NCSoft and Massively




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Was it PlayNC that did it? Or was it Cryptic?
I have no evidence towards either side doing it, and I couldn't really hazard a guess at that. However, we DO have Jack Emmert's testimony that it was NCsoft's decision in his interview here. Since I generally don't tend to accuse people of out-and-out lying and since we don't have any NCsoft execs denying this, it's very likely true.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Considering that for every expansion, the swg dev team visited two or more population crushing changes on the game, I'd argue that with you for a long time. Any positive effects from Jump to Lightspeed or the Wookiee expansion were largely masked by people leaving because of Yet Another Revamp of the Jedi System (tm) or the Combat Upgrade, or any number of other Class nerfs/ poor upgrades.
On the other hand, that is probably more along the lines of what that guy from the "Disappointed" thread sees in our future with Going Rogue.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Now, I like to think that the big shots at NCsoft are smart guys who know how to run a business, given that they're running a pretty solid one, and they're smart enough to realise that this was a mistake, and that investing in a game with proven long-term revenue and NOT cutting that funding to fund an untested gamble of a new game would be a smart move. City of Heroes may not be a smash hit, but at this point it has proven to be a survivor and a constant source of revenue, and turning your back on something like this not only bad business, but has PROVEN to be bad business before.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I just want to point out something you once said to me, Sam, in an argument we had over this game getting a graphical update a few months back.

You argued that you were absolutely not for this game getting graphical upgrades because you didn't completely trust the big wigs at the top to not screw it up with the overuse of (the dreaded)bloom feature and other things that would make the game look horrible because you were comfortable with its graphics as is.

Still you trust them now to make other smart decisions. Especially relating to the direction that the game goes and to properly allocate development resources. That's a bit of a turnaround is it not?



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Retention of current players by giving them something to do. A reasonable increase in playerbase as new people and friends of existing players try stuff out.

I don't think there's anything an MMO could do that would result in a "massive" increase in players. People either like the stuff the game has, or don't. Expansions add more stuff for people to like.
Care to explain to me what it was that EVE did that caused it to go from under 19K subscribers 2 months after launch to close to 3 times our number now(if not more), and to continue to grow? We started out much larger and with significantly more backing and funding. CCP self published and self marketed their game and then made it a huge success. Was that an accident? Were they just 'lucky'?






Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Care to explain to me what it was that EVE did that caused it to go from under 19K subscribers 2 months after launch to close to 3 times our number now(if not more), and to continue to grow? We started out much larger and with significantly more backing and funding. CCP self published and self marketed their game and then made it a huge success. Was that an accident? Were they just 'lucky'?
What kind of time frame are you talking about? An increase over time isn't unexpected. But did it triple its subscribers in the space of one month from one update?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
What kind of time frame are you talking about? An increase over time isn't unexpected. But did it triple its subscribers in the space of one month from one update?
Of course not. I'm not arguing that it did or that any MMO ever really could...maybe apart from the WoW insanity.

I am saying that each expansion should be expected to strengthen and ultimately increase player population. With the scope of what is being hinted at for GR, I would think this would be expected. Of course it may also have been expected with COV...



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Care to explain to me what it was that EVE did that caused it to go from under 19K subscribers 2 months after launch to close to 3 times our number now(if not more), and to continue to grow? We started out much larger and with significantly more backing and funding. CCP self published and self marketed their game and then made it a huge success. Was that an accident? Were they just 'lucky'?

Simple. They started marketing outside of Iceland.
They also have on their side a very robust corporation/alliance system (think supergroups/coalitions) that allows for easy transfers of large populations of roving gamers with out of game affiliations. Most well known is Goonswarm, a group that formed in EVE from their association on the forums.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Of course not. I'm not arguing that it did or that any MMO ever really could...maybe apart from the WoW insanity.

I am saying that each expansion should be expected to strengthen and ultimately increase player population. With the scope of what is being hinted at for GR, I would think this would be expected. Of course it may also have been expected with COV...
I don't doubt that GR will increase our playerbase, even if only by a small amount. Not only are we getting new stuff and content, but the graphical update should appease people who think that CoH sucks because it's old or CO has better graphics.

What I don't think will happen is we'll have a "massive" increase in players. Minor, modest, moderate, probably. But not "massive."

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Oh Dispari, you're so alliterative!



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I just want to point out something you once said to me, Sam, in an argument we had over this game getting a graphical update a few months back.

You argued that you were absolutely not for this game getting graphical upgrades because you didn't completely trust the big wigs at the top to not screw it up with the overuse of (the dreaded)bloom feature and other things that would make the game look horrible because you were comfortable with its graphics as is.

Still you trust them now to make other smart decisions. Especially relating to the direction that the game goes and to properly allocate development resources. That's a bit of a turnaround is it not?
Now, if you're referring to something recent, you'd leave me scratching my head. If you're referring to something from a while back (and I think I remember what you're talking about) then I have to man up and admit it - I changed my mind. I'm not sure if I was wrong or right back then, but seeing what Going Rogue does with graphics, I have to say I completely changed my mind on wanting new and better graphics. Once upon a time, I expected "better graphics" to mean just more bloom and shiny filters, like every new console game has done, and I wasn't excited about that. I turn off Bloom and Depth of Field in City of Heroes for a reason. But what I've seen them work on is something quite on the contrary. Rather than just more flash that punches you on the face, they've gone with smoothing over the horrors of ye olde 3D graphics, and I've just been convinced to trust them.

That, and there is one other thing. Have you ever heard the phrase "Trust him to be untrustworthy?" I don't really trust the PlayNC executives to be kind and generous fellows who'll pour money in my favourite game just because I asked them nicely. In fact, I trust them to look out for their business and their revenue and make financially sound decisions, even if they end up hurting me as a player. I don't like it, but that's reality, and I can't exactly fault them for it. But by the same token, I see supporting City of Heroes, a game which has proven both profitable and stable as a smart business move, and I trust them to look out for their business and take this move. It's not the kind of trust you have for a friend, confident he'd never to anything to hurt you. It's the kind of trust you have for your boss, in that he may not always have the best in mind for you, he's ultimately going to want to make money first and foremost, and you can count on that.

Really, I have no doubt PlayNC suffered financially from their failed games and saw City of Heroes as an investment with a predictable, stable return. As far as I'm aware, the game will remain a stable source of return as long as it remains profitable, even if it doesn't expand. I'll agree with the doom-sayers on one thing - it's far too late in the day to hope for City of Heroes to grow huge and pile up large numbers of subscribers. I don't think anyone with any business sense is going to expect that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Simple. They started marketing outside of Iceland.
Considering the size of Iceland...they'd HAVE to do that anyway. I don't think Iceland was ever their primary target market.

They also have on their side a very robust corporation/alliance system (think supergroups/coalitions) that allows for easy transfers of large populations of roving gamers with out of game affiliations.
The alliance system is a big part of the game, yes. But CCP has admitted that a large percentage of their playerbase doesn't take part in alliance activities. This is supported by the new faction warfare system which allows PVP conflicts based around allegiance to NPC races rather than the low sec space conflicts which require a bigger commitment from a player to get into.

Also they state that the most well off players are mostly those who remain 'carebears' and shun the aggressive corporation gameplay and politics.

That may have changed in recent times...but it was certainly the case when I was playing the game for a couple of years.

Most well known is Goonswarm, a group that formed in EVE from their association on the forums.
I thought BOB was the most well-known and infamous alliance group...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Now, if you're referring to something recent, you'd leave me scratching my head. If you're referring to something from a while back (and I think I remember what you're talking about) then I have to man up and admit it - I changed my mind.
It was definitely more than 3 months ago at the very least.

I'm not sure if I was wrong or right back then, but seeing what Going Rogue does with graphics, I have to say I completely changed my mind on wanting new and better graphics. Once upon a time, I expected "better graphics" to mean just more bloom and shiny filters, like every new console game has done, and I wasn't excited about that. I turn off Bloom and Depth of Field in City of Heroes for a reason.
Well it turns out you were wrong...but let's not quibble. And I'm very happy with the direction the graphics upgrade is going myself.

But what I've seen them work on is something quite on the contrary. Rather than just more flash that punches you on the face, they've gone with smoothing over the horrors of ye olde 3D graphics, and I've just been convinced to trust them.
Yeah...they have gone with the 'subtle yet solid' approach. I can get behind that.

As to the rest of your post, I'll agree that blind trust for any business corporation is unsmart.

I'll also say that while I will not jump on a DOOM-wagon, I will also not get out my pom-poms and cheer so loudly that I drown out any sensible criticism or concerns that people have over the coming expansion(all due respect to Golden Girl and her upbeat cheerfullness). Neither position is particularly desirable to me.

I'll stick to cautious optimism at this point.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
Considering the size of Iceland...they'd HAVE to do that anyway. I don't think Iceland was ever their primary target market.

The alliance system is a big part of the game, yes. But CCP has admitted that a large percentage of their playerbase doesn't take part in alliance activities. This is supported by the new faction warfare system which allows PVP conflicts based around allegiance to NPC races rather than the low sec space conflicts which require a bigger commitment from a player to get into.

Also they state that the most well off players are mostly those who remain 'carebears' and shun the aggressive corporation gameplay and politics.

That may have changed in recent times...but it was certainly the case when I was playing the game for a couple of years.

I thought BOB was the most well-known and infamous alliance group...
BOB is only BOB.



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I'll also say that while I will not jump on a DOOM-wagon, I will also not get out my pom-poms and cheer so loudly that I drown out any sensible criticism or concerns that people have over the coming expansion(all due respect to Golden Girl and her upbeat cheerfullness). Neither position is particularly desirable to me.

I'll stick to cautious optimism at this point.
Oh, certainly. Let people's opinions and fears be addressed, I've nothing against that. But when we start betting billions of INF that the game will introduce massive nerfs, I kind of draw the line at "sensible."

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't doubt that GR will increase our playerbase, even if only by a small amount. Not only are we getting new stuff and content, but the graphical update should appease people who think that CoH sucks because it's old or CO has better graphics.
It will help quite a bit - any new screenshots will be in ultra mode, along with any gameplay footage - so the pictures on the box will look sharper, and so will any images and videos on various MMO news sites.

Plus, I think the fact that there's an expansion coming out gives the game a good vibe - it's 5 years old, and still putting out new stuff, and still being invested in.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
I thought BOB was the most well-known and infamous alliance group...
You clearly missed the news that BoB is dead. Besides, they're not an alliance that was indicative of the phenomenon I was pointing to for the games numbers jumping upwards by leaps and bounds. I was specifically referring to groups that joined the game en masse because of their Out of Game connections.

Even still, Goonswarm is the top of the heap now, for all intents and purposes, though not much is happening in terms of warfare until the next expansion makes radical changes to the Sovereignty mechanics.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



After reading that post about BoB.... if that happened in CoH between two SGs, wouldn't that be considered a form of griefing? To get an "ear" on the inside of a rival SG, convince that "ear" to demote everyone else (this would be before Super Leaders) and then kick them all out of the SG, inviting members of the "opposite" faction in and essentially taking over.

Wouldn't that be considered griefing here?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
After reading that post about BoB.... if that happened in CoH between two SGs, wouldn't that be considered a form of griefing? To get an "ear" on the inside of a rival SG, convince that "ear" to demote everyone else (this would be before Super Leaders) and then kick them all out of the SG, inviting members of the "opposite" faction in and essentially taking over.

Wouldn't that be considered griefing here?
I believe so. We play by different rules.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
After reading that post about BoB.... if that happened in CoH between two SGs, wouldn't that be considered a form of griefing? To get an "ear" on the inside of a rival SG, convince that "ear" to demote everyone else (this would be before Super Leaders) and then kick them all out of the SG, inviting members of the "opposite" faction in and essentially taking over.

Wouldn't that be considered griefing here?
Almost certainly, yes. But this ain't EVE. CCP take a very hands-off approach with this sort of thing - piracy, racketeering, ransom and theft are expected and pervasive elements of the game. It provides a more realistic approach to the whole economy thing (players are expected to take the risks into acccount before investing anything anywhere, just like that pesky real life thing) and that's evidently what their players enjoy. Live and let live, an' all.

Character references! Artz! Whatnot!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
After reading that post about BoB.... if that happened in CoH between two SGs, wouldn't that be considered a form of griefing? To get an "ear" on the inside of a rival SG, convince that "ear" to demote everyone else (this would be before Super Leaders) and then kick them all out of the SG, inviting members of the "opposite" faction in and essentially taking over.

Wouldn't that be considered griefing here?
I'm not sure - while it certainly is griefing, the GMs here seem to follow the policy of what happens in the SG stays in the SG - like people who join SGs and then strip the storage racks - the rule appears to be that if you invite and promote someone to your SG, you're responsible for anything they do in the SG.
So if you invited someone into your SG, and they did that demoting, kicking and inviting thing, I think they'd get away with it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm not sure - while it certainly is griefing, the GMs here seem to follow the policy of what happens in the SG stays in the SG - like people who join SGs and then strip the storage racks - the rule appears to be that if you invite and promote someone to your SG, you're responsible for anything they do in the SG.
So if you invited someone into your SG, and they did that demoting, kicking and inviting thing, I think they'd get away with it.
That's kinda why they added a new rank. It was suppose to cause less need for CS involvement.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
After reading that post about BoB.... if that happened in CoH between two SGs, wouldn't that be considered a form of griefing? To get an "ear" on the inside of a rival SG, convince that "ear" to demote everyone else (this would be before Super Leaders) and then kick them all out of the SG, inviting members of the "opposite" faction in and essentially taking over.

Wouldn't that be considered griefing here?
If you look into the history of EVE, as others have said, rules are a lot more fast and loose. There's a strong case to be made the BoB got where it was in the first place through stuff that is truly unethical (direct developer aid). Therefore it's not really beyond the pale to use whatever means to negate those unfairly gained advantages.

Espionage is not particularly unethical per se. It's a tool, and people who use it cleverly can get ahead. Same as people who can organize well or people who can fight well.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
If you look into the history of EVE, as others have said, rules are a lot more fast and loose. There's a strong case to be made the BoB got where it was in the first place through stuff that is truly unethical (direct developer aid). Therefore it's not really beyond the pale to use whatever means to negate those unfairly gained advantages.

Espionage is not particularly unethical per se. It's a tool, and people who use it cleverly can get ahead. Same as people who can organize well or people who can fight well.
That's about right. It's like how the player run banks over there have no direct connection to the devs at all. If you invest your money with a player-created institution in EVE you MAY get a decent return...but you may also get the shaft.

Keeps things lively. I can respect that type of environment.

Also...I didn't know BoB was dead. It shows how long I've been away from the game. Maybe I'll check things out again when they give another free week reactivation. Just out of curiosity.



Doom doom dee doom doom,
Doom doom dee doom doom,
Doom doom doomdee doom

Doom, ring out doom
Doom out loud
Doom out strong
Doom of bad things not good.
Doom of sad things not glad.

Doom, ring out doom
Make it whiny to last
Your whole sub long
Don't worry that it's not
Sane enough for anyone
Else to bear
Just doom, ring out doom.

Doom, ring out doom
Let the world gloom along
Ring out doom there could be
Gloom for you and for me.

Doom, ring out doom
Make it whiny to last
Your whole sub long
Don't worry that it's not
Sane enough for anyone
Else to bear
Just doom, ring out doom.

Doom doom dee doom doom,
Doom doom dee doom doom,
Doom doom doomdee doom

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