Discussion: 69 and 72 month Veteran Rewards




Originally Posted by DojhromTRW View Post
I would rather have a bonus to AE mission memory capacity, this way a vet has a nice reward and a way to give back to the player base :-)
I'd certainly love that, but it would only have a benefit to players who make AE arcs. For those who don't, it's a bum gift. But EVERYONE can use an extra toon slot, so that makes more sense in the long run.

(Maybe we could have a choice for both. )



Originally Posted by Bellen View Post
IMHO, the veteran rewards should actually be more significant, like free or half price bonus packs, discounts on expansions. But items where the in-game advantages are available to all players, they may have to pay for them (since the veteran paid for the subscriptions over the years)

Other items I would think would be great veteran rewards, but have not been awarded yet. Additional Costume Slots, Unique Colors, Unique Capes and Auras, Rename credits, additional profiles, free server transfers and additional AE publishing slots. None make the character more powerful, but allow the players to stand out and/or correct errors of the past.

i like these options too. devs pay attention to this!



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Notation: Recommendation. Individual T'He O'Cho. Combat effectiveness: questionable. Non-combat role options: Rikti retirement plan oversight: explicit assignment avoidance protocols asserted.

i like to think of myself as pretty bright when it comes to robot/borg/hivemind/AI/-w/e speak
but this slipped past me.

translation please?



It's Rikti-speak. The board admins have all been acting like Rikti for the last week or so.

In a nutshell, Arcanaville said:
"Hey Ocho, I'm not sure you're up for fighting. I recommend you retire so we don't have to hurt you."

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Mischief_Manager View Post
i like to think of myself as pretty bright when it comes to robot/borg/hivemind/AI/-w/e speak
but this slipped past me.

translation please?
If a green inspiration heals your character for 100 pts, after achieving the 72 month vet reward it will heal for 105. If you get a 10% bonus from an inspiration, it will become an 11% bonus
10 * 1.05 = 10.5.

Small studies actually buff 10.5% with the veteran reward, not 11%, so the devs did not round off either.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Personally, the 69 is an epic fail. I like the gift of a respect, but it needs something else with it.

In theory the 72 seems cool, until you get the numbers for it.

Is there an Official Place for us to suggest vet rewards?

Things that would make me happy, and not be over powered that you could add to these or ANY of the backlogged ones to buff them up a bit.

A token for a future booster pack (or any of the current booster packs)

The ability to have all of our inspiration slots from level 1 (Just making the lower lever game that less tedious)

Unlock Regular capes at level 1 (I have enough higher level characters, the cape and aura mission is Cool the first few times, but after 20 or 30 alts its just annoying having to wait till i'm 30 to have a fully decked out costume)

Unlock Auras at level 1 ( Same as above)

Unlock all the costume slots at level 1 (Same as Above)

Give vets another costume slot (I mean a 6th, assuming the system can do that)

Make unlock-able costume parts global (meaning you do it on one, all your toons have it)

Global badges any one? Im not a heavy badger but it would be nice to have the badge tittles I have worked for unlocked on all my toons. (Esp with the lack of zone restrictions now, its not that big of a deal for things like Oro, the Midnighter arc and so on.)

Im sure you can all sense a theme with this set of ideas. Its just where my mind went.

I would be happy to repost theres in a more appropriate spot if somebody could point me there.

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Its 5% higher, not 5 percentage points higher. I.e. small luck should increase from 12.5% to 13.12% (that should be 13.13% by the way Castle).

Break frees don't improve with this veteran reward. But awakens do: specifically the part that heals you as you rez should increase by 5%.
And YOU got this info from where? How should we trust you.

Sorry, I never liked you because of all the special treatment you supposedly get. *growl*



Being a 66 Month vet myself, im kinda loathed to receive the 69th vet reward as it's absolutely nothing special whatsoever, except the 'genuine' title.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
And YOU got this info from where? How should we trust you.
If you don't trust me, you could just pop a sturdy and check the Real Numbers system for yourself to confirm.

Sorry, I never liked you because of all the special treatment you supposedly get. *growl*
Well, there's not much I can do about that. Except possibly make it worse.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
And YOU got this info from where? How should we trust you.

Sorry, I never liked you because of all the special treatment you supposedly get. *growl*

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Nice to see more Vet rewards added but i think there a bit disappointing i would really like to see more base items added in more of the vet rewards surely with all the items in the game already in other zones they can easily add some new stuff to the base and base items wouldnt be "game braking" so no loss to new players there



5% bonus to inspirations is a huge let down for a 72 month (6 year) vet reward. l'd much rather see something grand like a bonus 3 additional enhancement slots for our toons... now, THAT would be candy!

And the free Respec at 69 is retarded.... there's like a half dozen free respecs well before the 69 vet reward. How gimped is the player that needs that many respecs for his toon?

Devs, ya want us to smile, give us 3 additional enhancement slots... sorta like a Lvl 51, but without the level.

My Arc - #51736 Here Wolf... There Wolf... Werewolf!!!

Don't worry about the mule going blind, just load the wagon.

>")))>< ~~~~



After all the kudos and gripes and thanks and curses in this thread, I can only say that I think the vet rewards announced for 69 and 72 are just fine. I agree with most that vet rewards that affect gameplay should be tightly controlled - I have no need or desire to be automatically more powerful than another toon at my same level, just because I have been playing the game longer.

I also agree that unique costume items, that are not obtainable any other way, should likewise be tightly controlled; f'rexample the Angel and Demon wings vet reward can be tolerated because there are many other wing types that anyone can obtain, including a couple that are similar (at least to the Demon ones, that I recall).

I admit, I enjoy getting something extra every 3 months, but that's not why I stay. It's nice to have a badge that you can choose to announce to everyone you encounter that "I'm GENUINE; I've been here forEVER," and it's kind of nice to know that I have the freedom to respec as much as I need to, even if I decide that all I want to do is reallocate my enhancement slots amongst my powers, or replace ONE power that I find I don't like. On both builds. But I don't NEED any of that. The powers like Sands of Mu and Blackwand and such are nice to have, but even if they don't clash with my powerset, it's a little bit limiting that they cannot be enhanced to be more accurate, or use less endurance, or anything else that all my "legitimate" powers can.

So, I suppose I can agree that it's probably unnecessary to have any "significant" vet rewards past 5 years, just because at some point, that puts them far too far out of reach for a growing number of players, but things like extra character slots, extra costume slots, respecs and such are perfectly fine. What keeps me playing are NOT the vet rewards, but the ongoing expansion of the game with each issue, with each expansion, and even the booster packs.

I play the game because I like to be a Super-Hero, and heroes don't ask for rewards.

(Did I exceed my cheese allotment, just there?)



How about giving us (and by us I mean the Higher end vets and the player base) Vanguard merits and Costume recipes every so often. Say, every 6 months you get the option to have a costume piece unlocked (or get the recipe for said costume piece) and give us say, 60 Vanguard Merits every 3 months.

This avoids the whole "You can only unlock it by waiting" dilemma, and at the same time gives those of us who have been around for ever a break when it comes to doing something we have done a thousand times already.

*When I say costume pieces I mean the wings and boots you can unlock
**I did the math, if you get 60 vanguard merits every 30 months, that breaks down to 20 a month or 1,200 in 60 months. This would give any 60+ month vet the ability to unlock the full Vanguard outfit OR a bunch of those temp powers and other unlock-ables.

Of course this is just an idea I thought id toss up in the air.

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
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Originally Posted by Baneful View Post
How about giving us (and by us I mean the Higher end vets and the player base) Vanguard merits and Costume recipes every so often. Say, every 6 months you get the option to have a costume piece unlocked (or get the recipe for said costume piece) and give us say, 60 Vanguard Merits every 3 months.

This avoids the whole "You can only unlock it by waiting" dilemma, and at the same time gives those of us who have been around for ever a break when it comes to doing something we have done a thousand times already.

*When I say costume pieces I mean the wings and boots you can unlock
**I did the math, if you get 60 vanguard merits every 30 months, that breaks down to 20 a month or 1,200 in 60 months. This would give any 60+ month vet the ability to unlock the full Vanguard outfit OR a bunch of those temp powers and other unlock-ables.

Of course this is just an idea I thought id toss up in the air.
I think vanguard merits as reward is great idea.



6 Years Vet reward and you get 5% on insps.... Pfft.

Sorry but thats hardly worth the wait.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



I also think Veteran Tokens are a great idea. The way I see it, for each Vet badge earned the character gets one Vet Token. Existing characters can enter a one-time /veteran command, which removes access to any remaining unclaimed veteran rewards from that character and gives them their equivalent value in Vet Tokens. For example, costume change tokens and respecs that have already been claimed do not count toward the number of Vet Tokens granted.

Character-specific options like costume change tokens, costume piece access and temporary powers cost one Vet Token each. Respecs may cost two Vet Tokens each, since they're inherently more valuable.

Rewards that can be claimed an unlimited number of times, such as base item displays, cost one Vet Token to unlock and then can be claimed an unlimited number of times from that character. Account-wide rewards like Free Character slots cannot be purchased through Vet Tokens. They continue to be based on time subscribed.

A small selection of rewards are not eligible for selection until the account has earned one or two years of paid subscription time. They still cost just one Vet Token each, but cannot be selected until the correct number of Vet Badges have been earned. This retains a sense of achievement from continued subscription, but is not out of reach for new players.

One year opens up non-combat pets, base transporter, prestige sprints, signature group logos and inspiration boosts. Two years opens up combat pets, assemble the team, early power pool access, and clearing the fog of war.



Originally Posted by Triplash View Post
I also think Veteran Tokens are a great idea. The way I see it, for each Vet badge earned the character gets one Vet Token. Existing characters can enter a one-time /veteran command, which removes access to any remaining unclaimed veteran rewards from that character and gives them their equivalent value in Vet Tokens. For example, costume change tokens and respecs that have already been claimed do not count toward the number of Vet Tokens granted.

Character-specific options like costume change tokens, costume piece access and temporary powers cost one Vet Token each. Respecs may cost two Vet Tokens each, since they're inherently more valuable.

Rewards that can be claimed an unlimited number of times, such as base item displays, cost one Vet Token to unlock and then can be claimed an unlimited number of times from that character. Account-wide rewards like Free Character slots cannot be purchased through Vet Tokens. They continue to be based on time subscribed.

A small selection of rewards are not eligible for selection until the account has earned one or two years of paid subscription time. They still cost just one Vet Token each, but cannot be selected until the correct number of Vet Badges have been earned. This retains a sense of achievement from continued subscription, but is not out of reach for new players.

One year opens up non-combat pets, base transporter, prestige sprints, signature group logos and inspiration boosts. Two years opens up combat pets, assemble the team, early power pool access, and clearing the fog of war.
I like the idea of getting "Vet" Tokens, but I don't like the idea of getting them Instead of vet rewards, unless of course you got at least say, 3 tokens per month of game time.

I also think, that if you use a vet token to unlock a costume part or option, it should do it globally, not per toon.

The Official Resident Fanboi of dUmb
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Originally Posted by Silver_Streak_NA View Post
Can anyone confirm - did the 69 month Vet badges drop? I havn't thought about this for awhile, but it just occurred to me, I got the 66 month last October, and no 69 month yet. I've been here since launch-time, with no interruptions. Any other old-time vets get their 69 month badge, in January, I guess?
According to this page, there are lots of characters with that badge right now. You might want to file a petition about your situation.

Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
VidiotMaps Master Cartographer
MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
Invention Salvage Distribution Charts



Looking at some random threads, sorry about the late reply:

Originally Posted by seaborn View Post
5% bonus to inspirations is a huge let down for a 72 month (6 year) vet reward. l'd much rather see something grand like a bonus 3 additional enhancement slots for our toons... now, THAT would be candy!
Originally Posted by seaborn View Post
Devs, ya want us to smile, give us 3 additional enhancement slots... sorta like a Lvl 51, but without the level.
I doubt this would ever happen. Why? I say this because 3 additional enhancement slots would be unbalanced. The rest of the vet rewards are a collection of nice tiny bonuses while 3 enhancement slots have the potential to hit the level where Enhancement Diversification could come into play. This would be a great advantage and that is something to be avoided in these free gifts.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Hey Devs, enough with the respecs already. Any toon that needs more than 5 respecs is just a poorly made toon, even considering the second build option. Then add on top of that the 3 respecs you can get from the trials and geez . . . how many times does someone need to respec a toon?

The 5% on the other hand is a completely new reward and interesting, thank you for that one.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Hey Devs, enough with the respecs already. Any toon that needs more than 5 respecs is just a poorly made toon, even considering the second build option. Then add on top of that the 3 respecs you can get from the trials and geez . . . how many times does someone need to respec a toon?
We will probably continue to get Vet respecs every year on the same schedule as they've been given in the past. I believe it's the 9th month of every year you've subscribed? Just because you don't use them doesn't mean they aren't useful, and I'd hazard a guess that more people use them than don't.

Note that I'm actually like you here; I don't think I've used any of the Vet respecs on my main characters, and I usually make do just fine with the freespecs that are given for issue releases and special events (I don't even use all of those, either--I think I've only respecced my main Villain once, maybe twice tops since the launch of CoV).

But seeing as how I don't recall seeing any of your other eleven posts showing off a crazy fancy god-like build, I don't think you need to call out people and tell them their characters are "poorly made."

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!