F****** Ski Slope!

Adeon Hawkwood



Does anyone else find this thing absolutely infuriating? I mean, I can't get the Gold Medal without Speed Boost, but when I have Speed Boost I just lose control!

Any tips, pointers etc to share? :S



Don't use Speed Boost? I got it last year using Super Jump although it took a bit of practice. If you are going to use SB, I think you may want Combat Jump to provide better directional control.



I too, prefer not to use speed boost. Besides the "lol it boosts speed", I haven't noticed an actual difference in my speed. I'd imagine this is because we're actually falling down the slope.

Admittedly, I'm having trouble grabbing those last few seconds on my villain, but my hero got the badges with just combat jumping last year. I'm using ninja run this year, as I find the air control juuuust lovely.

Edit: Also, it may be obvious, but do try to avoid the sides. They're the biggest factor in my slowdown, as falling uphill is difficult at best.



what's the reward for it? Sorry, it's my first x-mas event....



There's 6 sets of badges linked to the ski slopes, three for the intermediate and three for the expert based on times.

Speed boost actually does very little, the buff I would recommend would be Inert Reduction as this gives great control over the ice which is what's really needed and if your character is super jump, use Combat Jumping.



Actually,I suck at it I usually fly off the side into nothingness.

My wife on the other hand can get all the slope/ramp badges likes it's nothing.I once asked her how she does it and gave me the ole "ancient chinese secret" response.

But,she did offer to get the badges for my toon.

I think all she uses is sprint and cj,because I don't have ss on my toon.



I suck badly at ski slopes. There should be a tree decorating mini-game alternative for the less reactional and more creative types.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
My wife on the other hand can get all the slope/ramp badges likes it's nothing.I once asked her how she does it and gave me the ole "ancient chinese secret" response.
Ancient Chinese secret, huh?



I got gold times in both slopes without sb but yeah was raging hard before i got them.



Ski slope? What ski slope?

Man, I go away for a while, and they redecorate the place just to make you get lost!

Seriously... What? Where? When? How? And sometimes, why?



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Does anyone else find this thing absolutely infuriating? I mean, I can't get the Gold Medal without Speed Boost, but when I have Speed Boost I just lose control!

Any tips, pointers etc to share? :S

I personally hate it as well. I am just not coordinated enough to do it.

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I suggest using your second build to take all the jumping, running and speed powers - that's how I got the gold last year

@Golden Girl

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To get the gold badge, this was what I did last year (no need for me to do it on any of my chars now as I did it for 12 chars last year).

I personally love SB, yes your fast and you loose control. But Get the IR or use the temp jump pack from safeguard if no kin around.
Practice a few times on the courses then go for the proper try. I went with two sb's (atleast) and the IR.
Went like a charm So.. I love the ski slopes... yea.

Oh yes, ski slopes. In Pocket D near the red side bar, you will see a little cave with ice and christmas thingies. click the door and now you are in the Ski chalet. There are several slopes, (but only 2 that are properly for badges). If you have collected candy canes, you can give some to the little green elf in the hut. And he will give you (you choose) some costume items or badges... or even recipes.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



I share your frustration with these awful slopes and that bobsled thing is just a tiny bit better. The one who invented those should be voluntered to be Doctor Creed test subject.



I always miss the Gold by a few seconds because of the third gate and it's annoying turn. Also, my Badger doesn't have any SJ powers and not enough freespecs >.>



Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
I personally hate it as well. I am just not coordinated enough to do it.
Me neither, which is why I gave up on gold last year, turned down my graphics settings and used Fly to navigate through the course. Got my bronze and silver at least. This was with characters at level 40/upper 30s. A level 50 character (with higher speed cap for fly) might have a shot at gold, but not sure.



Originally Posted by Nestor View Post
Ski slope? What ski slope?

Man, I go away for a while, and they redecorate the place just to make you get lost!

Seriously... What? Where? When? How? And sometimes, why?
Go to Pocket D, and on the red side of the club, on the upper level, there's a door with snow outside - go through it, and be amazed

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I always miss the Gold by a few seconds because of the third gate and it's annoying turn. Also, my Badger doesn't have any SJ powers and not enough freespecs >.>
try having a kin IR you



My chars usually just have Fly... But not used in the slopes.
But if you do a build 2 with sj and ss you should be able to do the slopes too, I guess (not slotted).
But if you have ss and thus do not need the sb from the kin, then you only need IR. It will be a bit weird in the beginning and thus take some time to get use to, but you will have CONTROL, sharper turns etc. Get it and LOVE it.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Gold is easy, getting sub 41seconds isn't.

I can get around 46 seconds with SS and CJ only.

To get much faster i need SB

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I recommend the Zen of the Slope.

Seriously, pop a Xanax and zone. When you feel furry like a Christmas Ham, you know you're in the zone.

I used Inertial Reduction, Jumpjet, and strafing to nail all 6 badges last year. It just takes a lot of repetition. I hate to go all Obi-Wan, but it's true. Stretch out with your feelings and let go. After you run it a couple times, you should be able to subconsciously twitch the strafe at the right times and stay on track.

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Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Does anyone else find this thing absolutely infuriating? I mean, I can't get the Gold Medal without Speed Boost, but when I have Speed Boost I just lose control!

Any tips, pointers etc to share? :S
Speed boost isn't useful. What you really want are any of the powers that give 'air control' - Inertial Reduction, Combat Jumping, Super Jump. Also, the Jump Pack from the Kings Row Safeguard.

If you really want the badges, and are willing to do some 'work', MEMORIZE the course. Count the gates out loud as you pass each one so you embed the pattern in your brain. This will let you plan your moves and start turns early since you know what's coming up.

Edit: FYI, the specific method I used on my badge hunter (in addition to memorizing the course) was as follows (I got the badges before dual builds):
No Swift or Hurdle.
Sprint and Combat Jumping on. (Or Superjump. I checked and could do it with either.)
Keep the 'W' (forward) key depressed and steer with the mouse.
Took about 15 runs on the original course and about 10 on the newer one to get gold.

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Originally Posted by Effy_On_Malibu View Post
Gold is easy, getting sub 41seconds isn't.

I can get around 46 seconds with SS and CJ only.

To get much faster i need SB
How the hell do you do this? My fastest time was 47.something, that was with SS, SJ and SB. I did manage to get second place with that on Justice though, although 1st place is 44.something... so it's a distant second.

How on earth you can get to that speed boggles my mind.

Still, at least I finally got the silver and gold medals, I gave up last year.



Run speed DOES NOT HELP on the ski slopes. You want MovementControl and MovementFriction, which are granted by jumping powers: Combat Jumping, Zero-G Pack, Super Jump, Inertial Reduction, and Ninja Run, to name a few.

For the Gold, you also usually need a little bit of twitch reflexes, which some people simply don't have. But the RunSpeed doesn't help any.
