New Blaster Secondary: Martial Manipulation




Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Someone suggested the name Self Defense when we discussed this in the beta testers channel last week.
That was me.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Self Defense was recommended earlier on in the thread...

I should update the OP.

Sorry...I didn't notice it was already brought up.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
No worries I went ahead and updated the OP with the name suggestions. If I get time I'll compile all the power suggestions made so far.
Here is a link to a thread on this same topic...maybe you can pull some ideas from this also.

For the record.../signed.



I like VT's version, but drop Smoke Grenade. That Intimidating Presense idea might be better.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Two things about this:

1) Not having Eagle's Claw I think is more realistic, even though I'm sure we'd all love to do extra flips with our pistols. Take note that none of the other Blaster sets have an actual tier 9 melee power. TF doesn't count; if it had the strongest attack from EM, it would be ET. So if we really were to get this set, I doubt we'd get EC. Similarly, Dark Manip probably wouldn't have MG.

2) The t1 doesn't fall in-line with existing tier 1s. It's just an attack. The t1 should be some sort of ranged immobilize, or at the very least a melee knockback power. Something the Blaster can use to keep enemies away from them, basically.

That said, I'd like some more "natural" choices for Blaster secondaries. Including martial arts, katana, and dual blades.
How about a flying shoe kick. You kick forward, and your shoe/boot goes flying off to hit the enemy in the face, knocking him down.