New Blaster Secondary: Martial Manipulation
I was having a discussion with someone about this in the broadcast channel in Atlas Park this morning.
I think having a more Natural-based Blaster Secondary to compliment Dual Pistols would be excellent. As it is, DP has a serious gun-fu vibe to it, but following up something like Bullet Rain or Piercing Rounds with, say, Web Grenade, kind of ruins the feel.
As far as what you have here, I'd beg for Eagle's Claw as the Tier 9 instead of Dragon's Tail, but I understand your point.
Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker
I was having a discussion with someone about this in the broadcast channel in Atlas Park this morning.
I think having a more Natural-based Blaster Secondary to compliment Dual Pistols would be excellent. As it is, DP has a serious gun-fu vibe to it, but following up something like Bullet Rain or Piercing Rounds with, say, Web Grenade, kind of ruins the feel. As far as what you have here, I'd beg for Eagle's Claw as the Tier 9 instead of Dragon's Tail, but I understand your point. |
I'm not disagreeing with the logic at all - I just want a flashy air-kick to go along with Hail of Bullets.
Oversurge-Level 50 Blaster
Sentry-Man-Level 50 Tanker
I didn't pick Eagle's Claw because its a very long animation time and I don't think any of the blaster tier 9's for secondaries have a long animation.
Just saying.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Hmm, I like it. But it feels like there's too many MA attacks in there? Maybe replace one of the first two with something else? I know, I know. Energy Manip has about as many. But the REST of that set is just build up like powers and a melee stun. Your Martial set is fairly control heavy.
It might be too much to have both heavy melee and control in one set. ...Or maybe I'm misjudging it *shrug.*
Personally, I'd throw in something unique. They've been rather stingy with the Placates, so blasters might be banned from having them. So. drop that and replace it with... Click, maybe toggle, that drains recharge/speed from foes and gives Blaster +speed/recharge per target. ie. a bullet time power. Comparable to Consume or that Mental power that drains end/regen.
Hmm, I like it. But it feels like there's too many MA attacks in there? Maybe replace one of the first two with something else? I know, I know. Energy Manip has about as many. But the REST of that set is just build up like powers and a melee stun. Your Martial set is fairly control heavy.
It might be too much to have both heavy melee and control in one set. ...Or maybe I'm misjudging it *shrug.* Personally, I'd throw in something unique. They've been rather stingy with the Placates, so blasters might be banned from having them. So. drop that and replace it with... Click, maybe toggle, that drains recharge/speed from foes and gives Blaster +speed/recharge per target. ie. a bullet time power. Comparable to Consume or that Mental power that drains end/regen. |
I don't really think there is a lot of control in there, Caltrop is an ok control power and a pbaoe placate is only as good as the amount of guys it hits, same with the blinding powder. Those powers are nice on a stalker but not something you rely on working all the time on everyone.
Maybe I'm wrong thats just from my own experience with ninjitsu.
I wouldn't mind seeing Energy Manipulation's "Power Boost" added in there somewhere, but not sure what to take out.
Greatly boosts the secondary effects of your powers. Your powers effects like Heals, Defense Buffs, Endurance Drains, Disorients, Holds, Immobilizes, Knockbacks and more, are all improved. The effects of Power Boost lasts a short while, and only the next couple of attacks will be boosted. Note: This power improves the strength of your Heals, Endurance drains and gifts, Runspeed powers, Flight powers, Defense buffs and debuffs, and ToHit buffs and debuffs, as well as the duration of your Sleep, Hold, Disorient, Immobilize, Fear, and Confuse status effects. It does not increase the strength of your Knockback effects. That part of the power description is outdated. |
I do predict, though, if this set went through, we'd see a flurry of Energy/MA Blasters with some variation of the names "Goku," "Ryu," "Dragon Ball," etc.

Could just give Energy Manipulation the "No FX" treatment and call it a day. >.>
/Signed as well
Could just give Energy Manipulation the "No FX" treatment and call it a day. >.>
Originally Posted by Psyte
I wouldn't mind seeing Energy Manipulation's "Power Boost" added in there somewhere, but not sure what to take out.
The only thing I don't think would fly is a Tier 1 with a disorient. It would be cool to see melee immobe like crippling axe kick, or something that could be kinda cool and at least mildly thematic (as far as natural goes) is a Throwing knife that immobes or knocks down (kinda like impale [spines] but faster or focus [claws])
Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.
A set similar to this one is, togheter with broad swords for brutes, the first one on my wish list.
@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.
At first glance, it looks like a lot of melee attacks. I'd probably trim one of those and add some sort of boost, possibly a watered down combo of EM's boosts.
Also at first glance, it looks like marital manipulation.
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
At first glance, it looks like a lot of melee attacks. I'd probably trim one of those and add some sort of boost, possibly a watered down combo of EM's boosts.
Also at first glance, it looks like marital manipulation. |

Its the same amount of Melee attacks as EM for blasters. I literally matched the set power for power with EM.
![]() |
Power Thrust isnt exactly a melee attack, it's more of a Knockback tool. Stun is Equivalent to Cobra Strike for the most part though. Also, energy only really has 3 melee attacks, Energy Punch, Bone Smasher and Total Focus. I could see a more natural feeling set, but there's a point where it may just be better to put some survivabilty abilities in this blaster secondary. Not nearly as much as a Stalker or Scrapper, mind you. Maybe a Weave clone would work (Small Def buff to everything toggle), or maybe have something of a combination of Focused accuracy and Weave: Alertness (Small Def Buff, maybe 8% Unenhanced and an 8% ToHit buff unenhanced, and a Perception bonus of around 30%). This could add a small toggle buff (with a rather steep END cost mind you) that could make it a much more Blapper-centric secondary to compliment people who enjoy blapping. The only problem with this would be IO Bonuses and Defense softcap, consider people already can get softcapped defense on blasters as it is, but at least this way a Blapper-y set can have a bit more survivabilty out of the box.
In this instance, do not give it boost range, instead give it Focus Chi (Build Up, essentially) and leave it at that. The melee attacks would need to be a little less flashy in comparison though. Perhaps having Crippling Axe Kick swapped out for something more like Conserve Power. This would remove the immobilize, sure, but we have Cobra Strike and whatever mezzes from our Primary for Mezzes to work with. Crane Kick is a good idea, but make the Knockback chance guaranteed on hit (so long as enemy doesnt have high enough KB resists of course) like Pwoer Thrust, so they have another tool. Dragon Tail also feel a little out of Whack, but I see no other real option for an AoE in Melee, and a blappery set needs one, unlike Energy Manipulation.
Also, why All of the little tools like Binding Powder, Caltrops and Smoke Flash? Smoke Flash seems fine (and the Placate would add some addd survivabilty to Blapper life, though, I rarely see it hit on Stalkers as it is), but Caltrops is already in a Blaster secondary, so why not something a little different? As far as natural abilities go, why not an Autopower like Quickness from Super Reflexes (Small speed and recharge buff) or Physical Perfection from the Scrapper and Tank epic sets? Quickness wouldn't unbalance blasters as far as I can tell, and Physical Perfection doesnt affect anything but Recovery that a blaster can really get any use out of (Regen is pointless on a class that will get 1, 2, or 3 shotted regardless of Resistance toggles from our epic sets). Blinding Powder seems somewhat out of place here, so why not a Smoke Grenade (-ToHit, and Perception). I realize this one is in a Blaster secondary as it is, But this is a tool that can assist your teammates quite well. Granted the -ToHit really doesnt make a hige difference, but the -Perception will help any Stealthers in your party from enemies that have Perception buffs (cage consortium, Arachnos, longbow and more).
And maybe instead of smoke grenade, an entirely different power is needed, something a bit more original: Supply Drop. Similar to Triage Beacon, it has a Periodic Heal in the area around it. Animation could be Throwing a Grenade on the ground, releasing colored smoke, and then a padded crate hits the ground on it's location. The effect could also be, instead, a long-term buff that randomly buffs players in the group with a small buff similar to Telling other players fortunes.
Just spouting ideas here, if you see any you like, take em.
Also, that was ALOT longer then I originally intended, but there's no problem with that.

@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Um, Total Focus? Gun drone's animation is 7 seconds too I think (or something equally absurd). I also think frozen aura is less than half a second faster than Eagle's Claw.
Just saying. |
Bringing up Gun drone here isn't really relevant, as it's a pet drop power, not a standard XManip t9. Total Focus is a good pull though.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
This sounds like it could be interesting.
Instead of Martial Manipulation, maybe call it: Street Fighting?
So lame name aside, sorry I couldn't come up with anything cooler, my thinking is that we're really lacking for Natural based secondaries for blasters. So my suggestion is a martial arts style secondary combining powers from Martial Arts and Ninjitsu and styling the set after the Energy Manipulation secondary for blasters. In other words very much a blapper style secondary.
Obviously numbers for this set would need to be modified to match blaster damage and effects rather then a stalker or a scrapper. This set is also based on a conversation I had early on in Beta with a few other people in the beta testers channel, unfortunately I don't remember names. And no I'm not asking for this right now, I'm just presenting the idea for consideration. I think having dual pistols now we really do need more blaster secondaries. And I would personally love something thats more natural and less tech then devices. Feel free to flame as necessary ^_^ I'm allowed my pipe dreams! Martial Manipulation 1 - Thunder Kick, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient 2 - Storm Kick, Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash) 4 - Focus Chi, Self +DMG, +To-Hit 10 - Crane Kick, Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback 16 - Caltrops, Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump 20 - Cobra Strike, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient 28 - Smoke Flash, PBAoE, Foe Placate 35 - Blinding Powder, Ranged (Cone), Foe Sleep, Confuse, -To-Hit, -Perception 38 - Dragon's Tail, PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown Notes:
Replace them with Indomitable Will and Eagle's Claw (not in those orders).
Without IW and EC's in the mix I don't think it's a good idea, because all we'll hear is..."It's smashing damage, it's resisted so much!" :P
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I have to agree with this, in concept. The only really believable blaster secondary for naturals is devices, but unless your toon is notably modern it still doesn't work.
My wild west sheriff is pretty much relegated to the self-buffs from EM and filling out the rest of the power selections with pools.
I kindof like it, but I think I'd rather it was something a bit more general than all MA. Same principal, but maybe less highly trained and stuff.
I am so totally all about an MA secondary for Blasters. I don't know what form it would take, the one in the OP looks fine enough. But even if it's different, I would [Executioner's Shot] someone for an MA secondary.
I guess all this post boils down to is /signed.
So lame name aside, sorry I couldn't come up with anything cooler, my thinking is that we're really lacking for Natural based secondaries for blasters. So my suggestion is a martial arts style secondary combining powers from Martial Arts and Ninjitsu and styling the set after the Energy Manipulation secondary for blasters. In other words very much a blapper style secondary.
Obviously numbers for this set would need to be modified to match blaster damage and effects rather then a stalker or a scrapper. This set is also based on a conversation I had early on in Beta with a few other people in the beta testers channel, unfortunately I don't remember names.
And no I'm not asking for this right now, I'm just presenting the idea for consideration. I think having dual pistols now we really do need more blaster secondaries. And I would personally love something thats more natural and less tech then devices.
Feel free to flame as necessary ^_^ I'm allowed my pipe dreams!
Martial Manipulation
1 - Thunder Kick, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
2 - Storm Kick, Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
4 - Focus Chi, Self +DMG, +To-Hit
10 - Crane Kick, Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
16 - Caltrops, Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
20 - Cobra Strike, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
28 - Smoke Flash, PBAoE, Foe Placate
35 - Blinding Powder, Ranged (Cone), Foe Sleep, Confuse, -To-Hit, -Perception
38 - Dragon's Tail, PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
Name recommendations - Self Defense, Street Fighting, Combat Training, Combat Manipulation
I'll edit this in a bit to include some of the other power ideas people had, there are a lot. >_<
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