NCSoft and Massively




Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I thought BOB was the most well-known and infamous alliance group...
BOB is only BOB.
Well, technically, BOB was Kenny, and Kenny is now dead.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Doom doom dee doom doom, (etc.)
You did it wrong.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I'll stick to cautious optimism at this point.
That's a fine approach to have... that's pretty much where I am at. I do wish they had revealed more about missions, content, etc. at Herocon, but it sounds like there was more that they hadn't talked about. I also have enjoyed what content has been added as of late (I really like all the Midnighter arcs on both sides), so I'm fairly confident they can keep doing some good things there. If they can deliver a good expansion on par with the quality of the past 6-7 issues, they'll be good.

If anything, that is what I quibble most with one of Unsub's posts here... there was an implication that people will not tolerate any criticism of CoX on these forums, which is hard to follow. Plenty of us "cautious" types, and doomsayers as well. And you have to expect there to be fans and even fanboys of this game... there is a reason it's still going after all these years. I'm not going to confuse a fanboy with most of the posters here, though.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



My thinking is "CoV kicked tons of ***, so will GR".

There isn't any evidence in the track record of our current dev team to support the belief that it's going to suck, tank and sink the franchise.

Heck, even assuming it does suck and will tank, the franchise will be fine. It's certainly not going to drive players away.

I'm as critical of the devs as anyone here when they screw something up.
But anticipating disaster in this situation is just dumb.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My thinking is "CoV kicked tons of ***, so will GR".

There isn't any evidence in the track record of our current dev team to support the belief that it's going to suck, tank and sink the franchise.

Heck, even assuming it does suck and will tank, the franchise will be fine. It's certainly not going to drive players away.

I'm as critical of the devs as anyone here when they screw something up.
But anticipating disaster in this situation is just dumb.
I find myself agreeing more and more with Nethergoat lately. I have no idea what that means for the safety of the free world, but I'm rolling with it.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
CoV brought in only 60k new users, which was considered to be under target. Which in turn led to the reduction of CoH/V's team by 75%.

Arguably Star Wars Galaxy's expansions also didn't help the game to grow, leading to the point where NGE was forced in.

Expansions might make some people come back and take a second look, but they aren't guaranteed growth or even growth levels that hits ROI targets. And those who come back might not stay.
Interesting that you quote an article concerning Emmert just before CO's launch "This is what we did wrong in CoV, so CO will be better..."

How'd that work for them?

That article you chose had an agenda. I think you just might have one too.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



CoV brought in only 60k new users, which was considered to be under target. Which in turn led to the reduction of CoH/V's team by 75%.

Arguably Star Wars Galaxy's expansions also didn't help the game to grow, leading to the point where NGE was forced in.

Expansions might make some people come back and take a second look, but they aren't guaranteed growth or even growth levels that hits ROI targets. And those who come back might not stay.
I'll counter that by saying maybe their target could have eventually been met by addressing many of the problems that players had with Redside:

1) That it did not do enough to distinguish itself from blueside in terms of how you played a villain.

2) Streamlining the contact system and removing filler missions does not, and should not, equate to less overall content and lengthy story arcs. (What is there is well done...but it does get old the more you play through it with new toons).

3) Leading on from point 1, is that there should have been some kind of additional gameplay which let villains measure and shape the kind of villain they wanted to portray. Even if that meant developing a totally new system that heroes didn't get. Something along the lines of a personal villain lair where your villainous actions allowed you to expand and upgrade it(one per zone), demonstrating your influence as a force of chaos and evil at your given level.

Getting back to my point: By hacking off a large portion of the dev team, it hurt not just redside. It hurt heroes as well. It hurt the whole game.

As a result, we are much less farther along than we should be in terms of how this game was developed. Perhaps by now we would have had a proper secret identity system instead of lame Day Jobs...or perhaps many more new powersets. The team we did have, did a lot with little...but we missed a lot of development because the resources simply were not there to push the game further.

I'd like to think that NCSoft won't make the same mistake after this much of a reinvestment in the game. I mean, either way we'll get something new to play with. But I'd like it to be something that ultimately helps grow the game and community for the better.



By hacking off a large portion of the dev team, it hurt not just redside. It hurt heroes as well. It hurt the whole game.
The irony of this statement coming from a dude named SLASHMAN is palpable.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have no evidence towards either side doing it, and I couldn't really hazard a guess at that. However, we DO have Jack Emmert's testimony that it was NCsoft's decision in his interview here. Since I generally don't tend to accuse people of out-and-out lying and since we don't have any NCsoft execs denying this, it's very likely true.
No good could come from commenting on an issue like this, as nothing any one person could say would fully convey the complexity of business decisions at this level. I wasn't employed with the product at this time, and am certainly not privy to business decisions on either side, but I feel safe in assuming that whatever led to whatever decisions were made was far more complicated and had more points of view than anything given in any interview.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
No good could come from commenting on an issue like this, as nothing any one person could say would fully convey the complexity of business decisions at this level.

You tell 'em!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It will help quite a bit - any new screenshots will be in ultra mode, along with any gameplay footage - so the pictures on the box will look sharper, and so will any images and videos on various MMO news sites.

Plus, I think the fact that there's an expansion coming out gives the game a good vibe - it's 5 years old, and still putting out new stuff, and still being invested in.
I agree also. Furthermore, I think CO (and its struggles) will continue to raise the awareness of CoX too because you know they'll be talking about it on their forums.




Originally Posted by Westley View Post
The irony of this statement coming from a dude named SLASHMAN is palpable.
Actually, I just realized this myself. I LOLed.

The name Slashman actually comes from way back in the day when some friends and I used to get together and play games over LAN.

Back when Heretic 2 came out I somehow found that I could pretty much always manage to cut both arms off another player when we dueled using the bladestaff. Of course, eventually people stopped wanting to play with me because I was annoyingly good at the game so my fame was short lived...but the name stuck and I use it for all my online handles.

We moved on to Unreal Tournament and other games though.



Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
No good could come from commenting on an issue like this, as nothing any one person could say would fully convey the complexity of business decisions at this level. I wasn't employed with the product at this time, and am certainly not privy to business decisions on either side, but I feel safe in assuming that whatever led to whatever decisions were made was far more complicated and had more points of view than anything given in any interview.
I'd agree with that wholeheartedly. And given Jack's attempts in any interview I've read to distance himself from CoX (or show how he's going to do things so much better than it), makes me suspicious of anything he would say about NCSoft and CoX. No matter what, it's too little info to go on.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Electric Control. It is in the works, no specific ETA. Could be before GR (I can only wish...), could be after.
Source for claim?

Not saying you're wrong, as a matter of fact , I hope you're right, but I don't know of anything official being said about it.



I sure hope that's right, because ph1L0t1x is intended to be an Electric Controller.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
But again, you've claimedperviously that NCSoft shut down multiple games after paid expansions were issued. Examples please, or I'm gonna have to throw the [WARNING EXPLICIT LYRICS] flag.
Dungeon Runners was shut down despite a large amount of work to turn it browser compatible. Someone approved the resources being spent going in that direction prior to the switch being flipped.

Tabula Rasa also had an expansion in the planning stages and released things like mechs in the last two weeks of its life.

Auto Assault had four free content expansions before cancellation, the last one coming about 5 months before it closed.

NCsoft Korea has shut down several of its Korean titles previously, but information on them is sketchy (because I can't read Korean).

It's not exactly "major paid expansion, then close", but a lot of internal development can be promised and completed just before (or even while) the game is on the chopping block. Brad's point was that NCsoft has done this several times. GoRo isn't the first time post-CoV that CoH/V had a separate paid expansion planned either - we just know more about this one and it is more likely to actually appear.
It's not at all like "paid expansion [major or otherwise], then close" which is what was claimed. So [WARNING EXPLICIT LYRICS] flag thrown (at Brad and his rant).

His premise is flawed, and thus the rant invalidated.

As to your article/blog/post, if you're not looking to give the impression that you're anti-CoH, you might want to review your writing style. Not a sermon (or flame) just a thought.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
I realize that, among other things that happened in the buyout, NCSoft "cut out the middle man." But they had to purchase the IP and license the engine - it other words, it cost them some money. Amortized over the next x number of years, that sum took up some of the extra you are talking about.
You amortize for tax purposes, perhaps, but not for business decision purposes. See: sunk cost.

On the Cryptic side, you are assuming Microsoft and Marvel contributed nothing? That Cryptic took out no loans or took on no new investors? That Cryptic is headed by financial geniuses that were basically fleecing NCSoft before NCSoft wisely bought them out?
I'm not really assuming any of those things. I'm assuming the Microsoft payments were landmarked and thus Cryptic had to fund the lag, that they are unlikely to have taken out materially large loans or obligations or Atari would have announced they were assuming Cryptic's debt as part of their buyout, and that however you want to characterize it, Cryptic was making significantly more money off of their ownership and development of CoX than they were spending on it.

Actually, I spend less on our employees than our clients pay for their cumulative services. We like to call it "covering overhead" and "making a profit" not "fleecing our customers" but technically its the same thing.

You further assume that a 100,000 subscriber game can self expand with relative ease? If that is the case, why isn't CoX the standard NCSoft business model, rather than the repeated trying-for-WoW-numbers approach that they they seem to take?
I'm not the one presuming that expansion is necessary, so I'm making no statement about how easy or hard it is to expand the game. Nor am I assuming there is a "standard" model of business that CoX *must* conform to, so I am making no statement about CoX being or not being the standard. I'm assuming that CoX is a special case, because its a special case: NCSoft has been the publisher of CoX for a long time, and has yet in five years to submit the ultimatum being suggested in this thread as NCSoft's "business model" which is "hit our ultrahigh metrics or we'll abandon you." They could have done so at any time.

Granted: its only now that NCSoft *owns* the entire property, but they were always in a position to demand development direction as the publisher. And even if they did not, the very acknowledgement that NCSoft was not the owner originally makes CoX a general exception: NCSoft knew what they were buying when they bought it, because CoX already had a stable body of users and a stable development direction. That makes the decision to buy them at all a completely different circumstance than, say, Auto Assault or especially Tabula Rosa. TR hadn't yet demonstrated that they were guaranteed to stabilize at profitable levels, and there was additional corporate politics involved. There are no comparable corporate politics in the case of CoX, and CoX has already demonstrated long-term profitable stability.

Best case, NCSoft is forgoing profit to produce GR. If the end result after GR is the same steady-state subscription numbers, I wouldn't be pleased as an investor. (I wouldn't give a flip as a player, and I'd be thrilled that the game lived longer and expanded, but that's a different issue.)
That's not the best case.

You are welcome to hold any opinion you like. I just have a different one. I think "reinvesting in a franchise" carries a financial risk If the desired results are not realized, NCSoft's track record shows they will cut bait at "some point." I don't think any reasonable person would disagree with that basic assessment. And UnSub merely stated that he thinks that "some point" is sooner rather than later. It's perfectly fine to think that the "some point" isn't that close yet.
I'm not stating my opinion on the circumstances under which NCSoft would substantively abandon the game. That's not an opinion I can state. I'm merely stating that the theory that the purpose of GR is purely to provide an immediate return on the investment of development resources is unlikely to be true. Its almost certainly part of a longer-term strategic commitment to the game, which is still one of its flagship titles.

Unfortunately, I've now reached the end of my speculation rope.

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Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Source for claim?

Not saying you're wrong, as a matter of fact , I hope you're right, but I don't know of anything official being said about it.
I'm too lazy to go look up the source, but someone did say at HeroCon that they're doing Elec Control. No ETA right now though, so we don't know if that means GR, i17, i18, or i48

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Source for claim?

Not saying you're wrong, as a matter of fact , I hope you're right, but I don't know of anything official being said about it.
It was mentioned at Hero Con by one of the devs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Arguably Star Wars Galaxy's expansions also didn't help the game to grow, leading to the point where NGE was forced in.
How did one lead to the other? They are unrelated issues (IMO). I'd be cery curious how you can back up that claim.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have no evidence towards either side doing it, and I couldn't really hazard a guess at that. However, we DO have Jack Emmert's testimony that it was NCsoft's decision in his interview here. Since I generally don't tend to accuse people of out-and-out lying and since we don't have any NCsoft execs denying this, it's very likely true.
Then again, given that it's Jack Emmert, and he has a history of at the very minimum exaggerating, if not outright lying about things he's involved in, generally to make himself, or his product look better, it's just as likely not.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
My thinking is "CoV kicked tons of ***, so will GR".

There isn't any evidence in the track record of our current dev team to support the belief that it's going to suck, tank and sink the franchise.

Heck, even assuming it does suck and will tank, the franchise will be fine. It's certainly not going to drive players away.

I'm as critical of the devs as anyone here when they screw something up.
But anticipating disaster in this situation is just dumb.
Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I find myself agreeing more and more with Nethergoat lately. I have no idea what that means for the safety of the free world, but I'm rolling with it.
Yeah, me too.




Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
No good could come from commenting on an issue like this, as nothing any one person could say would fully convey the complexity of business decisions at this level. I wasn't employed with the product at this time, and am certainly not privy to business decisions on either side, but I feel safe in assuming that whatever led to whatever decisions were made was far more complicated and had more points of view than anything given in any interview.
I concede that it's probably bad for to speculate on matters of this nature, and while I don't want to accuse Jack of lying, he did and does have an agenda, so I don't want to hold his word as the WHOLE truth.

Put it this way - however it happened, we know the City of Heroes development team was downsized, and I believe all parties involved recognise this was a mistake. I don't foresee it happening again, lest we repeat the same mistake.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I concede that it's probably bad for to speculate on matters of this nature, and while I don't want to accuse Jack of lying...

Since truth is an absolute defense against libel, I have no such compunctions.

He's also an underhanded, self-aggrandizing hack with a lot of bass-akward ideas about MMO design.

Anyone inclined to believe his PR spin about the company who basically kicked him to the curb, drop me a PM- I have some prime Nigerian investment opportunities I'd love to discuss with you!

Also, I wish I knew who added the tag Doom That Came to Paragon so I could +rep them.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone