Stupid people are dumb: Share the stories of yourself or others
I'm not sure if this counts as tragic rather than stupid?
From July last year: |

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
^ Some peoples constant thing with redside and "evil" and having to post something whenever it comes up....blah!
I won't name any names but sheesh give it a rest it's getting old and sorta dumb.
This stupidest stuff I have ever read about City of Heroes, is everything SilverSpar posted about it on the CO boards.
I remember yet another post here from someone that got deleted that said something like:Just wait till Champions Online comes out and this game dies a month later. Cryptic is giving us everything we ever wanted.
I love irony.
PS: I especially loved the post that claimed that Issue 16 was stealing ideas from Champions Online when it came to power customization. I began to cry due to laughing so hard.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
I can't with a good conscience call the individual a moron because I personally don't know what goes into making these effects possible.
Ultra Mode (to me) DOES look more like a spit-shine than it does a graphical engine overhaul. So I sorta empathize with the individual.
It's not ultra-mode that i'm looking forward to, it's the content and what the developers consider 'content' that interests me the most.
Excuse me while I snigger at the fools
![]() Edit: Oh, wait, this one's pretty good! ...ppffffttttt...yeah, you listened to the community... Anyone who has read 'Going Postal' by Terry Pratchett will understand when I say: Reacher Gilt. |
Revelation is designed for levels 37 40 and will have an all new, absolutely staggering level 40 repeatable Lair |
Now that is one crazy story, going to copy and paste to email to a few friends who will get a kick out of it... Also, wasn't there a guy who actually died from playing to much WoW or was that a urban legend?
I had a student in one of my classes, a woman in her thirties. She had become absolutely ADDICTED to World of Warcraft. And I mean literally so. She and her husband had gotten into the game, bought twin computers so they could play together, and then proceeded to do NOTHING ELSE for the next year. They played eighteen hours a day (more if their energy drinks would keep them going). They both quit their jobs, then went through all their savings paying for only their "necessities": game subscription, food, and electricity. Next they had to start selling their furniture a piece at a time, everything except their computer chairs, and took to sleeping on the floor.
Eventually the guy ended up meeting another female WoW player online, went to meet her in person, and cheated on his wife. The wife, in turn, figured it was then OK for her to do the same, took up with a teen-ager she ALSO met in the game, and left her husband. She STILL plays every waking moment she's not in class, now with her new "man." Now, here's the kicker: when I mentioned to her my connection to CoH, she said "City of Heroes? I tried it, but didn't care for the other players. Those people are CRAZY." |
"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"
Now that is one crazy story, going to copy and paste to email to a few friends who will get a kick out of it... Also, wasn't there a guy who actually died from playing to much WoW or was that a urban legend?
Meanwhile, 7 major domestic game makers have agreed to install an anti-obsession system on eleven online game products. |
Synopsis: "Hey, it sucks that those guys died, but at least they don't have to play WoW any more. Cabal Online is so much better and you all should buy it!"

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!
IIRC, hours 2 and 3 say something like "please consider taking a break", and further hours say "please take a break".
Well, no sillier than a party i went to where someone loaded ratemycameltoe on a computer in the kitchen and about half the people made a drinking game out of rating all the pictures. That and general raucous commentary.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
So you would catalog celebrity nipple shots out loud in a crowded room?
Well, no sillier than a party i went to where someone loaded ratemycameltoe on a computer in the kitchen and about half the people made a drinking game out of rating all the pictures. That and general raucous commentary. |
Sorry for the knock hun, but it was warranted.
I can't with a good conscience call the individual a moron because I personally don't know what goes into making these effects possible. Ultra Mode (to me) DOES look more like a spit-shine than it does a graphical engine overhaul. So I sorta empathize with the individual. It's not ultra-mode that i'm looking forward to, it's the content and what the developers consider 'content' that interests me the most. |
Ultra Mode is Shadows, Reflections, and Water. It's a matter of wine tasting, really. I'm not a connoisseur of graphics and am not overly impressed. I just don't voice it that often out of the fact that I seem to be in a very small minority and don't want to spoil it for others.

And no need to apologize. I'd be a fool to not recognize my own foolishness.

Probably the worst I've seen involving this game. About halfway down the page
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
NVM. Deleted for stupidity.
You can't not have a stupid discussion about PvP. The entire system is stupidly broken.
Here's my own two stupid misconceptions:
Until I started playing CoX about a year ago, I had never played an MMORPG before. Way back when CoH was first released, I was eager to play it until I found out it was an MMORPG. I didn't think I'd like MMORPGs, mostly because of some bad assumptions I had:
1) I thought when playing an MMORPG, you HAD to team with other people. (I was uncomfortable about teaming with strangers) I assumed solo play just wasn't an option.
2) I thought PvP was everywhere. I assumed that at any point in the game, there was always the risk of another player coming up and killing you.
It was only after a friend talked me into trying out the game on his account that I saw how wrong my assumptions were. The ironic thing is, I've since run with pugs and tried pvp, and neither is as bad as I expected (although I still mostly solo in PvE when not playing with friends)
I had a student in one of my classes, a woman in her thirties. She had become absolutely ADDICTED to World of Warcraft. And I mean literally so. She and her husband had gotten into the game, bought twin computers so they could play together, and then proceeded to do NOTHING ELSE for the next year. They played eighteen hours a day (more if their energy drinks would keep them going). They both quit their jobs, then went through all their savings paying for only their "necessities": game subscription, food, and electricity. Next they had to start selling their furniture a piece at a time, everything except their computer chairs, and took to sleeping on the floor.
Eventually the guy ended up meeting another female WoW player online, went to meet her in person, and cheated on his wife. The wife, in turn, figured it was then OK for her to do the same, took up with a teen-ager she ALSO met in the game, and left her husband. She STILL plays every waking moment she's not in class, now with her new "man." Now, here's the kicker: when I mentioned to her my connection to CoH, she said "City of Heroes? I tried it, but didn't care for the other players. Those people are CRAZY." |

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Here's the link:
I was... actually going to mention that guy I teamed with whose strategy was to Self Destruct in a group of villains and then ask for a Rez, but that doesn't really fit...