F****** Ski Slope!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
How on earth you can get to that speed boggles my mind.
The ski slopes are, almost literally, "Falling with style". MovementControl/MovementFriction that you get from powers like Super Jump let you turn the corners as fast as you like.




Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
When you feel furry like a Christmas Ham, you know you're in the zone.
WTF kinda ham you been eating? I for one will not be trying recreational Xanax based on this quote alone



2nd build. Capped run and jump speed.

49.25 on Cat.

That's the one thing I have cared about enough to worry about a 2nd build ever. had all the others from last eyar, just couldn't squueze that last one out.

Someone was 10 secs faster already by the scoreboard. No idea how thats possible.

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Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Run speed DOES NOT HELP on the ski slopes. You want MovementControl and MovementFriction, which are granted by jumping powers: Combat Jumping, Zero-G Pack, Super Jump, Inertial Reduction, and Ninja Run, to name a few.

For the Gold, you also usually need a little bit of twitch reflexes, which some people simply don't have. But the RunSpeed doesn't help any.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Speed boost isn't useful. What you really want are any of the powers that give 'air control' - Inertial Reduction, Combat Jumping, Super Jump. Also, the Jump Pack from the Kings Row Safeguard.

If you really want the badges, and are willing to do some 'work', MEMORIZE the course. Count the gates out loud as you pass each one so you embed the pattern in your brain. This will let you plan your moves and start turns early since you know what's coming up.

Edit: FYI, the specific method I used on my badge hunter (in addition to memorizing the course) was as follows (I got the badges before dual builds):
No Swift or Hurdle.
Sprint and Combat Jumping on. (Or Superjump. I checked and could do it with either.)
Keep the 'W' (forward) key depressed and steer with the mouse.
Took about 15 runs on the original course and about 10 on the newer one to get gold.
These are both the straight dope on skiing. I've also found that kicking up your camera turn speed (either mouse or keyboard, your preference) helps you get pointed in the right directions faster.

It's like any racing game (or even racing in real life). Drivers tend to do well on courses because they've done it hundreds or thousands of times. Try to do nearly the same thing each time. Anticipate your turns, and try to turn the same way each time. Get gate one right, then go on to gate two, etc. If you mess up a gate, don't worry about the rest of the run, there's often not a lot you can do to "save it" Just get your muscle memory and habits in places and don't try to force things if they go bad.

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Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Does anyone else find this thing absolutely infuriating? I mean, I can't get the Gold Medal without Speed Boost, but when I have Speed Boost I just lose control!

Any tips, pointers etc to share? :S

I am complete rubbish at the ski slopes I amuse myself by chatting on broadcast there or using lightning rod just before the start

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Expert Course (Down Hill Skiing)

If you memorize the course and run it perfectly (no mistakes), you can get gold with just Sprint. Although, there's enough flatness in some parts that RunSpeed makes a little bit of a difference. It is (relatively) very easy to get gold on the Expert Course with Ninja Run.

Advance Course (Luge/Bobsled/Toboggan/Skelton Track)

If you have your RunSpeed capped (Super Speed and/or Speed Boost) and you do not have a 'jump' power, then you won't get gold. Doing 'perfect' runs without a jump power meant I kept hitting a 53 second time I couldn't shave down any further.

I then tried it with Ninja Run + Sprint + Accelerate Metabolism + Empowerment Jump and Run buffs and still hit the 53 second limit on perfect runs.

RunSpeed does make a difference, but it's not enough for the gold.

When I got an Inertial Reduction buff, three tries later, I got the gold. People have reported getting gold on the Advanced course with just Sprint + IR.

So, IOW, MovementFriction is essential. Sliding down slope is falling and MovementFriction lets you fall faster. I don't know if Ninja Run has MovementFriction, but Combat Jumping, SuperJump, and Inertial Reducation definitely do. The MovementControl of all the jump powers help with turning and strafing while sliding/falling, but the jump powers with MovementFriction are the ones that will allow you to gold on the Advanced Course.

On Virtue, I have a Kin Defender parked at the top of the Advanced Course auto-firing IR every 40 seconds approximately in Pocket-D1. I've received a lot of tells thanking me from people who got the gold.

I'll take Candy Canes as tips.

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Just to throw salt on the wounds, here's a screenie from last year.
(Click to get full-sized)

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One thing that helped me (though I'm real bad at it) was using the mouse for movement control instead of the keypad I normally use.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Just to throw salt on the wounds, here's a screenie from last year.
(Click to get full-sized)

26 seconds?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Just got gold on the advanced run.

Ran to a trainer to create a second build with just about every travel imaginable: SS, Combat Jumping, Swift, and Flight - because I never know which jump pad takes me back up top.

Didn't use Ninja Run, I was wildly out of control on it.

Virtue's nice.. there was a small army of kins (SB, IR) and rads (AM) up top. I had three buffs on me that last run.



You're probably going to want to rename this thread, though it may be deleted anyways. Anywho, I'll never have any of the ski badges. Someone needs to take a chill pill.

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For some reason just can't seem to get gold on my level 5 character with combat jumping, even with IR, I came close 50.10 seconds but I just can't get below 50.

On the other hand my level 50 SS/Fire brute sailed through it and had to actually try hard to get bronze.



Got 43 seconds on expert with NR+sprint+IR+SB.
Got much better this year - last year I was falling all the time (took me lot of practicing to get gold on main).

Still having trouble on normal - keep missing gates

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- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
People have reported getting gold on the Advanced course with just Sprint + IR.
My Mastermind got Gold on both courses using only the Zero-G Pack.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I don't know if Ninja Run has MovementFriction
NR is equal to SJ in this regard. This means NR, SJ, and Zero-G Pack (which is a clone of SJ, without the ability to slot it) are tied for second-best powers to use on the ski runs. The best is Inertial Reduction.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
For some reason just can't seem to get gold on my level 5 character with combat jumping, even with IR, I came close 50.10 seconds but I just can't get below 50.
I believe speed caps do factor into ski run times, which means it may be mechanically impossible to get Gold with a level 5 character.




Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
26 seconds?
Timed recall friends are useful.

For the regular slope, if you're just going for the gold, follow all the advice given. If you want a really really fast time, you do NOT want Intertial Reduction. While it offers fantastic air control, the really sharp turn is hard to navigate with it since sometimes you go OVER the gate you're making the sharp turn for. All you want is a maxed out jump, with super jump and hurdle.

This is a screenie from when they were testing on live a few weeks back. This is with just super jump, super speed, sprint, and hurdle on. No SB, IR, or recall friend.



Originally Posted by Nestor View Post
Ski slope? What ski slope?

Man, I go away for a while, and they redecorate the place just to make you get lost!

Seriously... What? Where? When? How? And sometimes, why?
It's inside Pocket D.

Once you enter Pocket D, go to the villain/red side of it. Go up to the top level. Next to the balconey over looking the dance floor, you will see a small rocky area with snow and a wooden door. There's a smudgey picture of a skier on the door. Click the door to enter the Ski Chalet area.

You should have been automatically given Father Time as a contact.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



With Ninja Run, I can get gold on the ski run. With a "perfect" run (for me), I can get silver on the bobsled run. Inertial Reduction improves my chances of getting silver, but also makes me more vulnerable to flying off the course. I've never been able to get gold on the bobsled run, after many many runs. I'm just happy when I manage to get silver, and I usually don't even worry about getting that, because I can't depend on getting Inertial Reduction and I don't want to keep trying for a "perfect" run.

Whatever it takes to get gold on the bobsled run, my reaction time just isn't up to the task.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Just get your muscle memory and habits in places and don't try to force things if they go bad.
Apparently it's like riding a bicycle. Just for kicks, I ran each slope once today and almost hit the gold time on each slope (using my badger toon who has all the skiing badges).

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Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
With Ninja Run, I can get gold on the ski run. With a "perfect" run (for me), I can get silver on the bobsled run. Inertial Reduction improves my chances of getting silver, but also makes me more vulnerable to flying off the course. I've never been able to get gold on the bobsled run, after many many runs. I'm just happy when I manage to get silver, and I usually don't even worry about getting that, because I can't depend on getting Inertial Reduction and I don't want to keep trying for a "perfect" run.

Whatever it takes to get gold on the bobsled run, my reaction time just isn't up to the task.
Well. If worst comes to worst and you just GOTTA have the speed badges, get yourself 7 friends with teleport.

You'll need to nav the first 2-3 gates yourself, but then they tag-team TP you through the rest of the gates.

Make sure they are NOT slotting TP for any endredux when doing so, as the person just down the line is watching for the end bar to flux.

Is it a cheap cop-out way of getting the badges? Sure. So what? Not everyone has razor-sharp control, and TP teams still take quite a bit of skill and teamwork to get right.

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Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
For some reason just can't seem to get gold on my level 5 character with combat jumping

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If SB is too fast, try seeing if a kin will give you Inertial Reduction and go with just that. with Ninja Run, you can get to silver with sprint on, and probably gold with IR to help jump some spots.

If you have SJ, you're golden once you get the hang of it....jump to start, jump some curves, jump after the portal, jump, jump!

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Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Does anyone else find this thing absolutely infuriating? I mean, I can't get the Gold Medal without Speed Boost, but when I have Speed Boost I just lose control!

Any tips, pointers etc to share? :S
I didn't have speed boost, but I got the gold medal. I actually find Speed Boost to be detrimental. Best thing I can advise is practice, practice, practice.

And Super Jump.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



I find the slopes fairly easy to master with either Combat Jumping or Inertial Reduction. The temp jump pack or SJ would probably work too, although I haven't personally tried them.

In my experience air control is more important than raw speed.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I find the slopes fairly easy to master with either Combat Jumping or Inertial Reduction. The temp jump pack or SJ would probably work too, although I haven't personally tried them.

In my experience air control is more important than raw speed.
I've done it with both SJ and Combat Jumping. There's really not much of a difference with them speed wise.

Air control is indeed the key.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Just thought why jump powers which reduce MovementFriction and boost MovementControl help on the courses:

When you fall, jump powers allow you to laterally 'slide' left and right as you fall. Well, they also let you slide forward and backward laterally.

So, as you're falling/sliding down the course, keeping the +Forward button pressed is a lateral falling movement which the jump powers augment.

And that's also why RunSpeed boosts contribute only slightly to the slopes: You're not moving forward, you're falling forward.

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