Canon-based Costumes

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
Pretty sure it's Tech Sleek.
It's definitely Tech Sleek.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



There are some VERY awesome costumes in here! Like, really awesome!
How do you post pics on these forums, anyway? I would, if I could figure out how to =S

I ran out of brain to figure out which was my favourite.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by MGoblin256 View Post
Got a fair share of NPC-themed characters myself.

My mechanized Nemesis General, Brigadier Metzger:

My Gold Bricker Ace, Gold Dredge:

My Galaxy Archon, Archon Contiello

And last, my robot-controlling Crey Protector, Agent Blair

These are all fantastic. I especially like the Nemesis one, given my own woes trying to create an ex-Nemesis toon. She ended up being in an armoured top half, and the helmet doesn't look quite so good, either.

That, and I still need the frelling rifle! =[

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
There are some VERY awesome costumes in here! Like, really awesome!
How do you post pics on these forums, anyway? I would, if I could figure out how to =S

I ran out of brain to figure out which was my favourite.
You need to host the images somewhere else, like PhotoBucket or ImageShack. Both of those places, once you upload the image there, should give you a "Forums" code that you copy and paste into a post here to display the image. I happen to prefer ImageShack, since it gives the option of either a full-sized image or a thumbnail, which Photobucket does not.



Otherwise, you can simply use [IMG][/IMG] tags to go around the URL for any picture.




Originally Posted by wei yau View Post
I think Blue Watch looks awesome.

Which chest piece is that, I'm not familiar with it. I wanna say "flack jacket", but I don't think that's right. If it is, then I need a new graphics card.
Thanks for the compliment!
The other folks are right, it is Tech Sleek with the Tech Sleek pattern option using 2 shades of blue.



Adjutant Kayla Drake, ex-Nemesis army. This is the Mk2, which I am immensely happy with, compared to the clunky old version. Sadly, I need both the Nemesis rifle, and an ITF to make it happen. Ah well, levelling time!
With Rifle:

I know, just using the VG parts, but I'm still rather pleased with Colonel Lyndon. When I stand him next to NPC Vanguard, there's only a very slight difference (leg armour and back plate on NPCs).

Ceasar the Troll in business wear, head of the Rogue Isles Breccia, a rival to the Family ever since they tried to bump him off. Also has a street version.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by MGoblin256 View Post
Got a fair share of NPC-themed characters myself.

My mechanized Nemesis General, Brigadier Metzger:
Is it your goal to make Metzger more awesome every time I see him?

Anyways, canon characters? Sure, I got some.

First up, Winterborn, who is inspired by his having a brief stint amongst the Outcasts.

Next up, the ever popular Ouroboros.

Starting with the Acolytes, C. and A. Falcon, straight from the midle of the 21st century AD. Candice is the ex-Warrior, while Azuka is the one with more fashion sense than love for uniform.

Next up, their superiors, Menders Parasite (Parasite Agent, 23st century AD, right) and Zepherine (Zepherine Agent née Williams, late 19th, early 20th century AD), two of Ouroboros' most skilled archeolinguists. Also a rather successful witch and a rather failed super-soldier.

Lastly, a blast from a AE contact future past, Mender Paradox (Paradox Agent, no relation, 2nd century After Storm).

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



This is a fantastic thread! I love seeing what everybody else has done to make canon concepts! It's one of the things I enjoy working on in the game... seeing how close I can get to making characters that can be part of the backstory!

I have so many canon-based concepts it's ridiculous. I'll put up a few now that are either loners or those I don't play much, then see if I can upload screenies of some of the others by faction.

First is Anomaly (Electric/Electric blaster)... he's a clockwork that wasn't built quite right or connected completely because of the interference of a passing hero. Having stayed unconnected to the Clockwork King's influence, he decided to upgrade himself to look a bit more like the people he saw, although he remains curious about his more mindless Clockwork brethren.

Fellwalker (Dark/Dark stalker) is my newest canon toon, inspired this past Hallowe'en. He's an Unseelie who has managed to escape the odd fluctuations of that season to fully manifest, and physically affect the material world. I plan to have him take Soul Mastery when that becomes an option.

Mender Vortex (peacebringer) was pretty much my CoX-canon version of a Time Lord, and the other costumes he has are fairly motley Dr. Who homages, not copying any particular Doctor's look, but just the feel of that character in general. Naturally I had to get him involved with Ouroboros.

Captain Ravenwood (Dual Blades/Dark stalker) is the spectral pirate in red... the one in black is an actual Spectral Pirate. I loved this picture. I play him in constant Hover, and have the stealth IO in Hover as well, so even when he comes out of Hide, he's still transparent. I recolored the Dark auras to resemble that greenish glow the ghosts have.

I have quite a few others, but a lot of them I can group by faction once I get decent screenshots of them.

@Trystan Laryssa



Nice outfits everybody! I knew I wasn't the only one to create cannon costumes but I had no idea how many made them based off the PPD.

Here is Northeaster, a PPD Detective wearing the "light" version of the PPD hardsuit.



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post

Lastly, a blast from a AE contact future past, Mender Paradox (Paradox Agent, no relation, 2nd century After Storm).
I really like Mender Paradox. Good use of the Vanguard pieces. Gotta ask though, what did he look like before the Rikti War Zone?



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
I really like Mender Paradox. Good use of the Vanguard pieces. Gotta ask though, what did he look like before the Rikti War Zone?
He, ah, didn't. What with being created as an AE contact. For my slowly upcoming arcs of Paradox Savior and Paradox Sacrifice.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Originally Posted by SkarmoryThePG View Post
He, ah, didn't. What with being created as an AE contact. For my slowly upcoming arcs of Paradox Savior and Paradox Sacrifice.
right. sorry, didn't see that text at first. Crashing from the work week. Still, a very nice work!



I find that I like to embed my characters into the game lore a little bit, and existing factions are a great excuse to do this.

My namesake, Storm Survivor: Ouroboros.

Archon Maffei: ex-Council.

Agent Carson: PPD. (not great lighting, I know.)

Naomi Oakley: The Cabal.

Operative Carson: Longbow.

and although I don't actually play him yet, I quite like
Experiment 32: The 5th Column.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
and although I don't actually play him yet, I quite like
Experiment 32: The 5th Column.
Oooh! I like!

Of course, I'm personally partial to combinations of red, black and gold.



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
You need to host the images somewhere else, like PhotoBucket or ImageShack. Both of those places, once you upload the image there, should give you a "Forums" code that you copy and paste into a post here to display the image. I happen to prefer ImageShack, since it gives the option of either a full-sized image or a thumbnail, which Photobucket does not.
Correction... Photobucket does indeed have thumbnail capabilities same as IS does you just need to go
into the options and turn it on. I've posted the steps for this several times but just go
there and look in the menu... it's easy to figure out.

PB thumbnail ------------>

Oh and here is one of my canon themed heroes the Tick Tock Clock and his minions.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Ah! Thanks for the tip. Meanwhile, Tick Tock Clock is brilliant!



All four of my main toons are somehow related to the canon somehow.

NightErrant (A.K.A. Duke Harrison) and his cousin Morgan Serif are both members of the Midnighter's Club, and both have connections to Mu Ancestry, though neither of them really dress the part.

Operative Halfway (A.K.A. Robert Wexler, A.K.A. Agent Halfway or Operative Robert depending on which toon I'm playing) is a latent Psychic who was Partially Riktified (So he's halfway between Lost and Rikti in that sense. I used the "Strange Case of Benjamin A. Decker" rather than The Lost as inspiration), though he's only obvious as a Rikti when you take off his mask. I don't have a screenshot of him, but I do have a screenshot of my newest toon.

Duskshooter (Or "Screw this I don't want to drag my *** through Blueside Content when all my friends are Redside. Dark powers are close enough...")
He's a Dark/Dark Brute. (Not Corruptor. Ha! I bet you thought I was going to go AR/DM weren't you? Nope!)

His Origin Story is that he was a Nictus that was formed from the N-Fragments implanted into a Void Hunter. The Quantum Energy used to modify the fragments messed with his Nictus powers (Hence why he's a Brute rather than a Warshade), and also left him with none of that natural Knowledge Kheldians are supposed to possess. All he knows are language skills, basic math, and things he would have observed as a sort of "passenger" in the Void Hunter's body. Therefore, he comes off as sort of an idiot.

Anyway, Duskshooter was the incredibly tacky nickname of the Void Hunter that the Nictus (I'll call him Dusky) lived in. Dusky was sort of a passenger, and the Void Hunter wasn't really aware of his presence during the six months or so he was allowed to mature. Dusky, being completely innocent and unaware of the fact he even was a Nictus, made no attempts to take over the Void Hunter's Mind. He just sort of watched him "shoot the glowy people" and wondered what that was all about...

This went on for a while until a Longbow Operative shot and killed the Void Hunter, leaving Dusky alone in a freshly dead corpse. Unaware that the Void Hunter's Soul had left his body (and apparently undamaged by the shotgun blast due to the unorthodox nature of their bond), Dusky immediately began work on restoring the Void Hunter's body to a working state, as well as doing some "renovations" based off of observations of the superheroes and villains in Paragon city, resulting in enhanced Strength, Agility, and Durability.

When the Void Hunter didn't comeback, he decided he was going to "house sit" for him. He lives in the Rogue Isles under the Void Hunter's old nom de guerre, generally annoying the people who live there with his stupid questions, and beating up bad guys with his Nicti-enhanced strength.




Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
All four of my main toons are somehow related to the canon somehow.

NightErrant (A.K.A. Duke Harrison) and his cousin Morgan Serif are both members of the Midnighter's Club, and both have connections to Mu Ancestry, though neither of them really dress the part.

Operative Halfway (A.K.A. Robert Wexler, A.K.A. Agent Halfway or Operative Robert depending on which toon I'm playing) is a latent Psychic who was Partially Riktified (So he's halfway between Lost and Rikti in that sense. I used the "Strange Case of Benjamin A. Decker" rather than The Lost as inspiration), though he's only obvious as a Rikti when you take off his mask. I don't have a screenshot of him, but I do have a screenshot of my newest toon.

Duskshooter (Or "Screw this I don't want to drag my *** through Blueside Content when all my friends are Redside. Dark powers are close enough...")
He's a Dark/Dark Brute. (Not Corruptor. Ha! I bet you thought I was going to go AR/DM weren't you? Nope!)

His Origin Story is that he was a Nictus that was formed from the N-Fragments implanted into a Void Hunter. The Quantum Energy used to modify the fragments messed with his Nictus powers (Hence why he's a Brute rather than a Warshade), and also left him with none of that natural Knowledge Kheldians are supposed to possess. All he knows are language skills, basic math, and things he would have observed as a sort of "passenger" in the Void Hunter's body. Therefore, he comes off as sort of an idiot.

Anyway, Duskshooter was the incredibly tacky nickname of the Void Hunter that the Nictus (I'll call him Dusky) lived in. Dusky was sort of a passenger, and the Void Hunter wasn't really aware of his presence during the six months or so he was allowed to mature. Dusky, being completely innocent and unaware of the fact he even was a Nictus, made no attempts to take over the Void Hunter's Mind. He just sort of watched him "shoot the glowy people" and wondered what that was all about...

This went on for a while until a Longbow Operative shot and killed the Void Hunter, leaving Dusky alone in a freshly dead corpse. Unaware that the Void Hunter's Soul had left his body (and apparently undamaged by the shotgun blast due to the unorthodox nature of their bond), Dusky immediately began work on restoring the Void Hunter's body to a working state, as well as doing some "renovations" based off of observations of the superheroes and villains in Paragon city, resulting in enhanced Strength, Agility, and Durability.

When the Void Hunter didn't comeback, he decided he was going to "house sit" for him. He lives in the Rogue Isles under the Void Hunter's old nom de guerre, generally annoying the people who live there with his stupid questions, and beating up bad guys with his Nicti-enhanced strength.

TRR GO! Take a closer look. Tech Banded Gloves and boots. No bandoliers.

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:



Originally Posted by DoktorMechaniker View Post Take a closer look. Tech Banded Gloves and boots. No bandoliers.
I know, but It's a level 5 toon and I haven't gotten an Inf Transfer from my main yet.

So that has to wait.



Only have one so far......

Sanguin my Widow just the first costume. the second was for that mish you had to pretend you're a 'hero'.......



My two Rikti chars:

Ambassador Kel'Jekht (Registered Traditionalist Rikti Hero/Diplomat. WP/Axe Tanker)

War Chief Alx'Ahndr (Traditionalist Rikti Soldier. Axe/Shield Brute. Will be migrating blueside when GR comes about)

And as a little bonus, my Ex-Carnie Strongman, Macabee: