New Blaster Secondary: Martial Manipulation




Originally Posted by ransim View Post
So lame name aside, sorry I couldn't come up with anything cooler, my thinking is that we're really lacking for Natural based secondaries for blasters.
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a forum for people to suggest things like this? Even if they weren't necessarily to be done for the sake of developer attention, but even just so the people suggeting them could have fun making suggestions like this, just suggesting for suggestion's sake?



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a forum for people to suggest things like this? Even if they weren't necessarily to be done for the sake of developer attention, but even just so the people suggeting them could have fun making suggestions like this, just suggesting for suggestion's sake?
Oh, I know, we could put it in one of the beta test forums, which presumably, the devs are looking at just a wee bit more closely right now then the Suggestions forum.



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a forum for people to suggest things like this? Even if they weren't necessarily to be done for the sake of developer attention, but even just so the people suggeting them could have fun making suggestions like this, just suggesting for suggestion's sake?
I'm somewhat sad Talen. Thats all you could offer me for trolling? I feel unloved.

I posted the idea here since it directly related to something in closed beta. I lean more towards over precautions when it comes to NDA. If any of the mods feels this topic is better suited for the main forums suggestion boards I'll happily move it and have this one closed.



I must have this.



Unsigned unless they give martial arts to dominators.



Wonderful ideas I must agree, the gun-fu thing is the vibe I'm getting too. However I don't think it would be prudent at this juncture to ask for a brand new power tree (be it peppered with existing powers or not!) lest we delay more projects ^^

My 2 cents.




Originally Posted by _Slipstream View Post
I must have this.

I can agree. I would roll a new blaster that was DP/Martial. For now though, I will just be creating a DP/Kin corruptor when this goes live.

I would also suggest putting this in the suggestion forum at some point so others not in beta can add to it.

Ice Ember



I like the general idea.

Something like the OP would be a neat idea to go with the DP theme.



I'd like a punch or two in the set instead of all kicks. Otherwise, I like the idea and seems easy enough to do.

I also think this set would work with many other primaries.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



If Martial Arts abilities are implemented into a Blaster secondary, I hope they add the alternate punching animations. A lot of gunslingers are gonna be the cowboy/bounty hunter/merc types, who would probably prefer the straight-up "deck 'em to the ground" approach that the alternate animations provide. That, or like someone said, just allow the ability to remove the aura on energy melee and that could suffice well.

Talking about new power sets to compliment DP makes me wonder if anyone has come up with solid ideas for a Trick Shot set for Defenders/Corruptors. :P

And if I am mad, it is mercy! May the gods pity the man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end!



Two things about this:

1) Not having Eagle's Claw I think is more realistic, even though I'm sure we'd all love to do extra flips with our pistols. Take note that none of the other Blaster sets have an actual tier 9 melee power. TF doesn't count; if it had the strongest attack from EM, it would be ET. So if we really were to get this set, I doubt we'd get EC. Similarly, Dark Manip probably wouldn't have MG.

2) The t1 doesn't fall in-line with existing tier 1s. It's just an attack. The t1 should be some sort of ranged immobilize, or at the very least a melee knockback power. Something the Blaster can use to keep enemies away from them, basically.

That said, I'd like some more "natural" choices for Blaster secondaries. Including martial arts, katana, and dual blades.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Another Space View Post
Could just give Energy Manipulation the "No FX" treatment and call it a day. >.>
Wont ever happen. If that was to happen then you will have all energy melee and energy blasters players asking for similar, and babs will refuse that. Even if he agreed then you would have all elemental melee/ranged players again asking for the same, as it would only be fair. In the end we end up with every set punching and tossing rocks without any fx and entirely killing sets visual identity.



EDIT: Multi-post.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Someone suggested the name Self Defense when we discussed this in the beta testers channel last week.
I prefer that, with some powers a bit less MA-y. The problem with making it very much MA-based is that it may suit DP, but less so with all the other primary powers.



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
Martial Manipulation

1 - Thunder Kick, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
2 - Storm Kick, Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
4 - Focus Chi, Self +DMG, +To-Hit
10 - Crane Kick, Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
16 - Caltrops, Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
20 - Cobra Strike, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
28 - Smoke Flash, PBAoE, Foe Placate
35 - Blinding Powder, Ranged (Cone), Foe Sleep, Confuse, -To-Hit, -Perception
38 - Dragon's Tail, PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown

  • I considered a stealth power for this like Devices gets, but I don't know if its really fits thematically but it could be placed where Blinding Powder is.
  • I also considered something more exotic for level 38, but I think Dragon's tail fits as long as the damage type is raised to meet the other Blaster secondary level 38 powers.
I am okay with some of this, but I think:

1. Focus Chi should probably be moved to 10
2. Swap something out for Crippling Axe Kick (with a buff to Immobilize).

As far as a possible alternate power suggestion, maybe a version of Rise to the Challenge with emphasis on the -tohit. Would be consistent with the theme of the set, while being an aura toggle like in Electric Manip & Fire Manip.

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Originally Posted by ransim View Post
1 - Thunder Kick, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
2 - Storm Kick, Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash)
4 - Focus Chi, Self +DMG, +To-Hit
10 - Crane Kick, Melee, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
16 - Caltrops, Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
20 - Cobra Strike, Melee, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient
28 - Smoke Flash, PBAoE, Foe Placate
35 - Blinding Powder, Ranged (Cone), Foe Sleep, Confuse, -To-Hit, -Perception
38 - Dragon's Tail, PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
I sort of like the idea but have a few notes:

1: Caltrops is a Devices power so you wont see it here.

2: Structure,

This is the basic structure of a blaster secondary (not written on rock but a good guideline):

Tier 1 must be ranged ST immob or melee extreme knockback, to help the lowbies keep enemies at range.
Now you need at least 2 melee attacks.
At a high tier you need a melee ST mex.
At least one AoE attack.
Build Up
AoE Mez of some sort.
Some Utility
And you end up with one creative slot that can increase AoE or melee focus, or even more utility.

For MA I'd do:
1 Crane Kick (low damage version with sure extreme knockback)
2 Storm Kick (ignore damage of MA version as blaster secondaries get rebalanced as such)
3 Thunder Kick
4 Dragon's Tail
5 Focus Chi
6 Intimidating Presence (alternatively: Chuck Norris impersonation) Makes foes flee away from you for 5 seconds, aura similar to world of confusion.)
7 Meditate: Click end recovery.
8 Chi Energy (Power Boost)
9 Cobra's Strike



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
For MA I'd do:
1 Crane Kick (low damage version with sure extreme knockback)
2 Storm Kick (ignore damage of MA version as blaster secondaries get rebalanced as such)
3 Thunder Kick
4 Dragon's Tail
5 Focus Chi
6 Intimidating Presence (alternatively: Chuck Norris impersonation) Makes foes flee away from you for 5 seconds, aura similar to world of confusion.)
7 Meditate: Click end recovery.
8 Chi Energy (Power Boost)
9 Cobra's Strike
I like this layout a lot. Frankly I just want Crane Kick in a Blaster secondary somewhere, doesn't have to have the sweet damage of the Scrapper version as long as it has that animation and knockback. Could also put Crane Kick as power 3 with its solid damage, and make 1 an Entangling Net, same animation as Entangling Arrow when it lands on an enemy, with the Web Grenade throwing animation.

Power 7 is of most interest to me though, are you picturing a Conserve Power type of thing, or the equivalent of hitting a small blue? That latter would be VERY nice, and something unique. Perhaps call it something to fit the pirates and cowboys out there as well, like "Deep Breath".



If you're simply copying the Energy Melee layout bit-by-bit then yes, I'd rather a whole new energy manipulation theme than a whole new powerset. Melee archetypes don't need a "No FX" energy melee -- that's called Super Strength. That said, I would like to see a more natural secondary. But I'd be mighty sad if it were just "look! we made a cooler looking EM!"

In the meantime, I set my EM to bright theme, both colors to the darkest gray on the selection list. The small resulting glow is just fx for fx' sake. i.e. broadsword/willpower dude uses build up. fireworks fly around him. we know it's just comics effect, not him.

Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Unsigned unless they give martial arts to dominators.
Why bother? Give Doms "Gun-Fu Assault!" (make sure the exclamation is in the name) Since their Assault sets are a cobbled mix of a blaster primary and secondary, you'd first give Blasters Self Defense and then use the best of both to make Doms awesomer.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
I like this layout a lot. Frankly I just want Crane Kick in a Blaster secondary somewhere, doesn't have to have the sweet damage of the Scrapper version as long as it has that animation and knockback. Could also put Crane Kick as power 3 with its solid damage, and make 1 an Entangling Net, same animation as Entangling Arrow when it lands on an enemy, with the Web Grenade throwing animation.

Power 7 is of most interest to me though, are you picturing a Conserve Power type of thing, or the equivalent of hitting a small blue? That latter would be VERY nice, and something unique. Perhaps call it something to fit the pirates and cowboys out there as well, like "Deep Breath".
The net idea I would avoid, a Martial Arts set should not rely on tools to do his job. I could see Cripling Axe Kick replacing the Tier 1 as a tool that does damage, immobs, but forces the player to back off himself instead of just immobilizing at range. I like better the knockback idea, though, as right now just one blaster has the option, Psi also has it but sacrifices one of it's two attacks.

The Power 7 i visualize as a sort of blue inspiration click. Recharge and magnitude I have not considered, but I also suggested similar for a Bushido tanker/brute adaptation of Ninjitsu.



I seriously like the idea! A street fighting set would mesh well with DP and it would fit so many concepts I have in mind.

Maybe they could toss in some watered down SS punches to give it a more brawly feel even.



I would prefer to see this with different names and have several animations for each power - one or two from each Super Strength and Martial Arts - that way it could fit far more concepts.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



People forget one thing: Martial Arts has punches alternate moves as part of power customization. It would be expected those to also apply for this set.