Arc 253542 - The Boneyard
Finally got around to playing this arc this morning, good job on a fun lowbie arc!
I especially liked how you revealed the Skulls' background lore via the plot so new characters get a better idea of what they're all about. You get high props for supporting existing cannon
While the story was a bit tragic, it moved along at a good pace and wasn't too difficult as an exemp'd, solo, heroic Blaster. The custom bosses were colorful and could easily fit within the established Skulls group. Great job!
My only feedback on improvement would be mission #3. At first it felt like a filler mission due to the lack of dialogue outside of the boss room. Also, the Skulls' motivation for summoning a demon is unclear. I'd add in a couple patrols talking about WHY they stole the book and what they want the demon for.
Five stars for a very solid story!
Craft your inventions in AE!!
Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Thanks for the feedback, I found it really useful and will definitely try to use this to improve the story more. Glad you liked the Arc.
Please check out my first story arc, called The Boneyard. This arc deals with the Skulls and their fight for power in the perpetual gang war in Paragon. As an altoholic, I am constantly making new characters, and spend a lot of time playing the lower level content. I was hoping to make one of the most common enemies in Paragon a little more interesting. I don't want to give away too many spoilers right off the bat, but this is my first story arc and I would really appreciate any criticism.
Any review or critique that you can offer will help make my story better. Even if it's just a spelling error or a complaint about a mission goal, feel free to let me know. Thanks, everybody, and I hope you enjoy it!
Arc Name: The Boneyard
Arc ID: 253542
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Gebsy/Captain Zero
Difficulty Level: Easy, Level 1-14
Synopsis: A local youth, Gabriel Rodriguez, is getting involved in gang activity with the Skulls. His older brother, Manuel, has asked you for your help bringing Gabriel back to the right side. Can you help save him from a life of violence?
Estimated Time to Play: 30-90 minutes