Walk for your lives!




'Cuz now you can.

Currently on the Test server:

Walk Power - All characters will now have access to a new inherent power -- Walk! This toggle power enables characters to move at a comfortable walking pace.

The “Walk” power is an Inherent toggle power given to all characters at Level 2 (like Sprint).

Please Note that powers or jumping (i.e. pressing the Space Bar) cannot be used while walking.

This power is not intended for use in combat.



Awesome !

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Except that you can't attack when walking...
And gunfighters don't attack while walking - they approach each other from opposite ends of the street, then meet in the middle for some staring before they reach for their guns

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I have been looking forward to this. There are a LOT of places in Paragon and the RI that I would enjoy strolling by. It seems to me that this subtle addition can add a great deal in terms of enjoyment via immersion into the lush atmosphere of the game.

Kudos Devs for listening!

@Portland Underground



I thought that would be the gem of a natural orgin booster.



I'm sorry and don't want to or mean to offend anyone but(personal opinion not meant to take shots at anyone)but they have time to add stupid **** like a walking toggle but can't fix Task forces from being stuck on easy mode. This is really disheartening for me and this is just how I feel I can't help it.



The “Walk” power is an Inherent toggle power given to all characters at Level 2 (like Sprint).
I think they meant "Rest", unless it's been a bug that all of my characters have had access to Sprint in the tutorial for the last five years.

Regardless, I'm... entirely nonplussed by this. In fact, it annoys me a little to think that at least one programmer expended actual development time making something so monumentally unuseful a reality. I know a lot of people have been asking for it, and presumably it'll make them happy (for the ten or twelve seconds it takes them to realize that they aren't making any worthwhile progress and turn it off again), but honestly, walking? In a superhero action game? That's not even as helpful as being able to stand around eating a pink frosted donut.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I'm sorry and don't want to or mean to offend anyone but(personal opinion not meant to take shots at anyone)but they have time to add stupid **** like a walking toggle but can't fix Task forces from being stuck on easy mode. This is really disheartening for me and this is just how I feel I can't help it.
I'm not sure BAB, the lead animator, has much to do with fixing missions and TFs
It's kinda like being annoyed at Castle for not making a partciular costume part, or raging at Sexy Jay for the I13 PvP changes

If BAB has time to add extra animations, that doesn't really affect the other departments - if he hadn't been working no the walk animation, the time would have been used on another animation, not on fixing TF bugs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
I thought that would be the gem of a natural orgin booster.
I was thinking something like that too.

Maybe, if there's not going to be another Issue before GR, they're going to add little things like this from time to time? Not enough for an Issue, but a few requested QoL things?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Edit: Stop decapping my caps!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Oh thank goodness!

*goes to check another item off his wishlist that was labeled "can't/won't be done"*



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I'm sorry and don't want to or mean to offend anyone but(personal opinion not meant to take shots at anyone)but they have time to add stupid **** like a walking toggle but can't fix Task forces from being stuck on easy mode. This is really disheartening for me and this is just how I feel I can't help it.
I tried to animate that bug away, but no luck so far. I'll keep you updated on my progress on that front.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I tried to animate that bug away, but no luck so far. I'll keep you updated on my progress on that front.
... ya know... I had a proper rant ready to go about how animation effects and powers have very little to do with bug fixes in the code... then you have to go be all polite about it and ruin my rant...



Some feedback - not sure if it's intended or not, but when you try and go backwards, it flips you to face that way, so you don't actually walk backwards while still facing the direction you're walking away from.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I tried to animate that bug away, but no luck so far. I'll keep you updated on my progress on that front.
Dude. Awesome.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!



The animation is really well done - it's confident, but also a little bit sexy - it's how you'd walk if you had superpowers

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Soem feedback - not sure if it's intended or not, but when you try and go backwards, it flips you to face that way, so you don't actually walk backwards while still facing the direction you're walking away from.
Probably because there's currently no sideways/backwards walking currently in the animations library, and time would have to be spent making them.

On that note, I wonder when can we expect the crouch-walk toggle?

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