City of Stick Figures




Stick Figures

Oh sure the art forums are filled with amazing artists chock full of talent but what about us folks that can only draw stick figures ?

I hereby throw down the gauntlet for the first annual stick figure draw off !

bust out your elementry school art talents and go to town as you prove your ability as the best stick figure master ever .

prizes for winning ?

psssh let those real art types work for prizes , we superior stick figure creationists work merely to spread the knowledge that you can still enjoy drawing even if you lack uber artists genes

oh Fee and Fie you still want a prize of some sort ?


Best stick figure (arbitarily chosen by the stick figure illumanati )
gets a chibi drawing of their character

Like this
Or this

Deadline is next friday so get to stick figuring !


there can be only one !



lol. Think I'll learn to like this styling, it's fun
Guess I'll post back here after Prod-Graphics class, should be able to sneak in some sketch time

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



Oh my gosh, I have one! This is even a few years old!

Frost Magus

Yes, I have done this character every which way, including stick! All fancy pants too with hair and all.



ahahaha awesome wassy !

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