Discussion: 69 and 72 month Veteran Rewards




Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
We will probably continue to get Vet respecs every year on the same schedule as they've been given in the past. I believe it's the 9th month of every year you've subscribed? Just because you don't use them doesn't mean they aren't useful, and I'd hazard a guess that more people use them than don't.

Note that I'm actually like you here; I don't think I've used any of the Vet respecs on my main characters, and I usually make do just fine with the freespecs that are given for issue releases and special events (I don't even use all of those, either--I think I've only respecced my main Villain once, maybe twice tops since the launch of CoV).

But seeing as how I don't recall seeing any of your other eleven posts showing off a crazy fancy god-like build, I don't think you need to call out people and tell them their characters are "poorly made."
There is no "Calling Out" of anyone here. Have I specifically said "Hey Joe Schmoe, your toon sucks!" All I said was that after about three respecs you have to start questioning if it is a bad build period. Kinda like when you meet someone playing a petless MM. Most people scratch their heads and boot them as fast as possible. It's a basically useless toon / bad build.



I respec a character when my wealth increases enough to improve it.

My main is currently buying items for her 5th respec (I'm actually doing this on one her second build). She has only been active for 21 months. It's easy to see how people who have been around much longer than that can work through a lot more respecs than I have.

Her build hasn't really changed (a swap of travel powers and a few sockets moved) but the wealth I have accrued allows me to respec and improve.

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Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
I respec a character when my wealth increases enough to improve it.

My main is currently buying items for her 5th respec (I'm actually doing this on one her second build). She has only been active for 21 months. It's easy to see how people who have been around much longer than that can work through a lot more respecs than I have.

Her build hasn't really changed (a swap of travel powers and a few sockets moved) but the wealth I have accrued allows me to respec and improve.
It seems to me that while you may be respecing your toon literally, you are more just buying new stuff for it in actuality. Their is nothing wrong with buying bigger and better stuff for your toons, I never said there was, I am simply stating that we are given enough Veterans Reward respec by the 5th year that maybe it is time to try something different.

I stand by my earlier statement though that if you can not get a good build by the 3rd true respec then maybe you just have a bad build.

Since I have teamed with you many times Capa, I do not see this as your problem.



OK people are mad because veteran rewards are cool and it sucks that we have to wait so long to get them???
ok now i may be a bit off, but TBH the extra powers Vets get are kind of like ninja run or mission teleporter right, these are powers of convenience or at the very least useful until you out grow it..such as ninja run...its a nice travel power until you get a real one... then its actually not cool at all its a horrible end drain!!...honestly as far as Veteran rewards go, as far as i am concerned almost and i stress almost all of the vet rewards are cool for about 10 minutes and probably wont be used very often or they are use once only anyhow such as respecs or free costume tokens... but to my reason i got annoyed enough to post... not a single veteran reward is GAME BREAKING DOOOM... the fact, that he or she has something i want or what not, is a reason to keep playing the game... i personally cant wait for the map reveal power ... but either way those that have stuck with this game for so long deserve these rewards and even if they did give a bit of an edge in pvp or some other nonsense(which they dont), i say more power to them, they deserve it ... they put the time in ... congrats to all those who have gotten a 69 month vet badge i cant wait to get mine!!



Originally Posted by Chrome View Post
OK people are mad because veteran rewards are cool and it sucks that we have to wait so long to get them???
ok now i may be a bit off, but TBH the extra powers Vets get are kind of like ninja run or mission teleporter right, these are powers of convenience or at the very least useful until you out grow it..such as ninja run...its a nice travel power until you get a real one... then its actually not cool at all its a horrible end drain!!...honestly as far as Veteran rewards go, as far as i am concerned almost and i stress almost all of the vet rewards are cool for about 10 minutes and probably wont be used very often or they are use once only anyhow such as respecs or free costume tokens... but to my reason i got annoyed enough to post... not a single veteran reward is GAME BREAKING DOOOM... the fact, that he or she has something i want or what not, is a reason to keep playing the game... i personally cant wait for the map reveal power ... but either way those that have stuck with this game for so long deserve these rewards and even if they did give a bit of an edge in pvp or some other nonsense(which they dont), i say more power to them, they deserve it ... they put the time in ... congrats to all those who have gotten a 69 month vet badge i cant wait to get mine!!
While I do not agree with your view of the powers themselves (three extra attacks at level 1 are nice, not to mention reveal and the buffing pet) I have to agree with the rest of your post.

Those people who have spent a LOT of time and money on this game over the years deserve a little extra candy, so to speak. It is after all the "Word of Mouth" from the long term gamers that seems to get more people into this game than anything else.

I know that at least among the people I regularly play with, almost all of them learned about the game from a friend and decided to check it out.

Of course my opinion on this one may be a little clouded since I have been playing for over 5 years now and absolutely love that Reveal power.



I'm still waiting for the phone vet reward. Instead of waiting, you get contact phone numbers right when you get them as a contact. And instead of running back and forth to talk to people you have as a contact, you can just call them up on your phone.

So sick of running messages back and forth between indigo & crimson, when you know they've been on the phone talking about you while you're sitting on a train somewhere...

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Originally Posted by Lemming_NA View Post
I'm still waiting for the phone vet reward. Instead of waiting, you get contact phone numbers right when you get them as a contact. And instead of running back and forth to talk to people you have as a contact, you can just call them up on your phone.

So sick of running messages back and forth between indigo & crimson, when you know they've been on the phone talking about you while you're sitting on a train somewhere...
I agree Lemming, I would like an immediate cell phone Veteran power too, but I would put it way back around the 24th month instead of 75+ months. Anyone else have any good ideas for Veteran Powers?

Mine is changing Blackwand and the Nemisis Staff to a permanent 5% temporary debuff added to all you powers instead of doing damage and being it's own attack power. I love the powers to be honest, but it really does not go with some of my toons themes.



I just got my 66 month Veteran Reward tonight. The extra 5 salvage and extra 5 recipe slots will be nice, especially on the lower level toons. I hate running to the store after every mission.