F****** Ski Slope!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
I was lucky enough to haul *** JUST quick enough for a Gold Medal on the amateur slopes.

It involved using Ninja Run and Sprint... I only used NR for the Superjump qualities, however.
Actually, if you have Superjump you can hit the speed cap for jumping and get a gold without any outside buffs. Most of my non SJ characters that I wanted to get the badges for used their second build to get SJ, maxed it out and got the badge.

The only tip I have for the second course is to use SJ (or whatever jump power/buff you are using) after the teleporter to get up to speed faster. A short jump will get you back up to speed quickly.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I still want to see it on You-Tube!

"Goggle-net...bring me my You-Tube video of 7 people TP'ing someone through the ski slope courses!"
During the previous Winter Event, I actually tried coordiating TP friend with an SG mate (over vent) to try to cut some time off of my expert slope run. Specifically, we tried to bypass the long time it takes to bet bounced up to the top of the slope, hoping to not only cut out some time, but see if we could start at the top with more momentum.

It really doesn't work very well. Granted, it was late, and we were both getting a bit loopy, but even with perfect timing, where I accepted the TP right after I hit the previous checkpoint the time-savings was so minimal that the effort to get it "just right" would better have been spent perfecting other parts of the run.

However, if someone is having trouble with the run, and you are not using your 2nd build, I suggest making a ski-run build, taking the travel powers (like CJ), that make the run easier. That's what I did with my kin, and went from struggling to get the silver to logging the fastest run of the day. YMMV, but if you're not using your 2nd build...



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
You could probably tighten that up with vent, I would think.
Back in the day, we'd set up raid-length Complete Heal chains in EQ with only macros. They'd sometimes loop for upwards of 20-30 minutes. A second-timed seven-person chain doesn't sound that hard to me.

/macro Chain "powexec_name Teleport Friend$$group NameOne Recalling now. NameTwo count to five and then recall."



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
During the previous Winter Event, I actually tried coordiating TP friend with an SG mate (over vent) to try to cut some time off of my expert slope run. Specifically, we tried to bypass the long time it takes to bet bounced up to the top of the slope, hoping to not only cut out some time, but see if we could start at the top with more momentum.

It really doesn't work very well. Granted, it was late, and we were both getting a bit loopy, but even with perfect timing, where I accepted the TP right after I hit the previous checkpoint the time-savings was so minimal that the effort to get it "just right" would better have been spent perfecting other parts of the run.

I think your lack of sleep may have been hindering you. I have done a TP to skip the course's TP gate and that alone cut off 1-2 seconds because you lose no speed. Also if you have someone TP into the last gate on the original course that can save you almost a whole second. Alot of people have trouble hitting the last gate if they have IR, because they just shoot over it.

Granted all this TPing stuff takes a little practice. Mainly you have to account for the lag of the TP activating and the lag you personally have. Having the TP prompt helps alot with that so its more in the skiers hands then the TPers.

Overall both runs are possible to do with SS and SJ maxed for run/jump speed. If you do that, no outside buffs are needed to make the badge. Just a little practice (and maybe some twitch muscles)

--edit-- If I remember right, with TP prompt and doing a TP chain, the prompts will stack on each other... its been awhile though so dont take my word for it.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I think somewhere around 23 seconds is the record based on a TP chain.
Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
You could probably tighten that up with vent, I would think.
Coordinating by voice isn't really efficient. A better method is for each person to use a keybind that announces on team channel and simultaneously triggers the Recall power. Thus, the next person can start their power BEFORE the person is even teleported so it will trigger as quickly as possible after the previous jump. And so on, down the team list.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



There are only 8 spots on your team so you can't TP through the whole run. What my friends and I did last year, and held the record on Victory throughout the event, was TP after you hit the teleporter to the top slop. I would hit a bind telling them to TP when I was coming around the bend towards the split, they would count to their appropriate number before they TP. So second person in the chain TPs after a second, third after two secs, etc etc. It got us in the 20s.

The smaller slope is a bit tricky, we just settled for TPing to the last gate, worked like a charm.



Originally Posted by perilX View Post
There are only 8 spots on your team so you can't TP through the whole run.
Actually, you can, if you're clever enough. The Taxibots use a method they call "teleport chains" on badge tours to allow an arbitrarily large number of people to teleport a single "fare" to an arbitrarily large number of places.

If you're even remotely interested (for next year, of course), you can read up about it here, especially the section titled "Serving as Tour Link."

Taxibot Belle tried to coordinate a ski-run chain a couple of years ago on Infinity. It never quite worked right. Coordinating getting a dozen or more people to press their keys all in order and just at the right time was just too much to ask folks. I'm not knocking them for trying, they're really smart people. It's just too much opportunity for someone to be off by just a little bit I think.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Does anyone else find this thing absolutely infuriating? I mean, I can't get the Gold Medal without Speed Boost, but when I have Speed Boost I just lose control!

Any tips, pointers etc to share? :S
It took me some practice but I got all 6 badges "Bronze", "Silver", and "Gold" for both slops it wasn't that hard really.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I still want to see it on You-Tube!

"Goggle-net...bring me my You-Tube video of 7 people TP'ing someone through the ski slope courses!"
So you never visit Protector huh? We were TP chaining on the very first day the original slopes were introduced and every year after that. The trick is TPing on the endurance dip of the porter above you on the slope. Set up the chain on the last N gates of the course and have the racer use the jingle jet to fly through gates 1 - (N-1) before the chain kicks in. You can get gold with N > 2. Our record times were around 10 seconds on the short course and close to 22 seconds on the long course with N = 7. Previous posts/threads had screen shots of our insane times.

We actually didn't run many chains this year, because most everyone seemed to have the badges from previous years.

Edit a random screenshot from last year - this was done with 3 or 4 porters,




What was the point of necroing this?

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.