Canon-based Costumes
Bring on the bad guys!
Name: Seneschal Singe
Group: Carnival of Shadows
Name: Pouhawaiki
Group: Banished Pantheon
Name: Archon Naja
Group: The Council
Name: Tsagaan Drong
Group: Tsoo
And finally two of my alts, with canon-based alternate costumes:
Mr. JJ Jingles, recruited by Hero Corps
Kassai, Fang Agent of Wyvern
There's a Guardianite who tended to create alts based on the various villaingroups. Got pretty good at it too.
I've made a few costumes based on mob groups, but tweaked them quite a bit to fit the character, so they're more canon-inspired.
One character I have tried to recreate a couple actual mob costumes as close as I could with minor tweaks is Enacirreh. Just made a Void Hunter costume for him as well as a Warshade version of a PPD Transcended. They're not exactly the same detail for detail but close enough to the real things to see what they're supposed to be, or at least I hope they appear so.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
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Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
A guy created waaaay back in the day, a reformed Troll:
A bit of a twist on the "canon" aspect, one of the statues in Paragon City Hall come to life:
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Hmm... maybe I'll make a Longbow character for my next Villain...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Hero Statue is a great concept! Very cool.
I have a few -
Name: Cirque'
Group: Carnival of Shadows
Name: Vitalsign
Group: Longbow
Name: Precinct
Group: PPD...umm Super Hero Division
And I agree - the Hero Statue is a great idea!
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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
I tell ya, I think Vitalsign looks more and more awesomer every time I see him.
And Precinct is sharp! That's a great shade of blue you used for the accents there, it works so well with the other colors.
I tell ya, I think Vitalsign looks more and more awesomer every time I see him. And Precinct is sharp! That's a great shade of blue you used for the accents there, it works so well with the other colors. |
Also Vitalsign was actually a product of Vanguard, but his costume does cry Longbow doesn't it? Perhaps a hybrid? LOL

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Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
"Precinct!" Gah, I have name envy! Dag that's a good one!
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Here's one I made for Arachnos, witha bit of a twist. I enjoy using the game lore for background, but I also like to expand it in some way.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I have a few:
Gentleman Calder (sorta Midnighters-ish):
Carnie Luv (ex-Carnie):
Code 254 (PPD):
Dara Corey (Arachnos):
Sharon Payne (Fortunata):
and, Incise (of the Hellraiser faction ):
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CoH/V Fan Videos

Wow PowerStream - they are pretty close!
Ironik - Nice job on Operative Webb! Maybe because of the colors, but he kinda looks like a cop to me. Or maybe due to the previous character dialog!
Dark - Nice crop ya got there! I dig Gentleman Calder - he definitley fits the Midnighter mold! Well done!
[url=]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
I have a Council Ascendant costume for my Dark/Shield scrapper.
It's of course not quite right, but that's about as close as I could get it and be happy with the way it looked.
That Ascendant costume looks pretty good. Maybe he's a special ops type.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Of course, anyone who's been to my DA page knows about Fenris Project, the Council super warwolf and the Handler. But here is one few have seen.
My PPD hero, Omni Tank...
I drew inspiration from Robocop for him.
Found this screenie from a few years ago. One of the costumes my Mercs MM had.
Ok, so I designed a character entirely around the Raptor Pack temp power (and thus the Sky Raider group that the Raptor Pack's design is taken from).
Lt. Wilshire
AR/Traps Corruptor

I don't know which is more impressive? The Sky Raider outfit, or the fact that you hate hand held weapons, and you actually made an AR/ character! ;P

Not sure what's worse AR's crappy single target damage (since you know I prefer solo/small teams) or the fact that I have to wait all the way to level 16 before I can even feel like /Traps is DOING anything.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has created canon-based costumes or alts. Post 'em here and show 'em off!

I'll start off with a collection of my alts created as part of a canon group:
Name: Ram of Steel
Group: Legacy Chain
Name: Psi-Lt Caballo
Group: PPD Psi-Division
Name: Agent Hou
Group: Wyvern
Name: B.O.A.R. (Battle Operational Armored Recon)
Group: Longbow