If cheat codes existed, and you HAD to use them...




Which would you use?

Now wait, before you just roll your eyes and say "What a load of crap" or "I'd quit", hear me out. I'm not just talking god-mode here, or infinite inf, although those are possibilities too. I mean any cheat, from any game. Sometimes they actually make a game harder (or impossible), or just allow you to do silly stuff after you've already won the game once, to extend the replay value a bit or just mess around. Or just to see just how badly you can break the game.

Here are some possibilites from various games, adapted somewhat for Co*.

- God mode

- Infinite inf

- All contacts available, no level restrictions.

- All powers available from your sets. You can pick a tier 9 at creation if you like.

- ALL powers in the game available, limited only by their level restrictions. In other words, if you've always wondered what a Fire/Regen Blaster would be like, or a Necro/Kin MM. Or a Kin/Necro Defender with Fireball, Integration, and Oppressive Gloom!

- All unlockables, including costumes and weapon skins.

- All TEMP powers only.

- reservoirdogs, my personal pick, and why I think so fondly on the PS1 era game Oni. It made enemies attack each other just as readily as they attacked Konoko, using all their various special moves. It was hilarious to see a cutscene of a bunch of thugs running in and saying "Let's get her!" and then start beating the crap out of each other. (It was only available when you had already beaten the game once.)

- Heaven or Hell mode (also available in Vagrant Story). Everything in the game has ONE hit point, including you. It's the ultimate gamble. You'll just play a Fire Blaster you say? Ahh, but there's always that 5% chance....

- /fallingdamageisdeadly 1. /knockbackdistance 10000.

Obviously you can also make up your own code. Perma-Invis? Perma-Hasten? Inherent Stamina and Health? No end crash on nukes? Infinite endurance? Break the game, fix the one little problem you've always had, or wallow in I Wanna Be The Hero/Villain 3D.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
secret cow level
this one, I like it when an axe wielding bag of steaks cries MOOO when it goes down

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
secret cow level
Well, that's more an easter egg...

Hmm. Cheat code...

I'd give myself pipe bombs. Lots and lots of them. With the occasional molotov. Especially if Vahzilok and bp zombies had to chase them.

If it were any cheat/hack/etc? I'd give myself a Battlemaster to run around in. >.>



1: You'd never HAVE to use them.
2: If they're documented programmer codes like a console game, ones that aren't found and killed, then they technically aren't "Cheat" codes.

Would I use them? Maybe. If I had evidence that everyone was.
More likely than not, I'd just solo a lot more than I already do.
More than likely, I'd just quit playing the game after a while.

Sure, there'd be a wicked little novelty, like when the new mission TP could get you into level-locked zones. But after a bit, it gets old.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
1: You'd never HAVE to use them.
2: If they're documented programmer codes like a console game, ones that aren't found and killed, then they technically aren't "Cheat" codes.

Would I use them? Maybe. If I had evidence that everyone was.
More likely than not, I'd just solo a lot more than I already do.
More than likely, I'd just quit playing the game after a while.

Sure, there'd be a wicked little novelty, like when the new mission TP could get you into level-locked zones. But after a bit, it gets old.
You fail at fun.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



- one to allow maximum slotting on the last power picked (at level 49?)

- maybe a 25% reduction in end drain between levels 10 and 20. Not complete stamina, that would be no fun, but neither is having to rest between each fight.

- change all inherent knockback to knockdown, so the tank doesn't get ticked at loss of a tight grouping.

- change a cave map to a warehouse map on the fly.

- and just for kicks, one to make the blimp a landable surface, so I could surf on it around Atlas Park.



Had to use it?

It's not a cheat if it's a requirement.


oh and "Set femnipple true"



The ability to use /e vomit, I think, is the only thing I've tried to do in the game and can't actually do, in any way, shape, or form.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



I want a cheat where i can Death Note certain peoples characters off the game for forever.

Is that one available?



No nude code?

Don't care.



I'd settle for an unlimited respec option. A makeover, a tweak here, a tweak there, and I can handle the rest of it.



A little late (or early depending on how you look at it): cross faction zoning.
big heads
set knockdown/back to knock up, set gravity to moon gravity.



IF I was forced to..

ill make a cheat so i can be the 2nd coming of chuck norris

or Ultimate cake nuke

if all fails

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
anti-motion hair cheat, just to continue making GG suffer fixed hair



Infinite Phase Shift.

And by that I mean old school phase shift. Police Drones and Hamidon couldn't hit through it.

I want to be immortal but I'd like to be fair about it I guess.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
- Infinite inf
Possibly as a last resort. I've done that in a few games with hideous time sinks, like MegaMan X8's metals grind. But in a player-driven economy, that wouldn't really work, and it'd probably mean I'd have to get into inventions sets. A definite last resort.

- ALL powers in the game available, limited only by their level restrictions. In other words, if you've always wondered what a Fire/Regen Blaster would be like, or a Necro/Kin MM. Or a Kin/Necro Defender with Fireball, Integration, and Oppressive Gloom!
Have considered that, honestly, but I wouldn't do it. Game balance is a precarious thing, and I wouldn't want to step outside its bounds. I don't enjoy the mess that's lead to.

- All unlockables, including costumes and weapon skins.
This one without a second though. I've never felt ANYTHING should be unlockable, so if I could use a cheat to dump it all in character creation, I'd do this without even thinking about it.

- reservoirdogs, my personal pick, and why I think so fondly on the PS1 era game Oni. It made enemies attack each other just as readily as they attacked Kinoko, using all their various special moves. It was hilarious to see a cutscene of a bunch of thugs running in and saying "Let's get her!" and then start beating the crap out of each other. (It was only available when you had already beaten the game once.)
Her name is Konoko.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Things like infinite inf would be nice for laughs, but the one cheat I could see myself having lasting fun with would be all powers from all powersets available. Ideally, it'd also let me ignore the limit of 24 powers at level 50. And then I'd respec my characters to give them exactly what powers they ought to have, were concept not necessarily restricted by game balance.



Big Head mode, of course!

I wish DVDs came with Big Head mode for the mopvies they feature. Big Head mode adds comedy gold to everything. I'd love to watch, say, Schindler's list in Big Head mode, for example. I bet it'd be a laff riot.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I think it would make the game very boring after a while.Sure it would be fun in the beginning,but,then it would just get old.
You need a challenge to make the game fun and cheats just kill that after a period of time.

Although /MOARINF.......