15 scrappers in RV, 2 tanks, 2 blasters, 0 trollers, 0 defenders.
Barrier are you on anybody's roster???
and yes ...we all know RV is full of downies.
lolz RV, put any half-***** team together and mop up the zone.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
People like playing whats easy. Easy = Regen scrappers. Some guy made a comment last night about not playing squishies because he couldn't stay alive on one.
Prolly the same reason there are so many stalkers on at any given time.
Sure it used to take skill to land AS on a moving opponent, but when bands of stalkers run around and just throw shraks, well its not so impressive a feat.
Beside regens can live through shraks pretty easy.
To sum it up: regins. they cant be bet
...not even by shark trowers.
CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.
Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle
Its a sign the pvp in this game is ******
Yeah, but evasion actually meant something and the survivability of squishies didn't completely go down the ******* everytime something so much as sneezed at you.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
[QUOTE=SmegHead;2563685]People like playing whats easy. Easy = Regen scrappers. Some guy made a comment last night about not playing squishies because he couldn't stay alive on one.[
^^i believe this is one of the main reasons why you mostly see scraps/tanks in RV.
they can handle the damage of the doms/stalks/corrs much better then the blaster. (just my opinion)
50 fire/dev--50 dark/thug--50 earth/storm--50 fire/regen--50 earth/thorn--50 kin/rad
50 TA/archery--50 stone/mace--50 Rad/em--50 Cold/Energy--48 dark/elec--50 grav/rad--45 SOA--40 PB--46 Bs/Fire--50 Ar/Dev--50 Trapz/Dark--50 elec/em tank--50 elec/earth--50 Ghostwidow--50 elec/Therm--50 cold/dark
You two should hug it out. Mac, dude, find an avatar that isn't 999TB.
You might not be able to shark Regen's but most of them have low enough HP that two AS'es will take them down.
Zone pvp has gotten a lot worse over the past month though. When I first started out (About a month and a half ago) it was cool to see such a variety of characters. Vill side still pretty much has it, therms, pains, doms, stalks, brutes, veat's etc etc... Heroes, not so much.
The big reason I think you don't see a lot of squishies hero side is almost no one runs support there. You catch an emp there every now and again, but half the time they are just a base buffer.
On top of that, I'm starting to think most would rather just sit still at a base and camped/be camped rather than actually go out. Mainly because you almost never see any kind of attempt to even the sides out, if anything I always crack up sitting there... outnumbered 6 to 15.. when 3 to 5 new players show up for the side that already has the numbers.
In conclusion. Zones are bad.
I usually play a buffer in the zones - and usually always the first or second target lol. on my pain dom buffer i usually get every scrapper and tank in the zone after me...as soon as they figure out I am the one healing the doms and stalkers ;P
i wonder why people don't play healers in zone though... maybe it has something to do with that movement suppression thing whenever they hit their healing auras. or that pesky heal suppression thingy... yeah..
certain devs might be retarded.
But after a bit of time they settle into it, and go back to playing the easiest thing they have, because it's more fun to win than to lose.
As far as uneven sides, that is probably the biggest problem with zone PvP. It's unfair literally 90 or 95% of the time. But every single suggestion given by the players about it over the last few years has been completely ignored, so just get used to it. It will never change. Again, it's more fun to win than to lose. Few people will switch to a side getting owned, just to get owned themselves.
Been wandering into RV on my Mind/Cold trying to get a feel for the toon and redside seems much more varied(stalkers, doms, corrs and even brutes). I've seen some other blueside disruption/support toons but they seem rare(base emps aside).
Last time you saw AT numbers that lopsided for such along period of time was back when dual phasing blasters were big. I think we all know how that ended.
Also that scrapper squad is awesome fun, watching them huddle and stack vengance is sexy. And like someone said 2 ases on a regin is a dead regin. Good times. Now if we could get more stalkers to as.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Wonder if it's a sign... maybe something's broken when it comes to "DR on, TS on, HD on" PVP and scrappers...