Where Is Everyone?!

Adeon Hawkwood



Send a tell to @Cobalt Azurean, @Myrmydon or @miz nibbles for an invite to the BMT of CHampion channel, LOTS of teaming and TFs/SFs/etc there.

Also, head over to the Champion server area on these forums and investigate some of the more populous SGs. Some popular ones are League of Extraoridinary Superheros (@Criticalkat), Renaissance de la Veritas (@Amygdala, @Major Tom) and there are likely some great redside ones too.

If Champion still isn't busy enough, try out Virtue, Freedom, Infinity...but again people will be in missions/tfs so you may not see many people outside.
I know I teamed with a level 26 Blaster the other day that was "lft" in Broadcast, we had loads of fun doing a level 50 Safeguard.

Try picking up other people that are also lft...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
rather than debating their points.

"Points", what points?

The heavy handed response to players using AE for normal leveling, not exploits, threw a wet blanket on most of the enthusiasm over the feature, which led to subscribers loosing interest after re-subbing and empty AE buildings.

And that's thought of as a success by the likes of MB and most of the FC types, who beat the hell out of the topic when it was fresh.

They're not good for an mmo because they're a minority who cannot play as they wish, they must also try and force their preferences on others by demonising another players choices.

Have a level 50 that hasn't left AE from 1-50 and you want to reference it on these boards, lol god be with you.

The number of threads over the years where subscribers have been harangued and belittled by a lot of the forum cartel types on this topic would fill the library of congress.

They're not good for the game.



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
Yes Bill, your enthusiasm for the AE leveling amputations have turned out swimingly, with most of the returning players ( = money) packing up and leaving again, and all those neat AE buildings now as comfortably vacant as the arenas.

Not to mention all those wonderful arcs no one is playing, yay.

Leveling 'purists' like Bill are bad for mmos, because they revel in the greedy xp seeking types getting turned away by some stringent policy not against exploits, but just regular leveling.

Thing is those like minded are usually a very vocal, but small part of the population that subscribes to the game.
Yes, yes, blah blah blah.
You make it sound like some vocal minority decided to nerf AE. Guess what, it was the Devs that made that decision.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Caverous View Post
I'm on the Champion server, is there another server that's more populated or are the starting areas on all servers like this?
At the moment, I'm guessing that everyone who has access to the closed beta is on the Test Server checking out Dual Pistols. The closed beta started TODAY.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Yes, yes, blah blah blah.
You make it sound like some vocal minority decided to nerf AE. Guess what, it was the Devs that made that decision.
Wait... are you telling me that Devs might want to curtail PLing for any reason *other* than pleasing a small minority on the forums?

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Wait... are you telling me that Devs might want to curtail PLing for any reason *other* than pleasing a small minority on the forums?



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Ad hominem. Attacking the person instead of debating the point. Logical fallacy.
Funny, I don't see him saying anything. Haven't for a long time. Doesn't sound like he's started posting anything worth reading yet, either.

Edit: Yep. From the quote, still posting his usual nonsense.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.



Originally Posted by Caverous View Post
I played the game a year or two ago, and just started playing again last night. I'm loving running around and beating stuff up, but where is eveyones else?! I don't think I've even seen another hero yet. I'm on the Champion server, is there another server that's more populated or are the starting areas on all servers like this?
I was on Champion an hour ago. Lots of people in Pocket D getting together teams for the spring fling missions. Check there if you want to see people.



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
Everybody is too busy hanging out on the CO forums and complaining about Viboria being Paid Content.
Cryptic has recanted, their new expansion is now free.



Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
Cryptic has recanted, their new expansion is now free.
Yeah, I noticed. I'm hoping this means that people will finally shut the hell up about it, but I doubt it.



Originally Posted by Caverous View Post
I played the game a year or two ago, and just started playing again last night. I'm loving running around and beating stuff up, but where is eveyones else?! I don't think I've even seen another hero yet. I'm on the Champion server, is there another server that's more populated or are the starting areas on all servers like this?
I took a break (to play CO and Dragon Age) but came back; like I always do.

It does seem more vacant than usual though. Even high population servers like Virtue and Freedom seem quieter than usual.



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
Your nearly religious insistence on a certain playstyle and leveling speed, make you and your fellow 15,000 + post counters who agree, bad for this game's bottom line and subscriptions.
The developers didn't nerf AE because of discussions on these boards.

People didn't quit in mass because of discussions on these boards.

Memphis Bill and the other members of the Forum Cartel have no real influence.

I'm pretty sure that 'Forum Cartel' is just a label applied to people who have a certain large number of posts. I don't think it is an actual organization. I think I'm labeled 'rookie' because of my low post count, though I've been playing for 6 years.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Welcome to the forum flamewar nostalgia cruise! We hope you're enjoying our peek back at 'AE Farms,' one of the classic flame wars of 2009. Coming up: The addition of reputation to the forums, ED, and an old classic--PvPers and/or marketeers: Why won't they stop eating babies?
I don't know why, but for some reason I find this post the funniest thing I've seen today. Thanks for the laugh!



Originally Posted by Major_Glory View Post
I took a break (to play CO and Dragon Age) but came back; like I always do.

It does seem more vacant than usual though. Even high population servers like Virtue and Freedom seem quieter than usual.
Oh yeah, the population is down. Fewer people at all the public watering holes. I suspect it is because of Champions Online, Aion, Dragon Age, and other new games under the ol' Christmas Tree this year.

Game is 6 years old almost. New shiny beats old shiny. I took off for three months this summer to try out WoW. That was fun at first, got old fast. Tried Champions, liked the character graphics, didn't like the animations as well. Some cool stuff like throwing cars.

Personally I like instanced missions. I don't care much for competing for spawns with others. City of Heroes doesn't disappoint.



Oh boy, here we go again.

Caverous, I'm just going to do the helpful thing instead of get into the same debate again. The BEST way to always have a team is to MAKE THEM YOURSELF. Here, this guide should help you out a bit and ensure that you are NEVER teamless.



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
"Points", what points?

The heavy handed response to players using AE for normal leveling, not exploits, threw a wet blanket on most of the enthusiasm over the feature, which led to subscribers loosing interest after re-subbing and empty AE buildings.

They're not good for the game.

A couple things... first... it's LOSING... that extra "o" would be necessary if you were
coming up with an insult for a "your mama" joke. Sorry, I'm normally a grammar and spelling nazi anyway but for some reason those words (lose vs loose) I find most annoying.

Second... you've made the same claim twice... that Bill and some other "FC types" are responsible for the AE nerfs and that CoX lost subscribers as a consequence. Where's your proof?

Making a claim is worthless and a waste of time if you don't (I'm guessing you can't) provide facts to back it up.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
marketeers: Why won't they stop eating babies?
It's like veal. They're so much tastier and tender when you catch 'em young.


Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Waiting for Going Rogue? Waiting for NEW COMPUTER!!!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.



Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
The developers didn't nerf AE because of discussions on these boards.

People didn't quit in mass because of discussions on these boards.

Memphis Bill and the other members of the Forum Cartel have no real influence.

I'm pretty sure that 'Forum Cartel' is just a label applied to people who have a certain large number of posts. I don't think it is an actual organization. I think I'm labeled 'rookie' because of my low post count, though I've been playing for 6 years.
You're fired.

The use of logic and reasoning has no place on these forums.

Pack up your keyboard and mouse and leave the premises immediately.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Instanced missions. If you're thinking of the swarm of people waiting for AE farms, those got (fortunately) nerfed, so people aren't clustered around the Atlas AE building spamming for teams and learning how to stand by the door instead of how to play their characters.

Champion's not the highest pop server - generally Virtue or Freedom is - but again, most people are going to be inside instances doing missions. Join your local global channels (check your server forum down below.)
Global channels are probably the best answer to the original question of where is everyone. If all you're looking at is broadcast for the zone you happen to be in, the game can easily appear to be deserted. Meanwhile, chat is very active in various global channels.



Virtue + Freedom and also; a lot more ppl on blue side



Beta testing?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Ad hominem. Attacking the person instead of debating the point. Logical fallacy.
Ad Hominem is not innately a logical fallacy, nor is it a logical fallacy when it is relevant to the topic at hand.

I think Tank Washington is WRONG though. The AE needed nerfing because EVERYONE was doing it. (Everyone in your game PLing = death to a MMORPG.) The sheer amount of level 50s being generated was insane, as was the intense inflation of the value of influence/infamy in a post-AE game. Inflation that we are still feeling the affect of now.

The top end of players can still go from 1-50 in a couple days so they weren't affected. All the nerfs did was stop regular players from being able to achieve things more dedicated players are able to. I think everyone would agree (lol I used Argumentum ad populum) that regular players and hardcore powergamers should have different rewards.

However, I think Tank Washington is right about the vocal forum minority being bad for the game. Obviously the Developers are aware that the majority of the game's players don't read the boards, and that the views expressed on the forums are just that, views. My first instinct is to think that a video game company worth MILLIONS with CR specialists/marketing specialists/MMORPG specialists/Game Designers would know how forums work in relation to a MMORPG far better than anyone in this thread...

...that said, there have been instances in the past where incessant forum whining has led to bad game-wide changes. (PVP anyone?) But I think in the main part, the Developement team take the forums with a big bag of salt.