88 -
Quote:Really great character, Lightslinger. I think you chose a great way to represent each of the five stages of development. Sort of reminds me of Dragonball or something where one of the villains kept getting bigger and badder, and his most powerful form was the smallest. Nicely done with the organic armor, and nice color choices, too.Loving the Organic Armor, I plan on using it with my Kinetic Brute when GR is released, here are the various mutations of Exokin...
Exokin Level 1 Mutation:
Exokin Level 2 Mutation:
Exokin Level 3 Mutation:
Exokin Level 4 Mutation:
Exokin Level 5 (Final) Mutation:
Each of these will be a costume slot representing the ongoing mutation of Exokin (short for Exo-Armored Kinetic). I think my favorite part is the "psyche out" of the Level 5 Mutation. Up until then every mutation caused an increase in size and organic armor, then when he finally mutates into his most powerful form, its the smallest yet. -
Quote:This is a great list of names, but most of them a little to silly for this character. I've always admired your namesake, Oedipus Tex, such a great character concept!When creating characters like this I sometimes branch off with a backstory to find something to rhyme with. So, ideas.
Fedora Borealis (actually the name of a former character but you can steal it)
The Blast Supper (name I gave to an ex before we broke up, PLEASE steal it)
Blast of the Mohicans
Babababloom (Plant/Energy Dominator? Not fit for your character but someone might like)
Farce of Nature
MC Squared (surely taken?)
Rebound Guy (i.e. as a reference to dating)
Violet Reaction
Debt-o-Nation (also Debt o'Nation)
Boogedy Blue (maybe an obscure reference to people under 25, but here's a hint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQfz5_b12O8 )
If that movie is the one I think it is, I watched it on a double date during when I was in the fifth grade. Is the villain's catch phrase "Boogedy Boogedy Boo?" -
Hey everyone, thanks for all of your input. I forgot to mention that he's lately been going by the name Captain Force, but I grew tired of this name (and realized I accidentally misspelled it when I rolled the char.) There have been some great ideas here, but so far I'm leaning towards Powerforce.
Some other possibilities I've been considering are:
Forcebeam -
Hey everybody, I really need some help coming up with a good name for my Energy/Energy Blaster. I had originally intended to call him Collision, but it was taken. Now I can't decide what to call him. Any suggestions, please?
Congrats to everyone who won, and to those who didnt: you guys are awesome too! I'll definitely be "borrowing" a lot of great costume ideas from this thread.
Just curious, has anyone directed the devs' attention to this thread? Would be interesting to get their opinions on the great costume work done here.
Here are my versions of the Freedom Phalanx. There were so many great costume ideas in this thread that I'm afraid I ended up "borrowing" a lot of concepts from other posters. But really that's just one form of a compliment, people! Imitation is the sincerest form of flatery, you know.
So the first thing I noticed is that none of the members of the Freedom Phalanx actually wear the team logo anywhere on their costume, so I tried to make the emblem an integral part of each member's costume.
Statesman - I always loved the Justive armor because it seems like it fits patriotic characters so well. I wanted to keep the feel of Statesman's current helmet, but add a few other Roman elements to indicate his Incarnate status and tie in his origin a little better.
Sister Psyche - I wanted to keep the green theme a little bit, but I added in a much needed third color with the spots of gold on the arms and boots. I used the Savage pattern to kind of hint at that old costume and keep the heroic tights feel, and I changed her hair and gave her a tiara that suggests it would focus her mental powers.
Positron - His original costume doesn't have any green in it, so I feel like he doesn't look like he should have radioactive powers. I changed the colors and the feel of his costume a little while trying to keep as close to the original version as I could.
Back Alley Brawler - Okay, this one I basically stole outright from Commander's amazing version of the character. There were just a few tiny changes I made. I kept the power gloves to just the forearm instead of the entire arm, added a little more facial hair to make him look older, and changed the camo pants to just denim. Oh, and I added the FP logo. Hard to improve on such an awesome design, but I couldn't help myself.
Manticore - Manticore was hard because I hate his current costume. I notice everyone seems to think that the "mane" of the costume is his real hair, but I noticed when reading the CoH comics and seeing Justin out of costume that he has something closer to the "Barbaric" hair style. There were definitely better entries than this one, but I tried. I gave him a hood to hint at his archer powers, and armor to protect him better. The face was to hint more at the lion aspect of the "Manticore" design.
Citadel - I like the subtle cybernetic aspect of Citadel's current costume, but wanted to play it up a lot more to really emphasize that he is still made of metal, no matter how human he seems. I gave him the gold and silver armor upgrades to help him out in battle and add a little more color to his basically monochrome costume.
Synapse - This was another hard one, but his current costume isn't terrible. I just don't like the use of the blending pattern, and I always forget he has electric powers because there really isn't a visual cue for it in his current costume. If I could have, I would have kept the grey pads that go down his arm because I like the effect.
Numina - I saw some great designs for Numina here, but I didn't have the time to properly steal them. I mean... I tried, but the result I came up with didn't look very good and I decided not to bother since the deadline is looming.
Anyway, great costumes everyone, you guys and gals really inspired me and I can't wait to find out which of your great entries are the winners. Good luck to everyone! -
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but the Master Architect accolade badge never granted me the reward power, Invigorate. I sent a bug message to the support team bu they said they hadn't heard of them problem and weren't able to duplicate it, so I'm basically out of luck.
This is my new Fire/Fire Blaster, named Black Marrow. He's a former Skull who abused the drug Superadine and started mutating into a rampaging Troll. When he realized his mind was deteriorating and he was losing his humanity he tried to kick his addiction and seek rehabilitation. Now he works as a hero trying to find a cure for his condition and keep others from making the same mistakes he did. -
Thanks for the feedback, I found it really useful and will definitely try to use this to improve the story more. Glad you liked the Arc.
If the offer's still open, I have a five-mission story arc that I hope you'll enjoy. It's new and barely been played, so I don't have a lot of feedback yet. Let me know what you think!
Arc Name: The Boneyard
Arc ID: 253542
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gebsy/Captain Zero
Difficulty Level: Easy, Level 1-14
Synopsis: A local youth, Gabriel Rodriguez, is getting involved in gang activity with the Skulls. His older brother, Manuel, has asked you for your help bringing Gabriel back to the right side. Can you help save him from a life of violence?
Estimated Time to Play: 30-90 minutes -
Hey, if you get the chance, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new arc, The Boneyard. It's low-level, but very story driven. Details follow:
Arc Name: The Boneyard
Arc ID: 253542
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gebsy/Captain Zero
Difficulty Level: Easy, Level 1-14
Synopsis: A local youth, Gabriel Rodriguez, is getting involved in gang activity with the Skulls. His older brother, Manuel, has asked you for your help bringing Gabriel back to the right side. Can you help save him from a life of violence?
Estimated Time to Play: 30-90 minutes -
Hey, I think you guys havea great idea here. I just recently finished my first arc and would love to have your feed back on it. Thanks, and I hope you have the time for it. Let me know what you think!
Arc Name: The Boneyard
Arc ID: 253542
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gebsy/Captain Zero
Difficulty Level: Easy, Level 1-15
Synopsis: A local youth, Gabriel Rodriguez, is getting involved in gang activity with the Skulls. His older brother, Manuel, has asked you for your help bringing Gabriel back to the right side. Can you help save him from a life of violence?
Estimated Time to Play: 30-90 minutes -
Please check out my arc, The Boneyard, and let me know what you think. I really apprecaite it. If I have the time to review one of your arcs, I'll let you know. Thanks.
Arc Name: The Boneyard
Arc ID: 253542
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gebsy/Captain Zero
Difficulty Level: Easy, Level 1-15
Synopsis: A local youth, Gabriel Rodriguez, is getting involved in gang activity with the Skulls. His older brother, Manuel, has asked you for your help bringing Gabriel back to the right side. Can you help save him from a life of violence?
Estimated Time to Play: 30-90 minutes -
Please check out my first story arc, called The Boneyard. This arc deals with the Skulls and their fight for power in the perpetual gang war in Paragon. As an altoholic, I am constantly making new characters, and spend a lot of time playing the lower level content. I was hoping to make one of the most common enemies in Paragon a little more interesting. I don't want to give away too many spoilers right off the bat, but this is my first story arc and I would really appreciate any criticism.
Any review or critique that you can offer will help make my story better. Even if it's just a spelling error or a complaint about a mission goal, feel free to let me know. Thanks, everybody, and I hope you enjoy it!
Arc Name: The Boneyard
Arc ID: 253542
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gebsy/Captain Zero
Difficulty Level: Easy, Level 1-14
Synopsis: A local youth, Gabriel Rodriguez, is getting involved in gang activity with the Skulls. His older brother, Manuel, has asked you for your help bringing Gabriel back to the right side. Can you help save him from a life of violence?
Estimated Time to Play: 30-90 minutes -
I have a few concepts I'd like to see visualized, but currently don't have CoX installed until I can get a new laptop. So I was wondering if anyone could help me with a few costume ideas?
The first one is for a robot with advanced AI who is very open-minded and has pursued an interest in the mystic arts. I'm thinking a Fire/Ice Blaster.
The second is a With/Dragon combination. After a Dragon killed a with and ate her, her warlock lover tried to resurrect her. The spell went awry however, and fused the dragon and the witch into one twisted and evil creature.
Any suggestions or screenshots would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -
I really love your style, and think it would be great to see colored versions of those pieces. You really should set up a DeviantArt account and show us all more of your art!
Keep up the good work. -
I look forward to seeing them.
I immediately created 4 new alts with the free slots given with I12. I've also deleted a number and created new ones, so I really need to update the alphabet.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, sir. Please do. -
I really love making golden age/minimalist costumes, and I'm staying there on purpose - I'm making a Pallet-based Superteam, see:
(oh, and Gamma Gaia will be a plant/storm troller, yeh)
[/ QUOTE ]
I love all ofthose costumes, and I would pay good money to see a Golden Age-y comic starring those characters. Can you post the powersets for all those folks? I think I can remember most of them and figure the rest out, but I don't remember what the Ghosty guy's powers were. -
Added in stick figure spinomania
[/ QUOTE ]
I demand more Dragonberry stick figures!!!
I've wasted so much time at work trying to replicate the style of these drawings. They're so cute. I mean-- um, cool, and uh, manly!
But I think you should make a few comics with these little drawings, I would totally read that obsessively. -
The wiki needs people like you. And obsessive people who check out the wiki daily (like me) also need people like you.
Hopefully this will work, but I've tried to convert my hero list so far into a website. I don't think it will work, so let me know if it's working for anyone.
Edit: Changed URL. NPC Heroes List -
Wow, I can't belive how much time I spent at work reading that comic. Pretty good stuff there!
As it happens, I had thought to myself some weeks ago that I should whip up a few demo edits and upload the missing Civic Squad member images to the wiki.
If the stars don't align against me, I'll do that tonight after work.
[/ QUOTE ]
You, sir, are my hero.
I I noticed one hero, who's listed on ParagonWiki as belonging to Longbow, was missing from the Codex. The hero's name is Shockstorm.
Also, there were two models there who I couldn't find any information about on ParagonWiki, so I don't know what faction they belong to.
Salvo and Giga Watts. Anybody have more information about these mysterious suspects?