Would You Buy...




...Base Booster Packs?

"Base Booster Packs" would be available from the game store and consist of a code that opens up a tab in the base editor (Account wide). The packs would give base builders cool stuff for bases and give the devs some more cash.

An example pack could be: "Base Booster Pack 1: Japanese" and include the items from the "tattoo parlor" mission.


Screen-Japanese 1 - the room divider screens.
Screen-Japanese 2 - the ones with paintings (if they are not separate).
Painting-Japanese 1
Painting-Japanese 2
Statue-Tsoo Idol
Sword 1
Sword 2 - laying on the floor
The above items are the ones I remember. A hibatchi and/or japanese fireplace would be nice too.
I would pay $9.99 for the example pack and maybe higher for bigger packs. How about you?



If those are the only items included in the pack, no... no I would not.

If there were a large number of items (30 or more, perhaps?), considering these are base only and do not affect my character, therefore no one would see my use of them unless they were inside my base... sure. Enough items to create a full base decor out of, for instance.

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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Never messed around with bases, so no. I understand some people love doing that and I've seen some pretty nice ones too, but it's just not my deal.



I wouldn't, i never use SG/VG bases so it's a waste of £ imo.

Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
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Not me. No use for SGs/VGs or bases.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



The Super/VillainGroup Pack would need to include a WHOLE ton of stuff.

Because we've had these things since the dawn of time (I6? I7?), and aside from the Veteran Rewards, they've never actually received an update.

I would sell it for $20, and include all of the following:

- Modern Themes
- Lounge Items
- Curves/Slopes
- Ability to make/place water
- Reactionary Items (Computers to access MA, computers to call contacts, and chairs that can be sat in.)
- Oriental Themes
- Neon Signs (With custom-input text)



actually this would probably be a better case for not going the booster route and just making it part of a free issue, as since it has been so long since anything really has been added to bases, this would, i think rightly, be viewed as making the base building community jump through extra hoops.



Buy a base items booster pack? No. Decidedly not. It sounds like an interesting idea, but I have precisely zero use for bases, so I would have no use for such a pack.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



If the stuff in it was something I would/could use.. anything. I would buy it.

but I am a big basebuilder with several sg's.

This booster will not be sold to everyone. Therefore will earn less money. But I would buy it yes.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Oh hell yes I would. But that's because I get a kick out of base building. I can understand that there are people out there that have zero interest in building bases.

If they ever did sell us base boosters then I demand that one feature be included.

Reskinned floor tiles top and bottom in different sizes. All we have now is that one white floor tile next to the safe, and that's invisible from underneath.



A lot of people don't even use the base feature at all, and only a tiny fraction of those that do are builders, so I can't see spending resources on such a narrowly targetted Booster being very profitable.



I wouldn't, even though I have my own base, so I'm among the few who could use it.

And while it's always nice to get more stuff I'd prefer to see a fundamental change to bases first (i.e. introducing player housing, so everyone can use the base building feature) plus a revamp of the existing base items (i.e. adding a bottom side, make items stackable, etc.) and most importantly a fixed and modernized base editor (i.e. include a chat window, a vertical placement slider, etc.).



Include NPCs in there and you've got yourself a deal.



no i won't i just see alot of promblems come with this type of booster.

as in if u quit that sg does that sg keep the stuff if you bought it or do you keep it and start a new sg and it get the booster so there only need to be one person that buys it and runs around sg to sg just giving out the booster for free.

personel i think base stuff should be free and not paid for as it not worth a sg that has 175 people in it to buy it as only one person would need it, but who would you decied to buy it???



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
(i.e. include a chat window, a vertical placement slider, etc.).
when ur in base edit mode hit c and chat should apper while ur building



I don't think that I would buy it no. Bases are passe. Done and over. There is not much use in having them, SG's are not very important, traveling is very streamlined nowadays so using the base tp is seldom used, there are no raiding features anymore and the only reason to use sg bases is for the benefit of storing salvage, enhancements and inspirations.



Idk about that pack in particular, but I would definitely consider buying a base booster pack



A chance to support the MMO that's been inspiring and entertaining me for several years, AND get some FREE Oriental base stuffs with it? Hells yes!

I'll ship my money over since it doesn't seem credit card payment is available yet..

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Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
...there are no raiding features anymore...
I think they have been talking of bringing that back though. If they did, the demand for such a thing might go up.

I might even consider messing with a base if we could make a 'personal base', meaning something like an apartment that wasn't so time consuming on the "You must pay the rent!" thing. Some weeks I barely get the time to log on and I'd hate to have to run around like a crazed chicken just to pay the rent for a small one bedroom, you know?

Anyways - if they did that, then I bet a lot of people would buy it.



My SG consists of me and two other people and we use our base exclusively for the transporters and storage racks/enhancement table. So, no.



On just what the OP mentioned, I don't think I would.

As to the thought of a purchase-based Base Booster? I don't think the revenue would warrant the time and effort to go about doing it.

While I do a lot of Base tweaking and the like, and I'm sure there's a good number of players that do, Base Builders are like PVPers. In that they are a small portion of the overall playerbase. While there has been progress in Base editing and some improved functionality, It's not a 'Major' point with the Devs right now. Post-GR, who knows?

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
I wouldn't, even though I have my own base, so I'm among the few who could use it.

And while it's always nice to get more stuff I'd prefer to see a fundamental change to bases first (i.e. introducing player housing, so everyone can use the base building feature) plus a revamp of the existing base items (i.e. adding a bottom side, make items stackable, etc.) and most importantly a fixed and modernized base editor (i.e. include a chat window, a vertical placement slider, etc.).
That's the big thing with this one. Bases, as introduced into the game, are a colossal waste of resources, partly because their full function was never realised, but largely because so few people have the ABILITY and OPPORTUNITY to use them. Opportunity, because it takes significant amounts of prestige to buy and maintain an even barely functional base (and even just BUY a fully cosmetic one), which needs to be gathered by many, but used by a few. Ability, because the editor is HORRIBLE, like something someone stepped on before it shipped. And making it "more powerful" has actually only made it worse.

See, bases were once compared to the costume editor, but they have NEVER been anywhere even remotely there. The editor works so well because it's fast, simple and easy to use. You want big boots? You put on a pair of big boots. No need to worry about picking a left boot for the left leg, no need to worry about aligning them to within the millimetre, no need to put them together form half a dozen different parts. You pick a piece from a drop-down and BAM! It's there. The base editor... Not so much. I mean, yes, it produces some pretty cool things, but it is just. So. FIDDLY! Every little frikkin' detail needs to be set down by hand, every little light, every odd floor tile, every god damn little test tube on ever separate counter top. Every flag, every chair, every vent, cable, every panel. And all of that crap aligned to a grid as fine as a grain of sand over a wall the size of the Great Wall of China. Forget aligning things if your eye is not sharp enough to shave on. And even the lighting is terrible, with most of it coming from ambience and very few lights providing very little light. I've fiddled with the editor several times, and I always give up after a single very cool room, because it's such a pain in the ***!

And again - you don't get to show it off, you share the space with a couple dozen other dudes with no room to have your own, err... Room. And what about the regal ones among us? My vampire is supposed to have an entire victorian mansion. My inventor is supposed to have a whole gigantic laboratory, all to himself. And on the flip side, my reclusive emo dude needs a run-down apartment off the beaten track. They all need personal housing, but there's no such thing, at least not at an affordable level.

Basically, before we start selling base booster packs, we're going to have to put base building on the radars and within the hands of a lot more people.

And you know what? I'd STILL take an Ufo:Enemy Unknown style base building interface where you pick only separate buildings over an area over hand-placing every god damn potted plant.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.