Canon-based Costumes

Ael Rhiana



Very nice looks, mousedroid and Mortal_Prey!!

I can't say I have ever seen a Longbow Crabspider before.

And mouse? I think your costumes are pretty much spot on!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
And mouse? I think your costumes are pretty much spot on!
Thanks. There are some costume parts (primarily on the Cabal Adept and the Red Ink Man I didn't post) and logos (Skulls, Hellions, etc.) that I don't have access to that would have improved them, but I appreciate the positive feedback.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



That's a problem for any canon-based costume. The art of it is to replicate the costume recognizably and as well as possible using the parts we DO have.



I didn't see anyone doing any Knives characters, and it seemed like you'd be able to pull one off without too much trouble, so I tried it:

Not sure if I'm 100% happy with the look yet but it's not far off. I made a claws scrapper (with wrist blades) first, then decided that it HAD to be a stalker (duh, of course). Maybe a character I can use for GR. Also, I decided to do a bit of a tribute to Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell:

The idea is an elite Knives of Artemis cyber-operative/assassin who's left the group and gone freelance (and possibly even crosses to the side of the law).

Needs more work though, and probably a better name.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I teamed with a Fir Bolg named Noognar in Talos today - didn't get a shot of him, but this was his costume, recreated at the tailor:



Meat Doctor with stolen Arachnos tech, anyone?



Every single one of my villians, and most of my heroes are based on canon groups.

Void Hunters:
Void Tracker (DM/Elec)

Colonel Hohenzohller (AR/Dark)

Sky Raiders:
General Sykes (Fire/Traps)

Gold Brickers:
Prince Lityerses (Sonic/Kin)

Arbiter Blood (Bane/Huntsman)

Ivory Fateweaver (Fortunata)

TechnoArachnoid (Crabspider)

Altoruk (Stone/WP)

Paradox Gold Phios (DP/Cold)

Crimson Vengence (BS/Dark)

Copper Scorpion (Nin/Nin)

Doctor Gangrene (Necro/Poison)

Wraith Eidolon (Claws/Ea Brute)

Papa Tempest (Dark/Storm)

Mummyform (with sand colored blasts and storm):

Legacy Chain:
Phoenix of Inferno (BS/Fire)

PPD Eclipse (Trishade)

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:



I think I recall you posting those before... but I think it might have been in a different thread. Regardless, those are some nice looking characters, and some noice names too.



I was going for a look that is unique, but recognizable as being part of the associated groups with these.

First is Total pwnage:

He's a Thugs/Dark MM. He was a member of the Hellions when his mutation manifested and he gained Dark powers like those of the Skulls. He was driven out of the Hellions (they thought he was a Skull spy) and tried to joins the Skulls but was attacked on sight for his Hellion reputation. So he started his own gang, the HelSkuls.

Second is T3h N1nj4 Fr34k:

He's a MA/Regen Scrapper. He was a Freakshow but neve felt like it was the life he wanted so he left and fled Paragon to avoid revenge from the Freaks. He wandered the country but was rejected everywhere he went. Then he found a dojo, and the people inside embraced him despite his "upgrades." They taught him enlightenment and trained him in martial arts. I thought Regen was approapiate for a Freak since they have Dull Pain and a Rez power.



I present to you: Höllenfaust, my 5th Column NRG/WP Brute (spelled Hollenfaust in the game, since accented characters such as "ö" can't be used in names (please fix this devs) )

Fun fact: His name means "Hell Fist"



Your other option would have been to spell it "Hoellenfaust" using the "oe" in place of the "ö" as it is a fairly common practice in German when special characters aren't/weren't available.



Ah! Didn't know that. I might rename him then. Thanks for the info



This topic has inspired me to create a new canon-based character. I read through it again and said "Wait, no one thought of this yet?" and had to do it. I proudly present Not A Nemesis Plot:

NANP is a Blaster. I knew AR would have to be its primary (though getting the Nemesis Rifles will be a pain) but I was at a loss for a secondary. I went with NRG and colored the powers as close to a Nemesis Staff blast as I could get. My current plan is to make each of his other costumes a different faction. Plans are for Midnighter, Longbow, Wyvern, and Nemesis Soldier (no one expects a Nemesis Plot disguised as a Nemesis Soldier!).



Originally Posted by MGoblin256 View Post
Ah! Didn't know that. I might rename him then. Thanks for the info
No problem... I am quite the nut for language stuff.

(Just now, I had to look it up to be sure... indeed, I was right. [Click])



what does canon-based costumes mean? I can see it's to do with recreating costumes of npcs in the game, but where does 'canon' come into it?

I did design a range of alternative PPD uniforms a while back, but they're not based on actual npcs, they were just a bit of fun so not sure if this is the place to post them... i'll link instead

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Canon <-- That pretty much covers it.