Makeover the Freedom Phalanx and win influence! 2.1 billion in prizes!




sweet ,

Lots more entries and I agree the judges have their work cut out for them .

Keep em coming guys and girls .



Thanks Sweet_Ice_T for modifying your entry so it fits better on the page.




Well, I guess I'll throw my creations in the mix. These are costumes for a AE storyarc that I've been working on for a few months. Without giving the story away, these costumes fit a new "persona" for each of the Phalanx.

Note: I'm not a fan of over the top "hokeyness" when it comes to my characters or costumes. I like a more "real & gritty" feel, kind of like if it was something that could be seen in real life. While they may look nothing like the canon characters we have all come to know, I feel that these best portray a new, or realistic, Freedom Phalanx.







That's all I've been able to make for the storyarc with my limited time. But I have rough drafts for the rest.... just need them to increase the file size for the AE arcs :P

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



My entries:



Originally Posted by Galactoman View Post
Those are ultra-slick, Commander.
Agreed, I think those by far currently take the options, hopefully I'll have mine up soon. :3



Commander's DO look good....but why does Statesman have Pistols? Or any of them for that matter...

None the less, great looks. Poses really work well for those costumes




Statesman and Back Alley Brawler

Positron and Synapse

Manticore and Sister Psyche

Numina and Citadel

Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate

For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709



Originally Posted by Outback View Post
Commander's DO look good....but why does Statesman have Pistols? Or any of them for that matter...

None the less, great looks. Poses really work well for those costumes
Ty kindly. These are costumes I'm using for an upcoming AE arc that features a "rebirth" of the Phalanx. Let's just say they are less than super in the arc

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by High_Jinks View Post
My entries:

Great looks....but I thought they had to be full body photos?

I especially like Positron



3rd round... went with a regular makeover again. This is just too much fun.

This time I tried to keep States with his more late Golden/early Silver age look with just a few tweaks to update.

Psyche still needed a major "do over", but I kept her Queen O' Green thing.

Posi's just fun. Tons of ways to update a power armor suit. Obviously, the atom is a nod to his powers.

What can you say about BABs? Street wise and bad [donkey].

I like my 1st Manticore better, but it was fun to try and come up with another idea. This time I went with a sleeker look; using brown and gold to reference the "body of a lion" aspect of the mythical manticore, and the scorpion chest symbol for the "tail of a scorpion".

Numina's tough. Her current look is just perfect for her, but I played with skirt options to try and get a similar feel to her current jacket.

I have to say I love this version of Synapse; clean, sleek and fast.

Citadel finally got some metallic hair. Stuck with the blue/white combo from his original look but tried to give him some "modern" technology.

Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)



Originally Posted by Cygirl View Post
So far I like Matt's the best.
Originally Posted by Dexamene View Post
I vote for Matt King as well. Teh Oober! ^^
Originally Posted by Mooncide View Post
I have to say Matt King's entry is the best so far, those costumes are amazing! I especially like Manticore, Positron, and Synapse, Wow!
LoL Matt REALLY wants to win this. Using trial accounts for forum PR? Slick move.

Originally Posted by Outback View Post
Commander's DO look good....but why does Statesman have Pistols? Or any of them for that matter...
Originally Posted by Outback View Post
Great looks....but I thought they had to be full body photos?
Chill. Out.


Loving all the entries. Overall I'd have to go with Nurse Midnight. It's all about the Golden/Silver age costumes! All of Siberians are brilliant also.



Great looks....but I thought they had to be full body photos?
Oh. Missed that part. Eh, it's whatever. Was fun making them anyways.



And a second try at this. This time, I went for the gender bender, complete with new names (possible Portal discovery?)!

I've always like the alternate history type of story, so I had fun making these (and isn't this all about fun?). I'm tempted to write out full blown bios for them...



If I rebooted everything this is kinda how it would look...
First because I'm vain...

Numina, a former Midnighter now a ghost. When did fairy princess come in? This costume makes he look more mature, more sage, and otherworldly. She saved the world after all. This woman has strength beyond death. Back Alley Brawler, he's regarded as a blunt instrument. If you read the comic you see how sharp he in fact is. This costume reflects that cunning and quiet confidence, that I feel adequately replace giant steel mits. As I tried to capture that same otherworldly - ness in my reboot of Citadel. I figure why would a sophisticated computer programmed to fight evil be so bulky? He looks more connected. Function before fashion. Manticore is a vigilante who only got special powers like in issue 3 I think. I traded the logo for a stealth belt and tac belt 1. Less is more.

And Sister Psyche proves it. She's a sexy red-head! Why make her wear a mismatched costume? Synapse...
I got nothing. Runs fast, shoots lightning. Changed the design and the goggles. Position's look is sleeker and his eyes are visible beneath his visor.

Statesman. More conservative costume. No mask.



Participants so far - 17 out of a possible 50 cap

Emperor Steele
Siberian_Spring - 3 entries
Oedipus_Tex - 2 entries
Stunrunner - 2 entries
Nurse Midnight

The only troubling entry is Hi_Jink's. The rules do state that the costumes need to be full body shots. And the only reason why I have rule in there is because the choice of boots and the look from the waist down really do give you a fuller sense of the complete costume. With that said, I have no doubt that the Hi_Jink's intent wasn't to obscure or hide the costume but actually the reverse: to show them off to best advantage.

Ideally, Hi_Jinks will resubmit his entry. But if that's not possible, I'll allow his entry with the understanding that some are not full body shots and hence assessed a small penalty when the judges and I go to evaluate it. It's my attempt at splitting the baby. Hi_Jinks is also welcome to submit a second and separate entry as well.

Also, if you see possible rule infringements, I would prefer you PM me first.

Thanks everyone. The submitted costumes are amazing so far, and while I'd love to add compliments to the entries that have been posted, I am refraining in order to maintain impartiality and to not tip my hand as to what I like.



Originally Posted by fire_wyrm View Post
he almost looks like his lines are glowing! Awesome

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Chill. Out.
*Takes a deep breath, and inserts foot into mouth*

Sorry to sound like an uptight ***. Consider me embarrassed and apologetic.

Another note, I still bow down to the Steampunk Phalanx, hands down. Great competition though, this is getting awesome.



Matt wasnt using Trial accounts, Xan. Those are actual friends.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette

Thanks everyone. The submitted costumes are amazing so far, and while I'd love to add compliments to the entries that have been posted, I am refraining in order to maintain impartiality and to not tip my hand as to what I like.
yeah it has been really hard biting my tongue in regards to some of the costumes and presentations .



guys , girls , futa cat creatures please kindly take it to PM's if you really need to snipe at each other .

So far the entries have been rather awesome and im pretty surprised by both the turn out and quality , keep it up

((and yes I know a hot head like me asking folks to take it to pm's is amusing ))



You are hot, Deebs!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Commander View Post

What boots are these?