Should Energy Melee Get More AOE Damage ?





My first brute was EM/EA. Old animations, old PVP rules. I didn't try to "tank" with her, I played "heavy scrapper" (or maybe "heavy stalker") with her, and it worked out nicely. In the zones, I heard over broadcast several times things to the effect of "Look out for Feliney Assault, her stuns are brutal" - because not only did EM stun, but I'd slotted for duration as well. For what little bit that character was known, that was what she was known for.

PVP rule change - forget the stuns. *shrug*

I also remade my Fire/SS tanker (who still exists, namesake, level 50) into a Fire/EM because I knew fire, I'd gotten EM to 50 on the brute, I wanted to see how they played together. Even pre-animation change... it just didn't "feel" like it fit well as a tanker set (at least not with fire.) If I decided to go "heavy scrapper," perhaps, but... eh. That's not why I rolled that tank. (41 currently.)

As it sits now, I'm sorely unimpressed with it as a tanker set. But that's not numbers and time, just on feel and interaction with Fire/.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I have to ask if this was with IO sets, setup to solo such things? Because my WP/EM tank was IO'ed out for survival, +RCH was the least of her worries, and I was usually waiting on attacks to recharge after the initial release of attacks.
Sorry I've taken so long to respond. Contrary to what UberGuy said, EM/ELA Brutes were soloing AVs prior to the existence of Inventions on Live servers.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Animation speed is what killed Barrage at first, when it was otherwise an Excellent power. Now they've boosted the Damage of the power, but it's still slow! If a real boxer threw a combination that slowly... he'd lose. It needs to trim a half-second or more off the time to deliver the combo.
Wait, what? Barrage is a 1.33 second animation, which is plenty fast for this game... whether that's slow for the real world or not isn't much of a consideration... this is a video game, and it's fast for an attack animation. Having Barrage's damage get upped made the length of the animation even better... you're doing much more damage in the same activation.

If you're going to complain about animation times, you had better just be complaining about Energy Transfer and Total Focus (and even then there can be some debate, depending on the DPA, etc.), because the first three attacks for Energy Melee are pretty fast-activating and brawlerish.

Sure, Total Focus is another great power. Use it as your opening move against a Boss, because, if your team is on the ball, you'll never get to use it a second time. By the time it comes around again, your target is gonna be Down.
Ummm, so? Are we supposed to be suing our big hitters more than once on a big team (it would be good to remember that your example would only apply to a steamrolling team, which you won't always be on)? Other than EBs or AVs, of course. I don't see this as an issue. If your lower tier attacks were like this, sure, that could be an issue, but not for a big attack like ET or TF.

This is getting into the trouble of perception, rather than an issue with the set, per se. If your target is mostly dead, it's your fault you used a big attack like TF and had your target die before you used it (and if you're solo, it's your fault for wasting all that extra endurance instead of using a smaller attack). I was on my Peacebringer the other and had a few mobs die while Incandescent Strike was animating (same animation as Total Focus)... but that was my fault... it was way too big of a power for how much health was on the mob, and most of my team was shooting at them.

Frankly, these comments make looking at Energy Melee correctly rather difficult. People got used to things like ET being a one second "I win" button and refused to adjust tactics after the change (2-3 seconds is NOT that long, you can determine if you can generally determine if ET or TF are justified before firing them). Adjust your tactics to the way the set plays NOW, and see what needs adjusting.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Wait, what? Barrage is a 1.33 second animation, which is plenty fast for this game... whether that's slow for the real world or not isn't much of a consideration... this is a video game, and it's fast for an attack animation. Having Barrage's damage get upped made the length of the animation even better... you're doing much more damage in the same activation.

If you're going to complain about animation times, you had better just be complaining about Energy Transfer and Total Focus (and even then there can be some debate, depending on the DPA, etc.), because the first three attacks for Energy Melee are pretty fast-activating and brawlerish.

Ummm, so? Are we supposed to be suing our big hitters more than once on a big team (it would be good to remember that your example would only apply to a steamrolling team, which you won't always be on)? Other than EBs or AVs, of course. I don't see this as an issue. If your lower tier attacks were like this, sure, that could be an issue, but not for a big attack like ET or TF.

This is getting into the trouble of perception, rather than an issue with the set, per se. If your target is mostly dead, it's your fault you used a big attack like TF and had your target die before you used it (and if you're solo, it's your fault for wasting all that extra endurance instead of using a smaller attack). I was on my Peacebringer the other and had a few mobs die while Incandescent Strike was animating (same animation as Total Focus)... but that was my fault... it was way too big of a power for how much health was on the mob, and most of my team was shooting at them.

Frankly, these comments make looking at Energy Melee correctly rather difficult. People got used to things like ET being a one second "I win" button and refused to adjust tactics after the change (2-3 seconds is NOT that long, you can determine if you can generally determine if ET or TF are justified before firing them). Adjust your tactics to the way the set plays NOW, and see what needs adjusting.
THat may be the problem with some...but it wasn't my problem.

I was actually using my big hitters on enemies at full life and watching them die before the attack finished animating.

That's what I got tired of, personally.

Admittedly, I was running on some really great teams then.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
THat may be the problem with some...but it wasn't my problem.

I was actually using my big hitters on enemies at full life and watching them die before the attack finished animating.

That's what I got tired of, personally.

Admittedly, I was running on some really great teams then.
If you're using a 2-3 second animating attack on a boss, and they're dropping in that time span... you're not the only one whiffing, believe me. We can talk all we want about 2-3 seconds being an "eternity" but it really isn't: that's extremely fast for a boss to be dropping, let alone a spawn. At that point, your team is just rocking and you should enjoy the ride. If you're tank, make sure you get in there first to take that alpha, and that's about all you can do.

Now, if you used that long attack on a minion and they dropped in 2-3 seconds? I would just say you need to adjust your target selection, given your team.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
THat may be the problem with some...but it wasn't my problem.

I was actually using my big hitters on enemies at full life and watching them die before the attack finished animating.

That's what I got tired of, personally.

Admittedly, I was running on some really great teams then.
On my tanker, I found this was often the problem. I would go to kill something, knowing that TF would one or nearly one shot them, then someone with faster attacks that did as much damage ran in and floored them.
If TF was an AoE that animated that slow, that'd be fine. But its too slow for what it does.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
If you're using a 2-3 second animating attack on a boss, and they're dropping in that time span... you're not the only one whiffing, believe me. We can talk all we want about 2-3 seconds being an "eternity" but it really isn't: that's extremely fast for a boss to be dropping, let alone a spawn. At that point, your team is just rocking and you should enjoy the ride. If you're tank, make sure you get in there first to take that alpha, and that's about all you can do.

Now, if you used that long attack on a minion and they dropped in 2-3 seconds? I would just say you need to adjust your target selection, given your team.
This exactly sums up my thoughts on ET. The skill is wicked powerful, has top tier DPA, and most complaints about it animating too slowly can be alleviated by upping team difficulty or picking targets more intelligently. If a boss is dropping in 3 seconds, there are plenty of wasted attacks being levied across the team spectrum, and you are certainly not alone.

Now, I'm not completely discounting some people's balance complaints for the set, which I used to do. I definitely feel that a tweak upwards in the DPA of Total Focus would go a LONG way in addressing the issue of balance, and even the "cumbersome" feel of the set.

The set needs to be defined by the big, hard hitting attacks, to have an effective identity. It's not going to be about speed, which sets like Claws, Dual Blades, Dark Melee, etc already employ. If the DPA of Total Focus could be increased to about 54 for Brutes, and 57 for Tanks, the set would hover near the top in single target damage while maintaining the current feel of the set-- which is bombs attached to fists, dropping slowly but surely. A 2.7 second animation for Total Focus would achieve this, while knocking half a second off the current animation would certainly make the skill feel faster.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
This exactly sums up my thoughts on ET. The skill is wicked powerful, has top tier DPA, and most complaints about it animating too slowly can be alleviated by upping team difficulty or picking targets more intelligently. If a boss is dropping in 3 seconds, there are plenty of wasted attacks being levied across the team spectrum, and you are certainly not alone.

Now, I'm not completely discounting some people's balance complaints for the set, which I used to do. I definitely feel that a tweak upwards in the DPA of Total Focus would go a LONG way in addressing the issue of balance, and even the "cumbersome" feel of the set.

The set needs to be defined by the big, hard hitting attacks, to have an effective identity. It's not going to be about speed, which sets like Claws, Dual Blades, Dark Melee, etc already employ. If the DPA of Total Focus could be increased to about 54 for Brutes, and 57 for Tanks, the set would hover near the top in single target damage while maintaining the current feel of the set-- which is bombs attached to fists, dropping slowly but surely. A 2.7 second animation for Total Focus would achieve this, while knocking half a second off the current animation would certainly make the skill feel faster.
Yeah, I'm beginning to feel like lowering Total Focus's animation time is probably the way to go. Even half a second to get it in the 2.7 second range would be nice, or getting it on par with KO Blow. I wouldn't mind having that power recharge a bit longer to get that, either. That way Castle doesn't have to worry about damage scale balance so much, either.

And I hope it would alleviate some of the issues with "long animations." People just don't like them, especially for ST attacks.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Wait, what? Barrage is a 1.33 second animation, which is plenty fast for this game... whether that's slow for the real world or not isn't much of a consideration... this is a video game, and it's fast for an attack animation. Having Barrage's damage get upped made the length of the animation even better... you're doing much more damage in the same activation.
Hi Pilgrim. You're right, with Barrage the way it is Currently, it's not so bad. I'm playing two **/EM Tankers in their teens and the attack chains are sluggish, but not so bad on animation.

No, my issue, as you pointed out it Should be, is with Energy Transfer. After all, I spent the bulk of my post talking about it!

I don't 'waste' Energy Transfer on minions, unless they're +2s, at least. At my level (50) ET outputs about 400 points. In order to produce that damage, I have to sacrifice 165 or so (City of Data says 169) of my Own hitpoints, along with the energy and Time it takes to create a Nuke. Unlike other Nukes, ET is single-target and... well, it doesn't actually produce 'nuke class' damage, but that's the 'Tanker Difference'.

It's not necessary or practical to use ET Only on bosses... Lieutenants are legitimate targets. Frankly, Boss-killing is a Scrapper's job, not a Tanker's. Tankers need to worry about the Whole Spawn and managing the aggro, not ignoring everything else, so he can rush the Boss and use his very expensive powers.

The 'problem' is that, unless I'm solo, more often than Not, in my experience, my teammates have destroyed my target before Energy Transfer finishes animating. Even the Lieutenants. I get all charged up and then blow my... um... energy, on a corpse. And there's no stopping it, once you click the button.

Elsewhere, the argument was, "Well, if your Energy Transfer does hit and defeat a live target, then the Blaster who was shooting at it just 'wasted' his own energy, corpse blasting." To which I'd respond, "The Blaster lost, at most, a second of his life and a bit of energy. He did not just waste his 'nuke'. Except for Snipes and Nukes, no Blaster attack requires as much investment as Energy Transfer does."

Before this 'animation-nerf', Energy Transfer was part of my attack chain and Total Focus was the second Big Bomb that I could drop on hard targets. Now I have Two powers I can't afford to use, except on big Bosses, EBs, AVs, and GMs.

And don't try to tell a 4-year Vet 'ROFL, Nub! Lrn 2 Play!' I have adjusted my tactics - and they Still don't work right. If I wanted a Slow powerset, I'd play Axe! As it is, I'm having fun with my **/Dual Blades tanker, because, you see, His attacks are fast and smooth.

Frankly, in this entire thread and the many other Energy Melee related ones that I've read since the 'animation nerf', I have not seen a single post saying 'I love my **/EM Tanker and use all of his attacks! Here's how!' Instead, it's been a long string of despairing cries for mercy, or Knowledgeable Tanker Reps saying, 'Avoid Energy Melee, I had to put mine in cold-storage.'

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post I keep saying...WHIFF...GRRR Already dead!...WHIFF...DAMMIT DEAD ALREADY...SMACK SMACK YAY I got a Barrage off, now for a Hay...HEY!! DAMMIT HE WAS MINE!...GRRRR...
The target is gone and away before the first attack is done animating.

Nay-sayers can talk about the numbers all they want, but until they've played through all nine tiers of Energy Melee, I don't feel like they have any understanding of the real situation.

Be Well!



I forgot something I posted before, way way before and should be noted here too: there is one more thing I would change on EM besides tweaking Whirling Hands to conform to the damage formula:

Give Stun the Clobber treatment. This means lowering recharge to 16 seconds and upping damage to 2.92 scale. Result is an attack that does a bit less DPS than the old Energy Punch but is up way less often. My basic calculator also says this would make EM "tie up" in single target DPS with Stone Melee.

That brings another note: I think powers like Stun have no place in melee sets. At least not for scrappers, brutes or tankers (stalkers are a different issue.) This means I'd give the same treatment to Martial Art's Cobra Strike.

Nay-sayers can talk about the numbers all they want, but until they've played through all nine tiers of Energy Melee, I don't feel like they have any understanding of the real situation.
For the record, I run an energy melee/energy aura brute. My only brute (not very fond of the AT myself) but I have experienced all energy melee attacks. My biggest grudges right now lie with Stun (power anyone but a stalker would say is an obvious skip) and WH.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
If you're using a 2-3 second animating attack on a boss, and they're dropping in that time span... you're not the only one whiffing, believe me. We can talk all we want about 2-3 seconds being an "eternity" but it really isn't: that's extremely fast for a boss to be dropping, let alone a spawn. At that point, your team is just rocking and you should enjoy the ride. If you're tank, make sure you get in there first to take that alpha, and that's about all you can do.

Now, if you used that long attack on a minion and they dropped in 2-3 seconds? I would just say you need to adjust your target selection, given your team.
Well, that's pretty much what I kept doing. Don't get me wrong, seeing a team do what they did, and seeing it often, is a thing of beauty.


When you're the one basically sitting back now, and doing nothing, when you were able to do SOMETHING, before...ruins the set for you (well me anyways).

Like I said, I wasn't expecting to be the big time damage dealer. I made a tank. I built her to be the type of tank that could stand up to anything this game could offer, not DPS.

Sadly, I felt more like a taunt bot after the change than anything else on my tank.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I forgot something I posted before, way way before and should be noted here too: there is one more thing I would change on EM besides tweaking Whirling Hands to conform to the damage formula:

Give Stun the Clobber treatment. This means lowering recharge to 16 seconds and upping damage to 2.92 scale. Result is an attack that does a bit less DPS than the old Energy Punch but is up way less often. My basic calculator also says this would make EM "tie up" in single target DPS with Stone Melee.

That brings another note: I think powers like Stun have no place in melee sets. At least not for scrappers, brutes or tankers (stalkers are a different issue.) This means I'd give the same treatment to Martial Art's Cobra Strike.

For the record, I run an energy melee/energy aura brute. My only brute (not very fond of the AT myself) but I have experienced all energy melee attacks. My biggest grudges right now lie with Stun (power anyone but a stalker would say is an obvious skip) and WH.
True. Stun is a waste. :/

But I just looked at it as a free power skip. Not that I wouldn't love it to be changed.

I really prefere to have every power in a set make me go "OMG! I can't drop this! But I need this pool power! What do I do!?"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I have to ask if this was with IO sets, setup to solo such things? Because my WP/EM tank was IO'ed out for survival, +RCH was the least of her worries, and I was usually waiting on attacks to recharge after the initial release of attacks.
Yes, my EM/WP brute was built for recharge and tore up AVs. After the changes could he still kill AVs? Yes but not all of them anymore. Ms Liberty for example I could kill before the animation changes but after it was a stalemate. Also I cannot see any /EM tanks soloing AVs even with high recharge. (Maybe Fire/EM but then you have survivability issues).



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Heh, that's the difficulty with changing animations. I bet you anything if BAB were to change the current animation, hordes of people would suddenly come out of the woodwork to say they "love it!" It's happened far too many times.

When looking at Fiery Melee, do keep in mind that Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, and Fire Breath all have 2.67-3 second animations, so there are longer ones. I tend to lead off encounters with those to make them useful for the team, and my EM Tanker adjusts as needed with the attacks he uses. Part of the issue is people not liking the change and not rolling with it.

That said, I do think it would help to have Total Focus animate faster (though I do wonder how it would look like speeded up), to get it somewhere on par with KO Blow (faster animation, similar numbers for everything else, but five seconds longer for recharge). I think most people would say that KO Blow recharging five seconds slower is okay, and would take that over the length of TF's animation.

Part of the trick with TF's animation is that it is used for different attacks in Electric Melee, Peacebringers, and I think Seismic Smash (can't recall if there are others), so I don't know how much that has held back its being tweaked, or what. Whirling Hands seems to be the other contender for a tweak, as well.
ET with same damge, 1.5 second animation time and 25 second timer. HELL YEA!



Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
All the melee sets have a ranged move already - its called taunt. Taunt mob, duck behind somthing, mob comes to you.
Giving total focus a slpash aoe effect seems reasonable given the amount of time it takes to animate. Maybe stun could use the clobber treatment.
Taunt for brutes however is something that is there because the devs did not want to cause even more imbalance. Most brutes would much rather have another attack option instead of taunt. Honestly if we want to taunt something, we just punch it in the face. We also have little need to duck for cover. We don't aggro mobs, they aggro us.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post

Animation speed is what killed Barrage at first, when it was otherwise an Excellent power. Now they've boosted the Damage of the power, but it's still slow! If a real boxer threw a combination that slowly... he'd lose. It needs to trim a half-second or more off the time to deliver the combo.

Be Well!
How about the same animation time on Barrage but 3 quick hits instead of 2 slow ones. Same overall damage, just faster feel.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
For the record, I run an energy melee/energy aura brute. My only brute (not very fond of the AT myself) but I have experienced all energy melee attacks. My biggest grudges right now lie with Stun (power anyone but a stalker would say is an obvious skip) and WH.
I have no idea why you imagine a stalker would like stun as it is. The only reason I have it on my stalker is because it takes a cheap IO set which gets me more recharge. I never use the silly power.

It doesn't do me much good to mez a lieut. Anything which needs to go down which stun can take care of (say a sapper for instance), will get the AS at the get go.

If stun did get the clobber treatment, I'd be very annoyed if stalkers got the shaft. They rarely enough can put out as nice a chain as other ATs because AS and placate taking up attack space (and slots).

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
True. Stun is a waste. :/

But I just looked at it as a free power skip. Not that I wouldn't love it to be changed.

I really prefere to have every power in a set make me go "OMG! I can't drop this! But I need this pool power! What do I do!?"
Castle has stated similar preference in the past. Every new set that is designed seems to be made so that no power is a brainless skipper. Why shields ended having things like -def protection in grant cover, power most thought to brainlessly skip at first due to it lacking any personal protection.



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
I have no idea why you imagine a stalker would like stun as it is. The only reason I have it on my stalker is because it takes a cheap IO set which gets me more recharge. I never use the silly power.
I didn't say "like" I say it has a place in that AT. Stalkers were designed to be much squishier than other Melee ATs and meant to rely on disabilitation tools (Placate) to boost that survivability. I don't mean that I would oppose Stun or Cobra Strike being given a buff on Stalkers, but I do see the use within the design of the AT.

As an Energy Aura brute (pre Energy Drain buff, have not played much post buff) i was so squishy I took Stun just for survivability. I would use a Total Focus - Stun combo on any boss that had stun protection before TF lost it's mag 4 stun, after that I used it on any boss all the time. Did a huge difference to the squishy brute and I'm sure it would make a huge difference to stalkers too.

If stun did get the clobber treatment, I'd be very annoyed if stalkers got the shaft. They rarely enough can put out as nice a chain as other ATs because AS and placate taking up attack space (and slots).
Remember you lost Taunt for Placate and Whirling Hands for AS, your ST chain is as bad as any other EM user. That's my deal, though. Ranged sets get 9 powers to play with, one of them MAY be Aim and the Tier 9 may be a monstrous AoE (likely with monstrous penalties)

Melee sets, though, have 1 taunt, never miss a build up, and end with 7 powers to AoE and ST. Add a thing like stun and you cut budget to 6 powers. Given that EM has 2 ST powers recharging at 20 seconds that means it has just 4 powers to make an attack chain out off. But one of them is AS/Whirling so that ends with just 3 powers to make an attack chain out off.

Yes, stalkers suffer off this just as bad as any other AT, but as noted, they just happen to fit Stun within the AT's design and intent (not saying it's what everyone may like nor that it justifies the set as is)

One opportunity I wish they took eventually is to redefine standards. If every scrapper/tanker/brute melee set is going to have Challenge/taunt, just make the thing inherent and then give the set a new tool in it's place.

The same applies for stalker Placate and Hide, in my opinion. Would give enough room to tweak lacking power sets and give utility to sets that are "fine" damage wise.



Stun in itself is a quite good power...hell, I nay-said things like Beanbag in AR and Taser in Devices, until I actually TRIED them and realised, hey, those LTs that were hurting me before are staggering around like sacks for me to wail on. My AR corr was laughing as the team demolished Spectral Demon Lords, let me tell you

But...its a a set whose secondary IS stun...its nonsensical. Now, if it did high enough mag stun to make a *Boss* stagger around for ages...hmm maybe.
Even so, I really think that needs changing, and TF needs to be made an AoE OR have its animation cut and damage output raised. Or make ET the AoE, and simply make TF animate faster.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



What if WH was given the stats of Foot Stomp? It would do more damage in almost twice the radius. It wouldn't be on-par with SS due to lack of Rage, but it would be a major improvement to the AoE capability of the set.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
What if WH was given the stats of Foot Stomp? It would do more damage in almost twice the radius. It wouldn't be on-par with SS due to lack of Rage, but it would be a major improvement to the AoE capability of the set.
And it would be a mayor change to the pace and feel of the set. Increasing damage to 1.2 (the proper damage it should do now based on radius and recharge, right now it does 1.0) is a subtle change that does not alter pace, yet it gives the set 20% more AoE power.

It is true that the nerf changed the phase already, but that was one change long ago. Since many players have started new characters and such a phase change has no guarantee of pleasing the old ST damage lovers that quit the set while it has a potential of upsetting anyone that uses Whirlwind as an aggro management tool. Heck, quite a few doms complained with damage/recharge increases on their AoEs during the revamps.

I think the stun/whirling approach are the best way to go. All around it just encourages some to respec into stun but it does not mess too much with people that already use it to... stun.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I didn't say "like" I say it has a place in that AT. Stalkers were designed to be much squishier than other Melee ATs and meant to rely on disabilitation tools (Placate) to boost that survivability.
Initially stalkers were designed as you say. They used to be the hidden glass cannon. However with the buffs they got a while back, their HP totals were upped appreciably, their base damage got a substantial boost, and they got potentially lots of criticals. Stalkers don't need to play hit and run games anymore. They can stand and fight if built well. In the modern world of the stalker, stun is a crap power and doesn't suit how a stalker can be played to best effect. Sure, many people still lapse back into the hit and run games of the initial stalker design, but that is sub optimal and simply not necessary anymore.

The only difference in defenses between a stalker and scrapper are HP really (yes, there are other slight differences, but they are slight). Scrappers are expected to stand and fight, and nowadays stalkers can as well.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
ET with same damge, 1.5 second animation time and 25 second timer. HELL YEA!
Psst, KO Blow animates in 2.2 seconds or so, not 1.5. That would be a really fast windup at 1.5 seconds, heh.

Starsman, my issue with Stun getting the "Clobber" treatment is that I debate whether it's really worth it. EM already has a bunch of ST attacks to choose from and rely on for regular damage, do you really want another one? And if anything, to make it worthwhile you would probably sideline one of the other ST attacks. I'd rather see TF get a faster animation than that. War Mace was lacking in the ST attacks and damage department, so the change made sense there... not sure the case is the same for EM.

And people do forget the usefulness of stuns. I find it useful to use Cobra Strike and then Eagle's Claw on my Scrapper when I'm facing a tough boss, and it would work to do what with Stun + TF if the animation was on par with KO Blow or Eagle's Claw.

I particularly would hate to see a change for my Blaster's stun... he uses that and Beanbag to keep a boss out of the fight and not taking out half his health or more in one hit.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Psst, KO Blow animates in 2.2 seconds or so, not 1.5. That would be a really fast windup at 1.5 seconds, heh.

Starsman, my issue with Stun getting the "Clobber" treatment is that I debate whether it's really worth it. EM already has a bunch of ST attacks to choose from and rely on for regular damage, do you really want another one? And if anything, to make it worthwhile you would probably sideline one of the other ST attacks. I'd rather see TF get a faster animation than that. War Mace was lacking in the ST attacks and damage department, so the change made sense there... not sure the case is the same for EM.

And people do forget the usefulness of stuns. I find it useful to use Cobra Strike and then Eagle's Claw on my Scrapper when I'm facing a tough boss, and it would work to do what with Stun + TF if the animation was on par with KO Blow or Eagle's Claw.

I particularly would hate to see a change for my Blaster's stun... he uses that and Beanbag to keep a boss out of the fight and not taking out half his health or more in one hit.

Umm, you do realize that the clobber treatment means it does damage in addition to the stun right?

Stun+damage>> stun

Too many alts to list.