Discussion: 69 and 72 month Veteran Rewards




Well, say what you want about them being free and what not... well they are not really free because you have to be a paying customer for that period of time in order to get them but no matter WHAT they come up with for rewards they will never and I mean EVER beat boxing gloves, I mean those changed the way people play this game!!! Example: Did the STF the first time and failed needless to say frustration set in I was even thinking of doing a server transfer to Freedom!!!! But, I collected my thoughts, went back to the taylor put on the boxing gloves and BAM things began to change!!! Started up another STF and even my fellow teammates knew there was something different... We got by the "easy" AV's and got to the "Big Guy" Went right up to him and said "Yo, the champ is here!" and, well you can guess what happened next... The towers exploded ALL of them at the same time... and Lord recluse was done!!! Thanks Devs, without you guys I'd still be stuck in that STF!!!

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...



Originally Posted by Bellen View Post
Other items I would think would be great veteran rewards, but have not been awarded yet. Additional Costume Slots, Unique Colors, Unique Capes and Auras, Rename credits, additional profiles, free server transfers and additional AE publishing slots. None make the character more powerful, but allow the players to stand out and/or correct errors of the past.
I could get behind your idea of Server Transfer credits, Rename credits, and additional AE slots, because those are things I could buy if I really wanted them, but at this point I sure hope that nothing to do with costumes, particularly not something as significant as new colors, is ever again made a vet reward.

I'm a 24 month vet, and I love this game, and plan to play it for as long as it's around, but to think that I would have to wait four years (and hope the game is still around) to get a sixth costume slot, or additional costume colors or auras, would just suck.

Inspirations that make other players a wee bit tougher in PvE? I'm all for it! If my blaster teammate is hitting more often, and my tanker teammate is doing more damage, that means I'm getting XP at a slightly higher rate.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by JDub View Post
100% Agree. I dont feel any of what they added is unbalanced or bad, but after the costume parts and stuff, its disappointing to see silly buffs instead of at least interesting ones like the map reveal power they added. The animation was cool, and while it's effect wasnt exactly a fantastic advantage, it was at least something different and interesting.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I could get behind your idea of Server Transfer credits, Rename credits, and additional AE slots, because those are things I could buy if I really wanted them, but at this point I sure hope that nothing to do with costumes, particularly not something as significant as new colors, is ever again made a vet reward.

I'm a 24 month vet, and I love this game, and plan to play it for as long as it's around, but to think that I would have to wait four years (and hope the game is still around) to get a sixth costume slot, or additional costume colors or auras, would just suck.

Inspirations that make other players a wee bit tougher in PvE? I'm all for it! If my blaster teammate is hitting more often, and my tanker teammate is doing more damage, that means I'm getting XP at a slightly higher rate.
I understand completely. Im only a 36 month vet and I STILL havent unlocked some of the costume parts. I like the power drones and the non-combat pets and the map reveal because they'e not universally game-changing like the Vet Team Teleport or the costume chunks. The First few costume unlocks for Vet Time are nice because you get through them fairly quickly, but a new player coming in to see they cant get the cool new Witch Doctor costume set until playing for 75 months would be fairly depressing.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



I'm deeply saddened by the fact that my toons are not getting their moble ICON and Facemaker platforms to change my on the go heroes and villains! I feel in my imaginary mind that I was promised by the Devs this as a 6 year vet reward! Did I tell you all I forgot to take my meds today!



I know it's heresy, but I still think that they should give out the badges but no extra rewards past five years or so. I'd hate to be a new player and think that I'll never even remotely be close to earning all the goodies that the veterans have.

Plus, it would have the added advantage of heading off the people posting that the new rewards suck.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by ZNRGY_XERONUS View Post
I'm deeply saddened by the fact that my toons are not getting their moble ICON and Facemaker platforms to change my on the go heroes and villains! I feel in my imaginary mind that I was promised by the Devs this as a 6 year vet reward! Did I tell you all I forgot to take my meds today!
Take your Ritalin Beavis! *SMACK!*

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I know it's heresy, but I still think that they should give out the badges but no extra rewards past five years or so. I'd hate to be a new player and think that I'll never even remotely be close to earning all the goodies that the veterans have.
I can understand this mentality. But look at me now. An 18 month vet already and paid through 30 month. Barring a server shutdown, I very well could be here 5-6 years.

Plus, it would have the added advantage of heading off the people posting that the new rewards suck.
Okay, there's optimism, then there's pure fantasy. You're somewhere WAYYYYYY past the latter here.

If they do, someone will gripe that vet rewards suck.
If they don't, someone will gripe that vet rewards suck.

Kinda like asking someone if they'd prefer an injection of LD100 potassium chloride or LD100 formaldehyde?

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To clarify:

If a green inspiration heals your character for 100 pts, after achieving the 72 month vet reward it will heal for 105. If you get a 10% bonus from an inspiration, it will become an 11% bonus. A nice reward without being game breaking.



Thank you for the clarification, Ocho!

Although, I was going to accept Arcanaville's assertion as being equivalent to a red-name's response.

It would be silly not to.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



I can't enjoy this game anymore knowing that, somewhere out there, a handful of people are feeling ever so slightly healthier than I would be if I were to also have their exactly unique build.

*cancels free year*

Thanks a lot, Devs.



Originally Posted by T'He O'Cho View Post
To clarify:

If a green inspiration heals your character for 100 pts, after achieving the 72 month vet reward it will heal for 105. If you get a 10% bonus from an inspiration, it will become an 11% bonus. A nice reward without being game breaking.
Anomaly alarm. Interrogatory: malfunction? Computation: non-reconciled. Activated: verification procedure 1721-alpha.

Located: criteria match seven zed three.
Target description: "sturdy."
Attribute modification: damage resistance.
Effective denormalized value: ten percent.
Veteran reward value: ten point five percent.

Response: T'He O'Cho; diagnostic submission. Specification: numerical quantification evaluation.

Notation: Recommendation. Individual T'He O'Cho. Combat effectiveness: questionable. Non-combat role options: Rikti retirement plan oversight: explicit assignment avoidance protocols asserted.

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Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
It's not fake (like some Nemeses we could name). >.>
I want inflatable nemesis. Talk about a party favor.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



No Contact Phone Book? bummer...



Originally Posted by T'He O'Cho View Post
To clarify:

If a green inspiration heals your character for 100 pts, after achieving the 72 month vet reward it will heal for 105. If you get a 10% bonus from an inspiration, it will become an 11% bonus. A nice reward without being game breaking.
I was glad to see the new bonuses this time around. They're small enough that they're still "a nice bonus" without being something that I look forward to with a frustrated angry-face for the next two and a half years. I hope they remain this way and not go back to being as powerful/desirable as things like City Traveler.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I know it's heresy, but I still think that they should give out the badges but no extra rewards past five years or so. I'd hate to be a new player and think that I'll never even remotely be close to earning all the goodies that the veterans have.

Plus, it would have the added advantage of heading off the people posting that the new rewards suck.
Then wouldn't the new rewards really suck?

I don't mind the long-time veteran players getting rewards as long as they aren't drastically game changing. Having a luck give 13.125 vs. 12.5 isn't a huge deal (12.5 vs 17.5 is).



69 should be reward in and of itself. Once you come up for air, that is.

I lolled at the 6 merits for the 72 reward. That's cute, but I'm not sure how it works. Is it a one time bonus of 6 whole merits as you claim the reward or do you get +6 merits every time you get merits? I suspect the former, but hope springs eternal for the latter.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I know it's heresy, but I still think that they should give out the badges but no extra rewards past five years or so. I'd hate to be a new player and think that I'll never even remotely be close to earning all the goodies that the veterans have.

Plus, it would have the added advantage of heading off the people posting that the new rewards suck.
I will never, never have the three newest years of rewards. This does not bother me. I'm happy to know that there are people out there with three years worth of stories and fun.

Or to put it another, more snazzily quotable way:

The Television arc is not more poorly written now that Distinguished players get free merits.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
69 should be reward in and of itself. Once you come up for air, that is.

I lolled at the 6 merits for the 72 reward. That's cute, but I'm not sure how it works. Is it a one time bonus of 6 whole merits as you claim the reward or do you get +6 merits every time you get merits? I suspect the former, but hope springs eternal for the latter.

If it's like the 60 month reward then it's just a flat 6 merits per character. The 60 month was a flat 5 merits per character.

Still kind of wanted the 5% bonus to be an extra 5% bonus (meaning 15% boost instead of 10%)....don't see the big deal. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I know it's heresy, but I still think that they should give out the badges but no extra rewards past five years or so. I'd hate to be a new player and think that I'll never even remotely be close to earning all the goodies that the veterans have.
Personally, I think that they should stop tacking new rewards on the end (with the possible exception of the "annual" stuff like respecs and character slots) and start adding new veteran rewards in the 12-48 range every few months. That would add stuff to make newbies want to sign on and keep their accounts active (because it's not an ETERNITY away), while also continuing to provide new perks for longtime players.



I guess I shouldn't be surprised that people are micturating over a 1% change in inspirations, that only applies to PvE.



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Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
Then wouldn't the new rewards really suck?
As long as people still get character slots, respecs, and costume tokens it can't be all bad. I don't even have an issue with free merits, or heck other free consumables like inspirations or something. What I don't like is the powers and other advantages like City Traveler that separates new players from veterans. I still have a bit over 3 months to go for my team recall, which I've been wanting ever since I started doing serious TFs like a year ago.

Really, if I had designed the system, I would've done one of a few things:

A) Rewards stop at 5 years. Everyone gets 5 years worth of rewards to work toward and then it ends.
B) Rewards taper off after a certain point (5 years max) and just enter a cycle where you get the basics like costume and character slot tokens, but nothing new like powers.
C) Frontload and update older rewards, so that new players hit good rewards faster. Over time, continually add new bonuses to the first 12 months or so. Like instead of making the +10% bonus on inspirations the 72 month reward, add it to the 12 month reward.
D) Let people pick rewards when they hit milestones, so people who care about team recall but don't care about the useless pet can get things they want when they want.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Really, if I had designed the system, I would've done one of a few things:
I still think my solution to this problem is the best one. Its I suppose a variant of your fourth option, and I've been suggesting it for about as long as the veteran reward system has existed. Make veteran rewards (at least all the ones besides the generic ones, like earning merits or a costume token) into choice tokens where you can choose a reward from a specific pool of rewards. Then add tokens at regular intervals, and add additional choices to the pools at the same time.

So perhaps at 15 month intervals everyone would get a melee attack veteran reward token which they could use to get a veteran melee attack. But at the beginning of time, perhaps there were only two such attacks, and you could pick one of them. Down the road, when the 30th month reward came along, instead of making a whole new reward unavailable to new players, you make it *another* melee attack reward token and add one or two new attacks to the veteran melee attack pool. So now the pool has four attacks and 30 month veterans get two of them. But the 15 month veterans that reach 15 months at that time will still have all four powers available to them; they just only get one choice to start.

If we do the same thing to veteran ranged attacks, costume parts, and all the other "unique" vet rewards, then it will always be true that the longer vets have *more* rewards, but all new players will have *access* to any of them in relatively short amounts of time. You are never introducing a reward that only six year veterans have any chance of getting (usually: this doesn't preclude that option if you really want to), but you can still introduce new rewards and you can still reward longer term veterans.

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