Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




This is your stop drinking warning...

Statesmen: Look, I know they were Carnival in disguise, but if there is not birthday entertainment at my granddaughter's party, I will catch hell for it!

Manticore, Positron, and BAB: So...what did Miss Liberty hire for entertainment again...?

Statesmen: Pretty Super Senshi Freedom Force.

This is why I shouldn't be allowed to post after midnight....



Ok, here's submission #2 (now with a theme!).

This time around, I ran with the Rogue idea and made an all-Arachnos Phalanx. Alternate realities ftw!

It's tough to make an evil States that doesn't look like Tyrant, but here's my take on it.

My only really significant deviation from the existing theme, it occurred to me that an AI in an evil organization would inevitably try to take over--so to hinder his ability to do so, yet keep him as a viable threat, Arachnos just periodically strips him for components. The results short out some of his energy melee capabilities, transforming him into an electrical melee fighter.

Back Alley Brawler:
This one was fun. Simple, but kept him sassy :P

I figured Posi would be a shoe-in for a crab spider, but he would be forever modifying his pack to augment his artillery with his own innate powers.

Not really a big explanation here, just a more twisted version of the speedster.

Sister Psyche and Numina:
Like Synapse, I just went for a darker version of the existing costumes. Not much for an explanation of choices, but hey--I'm really sleepy.

Not to pat myself on the back (much), but I kinda dug the other entry I had for Manti, so I used that as the basis for the spider costume instead of his original.

And that's that! G'night, everybodies!



gahhh sooo many good entries !

When Fury pm'ed me and explained his idea for the contest I knew we had a winner but even im a bit surprised by the amount of particapants and the quality of the entries !

we really should have considered a category solely on production/presentation values as the presentations alone have been worth the contest .

Once again , good luck to everyone and im really jazzed to get a chance to butt heads with Bay and Fury over who we think are the cream of the crop (which we be insanely hard because there is lots of cream here )



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
So, time for my third entry, since my mind is still cooking. Ready? Then cue the Vapors, because we're turning Japanese!

Statesman ---> Rising Son (classic look, nice outfit, States is not the flamboyant type)
Sister Psyche ---> Harajuku (ditched the standard green for the purple and pink most commonly associated with psychic powers)
Positron ---> Pojitoron (anime inspired)
Back Alley Brawler ---> Yokozuna (tough to pull off a proper yukata with our costume bits)
Manticore ---> Oni (not the mastermind pet!)
Numina ---> White Hair (more Chinese than Japanese, but there's so much crossover between the two)
Synapse ---> Puroresu (I've always like high-flyers in wrestling)
Citadel ---> Nejiro (my toughest toon to interpret, guess I'm just not as inspired by him compared to the others)

So, I've used three of my five entries...dare I try more?
I'm digging the Japanese thing, Stun

especially Synapse, since wrestling is too frequently overlooked as part of the Japanese experience, and the luchador look came off very well!



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
gahhh sooo many good entries !

When Fury pm'ed me and explained his idea for the contest I knew we had a winner but even im a bit surprised by the amount of particapants and the quality of the entries !

we really should have considered a category solely on production/presentation values as the presentations alone have been worth the contest .

Once again , good luck to everyone and im really jazzed to get a chance to butt heads with Bay and Fury over who we think are the cream of the crop (which we be insanely hard because there is lots of cream here )
No worries at all. Win or not, this contest has been a fun experience for all of us. To me everybody is a winner so congrats! I have been visiting this thread and was impressed with everyone's submissions. I feel sorry for the judges for they have a tough decision to make. So in other words "It's gonna be okay if I do not win"... as if hahaha... :P

[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]



Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
No worries at all. Win or not, this contest has been a fun experience for all of us. To me everybody is a winner so congrats! I have been visiting this thread and was impressed with everyone's submissions. I feel sorry for the judges for they have a tough decision to make. So in other words "It's gonna be okay if I do not win"... as if hahaha... :P
Couldn't agree more. The whole thing has been great. I'm just that disappointed I didn't come up with a 3rd one for my second entry. Once I managed to settle on something I liked, Statesman and Positron came out really well. I might just post them anyway.

Black Starbeam - The Reciprocators

Making money, not earning it.



Some great entries!



Originally Posted by Scrier View Post
Couldn't agree more. The whole thing has been great. I'm just that disappointed I didn't come up with a 3rd one for my second entry. Once I managed to settle on something I liked, Statesman and Positron came out really well. I might just post them anyway.
please do!



I've really enjoyed looking over this thread and seeing all the great costume work people have done. Definitely numerous entries who could be winners there...

Good luck to all the entrants, and best of luck to the judges who have to narrow these down!

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by Pirhana View Post
please do!
This post delivers!

With Statesman, I figured I'd move a bit further towards the Greek Warrior look. Kept the Super Strength and Invulnerability, just added a few things to boost them. After all what's more deadly than a Super-Strong Sword Wielder? I added in a bit of leather to add a more 30s feel to his costume and add some armour. I really enjoyed getting the stars on there and might have a go at a few more national heroes at some point.

The helmet was the tough part on this one. It took me a long time to work out exactly how I was going to do it without having him look exactly like my most recent armoured hero. I really liked the gold armour and wanted to add a bit more green to hint at the radiation.

Black Starbeam - The Reciprocators

Making money, not earning it.



Originally Posted by Spadra View Post
Positron, I went with a version illustrating Keyes that his overrun by the radioactive energy, so much so that his suit could no longer contain its power, so modifications had to be made: (note the chains, literally shackling him into the powersuit, for his, and everyone else's safety.)

Best Posi I've seen yet.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
And, I felt that it was time to give someone a much needed promotion. He's done a lot to help us all and showed us that we had what it took to step into Paragon and defend it. He's definately deserving of a spot within the Freedom Phalanx...


Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...




Throwing these in before I run to work 'cause I want to beat the deadline. Wish I could have made more of these, but my weekend did not turn out the way I meant it to.

Anyway, More Cimeroran versions of the FP!

Will edit for text when I get into work. *is late rite nao*

ICARUS - aka Synapse

ORION - aka Manticore

TALUS, Man of Bronze - Aka Citadel


So far, we've seen Imperious (Statesman), Daedalus (Positron), and Sister Solaris (Sister Psyche). So, I wanted to build out the rest of the Cimeroran versions of the Freedom Phalanx. Unfortunately, since we're almost at the end of the eligibility period, I had to squeeze what I had finished into the contest. Anyway, here's what I've got:

ICARUS (Synapse): Daedalus rescued this unnamed commoner from the dungeons of a cruel witch masquerading as a noblewoman. While the witch ultimately escaped, Daedalus found a worthy ally in this youth blessed with the speed of Mercury and the thunderbolts of Jupiter himself! Grateful to the inventor, the youth adopted the name of Daedalus' lost son in the hopes of bringing honor and acclaim to his memory. Daedalus gifted Icarus with a special helm and a pair of specialized wings, and boots to help him control his dizzying speed.

-- Design: I tried to keep most of Synapse's colors here, but felt like he needed helmet that was more aerodynamic than the standard roman design. In certain classical traditions, wings are less a symbol of flight than speed (which is why they end up on boots). I also felt like the wings would harken back to the original myth, but also reflecting on Daedalus having learned from his prior mistakes and recognizing the impetuousness of youth. All in all, I tried to keep the design lightweight.

ORION the HUNTER (Manticore): The hunter of legend, possibly one of the greatest in all the lands, Orion has tracked mythical beast and bested them time and again. With the coming of Romulus however, Orion has returned to the isles and wilderness that birthed him to track new prey. Rumors of "dark beasts" and mythic monsters have circulated through the countryside. Orion cannot pass up the chance to test his mettle against these creatures summoned from the darkest pits of Tartarus itself!

-- Design: Again, trying to keep the original colors here, but demonstrate a bit of the hunter-aspect of Manti's lore. It's sorta difficult to see in the pictures but I kept Manticore's 4 pointed "arrows" on Orion's cape (and technically as a skin-pattern, you can see it on his shoulders). I wanted someone a little wilder than Manticore, but someone you could believe could strike a little terror those he was hunting. I tried to make his mask look more like a bandana than an actual cowl, and the beard is just a nod to classical fashion. Oh and of course, he had to have a large belt (really a girdle).

TALUS, MAN of BRONZE (Citadel): An artifact of centuries begone even by the time of the Cimeroran Rebellion, Talus was discovered by Imperious and Daedalus on during a quest that took them to the ruins of the Fortress of King Minos. Although the artificial man originally battled the two heroes, Daedalus was able to reverse the sorcery that inhibited the Bronze Man's rational mind. Once freed, Talus swore never to return to the acts of villany and oppression he had once been used to enforce.

-- Design: First off, I know that CoH already has a "Talos" hero in its lore, but the original mythology is pretty confused on which is more "accurate" a giant bull-creature (Talos), or the giant bronze man. I couldn't think of a more apt classical analog to Citadel, so I just opted to use the latin version of Talos' name. I tried to make a version of a part-human, part-armored man that would have been cast/sculpted by its designer (rather than something that looked like a robot). The beard is sculpted or cast as part of his head, it wouldn't be hair. Also went with another "girdle" design with his belt. I didn't seem much in the way of need for any "clothes" since he's really just a walking statue, but I liked the "Fade Line" pattern to suggest someone who was "sturdy and stacked" (plus it looks like a Phalanx formation too).

Yes, I had ideas for Numina and BABs, but didn't have time to design them just yet.

(no changes to the prior designs, just adding these for completeness)

And here's the remaining two heroes:

COLOSSEUM COLOSSUS (don't call him CoCo) - aka Back Alley Brawler

GNOSIS - aka Numina

No time to put in background on 'em, maybe later.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Been following this thread because im really loving the costumes. I dont envy the judges at all. So many great submissions.

--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox



Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
lol, great point... and great costume!



Originally Posted by Spadra View Post
So for States, I decided to keep the patriotic theme of his character, but make him look like more of the guy who would be on the front lines of the fight... not to mention i love the idea of him with a cool blade.

Positron, I went with a version illustrating Keyes that his overrun by the radioactive energy, so much so that his suit could no longer contain its power, so modifications had to be made: (note the chains, literally shackling him into the powersuit, for his, and everyone else's safety.)

Synapse is along the same lines, I wanted a more extreme representation of his powers, but still keep the heroic tights feel.






Hey Fury: Any chance I can resubmit my Cimeroran FP once I get the last two finished? Can I update my original post or can I add it in on another post but have it count as the same "entry"? I ask since there's only two left, it wouldn't be eligible as a full entry.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Poor Coyote... I've always wondered what he did to piss off Statesman badly enough to earn himself a lifetime of telling newbies to punch sick people...
He died.



Okay, here's my paltry attempt.

When I set out to redesign these guys, I had a few thoughts in mind. First, the Phalanx as we know them today lacks a cohesive look. Any given organization today uses a uniform so that you can readily identify them; it distinguishes them from the crowd. Even our own supergroups frequently have standard uniform that they wear. The most the Phalanx has is a symbol (so far that we know).

Designing a uniform for these guys is no mean feat, however. Statesman is invulnerable, so he isn't worried about padded armor. Synapse is a super speeder, so he's worried about friction. Citadel is a special case altogether. And Numina, well, what the heck do you do about her? In any event, a uniform should be tactical, fairly consistent, but still allow room for individuality. And with that in mind, away I went.

Note: There's no way I can compete with some of the other designs here. I have no delusions about that. I'm just here trying to have fun!


I really wanted to capture his golden age origins here, without relying on tights. There are a lot of newer costume options that have more texture and better lighting options. I went with patent leather and work boots (for better footing in combat).


For everyone's favorite gang-buster, I chose Morpheus meets Samuel L. Jackson as my inspiration. I chose to ditch the hair, upgrade the arms, and give him a scar, as proof of his time served against the gangs.


This girl needed a serious upgrade. For her, I chose to use Trinity from The Matrix as my inspiration. I covered her up topside, and added some fishnets below; the sunglasses help give her that "Go ahead, make my day" look. A change in hair color was desperately needed.


This guy is tough to design without his headpiece. It's hard to design a character who's supposed to be a lion and a scorpion. Still...


These guys have been operating in Paragon City for a long time. And for as long as they have been doing it, you'd have figured that Positron would have figured out how to make his armor less bulky. I figured it was time to do that. This version of Positron assumes that his armor is made of a flexible fibre with the electronics woven into it to generate the shielding; the added flexibility makes him more combat effective. Also, the visor grants him vastly improved combat assessment capabilities.


How do you design a tactical uniform for a dead hero? Does she even care?


Synapse is an interesting character due to the fact that his uniform has to take into account both high friction and high voltage. These are concerns that the other members don't usually have to worry about.


With all the new cyborg parts running around out there, it was impossible not to play with the equipment and see how we could upgrade this poor guy. Interestingly, the client wouldn't let me put a Robotic head on a Huge model unless I used a helmet. (Oddness.)



Originally Posted by Spadra View Post
So for States, I decided to keep the patriotic theme of his character, but make him look like more of the guy who would be on the front lines of the fight... not to mention i love the idea of him with a cool blade.

Positron, I went with a version illustrating Keyes that his overrun by the radioactive energy, so much so that his suit could no longer contain its power, so modifications had to be made: (note the chains, literally shackling him into the powersuit, for his, and everyone else's safety.)



The shoulder pads for States seem a bit over the top other than that an amazing conceptual piece..Positron is just...Wow.

If you don't win for Positron I'll be ignoring this thread.

Best. Positron. Ever.



Id imagine after the results are posted there will be little reason to continue posting in the thread so I too will be ignoring this thread at some point .

Once again good luck to all involved



First off I want to admit, I know my ideas might look similar to someone else but I wasn't trying to copy anyone and these all came from my head.

I didn't get to finish everyone but my I intro the Medieval Phalanx

Citadel as Ramparts the Iron Golem

Statesman as the Knight of Virtue

Synapse as The Silent Striker

Manticore as the Crimson Stinger

The Back Alley Brawler as the Bar Room Brawler



Competition is closed for new participants and entries

Here is the final list:

50 Participants - 0 SPOTS LEFT!
Total entries: 69

Participant List
1 Emperor Steele
2 Siberian_Spring - 3 entries
3 Matt_King
4 Oedipus_Tex - 2 entries
5 Prime_Nighthawk
6 Smersh - 2 entries
7 Outback - 3 entries
8 Hydrothermia
9 Stunrunner - 5 entries
10 Doctor_Mechaniker - 2 entries
11 Galactoman
12 Nurse Midnight
13 sweet_ice_t
14 Commander - 2 entries
15 High_Jinks
16 Fire_Wyrm
17 ThE_WiSeCrAcKeR - 5 entries
18 Gaelic Reign - 2 entries
19 Kai - 2 entries*
20 HochroterDrache
21 Antoinette
22 BubblegumBomb - 2 entries
23 Power_Play - 2 entries
24 Hydrophidian - 3 entries
25 Risko_Vinsheen
26 JadesRevenge
27 TheIcyOne
28 PumBumbler
29 Meltman
30 Mr_Mud
31 FredrikSvanber
32 Kyuuen
33 CaptainMidnight
34 Heroid - 2 entries
35 Sardonic_Paladin - 2 entries
36 Twelfth - 2 entries
37 Star of Thade
38 Scrier - 2 entries
39 Bru_Tal - 2 entries
40 Shadow State - 2 entries
41 GreySquirrel
42 Spadra
43 BrandX
44 Starflier
45 Captain_Zero
46 Pirhana - 2 entries
47 CaptainMidnight
48 PowerStream
49 TyrantMikey
50 Ascalon1

I've been trying to monitor this thread to ensure that I closed it just after the receipt of the 50th participant. Due to a bit of a miscount on my part, I wasn't aware that I had counted Smersh twice. I was going to exclude Ascalon1, but with a recount of the number of entries, Ascalon1 makes it on the list as our 50th participant.

I will now confer with the other judges and begin our deliberations. We do intend to take some time, because we want to take our judging duties as seriously as you took your entries. Bayani will begin his deliberations starting March 4. Deebs and I will begin poring over our notes. We will announce our decision by March 10th at the very latest, hopefully earlier than that.

Best of luck participants! And thank you for the amazing costumes.



One additional note: the contest is closed to BOTH new participants and new entries from existing participants. The 69 entries we received will be the only ones judged.



good luck, everyone!