Where Is Everyone?!

Adeon Hawkwood



I played the game a year or two ago, and just started playing again last night. I'm loving running around and beating stuff up, but where is eveyones else?! I don't think I've even seen another hero yet. I'm on the Champion server, is there another server that's more populated or are the starting areas on all servers like this?



Originally Posted by Caverous View Post
I played the game a year or two ago, and just started playing again last night. I'm loving running around and beating stuff up, but where is eveyones else?! I don't think I've even seen another hero yet. I'm on the Champion server, is there another server that's more populated or are the starting areas on all servers like this?
Instanced missions. If you're thinking of the swarm of people waiting for AE farms, those got (fortunately) nerfed, so people aren't clustered around the Atlas AE building spamming for teams and learning how to stand by the door instead of how to play their characters.

Champion's not the highest pop server - generally Virtue or Freedom is - but again, most people are going to be inside instances doing missions. Join your local global channels (check your server forum down below.)



Damn you memphis and your faster fingers!

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Thanks for the quick replies

I know a lot of the game is instanced, and my sleep schedule is pretty wacked, but I figured I'd see some other newbie toons sitting around the trainers or something. I just wanted to check to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong -.-



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
If you're thinking of the swarm of people waiting for AE farms, those got (fortunately) nerfed, so people aren't clustered around the Atlas AE building

Yes Bill, your enthusiasm for the AE leveling amputations have turned out swimingly, with most of the returning players ( = money) packing up and leaving again, and all those neat AE buildings now as comfortably vacant as the arenas.

Not to mention all those wonderful arcs no one is playing, yay.

Leveling 'purists' like Bill are bad for mmos, because they revel in the greedy xp seeking types getting turned away by some stringent policy not against exploits, but just regular leveling.

Thing is those like minded are usually a very vocal, but small part of the population that subscribes to the game.

But they truly believe you can only learn how to play the game the "right way" (a definition to be determined by the likes of Bill and others) by taking the full two years to grind from 1-50.

And kudos if it takes you longer then 3 years, because you've become a well of knowledge on hitting Space Bar - left click - A W D S.
Now go to one of any empty AE building and reward yourself by running Bills arc, but be sure to turn off your xp and run it on extreme, k.

Your nearly religious insistence on a certain playstyle and leveling speed, make you and your fellow 15,000 + post counters who agree, bad for this game's bottom line and subscriptions.



Ad hominem. Attacking the person instead of debating the point. Logical fallacy.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Ad hominem. Attacking the person instead of debating the point. Logical fallacy.
^ this

Personally I don't care one way or the other how someone lvls... it's not going to affect me at all but if you're going to argue the point do it with some tact... also maybe some numbers to back up your theory that returning players are packing up and leaving.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Ad hominem. Attacking the person instead of debating the point. Logical fallacy.

/Sticking with my forum pals, AE buildings are not empty./

Usual suspects. Waiting on Samuel Tow and the rest to show support for the clique.



Originally Posted by Caverous View Post
I played the game a year or two ago, and just started playing again last night. I'm loving running around and beating stuff up, but where is eveyones else?! I don't think I've even seen another hero yet. I'm on the Champion server, is there another server that's more populated or are the starting areas on all servers like this?
The /whoall command will list everyone (who is not hidden) on your current map. The player search feature can help you find players on other maps or other level ranges (again, if not hidden).

In any zone that has one, the auction house Wentworth's is often the best place to find people gathered. Everyone ends up there sooner or later between missions.

Hope that helps!



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
AE buildings are not empty.
They're quieter than before - but that's not a bad thing when they were turning out 50s in less than 24 hours

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



To the OP: I play on Champion but have had reduced game time due to reality's intrusion on its virtual cousin. Most people are on higher characters now, as a lot of people who've stuck with the game have leveled even on alternate characters.

Champion's BMT channel is good for getting in on badge/task force/strike force teams, which still go here and there. Pick up groups, unfortunately, are very difficult to be picked up on. Most people play with folks they know: but you can still see who isn't teamed, and see if they'd play, or politely inquire of teamed folks if they wouldn't mind a tag along.

Oh, by and by: with the new leveling system, you won't see many stay in early zones for long. You can get up to, and even pass Kings Row's level in an evening. After a couple weeks, people are all over the place, from Striga to peregrine. If you need help, I've found a lot of Champion's players are vets/know-it-alls of the game, so they'll lend a hand should you be polite. Oh, and Champion's redside seems to have dwindled, so it's better for hero teaming if that's what you're after. (I still dig the red)



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
/Sticking with my forum pals, AE buildings are not empty./

Usual suspects. Waiting on Samuel Tow and the rest to show support for the clique.
Yes, it's much easier to demonize those you disagree with rather than debating their points.



Welcome to the forum flamewar nostalgia cruise! We hope you're enjoying our peek back at 'AE Farms,' one of the classic flame wars of 2009. Coming up: The addition of reputation to the forums, ED, and an old classic--PvPers and/or marketeers: Why won't they stop eating babies?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
Usual suspects. Waiting on Samuel Tow and the rest to show support for the clique.
Thank you for reminding me the forums had a "Report" button. I'd forgotten that existed.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
/Sticking with my forum pals, AE buildings are not empty./

Usual suspects. Waiting on Samuel Tow and the rest to show support for the clique.
Pardon me... but I happen to agree with them and am not a member of any "clique". Bottom line is you attacked an individual instead of a point in an argument... you discredited yourself in doing that and are doing so further by still avoiding to support your "point".

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Everybody is too busy hanging out on the CO forums and complaining about Viboria being Paid Content.



To add a helpful post for Caverous, here are a few teaming suggestions.

1. Form your own teams. When you search, you will see others.
2. Join your server's chat channels. For one reason or another, these have developed as the way to find teams. Go to the Champion server to ask about these, but there are a few like "Champion BMT" that you can join. Then you'll see that plenty of people are around at all hours, forming teams... though you will have quiet spots late at night in the US, of course.

I'm mostly on Victory, but I know I see plenty of people running around on Champion, and as I have joined their channels, I know there are plenty of people on them making teams. You may just have been in a quieter area (or on at a quiet time)... hanging around in AP, or the market in Steel or Talos will show more than a few people running around. Paragon City has its hot spots, as well as the instanced missions brought up earlier.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
Pardon me... but I happen to agree with them and am not a member of any "clique".
Yeah, sorry. Totally my fault. I was supposed to mail you an invitation, but I got the packages mixed up. If you've received a pound of bacon in the mail somewhere in the past two months, that was totally my bad. Sorry. But hey! You're in the clique! So welcome!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Finding a good server chat channel, as suggested above, is the way to go.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
marketeers: Why won't they stop eating babies?
Because they are delicious and the bones make good toothpicks.

To the OP: As someone said up-thread, join the global channels for your server, they are normally the best resource for finding teams.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, sorry. Totally my fault. I was supposed to mail you an invitation, but I got the packages mixed up. If you've received a pound of bacon in the mail somewhere in the past two months, that was totally my bad. Sorry. But hey! You're in the clique! So welcome!
There's nothing better than a pound of bacon... so whatever the other package consisted of I'm fine without

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post

Usual suspects. Waiting on Samuel Tow and the rest to show support for the clique.
It's a Liberal, Communist, Nazi, Rostrician conspiracy I tells ya! They're out to keep us honest, hard working, average Joe power-levelers down!