his dream, live on forever.


Our last original Freedom Phalanx member is Numina. After saving Trevor Worthington from snipe fire in Founders Falls, the two started to enjoy each others company. He, a Professor of Antiquities at the University, and a honored member of the Midnighters Squad found himself not only intrigued, but smitten by the free spirit of Numina. They traveled together and did what they could to retain some sort of "normal life." That is, until the one day that Trevor was stricken ill. So ill that his light was fading. Knowing the consequences of what was about to happen, both Numina and Trevor decided to go ahead and do the rite, the preperation for the act that could save his life. The same act of inhabbiting hsi body that Aurora Borealis did to help create Sister Psyche. And so, Trevor was saved, forever linked with his love Numina. And together, they are Numinon


The last 2 are personal picks from Mr. Cole himself. He needed to flesh out the ranks, but the person must be JUST right. It wasnt hard to find her really. Her whoel life she sought to know more about her family, their legacy, and who they truely were. This blazing red head bore her mothers good looks and her fathers killer instincts. She was filled with so many questions, so much hatred, rage and shame that she was taking the wrong path. When Mr. Cole offered her a chance to not only know more of her allusive family history, one kept from her for so long, it was like a second chance she never thought she'd get. And after much soul searching, the choice was hers and hers alone... She become the new Manticore.


Last but not least was the revival of Statesman himself. A harsh old man looking for someone to replace him and the job he had done for so long was a shot to Cole's pride that it was the lat spot he filled. This man, such immense size and strength, a spitting image of the kind of heart need to do the job, the fortitude, the instinct, the leadership abilities to rally a City. When his heart knew it was to be, the Fates once again showed up at his door. They took Hector von Magnus and Mr. Cole to the Well of Furies. He was allowed to drink from that well and look into the life that Mr. Cole once had. He is now leading the fight, with guidence from the best hero to ever lace up his boots.




Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Just so this doesn't detract from the participants and entries.

I don't consider the costumes the same. If I were to take that stance, I could invalidate a lot of costumes based on the fact they look so much like ones that were posted earlier. There are many costumes that look alike. Sometimes it is the small details that may elevate one above another.
It's your opinion that counts, of course, so I have no complaints. Just stating my opinion.




Glad to see you throw your hat in the ring! I really like your take on States.



Dunno if i can still do this, but here is my revised submission:

Statesman and Back Alley Brawler:

Synapse and Positron:

Manticore and Sister Psyche:

Numina and Citadel:

Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate

For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709



Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, to bring you this breaking news...

Something has happened to the Freedom Phalanx!




My favorite one so far!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



There are some amazing remakes here. My personal favorite are the Steampunk versions.

If there is still room here are my three entrants... I'll add the rest if I have time but these sort of popped out at me.

BABs: I would use his original gloves if I could. Or even a newer updated version with bigger fists. I think he should look tough yet more street than cape.

Sister Psyche: I've always felt she should be more in your face with her psychic powers. So she has two Psi-Blades. I also brought in some more color. The furry boots because they seem to be trendy...

Manticore: Lose the cowl and gain a mask. Definitely should be more armoured but not bulky. Manti needs to be able to move easily. No capes or cowls. Also the mask enhances his sight courtesy of Positron. I used the Rularuu bow as it looks like it could be used as a blade of some sorts. If at all possible I'd add a triple quiver pack. I'd hate for him to grab an explosive arrow when he really needed the teleport arrow!

Synapse: I felt he needed a racer look to him yet still have some Crey influence in his costume. So I went with a Stealth leather top and Tech Sleek bottom. I kept his colors the same as they are fairly iconic to him. I went with the Vetruvian Man chest detail because basically Crey was trying to create the perfect man...



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post

Glad to see you throw your hat in the ring! I really like your take on States.
lol, thanks

I feel really outclassed here, these ideas are seriously amazing. I entered too quick because I was afraid I'd miss the deadline, so I'll probably tweak things more and get in a couple more before the night is through.



No worries about the deadline, entrant #48, you're solidly in. I think you still have time to put in more entries (you can have 5 total) or revise your entry before 3/4, if I am interpreting the rules correctly. So feel free to tweak and bring your A game (and I've stolen from your costumes before, so I know you have an A game!)